The Christian Nazis!

Here is how that incorrect definition ended up in the English lexicon.

As a result, many people don’t realize that technically, Arabs are Semites, too. (And their languages, as well as Hebrew and others, are part of a language group called Semitic. In addition, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are collectively called the Semitic, or the Abrahamic, religions because they all derive from the same tradition.) But when it comes to racism, logic has no place. And now, even those who are not anti-Semitic in either sense of the word are stuck with a connotation that deviates from the literal meaning.

What can we do about it? Not much. You can write “antipathy to the Jews” or some other phrase to describe what most of us understand to mean “anti-Semitism,” or you can go with the flow, as we do with many other technically incorrect usages in English.

Are Anti-Semitic Arabs Self-Haters
Now Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect? I guess they should have checked with you before they published it, huh? :laugh:

Hell yeah,Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect in this instance but I guess they just decided to go with the flow like they did when they used Christopher Columbus' incorrect identifier "Indians" to define American aboriginals.
Ok, the dictionary is wrong and you are right. Good luck with that.

Oh, I would not be so bold as to to challenge that dictionary alone. My commonsense was validated by other thinkers who saw the same flaw. Again...Arabs were once called Hamites but now they are called Semites like some Jews are. But here's the real kicker. There are many different types of Jews or Israelis.
Would you call the Falasha of Ethiopia Semites? You see, this whole Jewish /Arab anti-Semitic discourse is far too complex for someone not thoroughly indoctrinated into the science of etymology. Your dictionary is for the layman and those who refuse to think for themselves.

Yes---the falasha are semites---"semite" is not a "race" it is a linquistic
designation-------the fact that Falashas use Hebrew------at least to some
extent make them SEMITES ----who called arabs "hamites"----hamites is not
a race------sometimes -----blacks are kinds attributed to HAM as sone of noah----
but that is purely a kinda -----literary thing -----Arabic is a semitic language----
in fact-----I believe that Ethiopia does a semitic language. ------semantic
discussions always get silly
true Saigon------I believe that genocides are the product of TOTALITARIAN
UTOPIAN IDEOLOGIES------------well----it's not a belief---its an examination of
world history. Today the most significant totalitarian utopian ideology is
islam. In past history there were times when even Christianity took on that
evil. ------in recent history ----ie most of the 20th century---the big time killers seems
to have been communism and nazism

It sure doesn't help when the NT has a verse in it that says, "but as for those enemies of mine who would not have me for their king, bring them here and slaughter them in my presence. " Luke 19:27

When people ignore that Jesus said that he spoke in figures of speech and the official position of some branches of Christianity is that Jesus is God and the Bible is to be interpreted and applied literally, its only a matter of time before another Hitler like genius comes along and convinces less intelligent people that it is their religious duty to kill Jews......

Luke was a greek----he never met Jesus-----and he did not speak either Hebrew
or Aramaic ------who cares what Luke claims Jesus said???-------that line is NICEAN

Are you really that clueless?
true Saigon------I believe that genocides are the product of TOTALITARIAN
UTOPIAN IDEOLOGIES------------well----it's not a belief---its an examination of
world history. Today the most significant totalitarian utopian ideology is
islam. In past history there were times when even Christianity took on that
evil. ------in recent history ----ie most of the 20th century---the big time killers seems
to have been communism and nazism

It sure doesn't help when the NT has a verse in it that says, "but as for those enemies of mine who would not have me for their king, bring them here and slaughter them in my presence. " Luke 19:27

When people ignore that Jesus said that he spoke in figures of speech and the official position of some branches of Christianity is that Jesus is God and the Bible is to be interpreted and applied literally, its only a matter of time before another Hitler like genius comes along and convinces less intelligent people that it is their religious duty to kill Jews......

Luke was a greek----he never met Jesus-----and he did not speak either Hebrew
or Aramaic ------who cares what Luke claims Jesus said???-------that line is NICEAN

Are you really that clueless?

can you expand on that comment? I think you took it as if I
am disagreeing with your theory of -----"some Christians interpret
literally"------I do not -----I simply commented on Luke in general----some
people do not understand that Luke was a greek----greek speaking----in fact---
a Physician-----so they say-----and never met Jesus. I think he shows up
at the "last supper"-----which is kinda confusing-------I see that scene as---
SYMBOLIC too------not historical------but then again ----I is a jew
can you expand on that comment? I think you took it as if I
am disagreeing with your theory of -----"some Christians interpret
literally"------I do not -----I simply commented on Luke in general----some
people do not understand that Luke was a greek----greek speaking----in fact---
a Physician-----so they say-----and never met Jesus. I think he shows up
at the "last supper"-----which is kinda confusing-------I see that scene as---
SYMBOLIC too------not historical------but then again ----I is a jew

My apologies.

