The Confederate Battle Flag is not My Pride or My Heritage, America's Flag is

You cannot put a cost on something that is mine to begin with.

Then why is that phrase engraved into one of the walls at the Korean War Memorial? If freedom has no price, then we wouldn't need to do anything to protect it. Nothing. Freedom would protect itself.

"Free is free." Forgive me if I don't take stock in such reasoning.
Because the neo-cons and GW Bush used as a catch phrase for justifying the invasion of Iraq. All men are born free. There is no price tag on that aspect of natural rights. When you do this then you imply that freedom can also be for sale like a commodity. You cannot do this with something granted by God the Almighty. It must be protected and defended from those who would want to usurp God's will. But to any free man this is not a price to be paid but a natural act of serving God's will. You are talking about nation states and political freedom. i'm talking about the natural rights of man.
You cannot do this with something granted by God the Almighty. It must be protected and defended from those who would want to usurp God's will. But to any free man this is not a price to be paid but a natural act of serving God's will.

But when you die fighting for your freedom, have you not paid a price for it? With your life?
2 weeks ago no one gave a fuck about that stupid flag. Now we get non stop arguments about it.
I find that completely ridiculous.

By this thinking you would are still wondering why anyone cared about the attack on Pearl Harbor. A week before no one gave a f#%$.

The real difference is there are millions who DID give a f#$% about the flag before last week.
You cannot do this with something granted by God the Almighty. It must be protected and defended from those who would want to usurp God's will. But to any free man this is not a price to be paid but a natural act of serving God's will.

But when you die fighting for your freedom, have you not paid a price for it? With your life?
No. You have freely given your life in its defense.
I live in Florida, one of the 11 states of the old Confederacy, and I have seen the Confederate flag here all my life. I can take it or leave it, but I gravitate toward wanting it to stay flying, because I don't like the way the hypocrite race hustlers go around DEMANDING that it be taken down, and ORDERING people to do that. If these loudmouths cared one iota about racism, they'd be bitchin about Affirmative Action and racist rappers.

2 weeks ago no one gave a fuck about that stupid flag. Now we get non stop arguments about it.
I find that completely ridiculous.

By this thinking you would are still wondering why anyone cared about the attack on Pearl Harbor. A week before no one gave a f#%$.

The real difference is there are millions who DID give a f#$% about the flag before last week.
That is their problem not mine. If you get emotional over a damn flag you got bigger problems to worry about
2 weeks ago no one gave a fuck about that stupid flag. Now we get non stop arguments about it.
I find that completely ridiculous.

By this thinking you would are still wondering why anyone cared about the attack on Pearl Harbor. A week before no one gave a f#%$.

The real difference is there are millions who DID give a f#$% about the flag before last week.
In fact equating Pearl Harbor to a nut who kills 9 people shows just how fucking pathetic you are.
Get a grip crybaby
2 weeks ago no one gave a fuck about that stupid flag. Now we get non stop arguments about it.
I find that completely ridiculous.

By this thinking you would are still wondering why anyone cared about the attack on Pearl Harbor. A week before no one gave a f#%$.

The real difference is there are millions who DID give a f#$% about the flag before last week.
Oh and I forgot to ask....

Where is the demand for the Japanese flag to be banned?

2 weeks ago no one gave a fuck about that stupid flag. Now we get non stop arguments about it.
I find that completely ridiculous.

Stupid? No; not at all. Irrelevant to you maybe but definitely NOT stupid!!

I stand behind my post.

Why is that an issue? The only thing I would say about it is that "stupid" is not a term I would suggest is apt. You? Whatever rocks your boat!!

2 weeks ago no one gave a fuck about that stupid flag. Now we get non stop arguments about it.
I find that completely ridiculous.

By this thinking you would are still wondering why anyone cared about the attack on Pearl Harbor. A week before no one gave a f#%$.

The real difference is there are millions who DID give a f#$% about the flag before last week.
In fact equating Pearl Harbor to a nut who kills 9 people shows just how fucking pathetic you are.
Get a grip crybaby

It was an example, pick another if you are uncomfortable. A week after 9/11 you are asking what's the big deal now? Figure out the analogy for yourself.

