The Christian Nazis!

And now we have another anti-semitic world leader who would like to see them exterminated.

That is a liar's joke... Silly Joker! Obama has shown none of the traits you so callously assign to him. The hotspots of anti-Semitism in America are festering in the GOP. And don't point to the NOI as the example of Black anti-Semitism.... anti-Jewish, maybe... but not anti-Semitic. Republicans are the party of bigotry and intolerance for anyone who isn't considered white. Just ask David Duke or the KKK subversives therein!
BTW...Jews are a cosmopolitan group that come in all races, creeds and colors. Some are indeed White in appearance until they say or indicate they are Jewish... Then and only then does i it suddenly dawn upon the observer that Hitler's Germany stole their whiteness and made them a separate race. Even until this very day!
What a crock of shit. The Democrats gave us slavery, the KKK, Jim Crowe, filibustered the Civil Rights Act (both of them), then tried to paint the GOP as the racists. The KKK was started by Democrats to intimidate Republicans and blacks. And David Duke was shunned by Republicans, idiot. He started out as a Democrat, failed, then tried being a Republican, failed, but the Democrats embraced Robert Byrd (KKK Exalted Cyclops and Jew hater) and made him the Senate Majority Leader. Your propaganda doesn't work any more except with freeloaders who are looking for an excuse for their failures.

Who do you think you are talking to? Don't pull that old 20th century Southern Democrat BS out of your closet again. It didn't work then and it won't work now. I was an eyewitness to that history and I saw the old hard line Democrats covert to the GOP and I saw Blacks, who had been staunch republicans shift their allegiance to the Democrats. This is the 21st Century, chump and you are still lost in the one that passed. It's gone and so are most of the old party allegiances. Welcome to the new progressive tolerant Democrat Party and welcome to the lying, intolerant Taliban- like GOP of the 21st Century!
That's a nice little speech, Mr. Pubic but contains zero substance. I'm sure all da brothas in da hood would be inspired but nobody else is impressed. It's a bunch of biased opinions (your's), which count for nothing. Don't pull your 20th century "I'm a victim of Jim Crowe" out of your closet. Nobody takes that shit seriously any more. You need to listen less to Al Sharpton and take an honest look at how the Democratic Party has been playing you for suckers for 50 years.

The op is about your hero, Hitler. Stop trying to deflect it to American partisan politics . I need not respond to something everyone knows but!
In other words you have no rebuttal. If you did, you would have presented it.
And now we have another anti-semitic world leader who would like to see them exterminated.

That is a liar's joke... Silly Joker! Obama has shown none of the traits you so callously assign to him. The hotspots of anti-Semitism in America are festering in the GOP. And don't point to the NOI as the example of Black anti-Semitism.... anti-Jewish, maybe... but not anti-Semitic. Republicans are the party of bigotry and intolerance for anyone who isn't considered white. Just ask David Duke or the KKK subversives therein!
BTW...Jews are a cosmopolitan group that come in all races, creeds and colors. Some are indeed White in appearance until they say or indicate they are Jewish... Then and only then does i it suddenly dawn upon the observer that Hitler's Germany stole their whiteness and made them a separate race. Even until this very day!
What a crock of shit. The Democrats gave us slavery, the KKK, Jim Crowe, filibustered the Civil Rights Act (both of them), then tried to paint the GOP as the racists. The KKK was started by Democrats to intimidate Republicans and blacks. And David Duke was shunned by Republicans, idiot. He started out as a Democrat, failed, then tried being a Republican, failed, but the Democrats embraced Robert Byrd (KKK Exalted Cyclops and Jew hater) and made him the Senate Majority Leader. Your propaganda doesn't work any more except with freeloaders who are looking for an excuse for their failures.
It's a shame you don't understand American history, but I'm not surprised.
Yeah, and I noticed how you straightened me out with facts. If you don't have anything of substance, don't waste bandwidth with empty posts like that.

If you would prefer to believe that I don't know 100 times more about fascism than you do, go right ahead.

That doesn't change the fact that I know Kazimierz from Salaspils, and you don't.
This is the Christian legacy of Germany!

Hey genius, how do you explain Hitler sending Seventh Day Adventists to the gas chambers at Auschwitz? I'm all ears. Maybe it was because like you, Hitler was a queer who hated all religion...except for the religion of Nazism and homosexual pedophilia of course.
According to our resident holocaust denier Phoenall there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz sweaty

There is also no evidence Hitler sent Seventh Day Adventists to the gas chambers with the exception of those who were discovered to be converted Jews. I have found evidence suggesting that the SDA were just as caught up in the jingoistic fervor and intimidation of and by Nazism as the major Christian denominations were.:
IOn November 26, 1933, the Nazi state banned the small denominational churches. Among those prohibited were the Seventh-day Adventists. The Seventh-day Adventists decided to seek legal advice on what to do about the ban and within two weeks, the ban was lifted on the Adventist denomination.[25] After this, it was decided within the denomination that “positive” Christianity meant support for the Nazi state. To show their support for the Nazi state, the Adventists sent a letter to the “Nazi Ministry of Interior an official memorandum on Adventist teachings, church organizations, social activities and attitude to the government.”[26] The Adventists also informed the Interior that there church “members hold ‘German attitudes.’”[27] Pointing out that the government’s suspicion and concern should be to a “rival schismatic group, the Seventh-day Adventist Reform Movement, whose attitudes, the Adventists insisted, were far from ‘German.’”[28] It seems that the Adventists were more concerned with holding German attitudes then holding Adventists attitudes.

