The coming police state

No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.

In principle , I would agree with that ...but

Never in a million years they are going to do that...nobody is going to leave "voluntarily" way!

First will come the looting and the robbing and the know, all that.

Human nature. :dunno:
No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.

Illegals can't qualify for welfare.

Of course they do,

""Three-fourths of immigrant households using welfare are headed by legal immigrants"

Report: America attracting poor, uneducated immigrants

No they don't ! Now it IS true that if members of the family are legal or citizens then they can qualify for welfare .

Example , dad is illegal . Mom and kid are citizens . Mom n kid may qualify for food stamps .
They're not allowed to ask hispanic applicants their status.

Sure they do . They ask for social security numbers??
No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.

Illegals can't qualify for welfare.

Of course they do,

""Three-fourths of immigrant households using welfare are headed by legal immigrants"

Report: America attracting poor, uneducated immigrants

No they don't ! Now it IS true that if members of the family are legal or citizens then they can qualify for welfare .

Example , dad is illegal . Mom and kid are citizens . Mom n kid may qualify for food stamps .
They're not allowed to ask hispanic applicants their status.

Sure they do . They ask for social security numbers??
Not in California, they don't. They ask for it, but if the applicant does not provide one, they still get approved (if they're hispanic).
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“This was not a subject that was on anybody’s mind until I brought it up at my announcement.”

— Donald Trump, on immigration, Republican debate, August 6


Not on anyone’s mind? For years, immigration has been the subject of near-constant, often bitter argument within the GOP. But it is true that Trump has brought the debate to a new place — first, with his announcement speech, about whether Mexican migrants are really rapists, and now with the somewhat more nuanced Trump plan.

Much of it — visa tracking, E-Verify, withholding funds from sanctuary cities — predates Trump. Even building the Great Wall is not particularly new. (I, for one, have been advocating that in this space since 2006.) Dominating the discussion, however, are his two policy innovations: (a) abolition of birthright citizenship and (b) mass deportation.

Birthright citizenship.

If you are born in the United States, you are an American citizen. So says the 14th Amendment. Barring some esoteric and radically new jurisprudence, abolition would require amending the Constitution. Which would take years and great political effort. And make the GOP anathema to Hispanic Americans for a generation.

And for what? Birthright citizenship is a symptom, not a cause. If you regain control of the border, the number of birthright babies fades to insignificance. The time and energy it would take to amend the Constitution are far more usefully deployed securing the border.

Moreover, the real issue is not the birthright babies themselves, but the chain migration that follows. It turns one baby into an imported village.

Chain migration, however, is not a constitutional right. It’s a result of statutes and regulations. These can be readily changed. That should be the focus, not a quixotic constitutional battle.

Mass deportation.

Last Sunday, Trump told NBC’s Chuck Todd that all illegal immigrants must leave the country. Although once they’ve been kicked out, we will let “the good ones” back in.

On its own terms, this is crackpot. Wouldn’t you save a lot just on Mayflower moving costs if you chose the “good ones” first — before sending SWAT teams to turf families out of their homes, loading them on buses, and dumping them on the other side of the Rio Grande?

RELATED: Could a President Trump Really Impound All Immigrant Payments to Mexico?

Less frivolously, it is estimated by the conservative American Action Forum that mass deportation would take about 20 years and cost about $500 billion for all the police, judges, lawyers, and enforcement agents — and bus drivers! — needed to expel 11 million people.

This would all be merely ridiculous if it weren’t morally obscene. Forcibly evict 11 million people from their homes? It can’t happen. It shouldn’t happen. And, of course, it won’t ever happen.

Donald Trump’s Fantasy of Mass Deportation Is Political Poison for the GOP, by Charles Krauthammer, National Review
The only thing I disagree with you about is: that it would be morally obscene. The folks here illegally took a gamble. They knew it might be unsuccessful and they knew they might one day have to pay the piper. I think if this mass deportation is acted upon, all their minor children should be deported with them, unless an American citizen is willing to act as guardian (NOT DHHS) for the 'anchor babies.' It is their children, they are responsible for them, not us.
Having said all that, I don't think mass deportation is a practical solution and it shows Trump's lack of honesty that he presents an attractive but completely untenable solution to voters. He must know at least as much as us and if we know how expensive and long - drawn out a process it would be, you can be sure he knows his "plan" won't work. I feel bad for voters who don't think much and have been suckered in by this guy.
No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.

Illegals can't qualify for welfare.

Of course they do,

""Three-fourths of immigrant households using welfare are headed by legal immigrants"

Report: America attracting poor, uneducated immigrants
Did you read your own quote? "Legal immigrants." That's not who we are talking about.