And I don't see a whole region of the country made up of Japanese that fly the rising sun flag and name their streets for Yamamoto and Tojo and have monuments everywhere to those people. Another red herring argument.

And no one is saying 'ban' the confederate flag, just put it in a museum so it isn't mistaken for official state position.
Let's start off with one thing here. For any of you getting ready to launch your opening salvos defending the Confederate Battle Flag as "Southern Pride" or "my heritage:" that is fully and rightfully something you're entitled to believe. I also live in the State of Georgia, one of the original thirteen colonies. It was also the breadbasket, and thus the backbone of the Confederacy. So by all rights I should should share the same ideals in regards to this flag. But I am not. I don't want to. After a little self introspection, I've come to this one conclusion: The Confederate Flag is not my pride or my heritage, America's flag is.

I've been bouncing around on both sides of this debate for a week now, and I finally stopped and realized what I wasn't understanding. The Confederacy is dead. America is not. When I look up at a flag pole, I see the American flag, not the Confederate Battle Flag. I'm not worried about how it was wrong for the union to suspend habeas corpus or invade the south for seceding constitutionally... I don't really care. Those issues are wholly superfluous to the point I'm making here. The flag I care about now is the American one, one brave men and women fought and died for. It represents my freedom to post this thread, and your freedom to claim the Confederate Battle Flag as a symbol of pride or heritage.

My personal (and now more informed) opinion about the liberal idea of the flag representing hate, or racism, or slavery is this; as a friend put it: there is a lot of hate that doesn't even involve this (the Confederate Battle) flag. There's lots of hate coming from the same category of people who decry this as a symbol of hate, people like Al Sharpton, Obama or Democrats in general.

Moreover, the Civil War ended over 150 years ago, and these exclamations about how the flag "reminds them of slavery" in fact are statements spoken from inexperience; to be frank, their minds are still stuck in the fields, or places they've never been. They were never slaves, they never experienced slavery, nor racism, nor any of the things Blacks experienced in the pre-1860's south.

But on the other hand, to be objective, I must also understand that my reverence of and veneration in the Confederate Battle Flag is sorely misplaced. It is a lack of respect to my country as it is now, a lack of respect for the flag my Dad fought for. The American Flag should hold more meaning to me than that of a battle flag representing a long since dead confederacy. The deeper meaning is this: America should mean more to me than anything else, second only to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A flag is merely nothing more than a piece of well knitted fabric, with a symbol on it, its not something to be worshiped.

I don't see the Confederate Battle Flag as racist, or representing it, or slavery, or hatred. But I also see that this is not the flag I should hold high in glory. It is not a symbol of my pride or heritage, it is a reminder of the history of the flag I venerate today. The American Flag. America. Freedom. Freedom isn't free, and it took the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men to prove that.

I was born in and have lived all of my live in America, and I am glad in it. As for you, feel free to hold on to your Confederate Flag; and I like mine too, but remember where you are, remember what you are: an American in America, and remember where your respect should lie. Think about that as you celebrate your independence on July 4th. Our founding fathers didn't fight for America's independence under a Confederate Battle Flag. They fought under the flag of freedom, the one America's flag now represents, sins and all.

The bolded, in red: I see 7.26% chance of hope for you. It's better than 0.00%.
Let's start off with one thing here. For any of you getting ready to launch your opening salvos defending the Confederate Battle Flag as "Southern Pride" or "my heritage:" that is fully and rightfully something you're entitled to believe. I also live in the State of Georgia, one of the original thirteen colonies. It was also the breadbasket, and thus the backbone of the Confederacy. So by all rights I should should share the same ideals in regards to this flag. But I am not. I don't want to. After a little self introspection, I've come to this one conclusion: The Confederate Flag is not my pride or my heritage, America's flag is.