I'm sure that Hitler used this verse in private if not public to provide a moral basis for the final solution for those who couldn't stomach the proposal.. I also know that many Muslims have cited to me verses about Jesus claiming to bring a sword and claim that Mohammed was the fulfillment of the promise of a last prophet, and Jesus' prophecies about God sending the spirit of truth, to justifies their barbaric slaughters in the name of God.

Don't even many Jews expect a messiah to fulfill the prophecies about the wicked being killed by the sword?

Isn't this why Jesus was laughed to scorn when he taught to love your enemies and turn the other cheek?
can you expand on that comment? I think you took it as if I
am disagreeing with your theory of -----"some Christians interpret
literally"------I do not -----I simply commented on Luke in general----some
people do not understand that Luke was a greek----greek speaking----in fact---
a Physician-----so they say-----and never met Jesus. I think he shows up
at the "last supper"-----which is kinda confusing-------I see that scene as---
SYMBOLIC too------not historical------but then again ----I is a jew

My apologies.

I'm sure that Hitler used this verse in private if not public to provide a moral basis for the final solution for those who couldn't stomach the proposal.. I also know that many Muslims have cited to me verses about Jesus claiming to bring a sword and claim that Mohammed was the fulfillment of the promise of a last prophet, and Jesus' prophecies about God sending the spirit of truth, to justifies their barbaric slaughters in the name of God.

Don't even many Jews expect a messiah to fulfill the prophecies about the wicked being killed by the sword?

Isn't this why Jesus was laughed to scorn when he taught to love your enemies and turn the other cheek?

You need not apologize----for the OTHER POST----just this one-----ABSOLUTELY NOT_----there is no prophecy of actual violence at the "end"-------the whole world
will be ENLIGHTENED----------well---of course really wicked people will ----sorta
go away-------I guess that means DROP DEAD-----but there is no real ------LETS KILL THEM ideology

"nation shall not lift up sword against nation----and no longer learn the ways
of war" -----that is the ideology----damned optimistic ----the other part
is something like------'righteousness is supposed kinda EXUDE out of
Jerusalem------which will be a "lignt for all nations" (Isaiah may have
been high on Khat when he wrote that one) As to Jesus---wrong again---
He was quoting HILLEL-------Hillel lived just before Jesus----in Jerusalem---
altough I think he started out in Babylon. Just about everything Jesus
said as an ideology can be traced to HILLEL ---the MOST POPULAR----
"wiseguy" of that time-------uber quoted-----even today-----by those made
to memorize "sayings" -------you want a few??? I did study a bit of
Hebrew-----every chapter in the damned textbook included a HILLEL
SAYING ------the notion of accepting lousy stuff with good grace is
a very oft repeated theme----for the past 2500 years----"be thou like a
reed that bends in the wind"--------the most important characteristic of
Aaron (brother of moses) is his constant intervention to "make peace"
between any guys with an argument against each other----AARON
is very important-----it is HIS progeny who are the temple priests----
not moses' kids --------they just get to sing.........(sorry----I did not inherit
the talent) Being a WUSS is a time honored tradition-----the jewish
"anti hero"
Hell yeah,Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect in this instance but I guess they just decided to go with the flow like they did when they used Christopher Columbus' incorrect identifier "Indians" to define American aboriginals.
Ok, the dictionary is wrong and you are right. Good luck with that.

Oh, I would not be so bold as to to challenge that dictionary alone. My commonsense was validated by other thinkers who saw the same flaw. Again...Arabs were once called Hamites but now they are called Semites like some Jews are. But here's the real kicker. There are many different types of Jews or Israelis.
Would you call the Falasha of Ethiopia Semites? You see, this whole Jewish /Arab anti-Semitic discourse is far too complex for someone not thoroughly indoctrinated into the science of etymology. Your dictionary is for the layman and those who refuse to think for themselves.
Dude, you need to learn how to quit when your ass has been handed to you.
You don't have the will or the skill to hand my ass to me. Good night! time to get some sleep bye!
Well, I just did.
NO! You just THINK you did!
Ok, the dictionary is wrong and you are right. Good luck with that.

