The Civil War was all about slavery.....the 11 democrat party states that left the Union said so...

The Civil War was over slavery bro..

The fact that there were racists in the North doesn't change it...since we are the ones who have been telling yall that America was founded on why do you think pointing that there were racists up north is a retort?
Cause of Reconstruction II: Whites Who Are Born Rich Deplore and
Fear All Other White People

Racism is realism. Slavery is punishment. Humanoids who act like wild animals need to be tamed.

The opposite of racism is Birth-Class Supremacy.
Only a simpleton says that
The CW was about $$$$$$$$ for the NORTH

For the South it was about something completely different. It was about freedom from Northern oppression
Lincoln started the civil war over the economy. HE FUCKING SAID SO.
The only person who "started" the Civil war was the guy in Charleston Harbor who ignited the first mortar barrage against Ft. Sumpter. He took his own life shortly after the war. Lincoln was a fool and he relied on other fools who told him that a Civil War wouldn't last more than a summer's fun. Dilettante hypocrite Unionists who made their money off slavery, rode out to Manassas to watch the fun as the Confederate army engaged the Union for the first time at Bull Run. By sundown they were in panic fleeing back to Washington D.C.
I already made this point years ago...on this very message board...and the main people disagreeing with me up and down about it were -- you guessed it -- know, people like you......

So I assume since you see the evidence is so clear that the Civil War was over think just calling them Democrats is supposed to let Conservatives off the hook?

Cool....can you name me any prominent Conservatives back then who opposed the states' right to own slaves?? I'll wait...

Yeah.....they were called dumb ass....religious conservatives who opposed slavery.

You think you are clever by calling the slave owners conservatives.....but fall on your ass when you have to explain that they were trying to conserve slavery...while religious, christian conservatives, opposed and fought against slavery.....

The guys you defend who fought to keep slavery became twit.
Yeah.....they were called dumb ass....religious conservatives who opposed slavery.

You think you are clever by calling the slave owners conservatives.....but fall on your ass when you have to explain that they were trying to conserve slavery...while religious, christian conservatives, opposed and fought against slavery.....

The guys you defend who fought to keep slavery became twit.
White Southern Slaver Democrats were also religious and used God as a justification for their owning human beings as property.
By the way, the way most of us find these Neo-Confederate arguments trying to deflect from the fact that the war was over slavery -- we will be saying the same thing about "the election was stolen" folks...

One lost cause strategy after another....
The Civil War was NOT about slavery. The Civil War was about whether states had the right to leave the Union.

The North said no. The seceded states said yes. The states seceded because of slavery: but the war, initiated by the North, was definitely about re-capturing the states that had left and joining them by force again to the Union.
You can see that's a lot of country to lose: and a lot of territories to be gained, by somebody.

I suppose this is basically how Putin feels: he wants all those lost states back. So Russia will be more powerful.
White Southern Slaver Democrats were also religious and used God as a justification for their owning human beings as property.

And they were wrong......meanwhile, white, religious conservative, Republicans started fighting democrat party slavers before the Civil War, and fought against the democrat party slavers after the democrat party slavers started the Civil War to keep their slaves....

Conservative is a neutral term, you simply means to conserve something......the democrats wanted to conserve owning black slaves........Republican conservatives wanted to honor the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights created with our new they opposed and eventually fought slavery...

You can try to diminish the democrat parties violent fight to own human beings...but you are just being a dishonest leftist stooge.
The Civil War was NOT about slavery. The Civil War was about whether states had the right to leave the Union.

The North said no. The seceded states said yes. The states seceded because of slavery: but the war, initiated by the North, was definitely about re-capturing the states that had left and joining them by force again to the Union.
You can see that's a lot of country to lose: and a lot of territories to be gained, by somebody.

I suppose this is basically how Putin feels: he wants all those lost states back. So Russia will be more powerful.

Not according to the actual documents from the states that left the the guy in the video explains....all eleven of the states that seceded from the Union stated in their Documents of Secession, that they were leaving over slavery....
The Civil War was NOT about slavery. The Civil War was about whether states had the right to leave the Union.

The North said no. The seceded states said yes. The states seceded because of slavery: but the war, initiated by the North, was definitely about re-capturing the states that had left and joining them by force again to the Union.
You can see that's a lot of country to lose: and a lot of territories to be gained, by somebody.

I suppose this is basically how Putin feels: he wants all those lost states back. So Russia will be more powerful.

The war wasn't initiated by the North....the democrats fired the first shots against a federal military installation....
Not according to the actual documents from the states that left the the guy in the video explains....all eleven of the states that seceded from the Union stated in their Documents of Secession, that they were leaving over slavery....
Yes, leaving over slavery, but fighting over the right to leave. I'm always amazed at how much trouble people have understanding that simple division of issues.
The war wasn't initiated by the North....the democrats fired the first shots against a federal military installation....
The war was definitely initiated by the North, raising an Army and invading Virginia.

Fort Sumter was being resupplied by the Feds in direct opposition to the orders of the sovereign state of South Carolina.

I've been there: you have to go out by boat.
And they were wrong......meanwhile, white, religious conservative, Republicans started fighting democrat party slavers before the Civil War, and fought against the democrat party slavers after the democrat party slavers started the Civil War to keep their slaves....
And yet funnily enough the white religious Republican Party today venerates those same slaver Democrats.
Conservative is a neutral term, you simply means to conserve something......the democrats wanted to conserve owning black slaves........Republican conservatives wanted to honor the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights created with our new they opposed and eventually fought slavery...
Lincoln and the Republicans back then were not conservative, they were all about expanding the role of government. They opposed slavery, they opposed the State's Right to secede, Lincoln introduced the first income tax, was the first to federally fund higher education, no, the Republicans back then were not conservative, learn your history you embarrassing fuckwit.
You can try to diminish the democrat parties violent fight to own human beings...but you are just being a dishonest leftist stooge.
I'm not diminishing it at all. Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis, Nathan Bedford Forrest, those men, those southern, white, democrat men were pieces of shit. I fully embrace that truth and support teaching that truth to all American children, especially little white ones in the South. How about you?
And yet funnily enough the white religious Republican Party today venerates those same slaver Democrats.

Lincoln and the Republicans back then were not conservative, they were all about expanding the role of government. They opposed slavery, they opposed the State's Right to secede, Lincoln introduced the first income tax, was the first to federally fund higher education, no, the Republicans back then were not conservative, learn your history you embarrassing fuckwit.

I'm not diminishing it at all. Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis, Nathan Bedford Forrest, those men, those southern, white, democrat men were pieces of shit. I fully embrace that truth and support teaching that truth to all American children, especially little white ones in the South. How about you?

Nope.....they don't venerate democrat party slave owners......they believe in Federalism and mistakenly use the democrat party slave owner flag to represent Federalism...

I tell them all the time they need to stop using the democrat party slave owner flag.

I believe in teaching the truth that the democrat party was the party of slavery and racism back then, and still is today.......
Nope.....they don't venerate democrat party slave owners......they believe in Federalism and mistakenly use the democrat party slave owner flag to represent Federalism...

I tell them all the time they need to stop using the democrat party slave owner flag.

I believe in teaching the truth that the democrat party was the party of slavery and racism back then, and still is today.......
It's not just the flag, they also protect statues, venerating those democratic slavers and celebrate Robert E Lee day on the same day as MLK day. The community that's going to push back the most on teaching little white children that Robert E Lee was a piece of shit slaver are southern conservative whites who to this day try and pretend he was a hero.

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