The Christian Nazis!

Firstly, there is no evidence that Hitler was gay. He may have been, but there is no evidence of that. Neither has ir ever been suggested that he was a paedophile.

Secondly, many Christians regard Seventh Day Adventists of being Unchristian or heretics, even. Hitler was undoubtedly one of them.

Thirdly, far from hating all religion, Hitler worked quite actively with the Cahtolic Church, and to some extent with the Lutheran Church as well.

I've saluted you before as having the emptiest head at USMB, Saigon. You just constantly reaffirm my prejudice. You're an adult, right? I mean, you're 18 or over, right? I'd hate to think I was beating up some 13 year-old.
Tom -

Try and stay on topic, and limit the spamming, eh?

btw. I have actually studied and published material on fascist theory, and was briefly based in Krakow to conduct research on this topic. If you have better qualifications to discuss this tpic, I'd be delighted to acknowledge your expertise.
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FYI: Finland (Saigon's stated location) was on the Nazi side in WWII. Photo: Hitler and Finland's Commander-in-Chief, Gustaf Mannerheim, smooching it up. How's that Nazi salute coming along, Saigon?

And David Duke was shunned by Republicans, idiot

David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American White nationalist, writer, right-wing politician, and a former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,[5][6] and former Republican Louisiana State Representative. He was a candidate in the Democratic presidential primaries in 1988 and the Republican presidential primaries in 1992. Duke has unsuccessfully run for the Louisiana State Senate, United States Senate, United States House of Representatives, and Governor of Louisiana.

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 89 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano and faced several opponents, including fellow Republicans, John Spier Treen, a brother of former Governor David C. Treen, Delton Charles, a school board member, and Roger F. Villere, Jr., who operates Villere's Florist in Metairie. Duke finished first in the primary with 3,995 votes (33.1%).[39] As no one received a majority of the vote in the first round, a runoff election was required between Duke and Treen, who polled 2,277 votes (18.9%) in the first round of balloting. John Treen's candidacy was endorsed by U.S. President George H. W. Bush, former President Ronald Reagan, and other notable Republicans,[40] as well as the Democrat Victor Bussie (president of the Louisiana AFL-CIO) and Edward J. Steimel (president of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry and former director of the "good government" think tank, the Public Affairs Research Council). Duke, however, hammered Treen on a statement the latter had made indicating a willingness to entertain higher property taxes, anathema in that suburban district.[41] Duke with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[42] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[43]

David Duke - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Republican Party rebuked him. Pat Buchanan beat him in the primaries. Just because he ran as a Republican doesn't mean the Republicans embraced him, they didn't. If you don't know that, you're uninformed. If you DO know it, you're deliberately misleading. Try being honest for a change.
This is the Christian legacy of Germany!

Hey genius, how do you explain Hitler sending Seventh Day Adventists to the gas chambers at Auschwitz? I'm all ears. Maybe it was because like you, Hitler was a queer who hated all religion...except for the religion of Nazism and XXXXXX
According to our resident holocaust denier Phoenall there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz sweaty
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FYI: Finland (Saigon's stated location) was on the Nazi side in WWII. Photo: Hitler and Finland's Commander-in-Chief, Gustaf Mannerheim, smooching it up. How's that Nazi salute coming along, Saigon?

You're right....kind of....Finland took the side of the Nazis for the first years of the war, because Finland needed to defend itself against the threat of Soviet invasion.

That done, Finland swtiched sides to the Allies for the latter period of the war - one of only two countries to swtich teams at half-time!

Whether Finland did the rght or wrong thing in this, I'm not sure, but unless you live next to the Soviet Union I wouldn't be too quick to judge.
Tom -

Try and stay on topic, and limit the spamming, eh?

btw. I have actually studied and published material on fascist theory, and was briefly based in Krakow to conduct research on this topic. If you have better qualifications to discuss this tpic, I'd be delighted to acknowledge your expertise.

How about some links to your published work, Saigon? Here's one of mine from Skeptic Magazine's web site. I'de say it's pretty germane to Nazis, queers, and left wing chimera: The Skeptics Society Forum bull View topic - Hitler s Crowded Closet
This is the Christian legacy of Germany!

Hey genius, how do you explain Hitler sending Seventh Day Adventists to the gas chambers at Auschwitz? I'm all ears. Maybe it was because like you, Hitler was a queer who hated all religion...except for the religion of Nazism and XXXX
This is the Christian legacy of Germany!

Hey genius, how do you explain Hitler sending Seventh Day Adventists to the gas chambers at Auschwitz? I'm all ears. Maybe it was because like you, Hitler was a queer who hated all religion...except for the religion of Nazism and homosexual pedophilia of course.
Hitler s Christianity
I am a Christian of but not the kind exemplified by Hitler and his host of murderous followers. Genocide would never have crossed my mind..even in the worst of times. Further, I have seen no evidence that Hitler was gay or a pedophile. Perhaps those who insist on interjecting such unprovable allegations into an otherwise civil discussion are merely projecting their own inner, insecurities.
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And David Duke was shunned by Republicans, idiot

David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American White nationalist, writer, right-wing politician, and a former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,[5][6] and former Republican Louisiana State Representative. He was a candidate in the Democratic presidential primaries in 1988 and the Republican presidential primaries in 1992. Duke has unsuccessfully run for the Louisiana State Senate, United States Senate, United States House of Representatives, and Governor of Louisiana.

