The coming police state

California tried that -- SCOTUS said no.
Maine tried that and illegals don't get benefits.

LOL, a quarter of welfare families prove you wrong. Seriously, you read that 3/4 are legal and you're like, see, they can't get welfare ...


Not the sharpest fork in the shed, are you?

You're going to keep repeating your canard that while immigrants are less than 1/30 of the country, that they are 1/4 of the welfare families proves they can't get welfare anyway though, aren't you?
Be careful of using statistical studies from different places when you make your arguments. I tried doing that with welfare stats and ended up with more blacks on welfare than live in the United States. It gets tricky. But no, I'm not going to argue with you anymore. You know everything.

OK, but what does that have to do with what I said? I didn't do the math you did, I didn't do any math. I just pointed out that 1/4 of welfare being to illegal alien families doesn't as you thought prove you right that illegal aliens can't get welfare
The donald vows to deport 11 million people.

That is a lot of po-lice!

The police state has been growing in this country ever since the War on Drugs began back in the 70s and it got ramped up after 9-11. It's going to get worse no matter who the next president is.

Yes, ending the idiotic war on drugs would do to crime what the end of prohibition did to crime. People just don't learn from history
No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.

California tried that -- SCOTUS said no.

Yes, welfare is in the Constitution.

Funny how a gay Muslim supports the party that sucks up to governments of your faith who want to kill you and you call Republicans intolerant, LOL
Maine tried that and illegals don't get benefits.

LOL, a quarter of welfare families prove you wrong. Seriously, you read that 3/4 are legal and you're like, see, they can't get welfare ...


Not the sharpest fork in the shed, are you?

You're going to keep repeating your canard that while immigrants are less than 1/30 of the country, that they are 1/4 of the welfare families proves they can't get welfare anyway though, aren't you?
Be careful of using statistical studies from different places when you make your arguments. I tried doing that with welfare stats and ended up with more blacks on welfare than live in the United States. It gets tricky. But no, I'm not going to argue with you anymore. You know everything.

OK, but what does that have to do with what I said? I didn't do the math you did, I didn't do any math. I just pointed out that 1/4 of welfare being to illegal alien families doesn't as you thought prove you right that illegal aliens can't get welfare
while immigrants are less than 1/30 of the country, that they are 1/4 of the welfare families
Reminded me of the road I tried going down. Just be careful is all I'm saying. Not saying anything's wrong.
LOL, a quarter of welfare families prove you wrong. Seriously, you read that 3/4 are legal and you're like, see, they can't get welfare ...


Not the sharpest fork in the shed, are you?

You're going to keep repeating your canard that while immigrants are less than 1/30 of the country, that they are 1/4 of the welfare families proves they can't get welfare anyway though, aren't you?
Be careful of using statistical studies from different places when you make your arguments. I tried doing that with welfare stats and ended up with more blacks on welfare than live in the United States. It gets tricky. But no, I'm not going to argue with you anymore. You know everything.

OK, but what does that have to do with what I said? I didn't do the math you did, I didn't do any math. I just pointed out that 1/4 of welfare being to illegal alien families doesn't as you thought prove you right that illegal aliens can't get welfare
while immigrants are less than 1/30 of the country, that they are 1/4 of the welfare families
Reminded me of the road I tried going down. Just be careful is all I'm saying. Not saying anything's wrong.

1) I used one link, not two like your admittedly failed math based on stats from two links. One was the population of the United States, not a link. Are you saying the population of the United States is in doubt?

2) You claimed that illegals can't get welfare. I showed you a quarter of welfare families are illegal aliens. Clearly that is >0 as you and wheelchair boy claimed.

Stop deflecting, you were wrong, they can and do get welfare, lots of it
...The cost of illegal aliens is estimated to be above $100 (b)illion a year...
Very little of which involves criminality; virtually all of that is economic; let's say 98.5% economic, 1.5% criminal.

Time to focus on the Big Slice, not the small one.

...The cost of building the wall once is $10 billion once. Let's say it's going to cost the same to maintain it every year even, which seems high, right? Is that a hard ROI for you?
How much will it cost us to craft new laws regarding proof-of-citizenship (or legal-resident status) and to enforce them utilizing new systems, personnel, etc.?

A helluva lot less than $20 billion the first year ($10 build + $10 sustain) + $10billion annually from that point forward.

If we can do the whole deal ( take care of 98.5% of the $100 billion per year ) by spending $1 or $2billion as a one-time shot on law and new enforcing mechanisms, why bother with the wall?

Proportionally, I can spend $2 to get rid of a $100 problem, while you want to spend $20 to do the same thing.

Far cheaper to use the law in new and imaginative ways to solve the problem, and that's never been tried before.

If THAT doesn't work after a 3-5 year trial period, THEN we can build the goddamned wall, as a last resort.
...The cost of illegal aliens is estimated to be above $100 (b)illion a year...
Very little of which involves criminality; virtually all of that is economic; let's say 98.5% economic, 1.5% criminal.

