The Climate Bozos said "Coal is dead!" Oooops

Coal mining jobs have been steadily decreasing since 1950. Our coal fired power plants are 40 years old and no one is investing in new ones.
I have no problem with the natural decline of coal

its the abrupt departure forced by liberal hysteria that I cant support

That good in your book?

Do you know what is in coal? (HINT: It isn't just all carbon and hydrogen and oxygen. It contains about every toxic metal on the Periodic Table. That stuff ends up in the fly ash. That stuff doesn't just magically disappear as the good folks of Tennessee can tell you.)

Coal is an easy mark when the going gets tough in terms of energy. If the junky is feeling dopesick they don't necessarily have the strength or resolve to go to proper treatment. Only a hit of the drug will do. That's where we're at right now.

If we had spent more time developing renewables (and not having to debate science with scientific illiterates) we might be better off when tough times hit. But, no, we can't do that because some folks would rather stick with a worse alternative because it's what is "comfortable" to them. Of course most of them don't know the first foreign thing about coal chemistry.
I have no problem with the natural decline of coal

its the abrupt departure forced by liberal hysteria that I cant support

It wouldn't have to be "abrupt" if we didn't have to toady to environmental morons and scientific illiterates to get them to understand the issue.

Remember when Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House? That was more than 42 years ago. Ronald Reagan gleefully tore them off. The point being that responsible and environmentally conscious forward thinking was for "losers".

Now look at where we are at.

So stop this talk about "abrupt". Some of us started to see the writing on the wall 4 or more decades ago. The fact that the scientific illiterates didn't see it doesn't mean it just magically happened THIS YEAR!
It wouldn't have to be "abrupt" if we didn't have to toady to environmental morons and scientific illiterates to get them to understand the issue.

Remember when Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House? That was more than 42 years ago. Ronald Reagan gleefully tore them off. The point being that responsible and environmentally conscious forward thinking was for "losers".

Now look at where we are at.

So stop this talk about "abrupt". Some of us started to see the writing on the wall 4 or more decades ago. The fact that the scientific illiterates didn't see it doesn't mean it just magically happened THIS YEAR!
ain't you the little ass licker.
It wouldn't have to be "abrupt" if we didn't have to toady to environmental morons and scientific illiterates to get them to understand the issue.

Remember when Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House? That was more than 42 years ago. Ronald Reagan gleefully tore them off. The point being that responsible and environmentally conscious forward thinking was for "losers".

Now look at where we are at.

So stop this talk about "abrupt". Some of us started to see the writing on the wall 4 or more decades ago. The fact that the scientific illiterates didn't see it doesn't mean it just magically happened THIS YEAR!
Reagan could not prevent environmentalists from purchasing the very expensive solar panels in 1980 if they wanted to

but very few libs were willing to pay that much when coal was so much more affordable
Reagan could not prevent environmentalists from purchasing the very expensive solar panels in 1980 if they wanted to

Not the point. But good that you understand at least a modicum of economics as it applies to new technologies.

but very few libs were willing to pay that much when coal was so much more affordable

...perhaps I spoke too soon. Sorry, you don't understand how new technology comes on the market.

Are you typing on a COMPUTER? Yeah, about 40 years ago the computer you are typing on right now would have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. The "affordable" ones were nothing even remotely like what you just bought on a whim today.

Huh. It's almost like you are using something that makes your point about alternative energy sources wrong! Fun.
so now you're prejudice to Janitor staffs in the country? Wow, aren't you the compassionate little ass licker.

I honestly wish I knew what it was about people licking anuses that fascinated you so, but I guess maybe I don't really want to know that.

Please continue. No wish to harsh your mellow.

Your witty bon mots are a joy to read.
Are you typing on a COMPUTER? Yeah, about 40 years ago the computer you are typing on right now would have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. The "affordable" ones were nothing even remotely like what you just bought on a whim today.
You are not well enough informed to comment on this topic

40 years ago was the heyday of the very affordable Apple II, Atari, and king of them all, the Commodore 64

Right after than came IBM PC and the PC clones
You are not well enough informed to comment on this topic

LOL. OK. OOps, I'm sitting here in the offices of a major computer manufacturer. I must be confused.

40 years ago was the heyday of the very affordable Apple II, Atari, and king of them all, the Commodore 64

And NONE of them were as powerful as what you have in your phone, let alone your laptop. And if you wanted that power, IF you could purchase it, it would have been waaay beyond even your entire household's income at that time.

Right after than came IBM PC and the PC clones

LOL. Yeah, I started in my career working on an IBM PC.
I honestly wish I knew what it was about people licking anuses that fascinated you so, but I guess maybe I don't really want to know that.

Please continue. No wish to harsh your mellow.

Your witty bon mots are a joy to read.
yeah, ass lickers are good little sheep. It's just less words to say ass licker.

I bet all the janitors in this country are glad your around.
And NONE of them were as powerful as what you have in your phone, let alone your laptop.
And you think that happened because bill clinton or barack obama led the nation to faster pc’s?

it was thanks to the free market not government telling consumers what to buy
yeah, ass lickers are good little sheep. It's just less words to say ass licker.

I bet all the janitors in this country are glad your around.

I am LOVING how "faux outraged" you are over my suggestion you are a janitor as if I don't respect janitors, but meanwhile you are calling me a grotesque name.

Hypocrisy is fun to see, but it's also sad when people lack sufficient education to even TRY to sound clever in the process.

I guess your explicit homophobia is somehow better than my possible suggestion that janitors are less than.

Or maybe I just hit a bit too close to home.

Either way, there's a clean-up on Aisle 9. Some kid threw up. Better get out the sawdust.
And you think that happened because bill clinton or barack obama led the nation to faster pc’s?

No I think that's what happens when the market takes its time to develop superior technology which then scales to become cheap.

Only difference with alternative energy is that we can't wait for the market (which is inherently slow) to push the change.

it was thanks to the free market not government telling consumers what to buy

Well, of course you clearly don't know much about what you are speaking if you think petroleum and fossil fuels don't get massive subsidies from the Government

Your points are always easier to make when you do them without any actual infromation!
Only difference with alternative energy is that we can't wait for the market (which is inherently slow) to push the change.
That is your problem

the free market is much wiser than pinheads in government

or pampered activists living off grant money who never worked a day in the private sector

you want to push the lost secrets of Atlantis that no one fully understands before they are ready
That is your problem

Like I said, it's not my problem. It's actually YOURS. You seem to believe that fossil fuels are true free market good. Nothing could be further from the truth. The government is subsidizing them.

the free market is much wiser than pinheads in government

Too bad that's already happening with fossil fuels.

you want to push the lost secrets of Atlantis that no one fully understands before they are ready

I am so sorry that economics and the real world are a mystery to you. But so long as you ignore the subsidies from Government that you LIKE make sure to demonize any others.

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