The college majors that make you the most and the least money

I bet it was hard typing that without putting in a word people dont normally use in everyday conversation so you can try and impress someone.

As far as I can tell, every word in the English language is a mystery and a revelation to someone with your limitations. Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of school in the middle of the third grade.

None of the unnatural words you have used have been a mystery.

"Unnatural words"? :lol: Don't assume your level of ignorance applies to everyone else, moron.

You need simple talk you understand more good? Yes? Hard word make hurt you tiny brain? Yes? Me sorry for you.

As far as I can tell, every word in the English language is a mystery and a revelation to someone with your limitations. Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of school in the middle of the third grade.

None of the unnatural words you have used have been a mystery.

"Unnatural words"? :lol: Don't assume your level of ignorance applies to everyone else, moron.

You need simple talk you understand more good? Yes? Hard word make hurt you tiny brain? Yes? Me sorry for you.


Yes unnatural. You dont have to use big or seldom used words to impress. Just make sense and learn to communicate in the easiest manner possible. You'll be ok once you get that narcissistic chip off your shoulder. Poor Unk. I can see through you. :lol:
None of the unnatural words you have used have been a mystery.

"Unnatural words"? :lol: Don't assume your level of ignorance applies to everyone else, moron.

You need simple talk you understand more good? Yes? Hard word make hurt you tiny brain? Yes? Me sorry for you.


Yes unnatural. You dont have to use big or seldom used words to impress. Just make sense and learn to communicate in the easiest manner possible. You'll be ok once you get that narcissistic chip off your shoulder. Poor Unk. I can see through you. :lol:

Me sorry make you tiny brain hurt.

You take magic 'aspirin,' you

feel better soon.
I think Unk is one of those guys that got beat up a lot in school.

I see you still suck at guessing. You sure do seem to like trying though. It must be connected to your pathological lying somehow.

You exhibit all the classic symptoms. Come on and admit it Unk. You got beat a lot in school even by the cheerleaders right?:lol:

No he ran to Mommy and tattled whenever someone looked at him funny.

That's what pussy pantywaist piss-ants like Ukuntsore do.
I see you still suck at guessing. You sure do seem to like trying though. It must be connected to your pathological lying somehow.

You exhibit all the classic symptoms. Come on and admit it Unk. You got beat a lot in school even by the cheerleaders right?:lol:

No he ran to Mommy and tattled whenever someone looked at him funny.

That's what pussy pantywaist piss-ants like Ukuntsore do.

Now that we've established that you WILL do as you're told, we can actually discuss the OP if you care to. I'm willing to generously let bygones be bygones.
You exhibit all the classic symptoms. Come on and admit it Unk. You got beat a lot in school even by the cheerleaders right?:lol:

No he ran to Mommy and tattled whenever someone looked at him funny.

That's what pussy pantywaist piss-ants like Ukuntsore do.

Now that we've established that you WILL do as you're told, we can actually discuss the OP if you care to. I'm willing to generously let bygones be bygones.

Fuck off Ukuntface.

The only thing we've established here is that your a whining little bitch tattle tale who is too fucking stupid to know that the term rug rat is a common colloquialism.

The sad part is you probably count a 24 hour ban as a victory as pathetic as you are.

Just think of the bed time story you can tell.

"Your daddy was so brave when he tattled to the moderator on the message board and got the mean guy grounded for a day. Now Daddy wants you to grow up and be a piss ant pussy tattle tale just like him."
No he ran to Mommy and tattled whenever someone looked at him funny.

That's what pussy pantywaist piss-ants like Ukuntsore do.

Now that we've established that you WILL do as you're told, we can actually discuss the OP if you care to. I'm willing to generously let bygones be bygones.

Fuck off Ukuntface.

The only thing we've established here is that your a whining little bitch tattle tale who is too fucking stupid to know that the term rug rat is a common colloquialism.

The sad part is you probably count a 24 hour ban as a victory as pathetic as you are.

You seem pretty upset about your 'time out,' but you don't seem to have learned your lesson.

Now, does anyone want to discuss the OP...?
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Now that we've established that you WILL do as you're told, we can actually discuss the OP if you care to. I'm willing to generously let bygones be bygones.

Fuck off Ukuntface.

The only thing we've established here is that your a whining little bitch tattle tale who is too fucking stupid to know that the term rug rat is a common colloquialism.

The sad part is you probably count a 24 hour ban as a victory as pathetic as you are.

You seem pretty upset about your 'time out,' but you don't seem to have learned your lesson.

Too stupid to see that I insulted you and only you in that last line. No surprise there.

Now, does anyone want to discuss the OP...?

What's the matter Ukuntooze? You start with the personal attacks and then you want to get back to the OP?

No one to tattle to anymore little girl?

And I just don't like rats like you so I'll just jump in on any post you make and have a little fun.

I know how to walk the line on the rules so let's see how often I can get you to run to mommy.
Should students who attend college choose their major based on interest/affinity/ability, or on the expectation of a specific future career, or purely on a cost/benefit analysis, or some combination of all these?
What might be the appropriate order of importance in choosing a major (for those who decide college is for them)?

A) interest/affinity/ability

B) the expectation of a specific future career

C) a cost/benefit analysis

This one:

If you really wish to discuss just how and why you are so wrong, send me a PM and I'll direct you to a more appropriate venue for such a discussion.

I'm still waiting...

I must have missed that. Not really interested in discussing much with you because you are a racist. I'll confine my deep discussions to people that actually want to learn instead of being no it alls that get enraged when someone disagrees with them. Better luck next time kid.
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The oil and gas industries need thousands more engineers. And the demand will only increase with time.

Demand will taper off in the future. It's a good field for someone entering now, but it won't be in ten years.
I don't think it will matter who is in the White House. Even if the entire oil and gas industry goes tits up, there will always be a demand for STEM grads, especially in engineering. It's just too hard to find people that can do that work which is why engineering grads have jobs before they finish school and English majors work at Starbucks. And engineering grad with his FE (or better PE and MSEng) will find a job, even if it is not in petroleum engineering. He many have to work outside of the states, but he will work.

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