Time to focus on the Big Slice, not the small one.

...The cost of building the wall once is $10 billion once. Let's say it's going to cost the same to maintain it every year even, which seems high, right? Is that a hard ROI for you?
How much will it cost us to craft new laws regarding proof-of-citizenship (or legal-resident status) and to enforce them utilizing new systems, personnel, etc.?

A helluva lot less than $20 billion the first year ($10 build + $10 sustain) + $10billion annually from that point forward.

If we can do the whole deal ( take care of 98.5% of the $100 billion per year ) by spending $1 or $2billion as a one-time shot on law and new enforcing mechanisms, why bother with the wall?

Proportionally, I can spend $2 to get rid of a $100 problem, while you want to spend $20 to do the same thing.

Far cheaper to use the law in new and imaginative ways to solve the problem, and that's never been tried before.

If THAT doesn't work after a 3-5 year trial period, THEN we can build the goddamned wall, as a last resort.

Very little, are you insane? Drug and criminal cartels having free access to our country, law enforcement for drugs, guns, murders, rapists, prisons, courts, you need to do some research on the impact of crime and the crime organizations crossing the border. Just the war on drugs and all the drugs flowing in, it's huge. Just one crime

Illegal Alien Crime Accounts for over 30% of Murders in Many States - Breitbart
...Very little, are you insane?...
Nope. I've already scoped-out very likely and defensible ratios, and outlined where common sense dictates we put the lion's share of our money and attention.

...Drug and criminal cartels having free access to our country, law enforcement for drugs, guns, murders, rapists, prisons, courts, you need to do some research on the impact of crime and the crime organizations crossing the border. Just the war on drugs and all the drugs flowing in, it's huge...
You (and yours) overstate the impact, in an attempt to scare people into building a Wall.

We don't need to build a Wall. We need to de-incentive-ize the hordes of Illegals.

There's no escaping the idea that South and Central American drug cartels are doing considerable damage... nolo contendere.

It's just that you don't swat a mosquito with a sledgehammer...

The right tools for each job, eh?

A wall is not the right tool... IMHO.
...Very little, are you insane?...
Nope. I've already scoped-out very likely and defensible ratios, and outlined where common sense dictates we put the lion's share of our money and attention.

...Drug and criminal cartels having free access to our country, law enforcement for drugs, guns, murders, rapists, prisons, courts, you need to do some research on the impact of crime and the crime organizations crossing the border. Just the war on drugs and all the drugs flowing in, it's huge...
You (and yours) overstate the impact, in an attempt to scare people into building a Wall.

We don't need to build a Wall. We need to de-incentive-ize the hordes of Illegals.

There's no escaping the idea that South and Central American drug cartels are doing considerable damage... nolo contendere.

It's just that you don't swat a mosquito with a sledgehammer...

The right tools for each job, eh?

A wall is not the right tool... IMHO.

A mosquito?

Illegal Immigrants Accounted for Nearly 37 Percent of Federal Sentences in FY 2014 - Breitbart
...Very little, are you insane?...
Nope. I've already scoped-out very likely and defensible ratios, and outlined where common sense dictates we put the lion's share of our money and attention.

...Drug and criminal cartels having free access to our country, law enforcement for drugs, guns, murders, rapists, prisons, courts, you need to do some research on the impact of crime and the crime organizations crossing the border. Just the war on drugs and all the drugs flowing in, it's huge...
You (and yours) overstate the impact, in an attempt to scare people into building a Wall.

We don't need to build a Wall. We need to de-incentive-ize the hordes of Illegals.

There's no escaping the idea that South and Central American drug cartels are doing considerable damage... nolo contendere.

It's just that you don't swat a mosquito with a sledgehammer...

The right tools for each job, eh?

A wall is not the right tool... IMHO.

A mosquito?

Illegal Immigrants Accounted for Nearly 37 Percent of Federal Sentences in FY 2014 - Breitbart
And, what... one tenth of one percent of all new Illegals? Puh-leeeeze. A mosquito. The ECONOMIC consequences are the elephant in the room.
If you combine the Homeland Security people, state and local Police and Federalies they probably outnumber the illegals. When you factor in what Bill Clinton did to the Branch Dividians it makes Hillary's husband the most notorious example of a police state in modern history.
...Very little, are you insane?...
Nope. I've already scoped-out very likely and defensible ratios, and outlined where common sense dictates we put the lion's share of our money and attention.

...Drug and criminal cartels having free access to our country, law enforcement for drugs, guns, murders, rapists, prisons, courts, you need to do some research on the impact of crime and the crime organizations crossing the border. Just the war on drugs and all the drugs flowing in, it's huge...
You (and yours) overstate the impact, in an attempt to scare people into building a Wall.

We don't need to build a Wall. We need to de-incentive-ize the hordes of Illegals.