Oh, I would not be so bold as to to challenge that dictionary alone. My commonsense was validated by other thinkers who saw the same flaw. Again...Arabs were once called Hamites but now they are called Semites like some Jews are. But here's the real kicker. There are many different types of Jews or Israelis.
Would you call the Falasha of Ethiopia Semites? You see, this whole Jewish /Arab anti-Semitic discourse is far too complex for someone not thoroughly indoctrinated into the science of etymology. Your dictionary is for the layman and those who refuse to think for themselves.
Dude, you need to learn how to quit when your ass has been handed to you.
You don't have the will or the skill to hand my ass to me. Good night! time to get some sleep bye!
Well, I just did.
NO! You just THINK you did!
Give it a rest, anti-Semite. You have nothing to offer but hate.
Here is how that incorrect definition ended up in the English lexicon.

As a result, many people don’t realize that technically, Arabs are Semites, too. (And their languages, as well as Hebrew and others, are part of a language group called Semitic. In addition, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are collectively called the Semitic, or the Abrahamic, religions because they all derive from the same tradition.) But when it comes to racism, logic has no place. And now, even those who are not anti-Semitic in either sense of the word are stuck with a connotation that deviates from the literal meaning.

What can we do about it? Not much. You can write “antipathy to the Jews” or some other phrase to describe what most of us understand to mean “anti-Semitism,” or you can go with the flow, as we do with many other technically incorrect usages in English.

Are Anti-Semitic Arabs Self-Haters
Now Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect? I guess they should have checked with you before they published it, huh? :laugh:

Hell yeah,Merriam-Webster Dictionary is incorrect in this instance but I guess they just decided to go with the flow like they did when they used Christopher Columbus' incorrect identifier "Indians" to define American aboriginals.
Ok, the dictionary is wrong and you are right. Good luck with that.

Oh, I would not be so bold as to to challenge that dictionary alone. My commonsense was validated by other thinkers who saw the same flaw. Again...Arabs were once called Hamites but now they are called Semites like some Jews are. But here's the real kicker. There are many different types of Jews or Israelis.
Would you call the Falasha of Ethiopia Semites? You see, this whole Jewish /Arab anti-Semitic discourse is far too complex for someone not thoroughly indoctrinated into the science of etymology. Your dictionary is for the layman and those who refuse to think for themselves.

Yes---the falasha are semites---"semite" is not a "race" it is a linquistic
designation-------the fact that Falashas use Hebrew------at least to some
extent make them SEMITES ----who called arabs "hamites"----hamites is not
a race------sometimes -----blacks are kinds attributed to HAM as sone of noah----
but that is purely a kinda -----literary thing -----Arabic is a semitic language----
in fact-----I believe that Ethiopia does a semitic language. ------semantic
discussions always get silly

I am well aware that "Semite" is not a racial designation and neither is the term "Jew." If we are to open that can of worms and attempt to identify Jews or Semites by race, that would be an exercise in futility.
The word "Falasha" is an Amharic term meaning "stranger and is considered by the "Falasha" to be derisive. They prefer to be called Beta Israel: meaning the House of Israel. It doesn't stop there! The Beta Israelis say they are NOT Jews. They say they are Israelites who did not originate in the tribe of Judah, which is an eponymous name from which the word Jew was derived. And from that incredibly ancient perspective, who are we to question them?

Semites and Hamites are also eponymous names which are derived from ancient biblical characters but have been perverted by western Christian based cultures into pseudo-scientific nonsense.

