Zone1 The Constant Lie About Black Criminality

Why don't you STHU and try working on the huge problems in white communities?

All crimes are serious and your table is from 5 years ago.

White racism is more than just giving blacks a nasty look. White racism involves things like taking 5 year old arrest tables to make claims about black criminality. And when you look at that table you will see that whites lead in 27 of the categories.

That's evidence of a white crime problem.
Instead, why don't you try working on the huge problems in the black communities?

Is this not true? Since it is true, is it also racist?


The linked article describes the findings of a study on the relative treatment of Blacks in the local criminal justice system (Allegheny County Pennsylvania). Reviewing the statistics mentioned, I have no doubt that they are accurate. But underlying the article is a presumption that is provably false, to wit, that Blacks' and "whites'" behavior is the same. If you tell me that a Black person is five times more likely to be charged with a crime (which this article does), then you need to show me that the relevant behavior was equal or comparable. Otherwise the statistic is meaningless.

How can one be oblivious to the data published by the FBI every year, illustrating that Black and "white" criminal behavior is NOT the same. Blacks are much more likely to be involved in the most serious crimes, and this has been true for as long as the FBI has been keeping these statistics. The reason - a subject that is much debated - is simply the 70% curse: 70% of Blacks are born into a household with no father.

Implicitly and explicitly, the authors of this study, as well as the person writing the story, are accusing local law enforcement of racism. And not just harmless racism like giving Blacks a nasty look - serious racism that can ruin a person's life. Now THAT is a slander worth suing over.

For those who can read numbers, here are some supporting numbers:

That wasn't the case before President Johnson.

I was told that one year at a family Christmas gathering, by someone that lived through that, and it's not "bullsugar."

As that relative would say. :abgg2q.jpg:
Most of these people are coming here to seek asylum to escape suffering that these farr ight pieces of trash could never imagine. The fact that these scumbags dare to call themselves Christian is the biggest joke ever. Because they are not Christian by means. They are garbage.

The white racists sure love to invent things.
You sure are full of shit.

PS: Inventing things is called "innovation".

What is it that people like you do? Bitch and moan for a check? Try and take something someone else made?

Try doing something marketable or worthwhile for a change, asshole.
You sure are full of shit.

PS: Inventing things is called "innovation".

What is it that people like you do? Bitch and moan for a check? Try and take something someone else made?

Try doing something marketable or worthwhile for a change, asshole.
IM2 has been bitching and moaning for money from whites for eight years. Think of what he could have done during that timeframe:

- He could have built a business employing several black people. And if he took advantage of the government preference for black companies, he could have built it up to 15 employees, at least.

- He could have a day care co-op in which single black mothers earn “babysitting credit,” allowing them to take part-time jobs while their kids were babies. Then, by the time they‘re In school, the mothers would have a track of steady employment and be ready to move to a full-time job.

- He could tutor semi-literate blacks in basic reading and writing so they could get jobs better than McDonalds.

- He could have built an extension onto his house, finish the basement, whatever, where he could temporarily house a single black mother and her kids.

- He could join forces with other blacks to fund an “incubator“ for fledging Black business owners, providing them needed resources as they kick off their businesses.

LOTS of ways for blacks to help their communities instead of screaming for nationwide reparations which will never come.
FFS, three of those people are still in jail because they were “sentenced to life in prison”. One of them was actually sentenced to death. What kind of baloney are you trying to push, claiming we don’t put people in jail for life because of white people?
The ring leader, Lisa what's her name, is out free today. You Republicans want to be tougher on violent crimes so why aren't you pissed that liberals let this white woman out? That's my point.
The saddest chapter in American history has been the violent behavior of an unusually large proportion of the ethnicity under discussion.

After the reforms of the 1960s, when legal and de facto segregation was ended, everyone had such high hopes for integration.

That people of that ethnicity would become productive members of society.

Instead, a large proportion of them used their new-found freedom to unleash a surge of violence starting in the 1960s and continuing to this day. (In 2022, they murdered a DOZEN passengers on the New York City subway! That is an outrage that "liberals" try to downplay.)
You mean the saddest chapter wasn't when we owned black people? What was worse that slavery?

And segregation never really ended. Even in the North, we are very segregated. Housing practices, white flight, and just the way we are dicks to blacks who move into our neighborhoods, no you did not welcome blacks into the open arms of American economic opportunities. Liberal companies who implemented affirmative action did. Your racist white men wouldn't hire women or blacks until forced to.

You cut them off from economic opportunities. How dare you.

And so you know, as all the good paying blue collar union jobs went away, whites aren't doing much better. Particularly we're seeing white, uneducated, men and women, are starting to turn to suicide, drugs, fentynol, od'ing, crime. Isn't it amazing what lack of economic opportunity will do?

And you told blacks America was great. Why are they complaining. Then you whites riot on Jan 6 just because you lost an election? Dude. Do you think you are more of a victim than black people?

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