The CIA and Russian Hacking


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
The CIA is purportedly reached the conclusion that the Russians were behind the hacking of the DNC and Podesta emails. This leaves me less certain than more certain. Perhaps if the CIA had a track record of being right when important decisions were before us, but sadly they don't.

The CIA are the ones who told us that they were absolutely certain that a factory was being used to create Chemical Weapons. President Bill Clinton ordered it bombed, and we were roundly chastised in the Worlds Press for bombing an Asperin factory.

Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory - Wikipedia

We were certain thanks to the CIA, and we were wrong, again thanks to the CIA. Iraqi WMD's, assessments of groups that were actually Terrorists that the CIA said were moderate. It's not a question of what the CIA got wrong, it's more along the lines of what they ever got right?

The CIA has a long history of missing things, or getting them wrong. The CIA somehow missed the massing of troops in North Korea before the invasion of the South in 1950. The CIA was wrong about China coming into that same war. Oh they'll never do it.

The CIA got quite a bit wrong, screwed up quite a bit, but that's not all. The Walker Spy Ring was able to work right under their noses for decades. Despite overwhelming evidence that someone was tipping the Soviet's off, nobody in the CIA thought to question Aldrich Ames, one of the few people with access to all the information that had leaked to the Soviets.

It goes on, and on, and on. CIA screw up after CIA mistake. Now, with this record in mind, we turn to the claim that the CIA is certain that the Russians were involved in the hacking of the DNC and Podesta emails. OK, first let's go back a bit. Wasn't it the FBI, State, and CIA departments that told us they were certain that nobody hacked Hillary's email server?

How certain are they, more or less certain than they were that the Asperin factory was making VX gas? Are you more certain, or less that Iraq had WMD's?

That's what so funny to me. People who would be swearing that the CIA is making it up if the President was W are the same ones who are stomping their foot now and screaming that the CIA are certain and why isn't that good enough for you?

Yes Obama is President. Yes, Obama's appointed Director is in charge. The problem is that the drones in the basement who are the ones putting together the reports are the same drones who were in the basement when the Boston Bombers were identified by Russian Intelligence and who were unable to overcome a "typo" to identify them before dozens were killed and wounded.

Telling me the CIA is certain is sort of like telling me you have the perfect system for beating the Lottery. I'm going to admit that you might, might be right. However I'm not going to empty my Savings account on the chance that you might be right. I may hand you a dollar and tell you to put me in on some of that action, but I'm not buying in all the way.

So no, telling me the CIA is certain is not in any way proof of anything in my mind. I've learned to be suspicious of the CIA. Because I can't help but remember that the CIA was the first folks out there asking what the hell the Arab Spring was, and assuring the administration that the dictators who were being protested against, were going to put the riots down and restore order. Fall of the Berlin Wall, nobody saw that coming.

Yeah, I'm saying the CIA tends to see what isn't there, and doesn't see what is there. IF the CIA came out and swore it wasn't the Russians, I'd probably suspect the Russians a lot more.
This is the same CIA THAT...
- Was exposed as having hacked / spied on CONGRESS
- Was running weapons to Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - and to ISIS.

I think believing Barry when he said if you liked your plan you could keep it would be a smarter move...
This is the same CIA who is far better with cyber tracking than the two posters pretending above.

The Russian hacking is and will continue to rip a huge hole in the Trump presidency.
This is the same CIA who is far better with cyber tracking than the two posters pretending above.

The Russian hacking is and will continue to rip a huge hole in the Trump presidency.
Sorry snowflake, the only hole ripped was the one in your ass when Trump defeated Hillary and turned your world upside down. :p
Which email did they think was the most damaging to the Democrat party?
Collusion with media behind the scenes? Bernie set up as a patsy? The private opinion and the public opinion for the masses?
The DNC exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes, and Anti-Semites?
This is the same CIA who is far better with cyber tracking than the two posters pretending above.

The Russian hacking is and will continue to rip a huge hole in the Trump presidency.
Sorry snowflake, the only hole ripped was the one in your ass when Trump defeated Hillary and turned your world updide down. :p
Trump won with 11 million less votes, which, along with the hacking, is wrecking his coming presidency already.

Not a thing you people can do about it.
This is the same CIA who is far better with cyber tracking than the two posters pretending above.

The Russian hacking is and will continue to rip a huge hole in the Trump presidency.
Sorry snowflake, the only hole ripped was the one in your ass when Trump defeated Hillary and turned your world updide down. :p
Trump won with 11 million less votes, which, along with the hacking, is wrecking his coming presidency already.

