The Christian Nazis!

So more power and control by world domination wasnt part of the nazi agenda? Bullshit

Of course it was, but that is not how we define left and right wing.

PLENTY of right wing regimes (Stroessner, Cristiani, Antonescu, Franco) were all about power and control, and no one is suggesting that they were left wing, are they?

What defines the two wings are the role of class and of capital primarily, plus social policies relating to minorities etc.

It is important to understand what terms like 'fascism' really mean, rather than just throw it around at random.
Of course many Jews died, but well many Jews lived in Poland and Russia. There were many holocausts in Russia, Germany, India, and many since WWII , I do not see the death of the Jews as any more relevant as any others who died in the war, or since.

The holocaust was the biggest money maker, and they still talk about it daily, and like I said, many Jews killed Jews, fought with Germans, Russians, British, etc. Their blood is no more special than anyone elses, and they still moan about it,

even though there they are in Israel, as they will admit , no WWII , probably no Israel, so I'm personally tired of hearing about their woes, they made out real good.

Zionism was begun before Nazism and is still going strong, and its worst if you ask me.
The holocaust was the biggest money maker


And which Jews got rich out of yet? Do they have names?

btw. I agree that Jewish lives have no more value than anyone else, but even so - the Holocaust is unique. On no other occasion in history as any people gone so far as to construct gas chambers to slaughter another people. So yes, they SHOULD talk about it everyday. Israel has committed some shameful acts in its time, but still - worsethan Hitler? I think not.
So more power and control by world domination wasnt part of the nazi agenda? Bullshit

Of course it was, but that is not how we define left and right wing.

PLENTY of right wing regimes (Stroessner, Cristiani, Antonescu, Franco) were all about power and control, and no one is suggesting that they were left wing, are they?

What defines the two wings are the role of class and of capital primarily, plus social policies relating to minorities etc.

It is important to understand what terms like 'fascism' really mean, rather than just throw it around at random.

true Saigon------I believe that genocides are the product of TOTALITARIAN
UTOPIAN IDEOLOGIES------------well----it's not a belief---its an examination of
world history. Today the most significant totalitarian utopian ideology is
islam. In past history there were times when even Christianity took on that
evil. ------in recent history ----ie most of the 20th century---the big time killers seems
to have been communism and nazism
Natural law states that the more power and control you crave the more left you go. What determins the name you call them depends on how far they are willing to take it. The conservative right advocates power for the individual citizen, which naturally wins out every time. Power and control are only temporary and if they come back they have to be let back in. Liberals can technically be left or right because of how they use government.
Nazism founded on science and not religion. Please see: Religion in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is most obvious that Germany was one of the most educated of countries at that time. They turned their back on God because they lost the Great War. They embraced NATIONALISM, MATERIALISM, and SCIENCE over SPRIITUALITY.

It is generally believed by historians that Hitler and the Nazis intended to eradicate Christianity in Germany after winning victory in the war
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Louis Farrkhan an ant-Semite? Ridiculous..Moamar Khadafy and Farrakhan were the best of friends. Farrakhan even took to defending Khaddafy and slammed Obama on the airwaves for his stance against Libya. : You do know that Khaddafy was a Semite, don't you? You might also benefit from knowing that Obam is a Hamite,,,brothers of the Semites.. Of course Khaddafy might be a Hamite too but who can tell? Europeans have always had trouble with attempting to departmentalize people in to certain ethnic or racial groups...go figure.
Nation of Islam s Louis Farrakhan defends Moammar Khadafy blasts President Obama on Libya - NY Daily News
Well, there goes any credibility you may have had.

"The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man."

Louis Farrakhan

My credibility remains intact, it is your ignorance that begs for credibility. You don't know the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism.
Spin it however you want, Mr. Pubic. Anti-semite, anti-Jew, it's all the same. Shove your racism up your ass.

There is no Spin Stupid Jerk, just commonsense and a good grasp of the English language.You can't call someone ant-Semitic if he loves Arabs but hates Jews! What do you call an Arab that hates Jews? Are they anti-Semitic as well? I can't wait to see your response to THAT one.
Good, then you should be able to read this.

Anti-semitism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Here is how that incorrect definition ended up in the English lexicon.

As a result, many people don’t realize that technically, Arabs are Semites, too. (And their languages, as well as Hebrew and others, are part of a language group called Semitic. In addition, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are collectively called the Semitic, or the Abrahamic, religions because they all derive from the same tradition.) But when it comes to racism, logic has no place. And now, even those who are not anti-Semitic in either sense of the word are stuck with a connotation that deviates from the literal meaning.

