The Christian Nazis!

When Hitler came to power, 98% of the German populace were Christians; the bulk of them being protestant Lutherans. Less than 1% of the population were Jewish!

Considering the lessons of love and altruism associated with Christian teachings, I have often wondered what could have prompted such deep rooted anti-Semitic hatred among the German followers of Christ! How could they justify the heinous nature of their genocidal apparatus? Could one man be so charismatic as to mesmerize millions of staunch Christians into complicity with such extreme social pathology.

Here is one clue:

Hitler was not the harbinger of ant-Semitism.. On the contrary, he was a by product of it. Hatred of the Jews had been festering centuries before he was born. Furthermore, anti-Semitism would be found in every country Jews settled in. But it was German Christians, both Catholic and Protestant, who finally acted upon long held anti-Semitic sentiments and committed murder with the blessings of the state...all in the name of their political rock-star: Adolph Hitler.

The racist anti-Jewish Nazi ideology converged with anti-Semitism that was historically widespread throughout Europe at the time and had deep roots in Christian history. For all too many Christians, traditional interpretations of religious scriptures seemed to support these prejudices.

While Hitler was a persuasive and talented orator, that alone would not have brought a high school drop out like himself to power. It took a bad economy, high unemployment and campaign promises of relief. He seemed to be the answer to their prayers. Indeed . to most, he was a godsend; and, he promptly set out to solidify that image. Finally, after several failures, the time was ripe to facilitate an appeal for people to accept a known uneducated radical as their Fuerher .. They did!

For the most part, the laity, and their professional clergy, modified their Christian front to accommodate Hitler’s Nazism;sometimes under duress but most often due to a sense of revived hope and renewed confidence in the German spirit. Either way, Hitler attained his goal and became the face of unspeakable evil... placing the very souls of the German people in jeopardy as they forsook their Christian values for material gain and to exact personal animus against a hapless people: Men women and children who were either Jewish, non-German or those who did not fit the Aryan model.

This is the Christian legacy of Germany!
Luther was a Jew baiter.

Hitler certainly didn't start it, or finish it.

Just read dem propaganda today.
Hitler provided the impetus for German Christians to commit heinous unGodly acts. He gave them license to do what, until then, they had hidden in their hearts for so long. Hitler DID start the most aggressive campaign to exterminate Jews ever and he almost succeeded. He didn't "finish" it because he didn't listen to his military advisors. Contributing to the unraveling of the Nazi war machine was Hitler's ignorance of history and his lack of education. He ,stupidly, marched a sizable part of his weirmacht into Russia expecting to take Moscow before the dead of winter... But before that plan was executed and finalized he diverted his army, like the madman he was, and told them to take Kiev instead. Old man winter snuck up on the Germans and turned a once proud and mighty fighting machine into Kraut flavored popsicles.
The op is about your hero, Hitler. Stop trying to deflect it to American partisan politics . I need not respond to something everyone knows but!
In other words you have no rebuttal. If you did, you would have presented it.
I have a rebuttal; but,to use it I would have to engage you in an off topic discussion that would surely detract from the issues at hand.
I only wish to stay on topic! Start the thread you want to discuss and I will join you there!
You're the one who brought up David Duke and the KKK. Now, all of a sudden, you want to get back to Hitler? Gee, how did I know you would do that?
You were the one who started talking about Obama being anti -Semitic and I responded to remind you who the real anti -Semites were. Of course after that it was all downhill as you went off on a tangent bringing up a past that no longer exists and has little bearing on the topic at hand. .
Your thread is about anti-semitism. Obama dislikes Jews. You don't like me pointing that out, it interferes with the propaganda you're trying to advance with this thread. And again, YOU brought up David Duke and the KKK. I just set you straight on the facts.
What propaganda am I trying to advance? Thos facts and links I posted weren't written and documented by me.
The history of Germany and Chrfstian Nazis speaks for itself. I merely pulled it out of the dustbin, dusted it off and revitalized it. You brought Obama into it by insinuating he is as much of a Jew hater as the Nazis were. all without any verification of your outrageous claim. I eagerly await any proof you have to 'set me' straight.along with the majority of American Jews who voted overwhelmingly for Obama twice in this country. By all means set us straight!
When Hitler came to power, 98% of the German populace were Christians; the bulk of them being protestant Lutherans. Less than 1% of the population were Jewish!