I've been bouncing around on both sides of this debate for a week now, and I finally stopped and realized what I wasn't understanding. The Confederacy is dead. America is not. When I look up at a flag pole, I see the American flag, not the Confederate Battle Flag. I'm not worried about how it was wrong for the union to suspend habeas corpus or invade the south for seceding constitutionally... I don't really care. Those issues are wholly superfluous to the point I'm making here. The flag I care about now is the American one, one brave men and women fought and died for. It represents my freedom to post this thread, and your freedom to claim the Confederate Battle Flag as a symbol of pride or heritage.

My personal (and now more informed) opinion about the liberal idea of the flag representing hate, or racism, or slavery is this; as a friend put it: there is a lot of hate that doesn't even involve this (the Confederate Battle) flag. There's lots of hate coming from the same category of people who decry this as a symbol of hate, people like Al Sharpton, Obama or Democrats in general.

Moreover, the Civil War ended over 150 years ago, and these exclamations about how the flag "reminds them of slavery" in fact are statements spoken from inexperience; to be frank, their minds are still stuck in the fields, or places they've never been. They were never slaves, they never experienced slavery, nor racism, nor any of the things Blacks experienced in the pre-1860's south.

But on the other hand, to be objective, I must also understand that my reverence of and veneration in the Confederate Battle Flag is sorely misplaced. It is a lack of respect to my country as it is now, a lack of respect for the flag my Dad fought for. The American Flag should hold more meaning to me than that of a battle flag representing a long since dead confederacy. The deeper meaning is this: America should mean more to me than anything else, second only to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A flag is merely nothing more than a piece of well knitted fabric, with a symbol on it, its not something to be worshiped.

I don't see the Confederate Battle Flag as racist, or representing it, or slavery, or hatred. But I also see that this is not the flag I should hold high in glory. It is not a symbol of my pride or heritage, it is a reminder of the history of the flag I venerate today. The American Flag. America. Freedom. Freedom isn't free, and it took the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men to prove that.

I was born in and have lived all of my live in America, and I am glad in it. As for you, feel free to hold on to your Confederate Flag; and I like mine too, but remember where you are, remember what you are: an American in America, and remember where your respect should lie. Think about that as you celebrate your independence on July 4th. Our founding fathers didn't fight for America's independence under a Confederate Battle Flag. They fought under the flag of freedom, the one America's flag now represents, sins and all.

The bolded, in red: I see 7.26% chance of hope for you. It's better than 0.00%.

That's generous. He was clear to say ha the flag doesn't really represent slavery or bigotry. That's just the silly feelings of flawed humans. It's not like the real hatred of guys like Sharpton and the President of the United States. .

He has.....unwittingly hit upon a key argument for the removal of the fucking flag from official position......that it is a fucking enemy flag. But that POV would be too harsh. The lengthy thesis is designed to kiss nutter ass. As are the rest of his posts in this thread. He still likes his confederate flag. He's going to keep it. He committed.

And....that part about Jeebus being more important than country. That's awesome. The flag is just cloth......unlike the tangible, living Lord Jesus!
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Let's start off with one thing here. For any of you getting ready to launch your opening salvos defending the Confederate Battle Flag as "Southern Pride" or "my heritage:" that is fully and rightfully something you're entitled to believe. I also live in the State of Georgia, one of the original thirteen colonies. It was also the breadbasket, and thus the backbone of the Confederacy. So by all rights I should should share the same ideals in regards to this flag. But I am not. I don't want to. After a little self introspection, I've come to this one conclusion: The Confederate Flag is not my pride or my heritage, America's flag is.

I've been bouncing around on both sides of this debate for a week now, and I finally stopped and realized what I wasn't understanding. The Confederacy is dead. America is not. When I look up at a flag pole, I see the American flag, not the Confederate Battle Flag. I'm not worried about how it was wrong for the union to suspend habeas corpus or invade the south for seceding constitutionally... I don't really care. Those issues are wholly superfluous to the point I'm making here. The flag I care about now is the American one, one brave men and women fought and died for. It represents my freedom to post this thread, and your freedom to claim the Confederate Battle Flag as a symbol of pride or heritage.