Germans seem to always be at the forefront when origins of racist terminology surfaces. In 1881 Wilhelm Marr, a German radical founded a group and named them the Antisemiten-Liga. From that humble beginning the term anti-Semitism took root and indeed, when used back then, it was aimed at the Jews. Arabs were seen then as Hamites, so the term did not apply to them..and so, the dictonaries and other reference books correctly equated anti-Semitism with hatred of Jews. In modern times, the word Semite has been expanded to include former Hamites as can be verified in virtually any academic setting. Therefore, the traditional definition of ant-Semitism has changed too... The archaic term really has little value except to identify actions that manifest as hatred towards ALL Semites...Jews and Arabs alike.
This thread's premise is idiocy for the same reason believing Islam is a 'terrorist religion' is idiocy.
I beg your pardon? Please ...point out the complaint you have with this thread more clearly by telling me how my "premise" is idiocy! Are you denying that Nazis were predominantly Christians or are you just being an apologist for them.
You need not apologize----for the OTHER POST----just this one-----ABSOLUTELY NOT_----there is no prophecy of actual violence at the "end"-------the whole world
will be ENLIGHTENED----------well---of course really wicked people will ----sorta
go away-------I guess that means DROP DEAD-----but there is no real ------LETS KILL THEM ideology

It is a historical fact that at the time of Jesus when he said to love your enemies, the Jewish people were anxiously awaiting the appearance of a messiah who would lead an armed revolt against the Romans that would usher in the messianic age. It was very much a lets kill them ideology. The Dead Sea War Scroll illustrates this expectation in great detail, even though the prophecy you cited shows that the Messiah will cause violence and war to cease which it did for those who adopted his teaching.

"Therefore prophesy thou against them all these words, and say unto them, The Lord shall roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy habitation; he shall mightily roar upon his habitation; he shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.
A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord.

Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth.

And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground."
can you expand on that comment? I think you took it as if I
am disagreeing with your theory of -----"some Christians interpret
literally"------I do not -----I simply commented on Luke in general----some
people do not understand that Luke was a greek----greek speaking----in fact---
a Physician-----so they say-----and never met Jesus. I think he shows up
at the "last supper"-----which is kinda confusing-------I see that scene as---
SYMBOLIC too------not historical------but then again ----I is a jew

My apologies.

I'm sure that Hitler used this verse in private if not public to provide a moral basis for the final solution for those who couldn't stomach the proposal.. I also know that many Muslims have cited to me verses about Jesus claiming to bring a sword and claim that Mohammed was the fulfillment of the promise of a last prophet, and Jesus' prophecies about God sending the spirit of truth, to justifies their barbaric slaughters in the name of God.

Don't even many Jews expect a messiah to fulfill the prophecies about the wicked being killed by the sword?

Isn't this why Jesus was laughed to scorn when he taught to love your enemies and turn the other cheek?

I doubt if they could perceive that the wielders of those "swords"would be purported followers of Christianity and that they would be the targets. Did Jesus know what was coming? If so, he didn't warn the Jews. And if the reports of Jewish obsequiousness in the face of annihilation are true, the teachings of Jesus must have had some merit with his Jewish brethren.
Oh, I would not be so bold as to to challenge that dictionary alone. My commonsense was validated by other thinkers who saw the same flaw. Again...Arabs were once called Hamites but now they are called Semites like some Jews are. But here's the real kicker. There are many different types of Jews or Israelis.
Would you call the Falasha of Ethiopia Semites? You see, this whole Jewish /Arab anti-Semitic discourse is far too complex for someone not thoroughly indoctrinated into the science of etymology. Your dictionary is for the layman and those who refuse to think for themselves.
Dude, you need to learn how to quit when your ass has been handed to you.
You don't have the will or the skill to hand my ass to me. Good night! time to get some sleep bye!
Well, I just did.
NO! You just THINK you did!
Give it a rest, anti-Semite. You have nothing to offer but hate.
Is that what your initials portend? Semite Jones? I don't hate you... You're barrels of fun.
can you expand on that comment? I think you took it as if I
am disagreeing with your theory of -----"some Christians interpret
literally"------I do not -----I simply commented on Luke in general----some
people do not understand that Luke was a greek----greek speaking----in fact---
a Physician-----so they say-----and never met Jesus. I think he shows up
at the "last supper"-----which is kinda confusing-------I see that scene as---
SYMBOLIC too------not historical------but then again ----I is a jew

My apologies.

I'm sure that Hitler used this verse in private if not public to provide a moral basis for the final solution for those who couldn't stomach the proposal.. I also know that many Muslims have cited to me verses about Jesus claiming to bring a sword and claim that Mohammed was the fulfillment of the promise of a last prophet, and Jesus' prophecies about God sending the spirit of truth, to justifies their barbaric slaughters in the name of God.