Considering the lessons of love and altruism associated with Christian teachings, I have often wondered what could have prompted such deep rooted anti-Semitic hatred among the German followers of Christ! How could they justify the heinous nature of their genocidal apparatus? Could one man be so charismatic as to mesmerize millions of staunch Christians into complicity with such extreme social pathology.

Here is one clue:

Hitler was not the harbinger of ant-Semitism.. On the contrary, he was a by product of it. Hatred of the Jews had been festering centuries before he was born. Furthermore, anti-Semitism would be found in every country Jews settled in. But it was German Christians, both Catholic and Protestant, who finally acted upon long held anti-Semitic sentiments and committed murder with the blessings of the state...all in the name of their political rock-star: Adolph Hitler.

The racist anti-Jewish Nazi ideology converged with anti-Semitism that was historically widespread throughout Europe at the time and had deep roots in Christian history. For all too many Christians, traditional interpretations of religious scriptures seemed to support these prejudices.

While Hitler was a persuasive and talented orator, that alone would not have brought a high school drop out like himself to power. It took a bad economy, high unemployment and campaign promises of relief. He seemed to be the answer to their prayers. Indeed . to most, he was a godsend; and, he promptly set out to solidify that image. Finally, after several failures, the time was ripe to facilitate an appeal for people to accept a known uneducated radical as their Fuerher .. They did!

For the most part, the laity, and their professional clergy, modified their Christian front to accommodate Hitler’s Nazism;sometimes under duress but most often due to a sense of revived hope and renewed confidence in the German spirit. Either way, Hitler attained his goal and became the face of unspeakable evil... placing the very souls of the German people in jeopardy as they forsook their Christian values for material gain and to exact personal animus against a hapless people: Men women and children who were either Jewish, non-German or those who did not fit the Aryan model.

This is the Christian legacy of Germany!
Luther was a Jew baiter.

Hitler certainly didn't start it, or finish it.

Just read dem propaganda today.
Hitler provided the impetus for German Christians to commit heinous unGodly acts. He gave them license to do what, until then, they had hidden in their hearts for so long. Hitler DID start the most aggressive campaign to exterminate Jews ever and he almost succeeded. He didn't "finish" it because he didn't listen to his military advisors. Contributing to the unraveling of the Nazi war machine was Hitler's ignorance of history and his lack of education. He ,stupidly, marched a sizable part of his weirmacht into Russia expecting to take Moscow before the dead of winter... But before that plan was executed and finalized he diverted his army, like the madman he was, and told them to take Kiev instead. Old man winter snuck up on the Germans and turned a once proud and mighty fighting machine into Kraut flavored popsicles.

Germany was full of progressive atheists at the time, smarting from the indignity of losing the last debacle of a war they had waged on the world.
From Obama's mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright:

In an exclusive interview at the 95th annual Hampton University Ministers' Conference, Wright told the Daily Press that he has not spoken to his former church member since Obama became president, and he implied that the White House won't allow Obama to talk to him.

"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me," Wright said. "I told my baby daughter that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office. ...

"They will not let him to talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. ... I said from the beginning: He's a politician; I'm a pastor. He's got to do what politicians do."
When Hitler came to power, 98% of the German populace were Christians; the bulk of them being protestant Lutherans. Less than 1% of the population were Jewish!

Considering the lessons of love and altruism associated with Christian teachings, I have often wondered what could have prompted such deep rooted anti-Semitic hatred among the German followers of Christ! How could they justify the heinous nature of their genocidal apparatus? Could one man be so charismatic as to mesmerize millions of staunch Christians into complicity with such extreme social pathology.

Here is one clue:

Hitler was not the harbinger of ant-Semitism.. On the contrary, he was a by product of it. Hatred of the Jews had been festering centuries before he was born. Furthermore, anti-Semitism would be found in every country Jews settled in. But it was German Christians, both Catholic and Protestant, who finally acted upon long held anti-Semitic sentiments and committed murder with the blessings of the state...all in the name of their political rock-star: Adolph Hitler.