What can we do about it? Not much. You can write “antipathy to the Jews” or some other phrase to describe what most of us understand to mean “anti-Semitism,” or you can go with the flow, as we do with many other technically incorrect usages in English.

Are Anti-Semitic Arabs Self-Haters
Its without question noting that the nazis had the same liberal idiology as the left. Power and control. Thats over with now. Their finished.
The nazis were socialists in name only, their political add social agendas were more right wing
So more power and control by world domination wasnt part of the nazi agenda? Bullshit
I'm not denying that more power and control by world domination was part of the Nazi agenda . People who believe in American exceptionalism underline the fact that we accomplished what's the Nazis failed to do. You and I disagree that power and control by world domination is liberal ideology.
Its without question noting that the nazis had the same liberal idiology as the left. Power and control. Thats over with now. Their finished.
The nazis were socialists in name only, their political add social agendas were more right wing
So more power and control by world domination wasnt part of the nazi agenda? Bullshit
I'm not denying that more power and control by world domination was part of the Nazi agenda . People who believe in American exceptionalism underline the fact that we accomplished what's the Nazis failed to do. You and I disagree that power and control by world domination is liberal ideology.
Gee i wonder what gave you that impression?
Well, there goes any credibility you may have had.

"The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man."

Louis Farrakhan

My credibility remains intact, it is your ignorance that begs for credibility. You don't know the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism.
Spin it however you want, Mr. Pubic. Anti-semite, anti-Jew, it's all the same. Shove your racism up your ass.

There is no Spin Stupid Jerk, just commonsense and a good grasp of the English language.You can't call someone ant-Semitic if he loves Arabs but hates Jews! What do you call an Arab that hates Jews? Are they anti-Semitic as well? I can't wait to see your response to THAT one.
Good, then you should be able to read this.

Anti-semitism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Here is how that incorrect definition ended up in the English lexicon.

As a result, many people don’t realize that technically, Arabs are Semites, too. (And their languages, as well as Hebrew and others, are part of a language group called Semitic. In addition, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are collectively called the Semitic, or the Abrahamic, religions because they all derive from the same tradition.) But when it comes to racism, logic has no place. And now, even those who are not anti-Semitic in either sense of the word are stuck with a connotation that deviates from the literal meaning.

What can we do about it? Not much. You can write “antipathy to the Jews” or some other phrase to describe what most of us understand to mean “anti-Semitism,” or you can go with the flow, as we do with many other technically incorrect usages in English.

Are Anti-Semitic Arabs Self-Haters
Now Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect? I guess they should have checked with you before they published it, huh? :laugh:
My credibility remains intact, it is your ignorance that begs for credibility. You don't know the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism.
Spin it however you want, Mr. Pubic. Anti-semite, anti-Jew, it's all the same. Shove your racism up your ass.

There is no Spin Stupid Jerk, just commonsense and a good grasp of the English language.You can't call someone ant-Semitic if he loves Arabs but hates Jews! What do you call an Arab that hates Jews? Are they anti-Semitic as well? I can't wait to see your response to THAT one.
Good, then you should be able to read this.

Anti-semitism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Here is how that incorrect definition ended up in the English lexicon.

As a result, many people don’t realize that technically, Arabs are Semites, too. (And their languages, as well as Hebrew and others, are part of a language group called Semitic. In addition, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are collectively called the Semitic, or the Abrahamic, religions because they all derive from the same tradition.) But when it comes to racism, logic has no place. And now, even those who are not anti-Semitic in either sense of the word are stuck with a connotation that deviates from the literal meaning.

What can we do about it? Not much. You can write “antipathy to the Jews” or some other phrase to describe what most of us understand to mean “anti-Semitism,” or you can go with the flow, as we do with many other technically incorrect usages in English.

Are Anti-Semitic Arabs Self-Haters
Now Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect? I guess they should have checked with you before they published it, huh? :laugh:

Hell yeah,Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect in this instance but I guess they just decided to go with the flow like they did when they used Christopher Columbus' incorrect identifier "Indians" to define American aboriginals.
Its without question noting that the nazis had the same liberal idiology as the left. Power and control. Thats over with now. Their finished.
The nazis were socialists in name only, their political add social agendas were more right wing
So more power and control by world domination wasnt part of the nazi agenda? Bullshit
I'm not denying that more power and control by world domination was part of the Nazi agenda . People who believe in American exceptionalism underline the fact that we accomplished what's the Nazis failed to do. You and I disagree that power and control by world domination is liberal ideology.
Gee i wonder what gave you that impression?
What impression?
Spin it however you want, Mr. Pubic. Anti-semite, anti-Jew, it's all the same. Shove your racism up your ass.