There's no escaping the idea that South and Central American drug cartels are doing considerable damage... nolo contendere.

It's just that you don't swat a mosquito with a sledgehammer...

The right tools for each job, eh?

A wall is not the right tool... IMHO.

A mosquito?

Illegal Immigrants Accounted for Nearly 37 Percent of Federal Sentences in FY 2014 - Breitbart
And, what... one tenth of one percent of all new Illegals? Puh-leeeeze. A mosquito. The ECONOMIC consequences are the elephant in the room.

one tenth of one percent? ridiculous.

And you keep ignoring the free access to drug cartels and other organized crime like gun running have through our southern borders. I wonder why?

OK, I don't wonder. You have any idea what the war on drugs costs?
It isn't possible to deport 11 million people. It's really more like 30 million. We can make it very uncomfortable for them though. We don't need any new laws. Just enforce the ones we already have.

We cannot stop illegal immigrants children from going to school. The Supreme Court said so. But we can identify them and every relative they have. We cannot withhold emergency medical care. We can deport them when they are stabilized. Stop accepting the matricular consular card as identification and they can't open a utility or join the library.

Yes millions will leave on their own. Then it's just whack a mole.
It isn't possible to deport 11 million people. It's really more like 30 million. We can make it very uncomfortable for them though. We don't need any new laws. Just enforce the ones we already have.

We cannot stop illegal immigrants children from going to school. The Supreme Court said so. But we can identify them and every relative they have. We cannot withhold emergency medical care. We can deport them when they are stabilized. Stop accepting the matricular consular card as identification and they can't open a utility or join the library.

Yes millions will leave on their own. Then it's just whack a mole.

You have to do everything, not one thing

You're going to keep repeating your canard that while immigrants are less than 1/30 of the country, that they are 1/4 of the welfare families proves they can't get welfare anyway though, aren't you?
Be careful of using statistical studies from different places when you make your arguments. I tried doing that with welfare stats and ended up with more blacks on welfare than live in the United States. It gets tricky. But no, I'm not going to argue with you anymore. You know everything.

OK, but what does that have to do with what I said? I didn't do the math you did, I didn't do any math. I just pointed out that 1/4 of welfare being to illegal alien families doesn't as you thought prove you right that illegal aliens can't get welfare
while immigrants are less than 1/30 of the country, that they are 1/4 of the welfare families
Reminded me of the road I tried going down. Just be careful is all I'm saying. Not saying anything's wrong.

1) I used one link, not two like your admittedly failed math based on stats from two links. One was the population of the United States, not a link. Are you saying the population of the United States is in doubt?

2) You claimed that illegals can't get welfare. I showed you a quarter of welfare families are illegal aliens. Clearly that is >0 as you and wheelchair boy claimed.

Stop deflecting, you were wrong, they can and do get welfare, lots of it
I'm not deflecting. You asked if I was the sharpest tool in the shed, and I said "NOPE." You said you used one source, I said "Not saying anything's wrong." BTW, I used census data on the US population in my attempts, as well.
Jaysus. I thought you were doing a pretty good job of arguing your side, but now you're arguing with yourself. Get a real thrill out of having your foot on my neck?
You're going to keep repeating your canard that while immigrants are less than 1/30 of the country, that they are 1/4 of the welfare families proves they can't get welfare anyway though, aren't you?
Be careful of using statistical studies from different places when you make your arguments. I tried doing that with welfare stats and ended up with more blacks on welfare than live in the United States. It gets tricky. But no, I'm not going to argue with you anymore. You know everything.

OK, but what does that have to do with what I said? I didn't do the math you did, I didn't do any math. I just pointed out that 1/4 of welfare being to illegal alien families doesn't as you thought prove you right that illegal aliens can't get welfare
while immigrants are less than 1/30 of the country, that they are 1/4 of the welfare families
Reminded me of the road I tried going down. Just be careful is all I'm saying. Not saying anything's wrong.

1) I used one link, not two like your admittedly failed math based on stats from two links. One was the population of the United States, not a link. Are you saying the population of the United States is in doubt?

2) You claimed that illegals can't get welfare. I showed you a quarter of welfare families are illegal aliens. Clearly that is >0 as you and wheelchair boy claimed.

Stop deflecting, you were wrong, they can and do get welfare, lots of it
I'm not deflecting. You asked if I was the sharpest tool in the shed, and I said "NOPE." You said you used one source, I said "Not saying anything's wrong." BTW, I used census data on the US population in my attempts, as well.
Jaysus. I thought you were doing a pretty good job of arguing your side, but now you're arguing with yourself. Get a real thrill out of having your foot on my neck?

I don't know what you did, you said you mixed up data from different sources. I used one source and the population of the United States.

And how do you in any calculation get that 1/4 of welfare families being illegal doesn't contradict your claim that illegals can't get welfare? That is what you are deflecting

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