The racist anti-Jewish Nazi ideology converged with anti-Semitism that was historically widespread throughout Europe at the time and had deep roots in Christian history. For all too many Christians, traditional interpretations of religious scriptures seemed to support these prejudices.

While Hitler was a persuasive and talented orator, that alone would not have brought a high school drop out like himself to power. It took a bad economy, high unemployment and campaign promises of relief. He seemed to be the answer to their prayers. Indeed . to most, he was a godsend; and, he promptly set out to solidify that image. Finally, after several failures, the time was ripe to facilitate an appeal for people to accept a known uneducated radical as their Fuerher .. They did!

For the most part, the laity, and their professional clergy, modified their Christian front to accommodate Hitler’s Nazism;sometimes under duress but most often due to a sense of revived hope and renewed confidence in the German spirit. Either way, Hitler attained his goal and became the face of unspeakable evil... placing the very souls of the German people in jeopardy as they forsook their Christian values for material gain and to exact personal animus against a hapless people: Men women and children who were either Jewish, non-German or those who did not fit the Aryan model.

This is the Christian legacy of Germany!
Luther was a Jew baiter.

Hitler certainly didn't start it, or finish it.

Just read dem propaganda today.
Hitler provided the impetus for German Christians to commit heinous unGodly acts. He gave them license to do what, until then, they had hidden in their hearts for so long. Hitler DID start the most aggressive campaign to exterminate Jews ever and he almost succeeded. He didn't "finish" it because he didn't listen to his military advisors. Contributing to the unraveling of the Nazi war machine was Hitler's ignorance of history and his lack of education. He ,stupidly, marched a sizable part of his weirmacht into Russia expecting to take Moscow before the dead of winter... But before that plan was executed and finalized he diverted his army, like the madman he was, and told them to take Kiev instead. Old man winter snuck up on the Germans and turned a once proud and mighty fighting machine into Kraut flavored popsicles.

Germany was full of progressive atheists at the time, smarting from the indignity of losing the last debacle of a war they had waged on the world.
All Germans were smarting from the indignity of losing WWI. The few atheists in German society were essentially a non-factor except as part of the larger jingoistic majority made up of mostly Christians.
From Obama's mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright:

In an exclusive interview at the 95th annual Hampton University Ministers' Conference, Wright told the Daily Press that he has not spoken to his former church member since Obama became president, and he implied that the White House won't allow Obama to talk to him.

"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me," Wright said. "I told my baby daughter that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office. ...

"They will not let him to talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. ... I said from the beginning: He's a politician; I'm a pastor. He's got to do what politicians do."
So do you think your alleged quoting of the rambling Rev. Wright is an indictment of Obama's anti-Semitism?
According to your post, Wright seems to think Obama is controlled by Jews. Keep looking, there has got to be a better reference than that! You aren't helping your case at all!
From Obama's mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright:

In an exclusive interview at the 95th annual Hampton University Ministers' Conference, Wright told the Daily Press that he has not spoken to his former church member since Obama became president, and he implied that the White House won't allow Obama to talk to him.

"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me," Wright said. "I told my baby daughter that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office. ...

"They will not let him to talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. ... I said from the beginning: He's a politician; I'm a pastor. He's got to do what politicians do."
So do you think your alleged quoting of the rambling Rev. Wright is an indictment of Obama's anti-Semitism?
According to your post, Wright seems to think Obama is controlled by Jews. Keep looking, there has got to be a better reference than that! You aren't helping your case at all!
I don't have to make a case, you do. Obama surrounds himself with racists and anti-semites. We are often judged by the company we keep, and Obama sat in a church for 20 years that preached anti-semitic propaganda, gave an award to Louis Farrakhan (a known anti-semite). He refuses to call Islamic terrorists terrorists, disrespects Israel's leaders, and sends money and weapons to their enemies (and our's). I've never heard him criticize any of his political supporters for anti-semitic comments either. Anti-semitic is as anti-semitic does but I have a feeling you would deny his hatred of Jews if he announced it himself.
From Obama's mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright:

In an exclusive interview at the 95th annual Hampton University Ministers' Conference, Wright told the Daily Press that he has not spoken to his former church member since Obama became president, and he implied that the White House won't allow Obama to talk to him.

"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me," Wright said. "I told my baby daughter that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office. ...

