The college majors that make you the most and the least money

The Most (And Least) Lucrative College Majors, In 1 Graph : Planet Money : NPR

Figures are median income for all full-time workers with bachelor's degrees in each subject. Workers with graduate degrees are not included in the data.


Funny. I have seen other charts that have different rankings. Anyway, my son is a mechanical engineer and his wife is a counselor, He is in the top, and she is in the bottom 10.

They complement each other.
That day is today. Do as you're told.

Post edited by mod for family rule.
Should have done as you were told, apparently.

Like I give a fuck if I'm banned.

The fact that Ukunthair went and tattled to the moderator is not surprising.

And BTW for all you fucking idiots out there the term RUG RAT or RUGRAT is not derogatory or even mildly pejorative

It is a common colloquialism meaning any child too young to attend school.

Rug rat - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

So once again Ukuntwhore the all knowing all powerful all seeing fucking moron doesn't know the definition of a word.
Post edited by mod for family rule.
Should have done as you were told, apparently.

Like I give a fuck if I'm banned.

The fact that Ukunthair went and tattled to the moderator is not surprising.

And BTW for all you fucking idiots out there the term RUG RAT or RUGRAT is not derogatory or even mildly pejorative

It is a common colloquialism meaning any child too young to attend school.

Rug rat - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

So once again Ukuntwhore the all knowing all powerful all seeing fucking moron doesn't know the definition of a word.

Very true

Skull Pilot hates all children not just Unkotare's
Should have done as you were told, apparently.

Like I give a fuck if I'm banned.

The fact that Ukunthair went and tattled to the moderator is not surprising.

And BTW for all you fucking idiots out there the term RUG RAT or RUGRAT is not derogatory or even mildly pejorative

It is a common colloquialism meaning any child too young to attend school.

Rug rat - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

So once again Ukuntwhore the all knowing all powerful all seeing fucking moron doesn't know the definition of a word.

Very true

Skull Pilot hates all children not just Unkotare's

Gee I gave you more credit than you deserve obviously.

It seems you don't know the difference between apathy and hate just like Ukuntwhore.

But then again at least you're not a pantywaist piss poor pretext of a man that runs to Mommy and tattles.
SkullVacant bristles at the knowledge that he must and will do as he's told because, I suspect, he is suffering from (among other things) arrested development, manifesting as a juvenile fear of authority.
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SkullVacant bristles at the knowledge that he must and will do as he's told because, I suspect, he is suffering from (among other things) arrested development, causing him to suffer from a juvenile fear of authority.

I don't fear authority.

I just don't recognize you as an authority because you are a pantywaist little pussy who talks tough but then runs to hide under mommy's skirts.


I think Unk is one of those guys that got beat up a lot in school. He has all the signs. He uses strange words people dont normally use in conversation. He cant seem to get past one liners. He is a narcissist. I bet he takes a martial art or MMA class if he ever gets out of his aunts basement. :lol:
SkullVacant bristles at the knowledge that he must and will do as he's told because, I suspect, he is suffering from (among other things) arrested development, causing him to suffer from a juvenile fear of authority.

I don't fear authority.

I just don't recognize you as an authority because you are a pantywaist little pussy who talks tough but then runs to hide under mommy's skirts.


I think Unk is one of those guys that got beat up a lot in school.

I see you still suck at guessing. You sure do seem to like trying though. It must be connected to your pathological lying somehow.
My wife used to call our kids rug rats. Everyone that did not know the show rug rats may have been confused.

[ame=]rugrats Back to School - YouTube[/ame]
I don't fear authority.

I just don't recognize you as an authority because you are a pantywaist little pussy who talks tough but then runs to hide under mommy's skirts.


I think Unk is one of those guys that got beat up a lot in school.

I see you still suck at guessing. You sure do seem to like trying though. It must be connected to your pathological lying somehow.

You exhibit all the classic symptoms. Come on and admit it Unk. You got beat a lot in school even by the cheerleaders right?:lol:
He uses strange words people dont normally use in conversation.

I see you are still (rightly) embarrassed by your own ignorance and lack of education. Maybe one day you'll develop enough self respect to go out and address your weaknesses instead of just sitting around complaining about them.
He uses strange words people dont normally use in conversation.

I see you are still (rightly) embarrassed by your own ignorance and lack of education. Maybe one day you'll develop enough self respect to go out and address your weaknesses instead of just sitting around complaining about them.

I bet it was hard typing that without putting in a word people dont normally use in everyday conversation so you can try and impress someone. I can see through you Unk. You were picked on as a kid and need positive validation. I will monitor you and let you know when you succumb to your inclinations of narcissism. :lol:
I see you still suck at guessing. You sure do seem to like trying though. It must be connected to your pathological lying somehow.

You exhibit all the classic symptoms. Come on and admit it Unk.

When you guess wrong once, simply repeating the same thing won't make it right. Even you should know that much, moron.

Thats why you should just admit it. You got beat like a red headed step child at school as a youngster. You give off way too many signs. Its ok though if you dont admit it to me. At least admit your problems to yourself or your therapist.
I bet it was hard typing that without putting in a word people dont normally use in everyday conversation so you can try and impress someone.

As far as I can tell, every word in the English language is a mystery and a revelation to someone with your limitations. Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of school in the middle of the third grade.
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I bet it was hard typing that without putting in a word people dont normally use in everyday conversation so you can try and impress someone.

As far as I can tell, every word in the English language is a mystery and a revelation to someone with your limitations. Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of school in the middle of the third grade.

None of the unnatural words you have used have been a mystery. I am only laughing about your use of them when no uses words like "puerile" in everyday speaking. Why don't you just say childish? Not impressive enough to placate your narcissism?
You exhibit all the classic symptoms. Come on and admit it Unk.

When you guess wrong once, simply repeating the same thing won't make it right. Even you should know that much, moron.

Thats [sic] why you should just admit it.

I guess you don't know enough to realize that just repeating something won't make it right. Now you are just making more and more of an ass of yourself, but you must be used to that at this point.

Let me save you a little time on your next post: NO, you are still wrong. If you really wish to discuss just how and why you are so wrong, send me a PM and I'll direct you to a more appropriate venue for such a discussion.

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