You didn't read what I was responding to, did you?

There are 300 million plus Americans and 11 million illegal aliens. Do the math. Three fourths are legal, that means one quarter are illegal. Did you really not see how that obliterated his argument? Seriously?
No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.

California tried that -- SCOTUS said no.
Maine tried that and illegals don't get benefits.

LOL, a quarter of welfare families prove you wrong. Seriously, you read that 3/4 are legal and you're like, see, they can't get welfare ...


Not the sharpest fork in the shed, are you?
No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.
It will take more than that, but I agree that there is no need to round-up Illegal Aliens; merely establish legal conditions that make it impossible for them to function here.
No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.
It will take more than that, but I agree that there is no need to round-up Illegal Aliens; merely establish legal conditions that make it impossible for them to function here.

Certainly illegal aliens shouldn't be feeding off our system. But that won't deter the worst ones, the criminals at all, we need to keep them out and a wall is a critical part of that solution
No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.
It will take more than that, but I agree that there is no need to round-up Illegal Aliens; merely establish legal conditions that make it impossible for them to function here.

Certainly illegal aliens shouldn't be feeding off our system. But that won't deter the worst ones, the criminals at all, we need to keep them out and a wall is a critical part of that solution
Forgive me, but The Wall is a dumb idea, and, even if it gets built, it will prove unsustainable along a 1500+ mile border, for more than a few years, or a decade or two, and then you'l be able to drive a herd of cattle through the gaping holes. Waste of money.

For every true criminal that comes across there are another 100 or 200 or 300 or more, who are not true criminals, but merely looking to get jobs or suck off the state teat up here.

You don't spend untold billions on a barrier just to keep out a handful of actual criminals; rather, you play the percentages, and work to thwart the hundreds, not the one.

How do you thwart the hundreds? (running into the millions, of course)...

By crafting laws that make it virtually impossible to get a job or housing or a car or a bank account or medical care or educational services or a bank account or to wire money out of the country unless you have a forgery-resistant state-issued ID, a change in policy that mandates proof of citizenship or legal status before acquiring a state ID, and an end to sanctuary cities.

Those already here will leave in droves, and the word will spread quickly that there is no longer any point in sneaking into the US, because the loopholes have been closed and policies have been tightened up and are being vigorously enforced.

Vastly less expensive and far more sustainable over the course of decades, than a simplistic solution like a wall.
No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.
It will take more than that, but I agree that there is no need to round-up Illegal Aliens; merely establish legal conditions that make it impossible for them to function here.

Certainly illegal aliens shouldn't be feeding off our system. But that won't deter the worst ones, the criminals at all, we need to keep them out and a wall is a critical part of that solution
Forgive me, but The Wall is a dumb idea, and, even if it gets built, it will prove unsustainable along a 1500+ mile border, for more than a few years, or a decade or two, and then you'l be able to drive a herd of cattle through the gaping holes. Waste of money.

For every true criminal that comes across there are another 100 or 200 or 300 or more, who are not true criminals, but merely looking to get jobs or suck off the state teat up here.

You don't spend untold billions on a barrier just to keep out a handful of actual criminals; rather, you play the percentages, and work to thwart the hundreds, not the one.

How do you thwart the hundreds? (running into the millions, of course)...

By crafting laws that make it virtually impossible to get a job or housing or a car or a bank account or medical care or educational services or a bank account or to wire money out of the country unless you have a forgery-resistant state-issued ID, a change in policy that mandates proof of citizenship or legal status before acquiring a state ID, and an end to sanctuary cities.

Those already here will leave in droves, and the word will spread quickly that there is no longer any point in sneaking into the US, because the loopholes have been closed and policies have been tightened up and are being vigorously enforced.

Vastly less expensive and far more sustainable over the course of decades, than a simplistic solution like a wall.

Your view we can't maintain a wall is ridiculous. We aren't talking about building a cinder block wall and leaving. And sorry man, where did I say we should only build a wall? In fact I said a wall is a "critical part," I did not say it was the only part.

The wall would dramatically reduce the free access drug cartels have to this country, and it's the only way to stop the criminals who aren't going to be effected by your welfare and government services strategy who commit a large number of crimes in this country.

Elusive crime wave data shows frightening toll of illegal immigrant criminals | Fox News
No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.

California tried that -- SCOTUS said no.
Maine tried that and illegals don't get benefits.

LOL, a quarter of welfare families prove you wrong. Seriously, you read that 3/4 are legal and you're like, see, they can't get welfare ...


Not the sharpest fork in the shed, are you?
No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.