"They will not let him to talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. ... I said from the beginning: He's a politician; I'm a pastor. He's got to do what politicians do."
So do you think your alleged quoting of the rambling Rev. Wright is an indictment of Obama's anti-Semitism?
According to your post, Wright seems to think Obama is controlled by Jews. Keep looking, there has got to be a better reference than that! You aren't helping your case at all!
I don't have to make a case, you do. Obama surrounds himself with racists and anti-semites. We are often judged by the company we keep, and Obama sat in a church for 20 years that preached anti-semitic propaganda, gave an award to Louis Farrakhan (a known anti-semite). He refuses to call Islamic terrorists terrorists, disrespects Israel's leaders, and sends money and weapons to their enemies (and our's). I've never heard him criticize any of his political supporters for anti-semitic comments either. Anti-semitic is as anti-semitic does but I have a feeling you would deny his hatred of Jews if he announced it himself.

Louis Farrkhan an ant-Semite? Ridiculous..Moamar Khadafy and Farrakhan were the best of friends. Farrakhan even took to defending Khaddafy and slammed Obama on the airwaves for his stance against Libya. : You do know that Khaddafy was a Semite, don't you? You might also benefit from knowing that Obam is a Hamite,,,brothers of the Semites.. Of course Khaddafy might be a Hamite too but who can tell? Europeans have always had trouble with attempting to departmentalize people in to certain ethnic or racial groups...go figure.
Nation of Islam s Louis Farrakhan defends Moammar Khadafy blasts President Obama on Libya - NY Daily News
From Obama's mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright:

In an exclusive interview at the 95th annual Hampton University Ministers' Conference, Wright told the Daily Press that he has not spoken to his former church member since Obama became president, and he implied that the White House won't allow Obama to talk to him.

"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me," Wright said. "I told my baby daughter that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office. ...

"They will not let him to talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. ... I said from the beginning: He's a politician; I'm a pastor. He's got to do what politicians do."
So do you think your alleged quoting of the rambling Rev. Wright is an indictment of Obama's anti-Semitism?
According to your post, Wright seems to think Obama is controlled by Jews. Keep looking, there has got to be a better reference than that! You aren't helping your case at all!
I don't have to make a case, you do. Obama surrounds himself with racists and anti-semites. We are often judged by the company we keep, and Obama sat in a church for 20 years that preached anti-semitic propaganda, gave an award to Louis Farrakhan (a known anti-semite). He refuses to call Islamic terrorists terrorists, disrespects Israel's leaders, and sends money and weapons to their enemies (and our's). I've never heard him criticize any of his political supporters for anti-semitic comments either. Anti-semitic is as anti-semitic does but I have a feeling you would deny his hatred of Jews if he announced it himself.

Louis Farrkhan an ant-Semite? Ridiculous..Moamar Khadafy and Farrakhan were the best of friends. Farrakhan even took to defending Khaddafy and slammed Obama on the airwaves for his stance against Libya. : You do know that Khaddafy was a Semite, don't you? You might also benefit from knowing that Obam is a Hamite,,,brothers of the Semites.. Of course Khaddafy might be a Hamite too but who can tell? Europeans have always had trouble with attempting to departmentalize people in to certain ethnic or racial groups...go figure.
Nation of Islam s Louis Farrakhan defends Moammar Khadafy blasts President Obama on Libya - NY Daily News
Well, there goes any credibility you may have had.

"The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man."

Louis Farrakhan
From Obama's mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright:

In an exclusive interview at the 95th annual Hampton University Ministers' Conference, Wright told the Daily Press that he has not spoken to his former church member since Obama became president, and he implied that the White House won't allow Obama to talk to him.

"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me," Wright said. "I told my baby daughter that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office. ...

"They will not let him to talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. ... I said from the beginning: He's a politician; I'm a pastor. He's got to do what politicians do."
So do you think your alleged quoting of the rambling Rev. Wright is an indictment of Obama's anti-Semitism?
According to your post, Wright seems to think Obama is controlled by Jews. Keep looking, there has got to be a better reference than that! You aren't helping your case at all!
I don't have to make a case, you do. Obama surrounds himself with racists and anti-semites. We are often judged by the company we keep, and Obama sat in a church for 20 years that preached anti-semitic propaganda, gave an award to Louis Farrakhan (a known anti-semite). He refuses to call Islamic terrorists terrorists, disrespects Israel's leaders, and sends money and weapons to their enemies (and our's). I've never heard him criticize any of his political supporters for anti-semitic comments either. Anti-semitic is as anti-semitic does but I have a feeling you would deny his hatred of Jews if he announced it himself.