Don't even many Jews expect a messiah to fulfill the prophecies about the wicked being killed by the sword?

Isn't this why Jesus was laughed to scorn when he taught to love your enemies and turn the other cheek?

I doubt if they could perceive that the wielders of those "swords"would be purported followers of Christianity and that they would be the targets. Did Jesus know what was coming? If so, he didn't warn the Jews. And if the reports of Jewish obsequiousness in the face of annihilation are true, the teachings of Jesus must have had some merit with his Jewish brethren.[/QUOTE

you got that WIELDERS of the SWORD allusion in the OT? -----I do remember that Jesus said something like "I come with a sword" in reference to himself---in
one of the gospels----but I do not remember a sword allusion in Isaiah's prophecy of the Messianic age. As to jesus being scorned over the turn the cheek thing----the only people I have ever encountered who sneered at that one were muslims------in current times. ------Jesus said stuff very similar to Jeremiah who was
constantly threatening DIRE stuff-------DESTRUCTION and ----woe .....etc.
What reports of jewish obsequiousness in the face of annihilation? ----you got
a citation? -----the turn the cheek allusion and ----bend like a reed stuff is not
an allusion to obsequiousness. ----HOWEVER there were political guys at that time who counselled ------"lets compromise" all the time----One of them was
JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS----but he was by no means the only COMPRMISER

you seem to have all sorts of stuff mixed up like a mixed salad.
You need not apologize----for the OTHER POST----just this one-----ABSOLUTELY NOT_----there is no prophecy of actual violence at the "end"-------the whole world
will be ENLIGHTENED----------well---of course really wicked people will ----sorta
go away-------I guess that means DROP DEAD-----but there is no real ------LETS KILL THEM ideology

It is a historical fact that at the time of Jesus when he said to love your enemies, the Jewish people were anxiously awaiting the appearance of a messiah who would lead an armed revolt against the Romans that would usher in the messianic age. It was very much a lets kill them ideology. The Dead Sea War Scroll illustrates this expectation in great detail, even though the prophecy you cited shows that the Messiah will cause violence and war to cease which it did for those who adopted his teaching.

"Therefore prophesy thou against them all these words, and say unto them, The Lord shall roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy habitation; he shall mightily roar upon his habitation; he shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.
A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord.

Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth.

And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground."

It is a matter of history that during times of stress-----there were always MESSIANICS amongst jews------the dead sea scrolls were done by
some monastic hermit type people out there in the desert. There are still
messianics amongst jews and certainly were in DACHAU ------From where did you get your citation ---from the dead sea scroll thing that gets into the
SONS OF DARKNESS and THE SONS OF LIGHT?--------even they did not counsel a "lets kill them all" scenario-----angels were going to do it-------
poetic license---------just like EZEKIEL ----for that matter----something like
the book of REVULSIONS -----------and the etchings of ----uhm...what's his
name-----uhm ----oh gee DURER

now try to keep in mind----the whole area-----from Sinai to the TWO RIVERS---
and Lebanon and Syria and Persia and even Greece----and---even Egypt----
and even what is today SUDAN-----was embroiled in constant and repetitive wars---the scriptural descriptions are not much different from the stuff described in
by HOMER in the Odyssey-------maintain some perspective.------the writings at
that time were meant to be RECITED-----in a dramatic rendition
you got that WIELDERS of the SWORD allusion in the OT? -----I do remember that Jesus said something like "I come with a sword" in reference to himself---in
one of the gospels----but I do not remember a sword allusion in Isaiah's prophecy of the Messianic age. As to jesus being scorned over the turn the cheek thing----the only people I have ever encountered who sneered at that one were muslims------in current times. ------Jesus said stuff very similar to Jeremiah who was
constantly threatening DIRE stuff-------DESTRUCTION and ----woe .....etc.

"He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, " Isaiah 49:2

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them." Jeremiah 25:15

I have not come to bring peace but a sword.

