The Climate Bozos said "Coal is dead!" Oooops

So sorry you don't like the free market economy. Perhaps you could find someplace that still practices Marxism? Good luck.
yeah that's the issue. haahahahahahahahhaha don't know what your gain is in higher gas prices. interesting that you don't care about Americans and their families.
Are you actually still in Junior High School? Here' s a short hand for you: "I'm Rubber, You're Glue! What Bounces off ME sticks to YOU!"

Hope that helps.
Ah Pee Wee Herman's back.
In context it was effectively meaningless, though.

No, covering it up would be trying to hide WHY gas prices fluctuate in service to some political point.

I wish you luck as a "conservative" because you're gonna need it. If you don't know how the economy works you will be guided by people without your best interest in mind. Good luck. Remember: don't open the e-mails from the Nigerian Prince offering you millions of dollars and DEFINITELY don't buy any bridges.

sOn....consider grabbing a good stock of Hotel Bar Unsalted while you can. November now less than 8 months away. Sitting down for dinner on Turkey Day going to be a hot and stingy experience for some :fingerscrossed: :fingerscrossed:

The clown show ends soon. Come election day, the big bumpy will be.....

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Lol...but Moronland winning. :bye1:
Western governments not giving a shit about renewables because the leaders there don't want to wake up one morning tied to the top of a cold lamp post. That's how it works.

The Oz stuff not being taken seriously by those who make energy policy:up:

EU Fails To Approve Russian Coal Ban As Latest Sanctions Package Delayed Due To "Technical Issue" | ZeroHedge

Your post highlighted the term "weaning". The moron wants to know if the posted understands the meaning of "weaning" as it applies to energy policy?:iyfyus.jpg:

Indeed...the morons know it's all about the geopolitical landscape. Always has been...always will be.
Climate crusading is ghey
Is this the kind of gibberish that passes for deep thoughts in the retard-land? No wonder you idiots adore the orange douche bag. :itsok:
Is this the kind of gibberish that passes for deep thoughts in the retard-land? No wonder you idiots adore the orange douche bag. :itsok:
it's what's necessary to relate to infantile people who are oblivious to reality. just saying.

Watch out for those giant pickles.
Was that so hard? Supporting your claim? Why do people have to beg you guys to support your claims?

Note how it went up when Trump took office too!

Wow, those years under GW Bush were also pretty high!
Not so hard? Must be you couldn’t figure it out
Um, dude, it was YOUR POINT. YOU have to support YOUR point. Asking other people to support your points makes you the laziest dude around.

Sorry to break it to you.
The fact you challenged daily gas prices like it didn’t occur is ludicrous. You’re a baby
The fact you challenged daily gas prices like it didn’t occur is ludicrous.

I hate to have to explain things to what I assume are grown adults: you suggested I could easily find information on the trend of gas prices if I were to drive to the corner gas station. That, of course, is absurd on its face since the number on the gas station for ONE POINT IN TIME (now).

You’re a baby

At least I'm not a drooling moron who can't even keep track of what they said. :)
I hate to have to explain things to what I assume are grown adults: you suggested I could easily find information on the trend of gas prices if I were to drive to the corner gas station. That, of course, is absurd on its face since the number on the gas station for ONE POINT IN TIME (now).

At least I'm not a drooling moron who can't even keep track of what they said. :)
Post the quote
They are dangerous

cave-ins and black lung disease cannot be ignored

but there is no shortage of men willing to take the risk
Coal mining jobs have been steadily decreasing since 1950. Our coal fired power plants are 40 years old and no one is investing in new ones.

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