Louis Farrkhan an ant-Semite? Ridiculous..Moamar Khadafy and Farrakhan were the best of friends. Farrakhan even took to defending Khaddafy and slammed Obama on the airwaves for his stance against Libya. : You do know that Khaddafy was a Semite, don't you? You might also benefit from knowing that Obam is a Hamite,,,brothers of the Semites.. Of course Khaddafy might be a Hamite too but who can tell? Europeans have always had trouble with attempting to departmentalize people in to certain ethnic or racial groups...go figure.
Nation of Islam s Louis Farrakhan defends Moammar Khadafy blasts President Obama on Libya - NY Daily News
Well, there goes any credibility you may have had.

"The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man."

Louis Farrakhan

My credibility remains intact, it is your ignorance that begs for credibility. You don't know the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism.
From Obama's mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright:

In an exclusive interview at the 95th annual Hampton University Ministers' Conference, Wright told the Daily Press that he has not spoken to his former church member since Obama became president, and he implied that the White House won't allow Obama to talk to him.

"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me," Wright said. "I told my baby daughter that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office. ...

"They will not let him to talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. ... I said from the beginning: He's a politician; I'm a pastor. He's got to do what politicians do."
So do you think your alleged quoting of the rambling Rev. Wright is an indictment of Obama's anti-Semitism?
According to your post, Wright seems to think Obama is controlled by Jews. Keep looking, there has got to be a better reference than that! You aren't helping your case at all!
I don't have to make a case, you do. Obama surrounds himself with racists and anti-semites. We are often judged by the company we keep, and Obama sat in a church for 20 years that preached anti-semitic propaganda, gave an award to Louis Farrakhan (a known anti-semite). He refuses to call Islamic terrorists terrorists, disrespects Israel's leaders, and sends money and weapons to their enemies (and our's). I've never heard him criticize any of his political supporters for anti-semitic comments either. Anti-semitic is as anti-semitic does but I have a feeling you would deny his hatred of Jews if he announced it himself.

Louis Farrkhan an ant-Semite? Ridiculous..Moamar Khadafy and Farrakhan were the best of friends. Farrakhan even took to defending Khaddafy and slammed Obama on the airwaves for his stance against Libya. : You do know that Khaddafy was a Semite, don't you? You might also benefit from knowing that Obam is a Hamite,,,brothers of the Semites.. Of course Khaddafy might be a Hamite too but who can tell? Europeans have always had trouble with attempting to departmentalize people in to certain ethnic or racial groups...go figure.
Nation of Islam s Louis Farrakhan defends Moammar Khadafy blasts President Obama on Libya - NY Daily News
Well, there goes any credibility you may have had.

"The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man."

Louis Farrakhan

My credibility remains intact, it is your ignorance that begs for credibility. You don't know the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism.
Spin it however you want, Mr. Pubic. Anti-semite, anti-Jew, it's all the same. Shove your racism up your ass.
So do you think your alleged quoting of the rambling Rev. Wright is an indictment of Obama's anti-Semitism?
According to your post, Wright seems to think Obama is controlled by Jews. Keep looking, there has got to be a better reference than that! You aren't helping your case at all!
I don't have to make a case, you do. Obama surrounds himself with racists and anti-semites. We are often judged by the company we keep, and Obama sat in a church for 20 years that preached anti-semitic propaganda, gave an award to Louis Farrakhan (a known anti-semite). He refuses to call Islamic terrorists terrorists, disrespects Israel's leaders, and sends money and weapons to their enemies (and our's). I've never heard him criticize any of his political supporters for anti-semitic comments either. Anti-semitic is as anti-semitic does but I have a feeling you would deny his hatred of Jews if he announced it himself.