From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations. rev. 19:15

"Take this cup of wine and drink it. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"Just art thou in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."
you got that WIELDERS of the SWORD allusion in the OT? -----I do remember that Jesus said something like "I come with a sword" in reference to himself---in
one of the gospels----but I do not remember a sword allusion in Isaiah's prophecy of the Messianic age. As to jesus being scorned over the turn the cheek thing----the only people I have ever encountered who sneered at that one were muslims------in current times. ------Jesus said stuff very similar to Jeremiah who was
constantly threatening DIRE stuff-------DESTRUCTION and ----woe .....etc.

"He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, " Isaiah 49:2

Take this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them." Jeremiah 25:15

I have not come to bring peace but a sword.

From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations. rev. 19:15

"Take this cup of wine and drink it. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"Just art thou in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

you got that WIELDERS of the SWORD allusion in the OT? -----I do remember that Jesus said something like "I come with a sword" in reference to himself---in
one of the gospels----but I do not remember a sword allusion in Isaiah's prophecy of the Messianic age. As to jesus being scorned over the turn the cheek thing----the only people I have ever encountered who sneered at that one were muslims------in current times. ------Jesus said stuff very similar to Jeremiah who was
constantly threatening DIRE stuff-------DESTRUCTION and ----woe .....etc.

"He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, " Isaiah 49:2

Take this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them." Jeremiah 25:15

I have not come to bring peace but a sword.

From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations. rev. 19:15

"Take this cup of wine and drink it. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"Just art thou in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."


Not exactly except in that it remains above the grasp of many who read it and there is by far more conveyed than what meets the eye.

The ever obstinate Jeremiah, not to mention every single coequal trinity worshiper, is inebriated on communion wine, vomits on a daily basis, and has happily ever after gone completely mad.


Every nation that adopted a wine drinking Jesus worshiping ceremony historically went completely mad and then went on a murderous bloody rampage against unbelievers.


And some people don't believe in curses......

Imagine that!
can you expand on that comment? I think you took it as if I
am disagreeing with your theory of -----"some Christians interpret
literally"------I do not -----I simply commented on Luke in general----some
people do not understand that Luke was a greek----greek speaking----in fact---
a Physician-----so they say-----and never met Jesus. I think he shows up
at the "last supper"-----which is kinda confusing-------I see that scene as---
SYMBOLIC too------not historical------but then again ----I is a jew

My apologies.

I'm sure that Hitler used this verse in private if not public to provide a moral basis for the final solution for those who couldn't stomach the proposal.. I also know that many Muslims have cited to me verses about Jesus claiming to bring a sword and claim that Mohammed was the fulfillment of the promise of a last prophet, and Jesus' prophecies about God sending the spirit of truth, to justifies their barbaric slaughters in the name of God.

Don't even many Jews expect a messiah to fulfill the prophecies about the wicked being killed by the sword?

Isn't this why Jesus was laughed to scorn when he taught to love your enemies and turn the other cheek?

I doubt if they could perceive that the wielders of those "swords"would be purported followers of Christianity and that they would be the targets. Did Jesus know what was coming? If so, he didn't warn the Jews. And if the reports of Jewish obsequiousness in the face of annihilation are true, the teachings of Jesus must have had some merit with his Jewish brethren.[/QUOTE

Irosie91 said:
you got that WIELDERS of the SWORD allusion in the OT? -----I do remember that Jesus said something like "I come with a sword" in reference to himself---in
one of the gospels----but I do not remember a sword allusion in Isaiah's prophecy of the Messianic age. As to jesus being scorned over the turn the cheek thing----the only people I have ever encountered who sneered at that one were muslims------in current times. ------Jesus said stuff very similar to Jeremiah who was
constantly threatening DIRE stuff-------DESTRUCTION and ----woe .....etc.
What reports of jewish obsequiousness in the face of annihilation? ----you got
a citation? -----the turn the cheek allusion and ----bend like a reed stuff is not
an allusion to obsequiousness. ----HOWEVER there were political guys at that time who counselled ------"lets compromise" all the time----One of them was
JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS----but he was by no means the only COMPRMISER

you seem to have all sorts of stuff mixed up like a mixed salad.

You seemed to be inferring that there was some prophetical connection to the holocaust during the time of Jesus. Is that what you are saying? If so, my response should make sense. If you were talking about something else, well....
I doubt if they could perceive that the wielders of those "swords"would be purported followers of Christianity and that they would be the targets.

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lifts the sword to kill is bound by the sword to be killed."

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