The Confederacy was an Evil Empire

But we don’t celebrate the institution of slavery in other parts of the world

We celebrate the Confederacy

Everyone celebrates their heritage in their own way.

No one celebrates slavery, but many overlook their own part in slavery.

It's not ok to only condemn one demographic when it comes to slavery.

Name me one person who celebrates slavery if you can.

Nobody glorifies slavery.

Well, some people do...

^^^ bad history and sheer idiocy
It's easy for today's lefties to get all outraged by the Confederacy that only existed for four years but slavery existed for two hundred years before the Civil War and slavery was still legal in the United States. Lincoln had personal problems with a bi-polar wife and bouts of depression and he had criminally bad advice from his staff that predicted that a civil war would barely last a single summer. Lincoln should have cajoled and persuaded and begged and did everything he could do to avoid a civil war but he did nothing. If the Confederacy was an evil empire so was the United States and England and just about every country in Europe that engaged in the slave trade. Today small minds tend to focus on small periods in history mostly to detract from today's political issues.
It's easy for today's lefties to get all outraged by the Confederacy that only existed for four years but slavery existed for two hundred years before the Civil War and slavery was still legal in the United States. Lincoln had personal problems with a bi-polar wife and bouYouts of depression and he had criminally bad advice from his staff that predicted that a civil war would barely last a single summer. Lincoln should have cajoled and persuaded and begged and did everything he could do to avoid a civil war but he did nothing. If the Confederacy was an evil empire so was the United States and England and just about every country in Europe that engaged in the slave trade. Today small minds tend to focus on small periods in history mostly to detract from today's political issues.
You cannot worship the CSA without realizing it is internally and forever tied to slavery.

The rest of the world is the rest of the world, not here.
Think. Period. It will prove remarkable for you.

And no.

The Confederacy was absolutely not an “empire,” you moron.
If they could have had a Death Star they would have
If they could have had a Death Star they would have

That’s not the definition of “empire,” either.

The issue is not whether the Confederate States happened to be on the wrong side. Of course they were.

The only question is about your erroneous use of the word “empire.”
You cannot worship the CSA without realizing it is internally and forever tied to slavery.

The rest of the world is the rest of the world, not here.

Once again the left has historic accuracy confused with worship. It's easy if your historic reference is limited to four years in the 19th century. The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships for the better part of 200 years was the British Union Jack. Why isn't the U.K. forever linked to slavery?
Actually it's refreshing to debate American history rather than endure the inane posts about Russia from foreign posters. Can't the USMB do something about the foreign posts that clog up the history and military forums?
Once again the left has historic accuracy confused with worship. It's easy if your historic reference is limited to four years in the 19th century. The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships for the better part of 200 years was the British Union Jack. Why isn't the U.K. forever linked to slavery?
Maybe because this is the USA and the UK does not have monuments to its slave ships

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