California tried that -- SCOTUS said no.
Maine tried that and illegals don't get benefits.

LOL, a quarter of welfare families prove you wrong. Seriously, you read that 3/4 are legal and you're like, see, they can't get welfare ...


Not the sharpest fork in the shed, are you?

You're going to keep repeating your canard that while immigrants are less than 1/30 of the country, that they are 1/4 of the welfare families proves they can't get welfare anyway though, aren't you?
...Your view we can't maintain a wall is ridiculous...
Oh, we CAN sustain the effort; it's just a matter of expense, and ROI, and cost-benefit ratios, weighed against alternative approaches which also have never been tried.

...We aren't talking about building a cinder block wall and leaving...
My point, also... it's gonna take a great deal of money to maintain the thing in the face of constant pinprick penetrations and tunneling, not to mention the ghastly-expensive high-tech drones, adequate border-patrol staffing to guard the well-being of the wall, as well as the border itself, etc.

...And sorry man, where did I say we should only build a wall? In fact I said a wall is a "critical part," I did not say it was the only part...
I don't think I even so much as alluded to that being what you said.

...The wall would dramatically reduce the free access drug cartels have to this country, and it's the only way to stop the criminals who aren't going to be effected by your welfare and government services strategy who commit a large number of crimes in this country...
Like I said... ROI and Cost-Benefit... cheaper to adopt the Chinese solution, take drug-dealers to a ditch on the edge of town, put a bullet in their brains, and shovel some lime and earth over them, but, barring that, a vastly thinned-out Illegal Aliens population will help to blow their cover, and we thin-out that Illegals population by crafting new laws.

The far bigger problem is controlling illegal immigration of non-criminal types that are also damaging our trades and wage-scales and middle-class standard of living by lowballing.

Let's get the 95% of the problem under control first, and then we can screw-around with the 5%, eh?
No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.

California tried that -- SCOTUS said no.
Maine tried that and illegals don't get benefits.

LOL, a quarter of welfare families prove you wrong. Seriously, you read that 3/4 are legal and you're like, see, they can't get welfare ...


Not the sharpest fork in the shed, are you?

You're going to keep repeating your canard that while immigrants are less than 1/30 of the country, that they are 1/4 of the welfare families proves they can't get welfare anyway though, aren't you?
Be careful of using statistical studies from different places when you make your arguments. I tried doing that with welfare stats and ended up with more blacks on welfare than live in the United States. It gets tricky. But no, I'm not going to argue with you anymore. You know everything.
...Your view we can't maintain a wall is ridiculous...
Oh, we CAN sustain the effort; it's just a matter of expense, and ROI, and cost-benefit ratios, weighed against alternative approaches which also have never been tried.

...We aren't talking about building a cinder block wall and leaving...
My point, also... it's gonna take a great deal of money to maintain the thing in the face of constant pinprick penetrations and tunneling, not to mention the ghastly-expensive high-tech drones, adequate border-patrol staffing to guard the well-being of the wall, as well as the border itself, etc.

...And sorry man, where did I say we should only build a wall? In fact I said a wall is a "critical part," I did not say it was the only part...
I don't think I even so much as alluded to that being what you said.

...The wall would dramatically reduce the free access drug cartels have to this country, and it's the only way to stop the criminals who aren't going to be effected by your welfare and government services strategy who commit a large number of crimes in this country...
Like I said... ROI and Cost-Benefit... cheaper to adopt the Chinese solution, take drug-dealers to a ditch on the edge of town, put a bullet in their brains, and shovel some lime and earth over them, but, barring that, a vastly thinned-out Illegal Aliens population will help to blow their cover, and we thin-out that Illegals population by crafting new laws.

The far bigger problem is controlling illegal immigration of non-criminal types that are also damaging our trades and wage-scales and middle-class standard of living by lowballing.

Let's get the 95% of the problem under control first, and then we can screw-around with the 5%, eh?

5% of the aliens, a huge percent of the cost. So we agree it's ROI. What I dont' get it your view that the ROI is difficult giving the impact it would have on drug and other crime cartels, prisons police to investigate crimes, courts families of murder and crime victims even before you talk about the costs of illegal aliens on our social infrastructure is a tough number to justify.

The cost of illegal aliens is estimated to be above $100 (b)illion a year. The cost of building the wall once is $10 billion once. Let's say it's going to cost the same to maintain it every year even, which seems high, right? Is that a hard ROI for you?
The donald vows to deport 11 million people.

That is a lot of po-lice!

The police state has been growing in this country ever since the War on Drugs began back in the 70s and it got ramped up after 9-11. It's going to get worse no matter who the next president is.

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