Not a thing you people can do about it.
Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%
Trump won with 11 million less votes, which, along with the hacking, is wrecking his coming presidency already.
Not a thing you people can do about it.

1. Jakey, when did the number jump fron 3 million to 11 million? Every time you post that number gets higher and higher... :p

2. How's that 'Popular Vote Win' thing working out for you? :lmao:

3. The 'Popular Vote' claim is the snowflakes' 'Participation Trophy' for being in the race but getting their ass kicked. :p

4. 'Winning' the Popular Vote and $6 - $8 will get snowflakes a Mocha Latte at Starbucks... that's about it.
Trump got 62 mm votes, and another 73 mm voted against him.

The popular vote is working out that public push back, the intel agencies, Obama, and GOP congress is grind Trump to halt before he gets started.
The trumpelthinskins are panicking.

This is not turning out as they hoped. It will be far worse.
"Eisenhower had also authorized the assassination of Fidel Castro. When that didn't work out, he authorized a half-assed invasion of Cuban that came to fruition right after Kennedy became president, the Bay of Pigs. As the clownish plot fell apart in the first minutes of the "invasion," the CIA and some elements of the military tried to get Kennedy to U.S. commit Air Force, Naval and Army resources. He thought they were all out of their minds and realized he had made a terrible mistake by keeping Dulles-- who was completely senile by then-- in office. Again, from The Brothers:

At White House meetings the next day, Kennedy fended off more pleas that he send U.S. forces to support the Bay of Pigs invaders. The strongest came from his chief of naval operations, Admiral Arleigh Burke, who came into the Oval Office late in the evening with an equally agited [CIA official Richard] Bissell.

"Let me take two jets and shoot down this enemy aircraft," Burke pleaded.

"No," Kennedy replied. "I don't want to get the United States involved with this."

"Can I not send in an airstrike?"


"Can we send in a few planes?"

"No, because they could be identified as United States."

"Can we paint out their numbers?"


Grasping for options, Burke asked if Kennedy would authorize artillery attacks on Cuban forces from American destroyers. The answer was the same: "No."

Later that day Kennedy told an aide, "I probably made a mistake keeping Allen Dulles."

…More than one hundred of the invaders had died. Most of the rest were rounded up and imprisoned. For Castro it was a supreme, ecstatic triumph. Kennedy was staggered.

"How can I have been so stupid?" he wondered aloud.

Others were equally stunned. Criticism of the CIA, in both the press and Congress, rose to unprecedented intensity. Allen was not spared. The cover story in Time, headlined "The Cuba Disaster," questioned his very concept of intelligence.

…If Allen had not yet confronted the implications of the Bay of Pigs disaster, Kennedy had. In private he cursed "CIA bastards" for luring him into it, and wished he could "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds."

He should have. America would have been much better off. But all he did was fire Dulles, too late to prevent the horrors the Dulles brothers committed in our names in Guatemala, Iran, Indonesia, Vietnam, not to mention the Congo and Cuba."
JFK Wished He Could Splinter The CIA 'Into A Thousand Pieces And Scatter It Into The Winds'
The only hacking that went on was done by the intelligence agencies. Hillary's worst crime was getting intelligence agents killed.
Trump got 62 mm votes, and another 73 mm voted against him.

The popular vote is working out that public push back, the intel agencies, Obama, and GOP congress is grind Trump to halt before he gets started.
The false narratives, liberal propaganda, and snowflake butt-hurt, as Hillary proclaimed, is only 'undermining the very pillars on which our Democracy rests'.

Hillary lost. Get over it. Slap some 'Political Prep H' on your ass, buck-up, and move on.

('Florida' f*ed you guys up for decades to 2016 has driven you bat-shit crazy - there is no coming back from tjis, I fear. :p)
The trumpelthinskins are panicking. This is not turning out as they hoped. It will be far worse.
You could NOT be more wrong if you tried... :p

Eight years later, under the leadership of Barack Hussein Obama, the Democratic Party has been decimated.

In elections last night Democrats are now down to 48 senators, a minority.

Democrats are down to 192 members of Congress.

And Democrats lost the White House.

Under President Obama, Democrats have lost over 900 state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats.

In Eight Years Barack Obama Has Obliterated the Democrat Party in Record Numbers
The cia is an unconstitutional and therefore illegal govt "agency" whose only purpose is to break the law. Get rid of them, as well as the FBI. They're liars, thugs, murderers and propagandists.
Trump lost the PV by more than eleven million votes.

HRC beat him by four million votes.

The GOP Congress and the intel agencies and Obama and the hacking issues are forcing Trump to knuckle his fore head already.

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