Zone1 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the only true and living Church today

Yes. Jesus. That's who I'm going with. He started the RCC. He commissioned His right hand man, St. Peter, to be the first pope, and we've had an unbroken line since.
Really? Do you have any document that says he started the Roman Catholic Church? The first time "Catholic Church" is used is in 590 A.D. when it was first established. There is no indication the word "Pope" was used with Peter. The name "Peter" means little rock. Jesus Chris is the "Big" Rock of Revelation. So, all Peter became was the leader or President of His Church and the Prophet of God. When Peter was killed, the next apostle became the President and Prophet of God. As apostles were killed off, they were replace until eventually the apostacy created the position where no apostles were called. Eventually, all apostles were removed from the earth and no new ones were called. Therefore, since apostles are prophets, no new President and Prophet could be called. This ended the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth in the Eastern world. There were still apostles and prophets in the America's as the full apostacy there did not begin until 421 A.D. At that time, the Church of Jesus Christ was gone from the world. The Great Apostacy began and did not end until the heavens were again opened in 1820 when The Holy Ghost opened the heavens to the Prophet Joseph Smith. That is where Jesus Christ told him that through him, the apostacy would end and His Church would be restored to the earth, just as Daniel had prophesied for our behalf to know. The RCC, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox and Protestant Church had polluted the Everlasting Gospel, changing the doctrines and ordinances to where none of their teachings and ordinances were true. Their hearts and minds were so closed and hardened that the Lord could not use them to restore His Church. Thus, an unlearned young man, not polluted with unrighteous dogma, would be the instrument of the Lord to restore the true and full Gospel of Jesus Christ since it was broken in 100 A.D.
Really? Do you have any document that says he started the Roman Catholic Church? The first time "Catholic Church" is used is in 590 A.D. when it was first established. There is no indication the word "Pope" was used with Peter. The name "Peter" means little rock. Jesus Chris is the "Big" Rock of Revelation. So, all Peter became was the leader or President of His Church and the Prophet of God. When Peter was killed, the next apostle became the President and Prophet of God. As apostles were killed off, they were replace until eventually the apostacy created the position where no apostles were called. Eventually, all apostles were removed from the earth and no new ones were called. Therefore, since apostles are prophets, no new President and Prophet could be called. This ended the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth in the Eastern world. There were still apostles and prophets in the America's as the full apostacy there did not begin until 421 A.D. At that time, the Church of Jesus Christ was gone from the world. The Great Apostacy began and did not end until the heavens were again opened in 1820 when The Holy Ghost opened the heavens to the Prophet Joseph Smith. That is where Jesus Christ told him that through him, the apostacy would end and His Church would be restored to the earth, just as Daniel had prophesied for our behalf to know. The RCC, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox and Protestant Church had polluted the Everlasting Gospel, changing the doctrines and ordinances to where none of their teachings and ordinances were true. Their hearts and minds were so closed and hardened that the Lord could not use them to restore His Church. Thus, an unlearned young man, not polluted with unrighteous dogma, would be the instrument of the Lord to restore the true and full Gospel of Jesus Christ since it was broken in 100 A.D.

Wow. Is that what the Mormons teach?
Really? Do you have any document that says he started the Roman Catholic Church? The first time "Catholic Church" is used is in 590 A.D. when it was first established. There is no indication the word "Pope" was used with Peter. The name "Peter" means little rock. Jesus Chris is the "Big" Rock of Revelation. So, all Peter became was the leader or President of His Church and the Prophet of God. When Peter was killed, the next apostle became the President and Prophet of God. As apostles were killed off, they were replace until eventually the apostacy created the position where no apostles were called. Eventually, all apostles were removed from the earth and no new ones were called. Therefore, since apostles are prophets, no new President and Prophet could be called. This ended the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth in the Eastern world. There were still apostles and prophets in the America's as the full apostacy there did not begin until 421 A.D. At that time, the Church of Jesus Christ was gone from the world. The Great Apostacy began and did not end until the heavens were again opened in 1820 when The Holy Ghost opened the heavens to the Prophet Joseph Smith. That is where Jesus Christ told him that through him, the apostacy would end and His Church would be restored to the earth, just as Daniel had prophesied for our behalf to know. The RCC, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox and Protestant Church had polluted the Everlasting Gospel, changing the doctrines and ordinances to where none of their teachings and ordinances were true. Their hearts and minds were so closed and hardened that the Lord could not use them to restore His Church. Thus, an unlearned young man, not polluted with unrighteous dogma, would be the instrument of the Lord to restore the true and full Gospel of Jesus Christ since it was broken in 100 A.D.