It was because of this letter that the Nazi government noticed the Reform Adventist denomination. In trying to distance themselves from the Reformers, the Adventists led the Nazi government to them. The government investigated the Reformers and decided that they held different views from the acceptable Seventh-day Adventist denomination.[29] The Reformers were then banned on April 29, 1936.[30] The Seventh-day Adventists believe in religious liberty, but instead of voicing their outrage over the persecution of the Reformers and the Jews, the Adventist leaders decided to take action against these two groups. The Adventist leaders “issued directives to prevent the Reformers from joining the Adventist Church.”[31] And they expelled Adventists who had a Jewish background from the Church.[32] The Adventists were unwilling to even protect their own members if they thought the Nazi government would disapprove. The state was able to control the Church because there was no religious liberty. This is not to say that individual Adventists did not help Jews or other undesirables. The Adventists were notable,

for the private and individual help they gave to Jews, for not only were Jewish converts cared for and hidden, as they were in some other sectarian and church circles, but help was also given to unbaptised Jews with whom Adventists happened to come in contact.[33]
Its without question noting that the nazis had the same liberal idiology as the left. Power and control. Thats over with now. Their finished.
You lose, bigtime.
I'll bet on Saigon's knowledge of Fascism/Nazism.
Oh no. Republucans win big time today. Today is a vote against incopitence and liberalism. Enjoy it like i sure will.
Its without question noting that the nazis had the same liberal idiology as the left. Power and control. Thats over with now. Their finished.

It's certainly the first time I have seen Hitler described as a liberal.....was it his policies on backing Affirmative Action that tipped you off, or perhaps his support for gay marriage and green values?!
That is a liar's joke... Silly Joker! Obama has shown none of the traits you so callously assign to him. The hotspots of anti-Semitism in America are festering in the GOP. And don't point to the NOI as the example of Black anti-Semitism.... anti-Jewish, maybe... but not anti-Semitic. Republicans are the party of bigotry and intolerance for anyone who isn't considered white. Just ask David Duke or the KKK subversives therein!
BTW...Jews are a cosmopolitan group that come in all races, creeds and colors. Some are indeed White in appearance until they say or indicate they are Jewish... Then and only then does i it suddenly dawn upon the observer that Hitler's Germany stole their whiteness and made them a separate race. Even until this very day!
What a crock of shit. The Democrats gave us slavery, the KKK, Jim Crowe, filibustered the Civil Rights Act (both of them), then tried to paint the GOP as the racists. The KKK was started by Democrats to intimidate Republicans and blacks. And David Duke was shunned by Republicans, idiot. He started out as a Democrat, failed, then tried being a Republican, failed, but the Democrats embraced Robert Byrd (KKK Exalted Cyclops and Jew hater) and made him the Senate Majority Leader. Your propaganda doesn't work any more except with freeloaders who are looking for an excuse for their failures.

Who do you think you are talking to? Don't pull that old 20th century Southern Democrat BS out of your closet again. It didn't work then and it won't work now. I was an eyewitness to that history and I saw the old hard line Democrats covert to the GOP and I saw Blacks, who had been staunch republicans shift their allegiance to the Democrats. This is the 21st Century, chump and you are still lost in the one that passed. It's gone and so are most of the old party allegiances. Welcome to the new progressive tolerant Democrat Party and welcome to the lying, intolerant Taliban- like GOP of the 21st Century!
That's a nice little speech, Mr. Pubic but contains zero substance. I'm sure all da brothas in da hood would be inspired but nobody else is impressed. It's a bunch of biased opinions (your's), which count for nothing. Don't pull your 20th century "I'm a victim of Jim Crowe" out of your closet. Nobody takes that shit seriously any more. You need to listen less to Al Sharpton and take an honest look at how the Democratic Party has been playing you for suckers for 50 years.

The op is about your hero, Hitler. Stop trying to deflect it to American partisan politics . I need not respond to something everyone knows but!
In other words you have no rebuttal. If you did, you would have presented it.
I have a rebuttal; but,to use it I would have to engage you in an off topic discussion that would surely detract from the issues at hand.
I only wish to stay on topic! Start the thread you want to discuss and I will join you there!
How about some links to your published work, Saigon? Here's one of mine from Skeptic Magazine's web site. I'de say it's pretty germane to Nazis, queers, and left wing chimera: The Skeptics Society Forum bull View topic - Hitler s Crowded Closet

When I say that I publish material on fascism and related issues - I mean in international newspapers and magazines, and two books. Not on discussion forums.

