The Clock that Wasn't a Bomb


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
First of all, the kid didn't “invent” anything! He went to Radio Shack, bought a clock, and put it into a pencil box.

Second, the kid's father is a anti-Islamophobia activist who routinely goes to Sudaj to run for president.

Third, the terror-connected Council on American-Islamic Relations arrived to push the Islamophobia narrative immediately.

So, the media and Obozo immediately fall for it and Emir Hussein Obama's inviting the “inventor” to the White House.

Is there anything we can believe out of the media any more? Read the story @ The Back Story Behind the Muzzie Kid Who Made the 'Clock' That School Mistook for a Bomb
What the kid DID do is build a detonator.

  1. A detonator is a device used to trigger an explosive device. Detonators can be chemically, mechanically, or electrically initiated, the latter two being the most common.
    Detonator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So I guess the lesson school districts across the country will learn here, is that if you're going to have "zero tolerance" policies, you had better make sure they only apply to white students.

I wonder what would have happened if this kid had tried to get this contraption on an airliner ?

Would it had been racism if a TSA agent pulled him aside and started asking questions ?
So the device had maybe 75% of the components needed for a small bomb....minus the explosive material obviously.

But....a toy rifle? Less than 20% if that of the parts of a real gun....and liberals would PANIC if the kid brought a toy gun to school and demand he be expelled.
Imagine if Bubba Ray brought a toy gun to school and showed his football coach and said "I invented a water pistol coach!!" And he then whipped it out in class......well....we know how that would go.
You may not like it but the reality is that if you see a sand flea with any sort of device with wiring, then you you shoot first and ask questions later. What really irritates me is that this punk is still alive.

Hey, there are a lot of things I don't like but am forced to put up with for the greater good.
Granny says, "Dat's just plain nuts...

Muslim teen not to return to school that got him arrested
Sep 18, 2015, A Muslim boy in the US arrested over a homemade clock on Friday said he will not return to the school where teachers got him arrested for an invention that "looked like a bomb" as more support gathered for the 14-year-old, with people questioning the real motive of his detention.
Ninth-grader Ahmed Mohamed from Irving in Texas does not wish to return to MacArthur High and is searching for another school though his three-day suspension came to an end on Friday, the CNN reported. The teen's family stated that they will consider other schools, possibly even some outside of the US. Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed said his son will either enroll at a private school or be home schooled. Mohamed's handcuffing and arrest over an innocent attempt to impress his teachers with his homemade clock sparked a debate, including on social media where netizens questioned the real motive of teachers and authorities amid fears of Islamophobia as the child in question was of brown skin and a Muslim.

Some Facebook users shared a post that suggested the authorities never really thought the teen had a real bomb and wanted to "humiliate a little Muslim, African boy". The post highlighted why the school was not immediately evacuated following the beep and discovery of the clock — a circuit board and power supply wired to a digital display, all strapped inside a case with a tiger hologram on the front. "... they (authorities) didn't evacuate the school — like you do when there's a bomb. They didn't call a bomb squad — like you do when there's a bomb. They didn't get as far away from him as possible — like you do when there's a bomb. Then they put him and the clock in an office — not like you do when there's a bomb. Then they waited with him for the police to arrive. Then they put the clock in the same car as the police. Then they took pictures of it ..." it read.

After the Sudanese-American found support in US President Barack Obama and Facebook cofounder Mark Zuckerberg, an astrophysicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology called him "an ideal student" and said that he is the kind of student who deserves to be at MIT or Harvard. "If there's any possibility that you can come visit us at MIT, I would love to give you a tour of the centre for theoretical physics and the Kavli Institute for Astrophysics. You are the kind of student that we want at places like MIT and Harvard," she told Mohamed on a TV show.

Mohamed has earlier said he wants to attend MIT for college. Last night, the teen's father told a prayer rally outside his home that he was still hoping for more explanation as to why his son had been treated the way he was. "What happened to my son doesn't look like America," he was quoted as saying by the CBS. "It's not something good. It's not something right. It's wrong."

Muslim teen not to return to school that got him arrested - The Times of India
I knew his story was a crock of shit....I've seen kids get sent the fuck home for wearing the wrong t-shirt to school pr having a lump in thier backpacks....this kid should know as do the whole fuckin country, we are dead serious about percieved terrorist and everyone including a blonde blue eyed white fuck that shot up 9 innocent people are SUSPECT UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE...AND Mr. President you want to some really good public PR for the white house, how about inviting some black motherfucker that survived a cops bullet and actually got arrested and had a day in court.....if that don't boost moral, nothing will
Granny says, "Dat's just plain nuts...

Muslim teen not to return to school that got him arrested
Sep 18, 2015, A Muslim boy in the US arrested over a homemade clock on Friday said he will not return to the school where teachers got him arrested for an invention that "looked like a bomb" as more support gathered for the 14-year-old, with people questioning the real motive of his detention.
Ninth-grader Ahmed Mohamed from Irving in Texas does not wish to return to MacArthur High and is searching for another school though his three-day suspension came to an end on Friday, the CNN reported. The teen's family stated that they will consider other schools, possibly even some outside of the US. Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed said his son will either enroll at a private school or be home schooled. Mohamed's handcuffing and arrest over an innocent attempt to impress his teachers with his homemade clock sparked a debate, including on social media where netizens questioned the real motive of teachers and authorities amid fears of Islamophobia as the child in question was of brown skin and a Muslim.