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 89 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano and faced several opponents, including fellow Republicans, John Spier Treen, a brother of former Governor David C. Treen, Delton Charles, a school board member, and Roger F. Villere, Jr., who operates Villere's Florist in Metairie. Duke finished first in the primary with 3,995 votes (33.1%).[39] As no one received a majority of the vote in the first round, a runoff election was required between Duke and Treen, who polled 2,277 votes (18.9%) in the first round of balloting. John Treen's candidacy was endorsed by U.S. President George H. W. Bush, former President Ronald Reagan, and other notable Republicans,[40] as well as the Democrat Victor Bussie (president of the Louisiana AFL-CIO) and Edward J. Steimel (president of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry and former director of the "good government" think tank, the Public Affairs Research Council). Duke, however, hammered Treen on a statement the latter had made indicating a willingness to entertain higher property taxes, anathema in that suburban district.[41] Duke with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[42] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[43]

David Duke - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Republican Party rebuked him. Pat Buchanan beat him in the primaries. Just because he ran as a Republican doesn't mean the Republicans embraced him, they didn't. If you don't know that, you're uninformed. If you DO know it, you're deliberately misleading. Try being honest for a change.
Apparently Duke feels comfortable with the racist republican party.
And now we have another anti-semitic world leader who would like to see them exterminated.

That is a liar's joke... Silly Joker! Obama has shown none of the traits you so callously assign to him. The hotspots of anti-Semitism in America are festering in the GOP. And don't point to the NOI as the example of Black anti-Semitism.... anti-Jewish, maybe... but not anti-Semitic. Republicans are the party of bigotry and intolerance for anyone who isn't considered white. Just ask David Duke or the KKK subversives therein!
BTW...Jews are a cosmopolitan group that come in all races, creeds and colors. Some are indeed White in appearance until they say or indicate they are Jewish... Then and only then does i it suddenly dawn upon the observer that Hitler's Germany stole their whiteness and made them a separate race. Even until this very day!
What a crock of shit. The Democrats gave us slavery, the KKK, Jim Crowe, filibustered the Civil Rights Act (both of them), then tried to paint the GOP as the racists. The KKK was started by Democrats to intimidate Republicans and blacks. And David Duke was shunned by Republicans, idiot. He started out as a Democrat, failed, then tried being a Republican, failed, but the Democrats embraced Robert Byrd (KKK Exalted Cyclops and Jew hater) and made him the Senate Majority Leader. Your propaganda doesn't work any more except with freeloaders who are looking for an excuse for their failures.

Who do you think you are talking to? Don't pull that old 20th century Southern Democrat BS out of your closet again. It didn't work then and it won't work now. I was an eyewitness to that history and I saw the old hard line Democrats covert to the GOP and I saw Blacks, who had been staunch republicans shift their allegiance to the Democrats. This is the 21st Century, chump and you are still lost in the one that passed. It's gone and so are most of the old party allegiances. Welcome to the new progressive tolerant Democrat Party and welcome to the lying, intolerant Taliban- like GOP of the 21st Century!
That's a nice little speech, Mr. Pubic but contains zero substance. I'm sure all da brothas in da hood would be inspired but nobody else is impressed. It's a bunch of biased opinions (your's), which count for nothing. Don't pull your 20th century "I'm a victim of Jim Crowe" out of your closet. Nobody takes that shit seriously any more. You need to listen less to Al Sharpton and take an honest look at how the Democratic Party has been playing you for suckers for 50 years.
How about some links to your published work, Saigon? Here's one of mine from Skeptic Magazine's web site. I'de say it's pretty germane to Nazis, queers, and left wing chimera: The Skeptics Society Forum bull View topic - Hitler s Crowded Closet

When I say that I publish material on fascism and related issues - I mean in international newspapers and magazines, and two books. Not on discussion forums.

I prefer not to post links here because I've learned that it is better to be a little careful with privacy and identity.

(btw. Keep in mind that Hitler was right-wing, not left-wing.)
And David Duke was shunned by Republicans, idiot

David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is an American White nationalist, writer, right-wing politician, and a former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,[5][6] and former Republican Louisiana State Representative. He was a candidate in the Democratic presidential primaries in 1988 and the Republican presidential primaries in 1992. Duke has unsuccessfully run for the Louisiana State Senate, United States Senate, United States House of Representatives, and Governor of Louisiana.