I prefer not to post links here because I've learned that it is better to be a little careful with privacy and identity.

(btw. Keep in mind that Hitler was right-wing, not left-wing.)
So, why are you making a claim you can't (or won't) back up? Perhaps you are trying to make us all THINK you have some authority when in fact it's just an attempt to boost your credibility? I tend to think it's the latter.

It's certainly the first time I have seen Hitler described as a liberal.....was it his policies on backing Affirmative Action that tipped you off, or perhaps his support for gay marriage and green values?!
Nazis boner for power and control over everything. Perfect example of why individual rights and freedom always win out and control and power are only temporary.
SJ -

I really don't mind at all whether yourself or Tom believe I'm a journalist or not. But on another forum I did post a couple of stories - and had the bizarre experience of a poster send an abusive email to the magazine that had published it. There are some crazy people out there. I wouldn't recommend anyone post their real name here.

Otherwise I' be delighted to post stories here from time to time.
SJ -

I really don't mind at all whether yourself or Tom believe I'm a journalist or not. But on another forum I did post a couple of stories - and had the bizarre experience of a poster send an abusive email to the magazine that had published it. There are some crazy people out there. I wouldn't recommend anyone post their real name here.

Otherwise I' be delighted to post stories here from time to time.
Uh huh, sure.
What a crock of shit. The Democrats gave us slavery, the KKK, Jim Crowe, filibustered the Civil Rights Act (both of them), then tried to paint the GOP as the racists. The KKK was started by Democrats to intimidate Republicans and blacks. And David Duke was shunned by Republicans, idiot. He started out as a Democrat, failed, then tried being a Republican, failed, but the Democrats embraced Robert Byrd (KKK Exalted Cyclops and Jew hater) and made him the Senate Majority Leader. Your propaganda doesn't work any more except with freeloaders who are looking for an excuse for their failures.

Who do you think you are talking to? Don't pull that old 20th century Southern Democrat BS out of your closet again. It didn't work then and it won't work now. I was an eyewitness to that history and I saw the old hard line Democrats covert to the GOP and I saw Blacks, who had been staunch republicans shift their allegiance to the Democrats. This is the 21st Century, chump and you are still lost in the one that passed. It's gone and so are most of the old party allegiances. Welcome to the new progressive tolerant Democrat Party and welcome to the lying, intolerant Taliban- like GOP of the 21st Century!
That's a nice little speech, Mr. Pubic but contains zero substance. I'm sure all da brothas in da hood would be inspired but nobody else is impressed. It's a bunch of biased opinions (your's), which count for nothing. Don't pull your 20th century "I'm a victim of Jim Crowe" out of your closet. Nobody takes that shit seriously any more. You need to listen less to Al Sharpton and take an honest look at how the Democratic Party has been playing you for suckers for 50 years.

The op is about your hero, Hitler. Stop trying to deflect it to American partisan politics . I need not respond to something everyone knows but!
In other words you have no rebuttal. If you did, you would have presented it.
I have a rebuttal; but,to use it I would have to engage you in an off topic discussion that would surely detract from the issues at hand.
I only wish to stay on topic! Start the thread you want to discuss and I will join you there!
You're the one who brought up David Duke and the KKK. Now, all of a sudden, you want to get back to Hitler? Gee, how did I know you would do that?
And now we have another anti-semitic world leader who would like to see them exterminated.

That is a liar's joke... Silly Joker! Obama has shown none of the traits you so callously assign to him. The hotspots of anti-Semitism in America are festering in the GOP. And don't point to the NOI as the example of Black anti-Semitism.... anti-Jewish, maybe... but not anti-Semitic. Republicans are the party of bigotry and intolerance for anyone who isn't considered white. Just ask David Duke or the KKK subversives therein!
BTW...Jews are a cosmopolitan group that come in all races, creeds and colors. Some are indeed White in appearance until they say or indicate they are Jewish... Then and only then does i it suddenly dawn upon the observer that Hitler's Germany stole their whiteness and made them a separate race. Even until this very day!
What a crock of shit. The Democrats gave us slavery, the KKK, Jim Crowe, filibustered the Civil Rights Act (both of them), then tried to paint the GOP as the racists. The KKK was started by Democrats to intimidate Republicans and blacks. And David Duke was shunned by Republicans, idiot. He started out as a Democrat, failed, then tried being a Republican, failed, but the Democrats embraced Robert Byrd (KKK Exalted Cyclops and Jew hater) and made him the Senate Majority Leader. Your propaganda doesn't work any more except with freeloaders who are looking for an excuse for their failures.

The mainstream GOP knows your gibberish as crap and that you are on welfare. Conservatives in both parties opposed the CRA.
S. j-

What you have posted is repulsive and an insult to the millions who died in the Holocaust.

Anyone who thinks gas chambers are a good start for funny jokes about Obama deserves to experience some tyranny frst-hand themselves.

If I was you, I'd delete your post.
It's no joke obama does not like Jews.

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