There is no Spin Stupid Jerk, just commonsense and a good grasp of the English language.You can't call someone ant-Semitic if he loves Arabs but hates Jews! What do you call an Arab that hates Jews? Are they anti-Semitic as well? I can't wait to see your response to THAT one.
Good, then you should be able to read this.

Anti-semitism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Here is how that incorrect definition ended up in the English lexicon.

As a result, many people don’t realize that technically, Arabs are Semites, too. (And their languages, as well as Hebrew and others, are part of a language group called Semitic. In addition, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are collectively called the Semitic, or the Abrahamic, religions because they all derive from the same tradition.) But when it comes to racism, logic has no place. And now, even those who are not anti-Semitic in either sense of the word are stuck with a connotation that deviates from the literal meaning.

What can we do about it? Not much. You can write “antipathy to the Jews” or some other phrase to describe what most of us understand to mean “anti-Semitism,” or you can go with the flow, as we do with many other technically incorrect usages in English.

Are Anti-Semitic Arabs Self-Haters
Now Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect? I guess they should have checked with you before they published it, huh? :laugh:

Hell yeah,Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect in this instance but I guess they just decided to go with the flow like they did when they used Christopher Columbus' incorrect identifier "Indians" to define American aboriginals.
Ok, the dictionary is wrong and you are right. Good luck with that.
There is no Spin Stupid Jerk, just commonsense and a good grasp of the English language.You can't call someone ant-Semitic if he loves Arabs but hates Jews! What do you call an Arab that hates Jews? Are they anti-Semitic as well? I can't wait to see your response to THAT one.
Good, then you should be able to read this.

Anti-semitism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Here is how that incorrect definition ended up in the English lexicon.

As a result, many people don’t realize that technically, Arabs are Semites, too. (And their languages, as well as Hebrew and others, are part of a language group called Semitic. In addition, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are collectively called the Semitic, or the Abrahamic, religions because they all derive from the same tradition.) But when it comes to racism, logic has no place. And now, even those who are not anti-Semitic in either sense of the word are stuck with a connotation that deviates from the literal meaning.

What can we do about it? Not much. You can write “antipathy to the Jews” or some other phrase to describe what most of us understand to mean “anti-Semitism,” or you can go with the flow, as we do with many other technically incorrect usages in English.

Are Anti-Semitic Arabs Self-Haters
Now Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect? I guess they should have checked with you before they published it, huh? :laugh:

Hell yeah,Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect in this instance but I guess they just decided to go with the flow like they did when they used Christopher Columbus' incorrect identifier "Indians" to define American aboriginals.
Ok, the dictionary is wrong and you are right. Good luck with that.

Oh, I would not be so bold as to to challenge that dictionary alone. My commonsense was validated by other thinkers who saw the same flaw. Again...Arabs were once called Hamites but now they are called Semites like some Jews are. But here's the real kicker. There are many different types of Jews or Israelis.
Would you call the Falasha of Ethiopia Semites? You see, this whole Jewish /Arab anti-Semitic discourse is far too complex for someone not thoroughly indoctrinated into the science of etymology. Your dictionary is for the layman and those who refuse to think for themselves.
Here is how that incorrect definition ended up in the English lexicon.

As a result, many people don’t realize that technically, Arabs are Semites, too. (And their languages, as well as Hebrew and others, are part of a language group called Semitic. In addition, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are collectively called the Semitic, or the Abrahamic, religions because they all derive from the same tradition.) But when it comes to racism, logic has no place. And now, even those who are not anti-Semitic in either sense of the word are stuck with a connotation that deviates from the literal meaning.

What can we do about it? Not much. You can write “antipathy to the Jews” or some other phrase to describe what most of us understand to mean “anti-Semitism,” or you can go with the flow, as we do with many other technically incorrect usages in English.

Are Anti-Semitic Arabs Self-Haters
Now Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect? I guess they should have checked with you before they published it, huh? :laugh:

Hell yeah,Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect in this instance but I guess they just decided to go with the flow like they did when they used Christopher Columbus' incorrect identifier "Indians" to define American aboriginals.
Ok, the dictionary is wrong and you are right. Good luck with that.

Oh, I would not be so bold as to to challenge that dictionary alone. My commonsense was validated by other thinkers who saw the same flaw. Again...Arabs were once called Hamites but now they are called Semites like some Jews are. But here's the real kicker. There are many different types of Jews or Israelis.
Would you call the Falasha of Ethiopia Semites? You see, this whole Jewish /Arab anti-Semitic discourse is far too complex for someone not thoroughly indoctrinated into the science of etymology. Your dictionary is for the layman and those who refuse to think for themselves.
Dude, you need to learn how to quit when your ass has been handed to you.
Here is how that incorrect definition ended up in the English lexicon.