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 89 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano and faced several opponents, including fellow Republicans, John Spier Treen, a brother of former Governor David C. Treen, Delton Charles, a school board member, and Roger F. Villere, Jr., who operates Villere's Florist in Metairie. Duke finished first in the primary with 3,995 votes (33.1%).[39] As no one received a majority of the vote in the first round, a runoff election was required between Duke and Treen, who polled 2,277 votes (18.9%) in the first round of balloting. John Treen's candidacy was endorsed by U.S. President George H. W. Bush, former President Ronald Reagan, and other notable Republicans,[40] as well as the Democrat Victor Bussie (president of the Louisiana AFL-CIO) and Edward J. Steimel (president of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry and former director of the "good government" think tank, the Public Affairs Research Council). Duke, however, hammered Treen on a statement the latter had made indicating a willingness to entertain higher property taxes, anathema in that suburban district.[41] Duke with 8,459 votes (50.7%) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[42] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[43]

David Duke - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Republican Party rebuked him. Pat Buchanan beat him in the primaries. Just because he ran as a Republican doesn't mean the Republicans embraced him, they didn't. If you don't know that, you're uninformed. If you DO know it, you're deliberately misleading. Try being honest for a change.
Apparently Duke feels comfortable with the racist republican party.
That's his problem, the Republican Party wants nothing to do with him and you know it.
How about some links to your published work, Saigon? Here's one of mine from Skeptic Magazine's web site. I'de say it's pretty germane to Nazis, queers, and left wing chimera: The Skeptics Society Forum bull View topic - Hitler s Crowded Closet

When I say that I publish material on fascism and related issues - I mean in international newspapers and magazines, and two books. Not on discussion forums.

I prefer not to post links here because I've learned that it is better to be a little careful with privacy and identity.

(btw. Keep in mind that Hitler was right-wing, not left-wing.)

In other words you're full of shit.
And now we have another anti-semitic world leader who would like to see them exterminated.

That is a liar's joke... Silly Joker! Obama has shown none of the traits you so callously assign to him. The hotspots of anti-Semitism in America are festering in the GOP. And don't point to the NOI as the example of Black anti-Semitism.... anti-Jewish, maybe... but not anti-Semitic. Republicans are the party of bigotry and intolerance for anyone who isn't considered white. Just ask David Duke or the KKK subversives therein!
BTW...Jews are a cosmopolitan group that come in all races, creeds and colors. Some are indeed White in appearance until they say or indicate they are Jewish... Then and only then does i it suddenly dawn upon the observer that Hitler's Germany stole their whiteness and made them a separate race. Even until this very day!
What a crock of shit. The Democrats gave us slavery, the KKK, Jim Crowe, filibustered the Civil Rights Act (both of them), then tried to paint the GOP as the racists. The KKK was started by Democrats to intimidate Republicans and blacks. And David Duke was shunned by Republicans, idiot. He started out as a Democrat, failed, then tried being a Republican, failed, but the Democrats embraced Robert Byrd (KKK Exalted Cyclops and Jew hater) and made him the Senate Majority Leader. Your propaganda doesn't work any more except with freeloaders who are looking for an excuse for their failures.

Who do you think you are talking to? Don't pull that old 20th century Southern Democrat BS out of your closet again. It didn't work then and it won't work now. I was an eyewitness to that history and I saw the old hard line Democrats covert to the GOP and I saw Blacks, who had been staunch republicans shift their allegiance to the Democrats. This is the 21st Century, chump and you are still lost in the one that passed. It's gone and so are most of the old party allegiances. Welcome to the new progressive tolerant Democrat Party and welcome to the lying, intolerant Taliban- like GOP of the 21st Century!
That's a nice little speech, Mr. Pubic but contains zero substance. I'm sure all da brothas in da hood would be inspired but nobody else is impressed. It's a bunch of biased opinions (your's), which count for nothing. Don't pull your 20th century "I'm a victim of Jim Crowe" out of your closet. Nobody takes that shit seriously any more. You need to listen less to Al Sharpton and take an honest look at how the Democratic Party has been playing you for suckers for 50 years.

The op is about your hero, Hitler. Stop trying to deflect it to American partisan politics . I need not respond to something everyone knows but!
And now we have another anti-semitic world leader who would like to see them exterminated.

That is a liar's joke... Silly Joker! Obama has shown none of the traits you so callously assign to him. The hotspots of anti-Semitism in America are festering in the GOP. And don't point to the NOI as the example of Black anti-Semitism.... anti-Jewish, maybe... but not anti-Semitic. Republicans are the party of bigotry and intolerance for anyone who isn't considered white. Just ask David Duke or the KKK subversives therein!
BTW...Jews are a cosmopolitan group that come in all races, creeds and colors. Some are indeed White in appearance until they say or indicate they are Jewish... Then and only then does i it suddenly dawn upon the observer that Hitler's Germany stole their whiteness and made them a separate race. Even until this very day!
What a crock of shit. The Democrats gave us slavery, the KKK, Jim Crowe, filibustered the Civil Rights Act (both of them), then tried to paint the GOP as the racists. The KKK was started by Democrats to intimidate Republicans and blacks. And David Duke was shunned by Republicans, idiot. He started out as a Democrat, failed, then tried being a Republican, failed, but the Democrats embraced Robert Byrd (KKK Exalted Cyclops and Jew hater) and made him the Senate Majority Leader. Your propaganda doesn't work any more except with freeloaders who are looking for an excuse for their failures.
It's a shame you don't understand American history, but I'm not surprised.

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