Louis Farrkhan an ant-Semite? Ridiculous..Moamar Khadafy and Farrakhan were the best of friends. Farrakhan even took to defending Khaddafy and slammed Obama on the airwaves for his stance against Libya. : You do know that Khaddafy was a Semite, don't you? You might also benefit from knowing that Obam is a Hamite,,,brothers of the Semites.. Of course Khaddafy might be a Hamite too but who can tell? Europeans have always had trouble with attempting to departmentalize people in to certain ethnic or racial groups...go figure.
Nation of Islam s Louis Farrakhan defends Moammar Khadafy blasts President Obama on Libya - NY Daily News
Well, there goes any credibility you may have had.

"The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man."

Louis Farrakhan

My credibility remains intact, it is your ignorance that begs for credibility. You don't know the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism.
Spin it however you want, Mr. Pubic. Anti-semite, anti-Jew, it's all the same. Shove your racism up your ass.

There is no Spin Stupid Jerk, just commonsense and a good grasp of the English language.You can't call someone ant-Semitic if he loves Arabs but hates Jews! What do you call an Arab that hates Jews? Are they anti-Semitic as well? I can't wait to see your response to THAT one.
Its without question noting that the nazis had the same liberal idiology as the left. Power and control. Thats over with now. Their finished.
The nazis were socialists in name only, their political add social agendas were more right wing
I don't have to make a case, you do. Obama surrounds himself with racists and anti-semites. We are often judged by the company we keep, and Obama sat in a church for 20 years that preached anti-semitic propaganda, gave an award to Louis Farrakhan (a known anti-semite). He refuses to call Islamic terrorists terrorists, disrespects Israel's leaders, and sends money and weapons to their enemies (and our's). I've never heard him criticize any of his political supporters for anti-semitic comments either. Anti-semitic is as anti-semitic does but I have a feeling you would deny his hatred of Jews if he announced it himself.

Louis Farrkhan an ant-Semite? Ridiculous..Moamar Khadafy and Farrakhan were the best of friends. Farrakhan even took to defending Khaddafy and slammed Obama on the airwaves for his stance against Libya. : You do know that Khaddafy was a Semite, don't you? You might also benefit from knowing that Obam is a Hamite,,,brothers of the Semites.. Of course Khaddafy might be a Hamite too but who can tell? Europeans have always had trouble with attempting to departmentalize people in to certain ethnic or racial groups...go figure.
Nation of Islam s Louis Farrakhan defends Moammar Khadafy blasts President Obama on Libya - NY Daily News
Well, there goes any credibility you may have had.

"The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man."

Louis Farrakhan

My credibility remains intact, it is your ignorance that begs for credibility. You don't know the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism.
Spin it however you want, Mr. Pubic. Anti-semite, anti-Jew, it's all the same. Shove your racism up your ass.

There is no Spin Stupid Jerk, just commonsense and a good grasp of the English language.You can't call someone ant-Semitic if he loves Arabs but hates Jews! What do you call an Arab that hates Jews? Are they anti-Semitic as well? I can't wait to see your response to THAT one.
Good, then you should be able to read this.

Anti-semitism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
S. j-

What you have posted is repulsive and an insult to the millions who died in the Holocaust.

Anyone who thinks gas chambers are a good start for funny jokes about Obama deserves to experience some tyranny frst-hand themselves.

If I was you, I'd delete your post.
It's no joke obama does not like Jews.

Obama doesn't like oppression and Zionism. I don't blame him.
Judea declared war on Germany. The Zionist movement was well underway by then and well to be frank most of the Zionist were secular. Hitler didn't set out to kill the Jews but get rid of them, the ones that didn't get out ended up in labor and concentration camps, put to work, and watched. Many died due to typhus and starvation, execution, and war. Over 65 million people died in WWII, and many Jews were not innocent bystanders. We need to quit making WWII about the Jews, we have a Zionist problem in the US, and have for many years, we can see how they integrate and try to control a country. They are in every country, and are involved in every government, except for some of the Arab ones, which they are working on.
Last edited:
Hitler didn't set out to kill the Jews but get rid of them, the ones that didn't get out ended up in labor and concentration camps, put to work, and watched

Do you really think it matters to the six million Jews ho lost their lives that death camps and gas chambers weren't what "Hitler set out to do"?

I agree that we sometimes overlook the numbers of Roma, communists or POWs who also died, but even so....the Holocaust IS about Jews, first and foremost.

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