As a result, many people don’t realize that technically, Arabs are Semites, too. (And their languages, as well as Hebrew and others, are part of a language group called Semitic. In addition, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are collectively called the Semitic, or the Abrahamic, religions because they all derive from the same tradition.) But when it comes to racism, logic has no place. And now, even those who are not anti-Semitic in either sense of the word are stuck with a connotation that deviates from the literal meaning.

What can we do about it? Not much. You can write “antipathy to the Jews” or some other phrase to describe what most of us understand to mean “anti-Semitism,” or you can go with the flow, as we do with many other technically incorrect usages in English.

Are Anti-Semitic Arabs Self-Haters
Now Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect? I guess they should have checked with you before they published it, huh? :laugh:

Hell yeah,Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect in this instance but I guess they just decided to go with the flow like they did when they used Christopher Columbus' incorrect identifier "Indians" to define American aboriginals.
Ok, the dictionary is wrong and you are right. Good luck with that.

Oh, I would not be so bold as to to challenge that dictionary alone. My commonsense was validated by other thinkers who saw the same flaw. Again...Arabs were once called Hamites but now they are called Semites like some Jews are. But here's the real kicker. There are many different types of Jews or Israelis.
Would you call the Falasha of Ethiopia Semites? You see, this whole Jewish /Arab anti-Semitic discourse is far too complex for someone not thoroughly indoctrinated into the science of etymology. Your dictionary is for the layman and those who refuse to think for themselves.
Dude, you need to learn how to quit when your ass has been handed to you.
You don't have the will or the skill to hand my ass to me. Good night! time to get some sleep bye!
Now Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect? I guess they should have checked with you before they published it, huh? :laugh:

Hell yeah,Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect in this instance but I guess they just decided to go with the flow like they did when they used Christopher Columbus' incorrect identifier "Indians" to define American aboriginals.
Ok, the dictionary is wrong and you are right. Good luck with that.

Oh, I would not be so bold as to to challenge that dictionary alone. My commonsense was validated by other thinkers who saw the same flaw. Again...Arabs were once called Hamites but now they are called Semites like some Jews are. But here's the real kicker. There are many different types of Jews or Israelis.
Would you call the Falasha of Ethiopia Semites? You see, this whole Jewish /Arab anti-Semitic discourse is far too complex for someone not thoroughly indoctrinated into the science of etymology. Your dictionary is for the layman and those who refuse to think for themselves.
Dude, you need to learn how to quit when your ass has been handed to you.
You don't have the will or the skill to hand my ass to me. Good night! time to get some sleep bye!
Well, I just did.
true Saigon------I believe that genocides are the product of TOTALITARIAN
UTOPIAN IDEOLOGIES------------well----it's not a belief---its an examination of
world history. Today the most significant totalitarian utopian ideology is
islam. In past history there were times when even Christianity took on that
evil. ------in recent history ----ie most of the 20th century---the big time killers seems
to have been communism and nazism

It sure doesn't help when the NT has a verse about when Jesus returns that says that he will say, "but as for those enemies of mine who would not have me for their king, bring them here and slaughter them in my presence. " Luke 19:27

When people ignore that Jesus said that he spoke in figures of speech and the official position of some branches of Christianity is that Jesus is God and the Bible is to be interpreted and applied literally, its only a matter of time before another Hitler or Mohammed comes along and convinces less intelligent people that it is a command of God and their religious duty to kill Jews......

It would seem to the devout Catholic or Protestant, fundamentalist believer etc., that any psychotic antisemitic nut job with a messianic complex might be a candidate for being the returning Jesus......
Last edited:
true Saigon------I believe that genocides are the product of TOTALITARIAN
UTOPIAN IDEOLOGIES------------well----it's not a belief---its an examination of
world history. Today the most significant totalitarian utopian ideology is
islam. In past history there were times when even Christianity took on that
evil. ------in recent history ----ie most of the 20th century---the big time killers seems
to have been communism and nazism

It sure doesn't help when the NT has a verse in it that says, "but as for those enemies of mine who would not have me for their king, bring them here and slaughter them in my presence. " Luke 19:27

When people ignore that Jesus said that he spoke in figures of speech and the official position of some branches of Christianity is that Jesus is God and the Bible is to be interpreted and applied literally, its only a matter of time before another Hitler like genius comes along and convinces less intelligent people that it is their religious duty to kill Jews......

Luke was a greek----he never met Jesus-----and he did not speak either Hebrew
or Aramaic ------who cares what Luke claims Jesus said???-------that line is NICEAN

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