Some Facebook users shared a post that suggested the authorities never really thought the teen had a real bomb and wanted to "humiliate a little Muslim, African boy". The post highlighted why the school was not immediately evacuated following the beep and discovery of the clock — a circuit board and power supply wired to a digital display, all strapped inside a case with a tiger hologram on the front. "... they (authorities) didn't evacuate the school — like you do when there's a bomb. They didn't call a bomb squad — like you do when there's a bomb. They didn't get as far away from him as possible — like you do when there's a bomb. Then they put him and the clock in an office — not like you do when there's a bomb. Then they waited with him for the police to arrive. Then they put the clock in the same car as the police. Then they took pictures of it ..." it read.

After the Sudanese-American found support in US President Barack Obama and Facebook cofounder Mark Zuckerberg, an astrophysicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology called him "an ideal student" and said that he is the kind of student who deserves to be at MIT or Harvard. "If there's any possibility that you can come visit us at MIT, I would love to give you a tour of the centre for theoretical physics and the Kavli Institute for Astrophysics. You are the kind of student that we want at places like MIT and Harvard," she told Mohamed on a TV show.

Mohamed has earlier said he wants to attend MIT for college. Last night, the teen's father told a prayer rally outside his home that he was still hoping for more explanation as to why his son had been treated the way he was. "What happened to my son doesn't look like America," he was quoted as saying by the CBS. "It's not something good. It's not something right. It's wrong."

Muslim teen not to return to school that got him arrested - The Times of India


You got arrested you idiot because we get a little nervous when you rag heads build shit that ain't eatable!!
Granny says, "Dat's just plain nuts...

Muslim teen not to return to school that got him arrested
Sep 18, 2015, A Muslim boy in the US arrested over a homemade clock on Friday said he will not return to the school where teachers got him arrested for an invention that "looked like a bomb" as more support gathered for the 14-year-old, with people questioning the real motive of his detention.
Ninth-grader Ahmed Mohamed from Irving in Texas does not wish to return to MacArthur High and is searching for another school though his three-day suspension came to an end on Friday, the CNN reported. The teen's family stated that they will consider other schools, possibly even some outside of the US. Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed said his son will either enroll at a private school or be home schooled. Mohamed's handcuffing and arrest over an innocent attempt to impress his teachers with his homemade clock sparked a debate, including on social media where netizens questioned the real motive of teachers and authorities amid fears of Islamophobia as the child in question was of brown skin and a Muslim.

Some Facebook users shared a post that suggested the authorities never really thought the teen had a real bomb and wanted to "humiliate a little Muslim, African boy". The post highlighted why the school was not immediately evacuated following the beep and discovery of the clock — a circuit board and power supply wired to a digital display, all strapped inside a case with a tiger hologram on the front. "... they (authorities) didn't evacuate the school — like you do when there's a bomb. They didn't call a bomb squad — like you do when there's a bomb. They didn't get as far away from him as possible — like you do when there's a bomb. Then they put him and the clock in an office — not like you do when there's a bomb. Then they waited with him for the police to arrive. Then they put the clock in the same car as the police. Then they took pictures of it ..." it read.

After the Sudanese-American found support in US President Barack Obama and Facebook cofounder Mark Zuckerberg, an astrophysicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology called him "an ideal student" and said that he is the kind of student who deserves to be at MIT or Harvard. "If there's any possibility that you can come visit us at MIT, I would love to give you a tour of the centre for theoretical physics and the Kavli Institute for Astrophysics. You are the kind of student that we want at places like MIT and Harvard," she told Mohamed on a TV show.

Mohamed has earlier said he wants to attend MIT for college. Last night, the teen's father told a prayer rally outside his home that he was still hoping for more explanation as to why his son had been treated the way he was. "What happened to my son doesn't look like America," he was quoted as saying by the CBS. "It's not something good. It's not something right. It's wrong."

Muslim teen not to return to school that got him arrested - The Times of India


You got arrested you idiot because we get a little nervous when you rag heads build shit that ain't eatable!!

You some kind of White Supremacist?
So the device had maybe 75% of the components needed for a small bomb....minus the explosive material obviously.

But....a toy rifle? Less than 20% if that of the parts of a real gun....and liberals would PANIC if the kid brought a toy gun to school and demand he be expelled.

They would panic with a wood and rubber band potato shooter
His sister was kicked out of school for threatening to bomb it!

The whole raghead family ought to be sent back to wherever they came from!
Police said they could pick up the clock but so far they have not done so.
The boy was hardly traumatized when he was all smiles and victory signs for the cameras.

Other kids have been arrested and jailed for less. Other kids have been suspended for far less.
Police said they could pick up the clock but so far they have not done so.
The boy was hardly traumatized when he was all smiles and victory signs for the cameras.

Other kids have been arrested and jailed for less. Other kids have been suspended for far less.

But, you have to remember, HE AND HIS FAMILY ARE MUSLIM!!!!! That excuses everything.

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