My personal (and now more informed) opinion about the liberal idea of the flag representing hate, or racism, or slavery is this; as a friend put it: there is a lot of hate that doesn't even involve this (the Confederate Battle) flag. There's lots of hate coming from the same category of people who decry this as a symbol of hate, people like Al Sharpton, Obama or Democrats in general.

Moreover, the Civil War ended over 150 years ago, and these exclamations about how the flag "reminds them of slavery" in fact are statements spoken from inexperience; to be frank, their minds are still stuck in the fields, or places they've never been. They were never slaves, they never experienced slavery, nor racism, nor any of the things Blacks experienced in the pre-1860's south.

But on the other hand, to be objective, I must also understand that my reverence of and veneration in the Confederate Battle Flag is sorely misplaced. It is a lack of respect to my country as it is now, a lack of respect for the flag my Dad fought for. The American Flag should hold more meaning to me than that of a battle flag representing a long since dead confederacy. The deeper meaning is this: America should mean more to me than anything else, second only to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A flag is merely nothing more than a piece of well knitted fabric, with a symbol on it, its not something to be worshiped.

I don't see the Confederate Battle Flag as racist, or representing it, or slavery, or hatred. But I also see that this is not the flag I should hold high in glory. It is not a symbol of my pride or heritage, it is a reminder of the history of the flag I venerate today. The American Flag. America. Freedom. Freedom isn't free, and it took the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men to prove that.

I was born in and have lived all of my live in America, and I am glad in it. As for you, feel free to hold on to your Confederate Flag; and I like mine too, but remember where you are, remember what you are: an American in America, and remember where your respect should lie. Think about that as you celebrate your independence on July 4th. Our founding fathers didn't fight for America's independence under a Confederate Battle Flag. They fought under the flag of freedom, the one America's flag now represents, sins and all.

The bolded, in red: I see 7.26% chance of hope for you. It's better than 0.00%.

That's generous. He was clear to say ha the flag doesn't really represent slavery or bigotry. That's just the silly feelings of flawed humans. It's not like the real hatred of guys like Sharpton and the President of the United States. .

He has.....unwittingly hit upon a key argument for the removal of the fucking flag from official position......that it is a fucking enemy flag. But that POV would be too harsh. The lengthy thesis is designed to kiss nutter ass. As are the rest of his posts in this thread. He still likes his confederate flag. He's going to keep it. He committed.

And....that part about Jeebus being more important than country. That's awesome. The flag is just cloth......unlike the tangible, living Lord Jesus!

How can it be an enemy flag when those who fought under it are Americans?? It was a Civil War; not an invasion. In fact from what I can gather most of the fighting was done in the "Confederate" who invaded whom??

But that is LONG SETTLED.....and so you have the USA. No one who respects the Confederate flag (that I know of) wants to break up the Union now.

Let's start off with one thing here. For any of you getting ready to launch your opening salvos defending the Confederate Battle Flag as "Southern Pride" or "my heritage:" that is fully and rightfully something you're entitled to believe. I also live in the State of Georgia, one of the original thirteen colonies. It was also the breadbasket, and thus the backbone of the Confederacy. So by all rights I should should share the same ideals in regards to this flag. But I am not. I don't want to. After a little self introspection, I've come to this one conclusion: The Confederate Flag is not my pride or my heritage, America's flag is.

I've been bouncing around on both sides of this debate for a week now, and I finally stopped and realized what I wasn't understanding. The Confederacy is dead. America is not. When I look up at a flag pole, I see the American flag, not the Confederate Battle Flag. I'm not worried about how it was wrong for the union to suspend habeas corpus or invade the south for seceding constitutionally... I don't really care. Those issues are wholly superfluous to the point I'm making here. The flag I care about now is the American one, one brave men and women fought and died for. It represents my freedom to post this thread, and your freedom to claim the Confederate Battle Flag as a symbol of pride or heritage.

