The Conservative Latino Future

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
For years Democrats have been crowing about how the browning of America will ultimately secure them a permanent majority in governing the country and in those conversations, for years I've warned that only holds true assuming voting patterns don't change. The Democratic Party has long been taking minority voters for granted. They pander to them at election time with divisive racial politics and once they've won the election they forget about them for another four years, but if the last couple of election cycles are any indication, the chickens may finally be coming home to roost with Hispanic voters.

There has been a visible shift among Hispanic voters from the Democratic to Republican party over the past few years and southern Texas has been the most prevalent area we've seen this. In the 2020 election there were border counties that have voted overwhelmingly Democratic for 100 years that flipped red. Hispanic Republicans have been winning mayoral races in Democratic towns and have been slowly flipping long time Democratic legislative seats. The Republicans did exceptionally well in southern Florida last year, including winning a Congressional seat in downtown Miami. Even voters in heavily concentrated Hispanic Congressional districts in New York City gave Trump more votes than they have past Republican presidential candidates. Trump increased his percentage with Hispanic voters in both elections and most recently Glenn Youngkin won 55% of Hispanic voters in the gubernatorial race, which was ultimately responsible for his win.

It seems the "wokeness" and "defund the police" campaigns of the Democratic elite haven't exactly played well in the Hispanic community and many of them are feeling they may have hitched themselves to the wrong wagon. If this phenomenon starts spreading throughout the country states like Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado could start moving back to the red zone and ultimately even California could become more competitive at some levels at some government. What remains to be seen is whether or not this is a temporary blip or a long term trend.

In Virginia, Republican Glenn Youngkin defeated Clintonista Democrat Terry McAuliffe for governor. Youngkin ran on school choice, an issue dear to Latinos who understand that education is the key to prosperity and the middle class. A survey by AP VoteCast showed that black voters supported McAuliffe by nearly 8-to-1. Latino voters, on the other hand, appear to have favored Youngkin, who received 55 percent of the Hispanic vote, compared to only 43 percent supporting McAuliffe. If Latinos had voted in the same pattern as other minority voters, it would have guaranteed a Democratic victory. They didn’t, which does not portend well for the future of the Democratic Party, since President Joe Biden won Virginia by 10 percentage points a year earlier.

So did Latinos leave the Democratic party, or did the Democratic party leave them?

The Democrats have taken minorities for granted for decades.

Latinos don't fall neatly into either party.
It's like Joe Biden says, "If you are black you are a democrat, no exceptions"

Also, "The Latino community is diverse as where the black community is not"

And my favorite, "I got, I got, I got hairy legs that roaches (black children) like to come along and rub and watch them pop up again in the summer sun and I love for them to sit on my lap!"
Republicans have been using and grooming the racist Cubans for votes for years now.

This isn't news.

trump attacks some minorities.

When they say 80% of black voters are Democrats, that means that 20%, or 1 out of 5, are Republicans.
McAuliffe is as bad a pol as Hillary. I really doubt the gop will head the wishes of locals on education issues either.
The parents should control what the children are taught. Politics has no place in our schools.
McAuliffe is as bad a pol as Hillary. I really doubt the gop will head the wishes of locals on education issues either.
But you did not always believe that. They are under the bus now because it is the Prog way with that arrow to keep going. It took a long time for many Repub voters to wise up with the endless RINOS/NeoCons fronted to them. and there are still many more who have not with GOPe pushing the same to them over and over. Always just enough votes to get something pushed and passed when the elites order it. Programs started that will grow exponentially until they become unwieldly as it weakens the nation. Just the Infrastructure Bill told us all why Trump was elected.
Hispanic\Latino men are very Social Conservative and will more likely vote Republican than Democrat, so the Democratic Party should understand those they are pandering to will come calling for their promises and if not they will flip to the opposition party…
For years Democrats have been crowing about how the browning of America will ultimately secure them a permanent majority in governing the country and in those conversations, for years I've warned that only holds true assuming voting patterns don't change. The Democratic Party has long been taking minority voters for granted. They pander to them at election time with divisive racial politics and once they've won the election they forget about them for another four years, but if the last couple of election cycles are any indication, the chickens may finally be coming home to roost with Hispanic voters.

There has been a visible shift among Hispanic voters from the Democratic to Republican party over the past few years and southern Texas has been the most prevalent area we've seen this. In the 2020 election there were border counties that have voted overwhelmingly Democratic for 100 years that flipped red. Hispanic Republicans have been winning mayoral races in Democratic towns and have been slowly flipping long time Democratic legislative seats. The Republicans did exceptionally well in southern Florida last year, including winning a Congressional seat in downtown Miami. Even voters in heavily concentrated Hispanic Congressional districts in New York City gave Trump more votes than they have past Republican presidential candidates. Trump increased his percentage with Hispanic voters in both elections and most recently Glenn Youngkin won 55% of Hispanic voters in the gubernatorial race, which was ultimately responsible for his win.

It seems the "wokeness" and "defund the police" campaigns of the Democratic elite haven't exactly played well in the Hispanic community and many of them are feeling they may have hitched themselves to the wrong wagon. If this phenomenon starts spreading throughout the country states like Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado could start moving back to the red zone and ultimately even California could become more competitive at some levels at some government. What remains to be seen is whether or not this is a temporary blip or a long term trend.

In Virginia, Republican Glenn Youngkin defeated Clintonista Democrat Terry McAuliffe for governor. Youngkin ran on school choice, an issue dear to Latinos who understand that education is the key to prosperity and the middle class. A survey by AP VoteCast showed that black voters supported McAuliffe by nearly 8-to-1. Latino voters, on the other hand, appear to have favored Youngkin, who received 55 percent of the Hispanic vote, compared to only 43 percent supporting McAuliffe. If Latinos had voted in the same pattern as other minority voters, it would have guaranteed a Democratic victory. They didn’t, which does not portend well for the future of the Democratic Party, since President Joe Biden won Virginia by 10 percentage points a year earlier.

So did Latinos leave the Democratic party, or did the Democratic party leave them?

It's laughable what passes for 'conservative' these days. Seems like all it really requires is knowledge of the color red, the letter R and throwing the word Trump into a sentence.

The American electorate, collectively speaking, have to be just about the most shallow demographic in the global gene pool. Either that or the dumbest ones are gathering in the same place.
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I'd love for more Latinos to join the Republican party, but this was one poll that only polled about 160 people. Since I'm skeptical of polls to begin with, this one isn't enough to convince me of a change.
democrats cannot conceive of people as anything other than faceless members of this or that 'group' that they designate for them. That's why they hate individuals who reject their groupings (and required characteristics) so much.
democrats cannot conceive of people as anything other than faceless members of this or that 'group' that they designate for them. That's why they hate individuals who reject their groupings (and required characteristics) so much.
We know people of color (Central America, Asia, Africa) have been easily sucked into believing communism is the answer. At least most whites are smart enough to realize it's not the answer to anything.

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