For starters Smith got Daniel completely wrong. Did he have any education?
Really? Do you have any document that says he started the Roman Catholic Church? The first time "Catholic Church" is used is in 590 A.D. when it was first established. There is no indication the word "Pope" was used with Peter. The name "Peter" means little rock. Jesus Chris is the "Big" Rock of Revelation. So, all Peter became was the leader or President of His Church and the Prophet of God. When Peter was killed, the next apostle became the President and Prophet of God. As apostles were killed off, they were replace until eventually the apostacy created the position where no apostles were called. Eventually, all apostles were removed from the earth and no new ones were called. Therefore, since apostles are prophets, no new President and Prophet could be called. This ended the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth in the Eastern world. There were still apostles and prophets in the America's as the full apostacy there did not begin until 421 A.D. At that time, the Church of Jesus Christ was gone from the world. The Great Apostacy began and did not end until the heavens were again opened in 1820 when The Holy Ghost opened the heavens to the Prophet Joseph Smith. That is where Jesus Christ told him that through him, the apostacy would end and His Church would be restored to the earth, just as Daniel had prophesied for our behalf to know. The RCC, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox and Protestant Church had polluted the Everlasting Gospel, changing the doctrines and ordinances to where none of their teachings and ordinances were true. Their hearts and minds were so closed and hardened that the Lord could not use them to restore His Church. Thus, an unlearned young man, not polluted with unrighteous dogma, would be the instrument of the Lord to restore the true and full Gospel of Jesus Christ since it was broken in 100 A.D.
Matt. 16:18
Wow. Is that what the Mormons teach?
We teach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith was told directly by The Father and Son in person not to join any of the different sects and religion for they were all wrong. They lost the authority and polluted the Gospel and Ordinances. But, as prophesied in the Bible, Jesus would restore His Church and give them the fulness of the Gospel and authority to perform the ordinances correctly. I've given you Biblical scripture and you still harden your heart. Sad.
We teach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith was told directly by The Father and Son in person not to join any of the different sects and religion for they were all wrong. They lost the authority and polluted the Gospel and Ordinances. But, as prophesied in the Bible, Jesus would restore His Church and give them the fulness of the Gospel and authority to perform the ordinances correctly. I've given you Biblical scripture and you still harden your heart. Sad.
That's what John Smith claimed yet he didn't know anything about Daniel.
For starters Smith got Daniel completely wrong. Did he have any education?
Ya, what is wrong? The Stone is representation of the Rock Jesus Christ. And, that the Stone would divide up and fill the earth meaning an organization would be established that carried Jesus Christ Gospel to all the world. And, all this in the last days of the world. Do you have any education? And, by the way, Isaiah speaks of the book from the ground that would be found and the educated would not be able to read it. But, there would be a young man come along, uneducated, that would be able to translate it and read it. And this would be a marvellous work and a wonder, in which the Book of Mormon certainly is. All this in the last days of the earth. So, the reason Joseph Smith was chosen was because he was young, unlearned and not polluted by the doctrine of men and therefore teachable. So, he was chosen because of his faith and desire to know the truth.
Matt. 16:18
Yep, and the Church began. But, like that which happened many times before when Israel was swept away and then Judah because of their hardness of their hearts polluting the Gospel in their days, it happened again after John in 100 A.D. Paul even said it would happen that there would be a falling away (apostacy) again. For the Church to not be destroyed, Jesus took it from the earth and the heavens closed for centuries. The writings were left for those who want the Gospel, but it was not complete anymore. Churches became wicked. As stated, and you can look it up, a new church was formed in 590 A.D. that gained interest and power. That's when the first time it was named the Roman Catholic Church and not The Church of Jesus Christ. "Do all things in the name of Jesus Christ." Especially names, Holmes.
That's what John Smith claimed yet he didn't know anything about Daniel.
He doesn't need to know anything about Daniel. Daniel's words are all he needs. That the king saw the last days. That the Church would be restored to the earth again and divide and conquer or fill the earth.
He doesn't need to know anything about Daniel. Daniel's words are all he needs. That the king saw the last days. That the Church would be restored to the earth again and divide and conquer or fill the earth.

Holy cow. There was no Daniel. It was written by Jewish Sages in 164 BC to give the Jews a history of their survival during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanies and hope.
Yep, and the Church began. But, like that which happened many times before when Israel was swept away and then Judah because of their hardness of their hearts polluting the Gospel in their days, it happened again after John in 100 A.D. Paul even said it would happen that there would be a falling away (apostacy) again. For the Church to not be destroyed, Jesus took it from the earth and the heavens closed for centuries. The writings were left for those who want the Gospel, but it was not complete anymore. Churches became wicked. As stated, and you can look it up, a new church was formed in 590 A.D. that gained interest and power. That's when the first time it was named the Roman Catholic Church and not The Church of Jesus Christ. "Do all things in the name of Jesus Christ." Especially names, Holmes.

Isaiah 29:4 isn't about John Smith.

Holy cow. There was no Daniel. It was written by Jewish Sages in 164 BC to give the Jews a history of their survival during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanies and hope.
So you say. Yes, there was a Daniel. You are just drinking the cool-aid.
Matthew 24:15
15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand).

Jesus Christ recognized that Daniel did exist and that he truly was a prophet. I think the words of Jesus are much more reliable than Surada.
Matthew 24:15
15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand).

Jesus Christ recognized that Daniel did exist and that he truly was a prophet. I think the words of Jesus are much more reliable that Surada.
All I’ve read on the subject from their point of view is it was written in 164 BC dealing with the Maccabees. Yet, I never see their reason for this. I can see Judaism not calling Daniel a prophet because they would have to re-think a lot of what they teach about today. Including the Messiah.
Could the Book be used for motivation for the Maccabees? I suppose so. But, it’s not about their time frame.
So you say. Yes, there was a Daniel. You are just drinking the cool-aid.

Nope. It's a story set in the court of Nebuchadnezzar, but it was written in 164 BC. The main story is about Antiochus IV was, how he defiled the temple and persecuted the Jews . He forbid circumcision. He was trying to Hellenize them. Do you even know who he was? Do you know he turned the temple into the Abomination of Desolation? Do you know about the Maccabees?

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