My personal (and now more informed) opinion about the liberal idea of the flag representing hate, or racism, or slavery is this; as a friend put it: there is a lot of hate that doesn't even involve this (the Confederate Battle) flag. There's lots of hate coming from the same category of people who decry this as a symbol of hate, people like Al Sharpton, Obama or Democrats in general.

Moreover, the Civil War ended over 150 years ago, and these exclamations about how the flag "reminds them of slavery" in fact are statements spoken from inexperience; to be frank, their minds are still stuck in the fields, or places they've never been. They were never slaves, they never experienced slavery, nor racism, nor any of the things Blacks experienced in the pre-1860's south.

But on the other hand, to be objective, I must also understand that my reverence of and veneration in the Confederate Battle Flag is sorely misplaced. It is a lack of respect to my country as it is now, a lack of respect for the flag my Dad fought for. The American Flag should hold more meaning to me than that of a battle flag representing a long since dead confederacy. The deeper meaning is this: America should mean more to me than anything else, second only to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A flag is merely nothing more than a piece of well knitted fabric, with a symbol on it, its not something to be worshiped.

I don't see the Confederate Battle Flag as racist, or representing it, or slavery, or hatred. But I also see that this is not the flag I should hold high in glory. It is not a symbol of my pride or heritage, it is a reminder of the history of the flag I venerate today. The American Flag. America. Freedom. Freedom isn't free, and it took the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men to prove that.

I was born in and have lived all of my live in America, and I am glad in it. As for you, feel free to hold on to your Confederate Flag; and I like mine too, but remember where you are, remember what you are: an American in America, and remember where your respect should lie. Think about that as you celebrate your independence on July 4th. Our founding fathers didn't fight for America's independence under a Confederate Battle Flag. They fought under the flag of freedom, the one America's flag now represents, sins and all.

The bolded, in red: I see 7.26% chance of hope for you. It's better than 0.00%.

I'm on the 0% scale myself. lol

The politics have changed. liberals NEED the flag to be racist to push an agenda.

So now, switching back to my side of the argument. Why defend it? If they think it's racist, why make their case by defending it?

We don't "think" it's racist, TK, we KNOW it is. Go look at the history of when the Confederate flag was hoisted over state capital buildings and added to state flags...

And then come back and tell us how it doesn't represent racism and that it's just "liberal perception".
We don't "think" it's racist, TK, we KNOW it is. Go look at the history of when the Confederate flag was hoisted over state capital buildings and added to state flags...

And then come back and tell us how it doesn't represent racism and that it's just "liberal perception".
How about if you tell us right now, how THIS >> Affirmative Action, doesn't represent racism.. And how THIS>>
doesn't represent racism. And how it is that the people who are calling the Confederate flag racist and of it to be removed, aren't calling for Affirmative Action, and racist rapping to be removed. And how can it be that THEY are not racists ? How can THAT be ?
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We don't "think" it's racist, TK, we KNOW it is. Go look at the history of when the Confederate flag was hoisted over state capital buildings and added to state flags...

And then come back and tell us how it doesn't represent racism and that it's just "liberal perception".
How about if you tell us right now, how THIS >> Affirmative Action, doesn't represent racism.. And how THIS>>
doesn't represent racism. And how it is that the people who are calling the Confederate flag racist and of it to be removed, aren't calling for Affirmative Action, and racist rapping to be removed. And how can it be that THEY are not racists ? How can THAT be ?

First off, I never said the flag always represented racism. Some people that display it are just dumb hicks.

What I said was to look at when it was hoisted over state capitals and added to state flags and then try to claim that THOSE displays don't absolutely represent racism.
The politics have changed. liberals NEED the flag to be racist to push an agenda.

So now, switching back to my side of the argument. Why defend it? If they think it's racist, why make their case by defending it?

We don't "think" it's racist, TK, we KNOW it is. Go look at the history of when the Confederate flag was hoisted over state capital buildings and added to state flags...

And then come back and tell us how it doesn't represent racism and that it's just "liberal perception".
It represents states rights over federal abuse of power. Desegregation would have come without the federal government's intrusion.

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