The constitutionality of taxing guns to limit access to them

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
According to one of the founding members of the "I am a proud USMB anti-gun loon" club....
Oregon Gunman: Conservative Republican | Page 27 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Because there is no specific language in the constitution to prevent it....
-A $1500 tax on abortion, placed with the intent to limit the exercise the right to an abortion does not violate the constitution.
-A $1500 tax on churchgoers, placed with the intent to limit the free exercise of religion does not violate the constitution
-A $1500 tax on news stories, places with the intent to limit the right to a free press, does not violate the constitution
-A $1500 tax on political signs and banners, placed with the intent to limit the right to free speech, does not violate the constitution.
-A $1500 tax on the purchase a firearm, placed with the intent to limit the exercise of the right to arms, does not violate the constitution.

Surely, those of you who also support such a tax agree with her.
Yes? No? Why? Why not?
The fact remains all taxes find their way in to politicians pockets...
According to one of the founding members of the "I am a proud USMB anti-gun loon" club....
Oregon Gunman: Conservative Republican | Page 27 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Because there is no specific language in the constitution to prevent it....
-A $1500 tax on abortion, placed with the intent to limit the exercise the right to an abortion does not violate the constitution.
-A $1500 tax on churchgoers, placed with the intent to limit the free exercise of religion does not violate the constitution
-A $1500 tax on news stories, places with the intent to limit the right to a free press, does not violate the constitution
-A $1500 tax on political signs and banners, placed with the intent to limit the right to free speech, does not violate the constitution.
-A $1500 tax on the purchase a firearm, placed with the intent to limit the exercise of the right to arms, does not violate the constitution.

Surely, those of you who also support such a tax agree with her.
Yes? No? Why? Why not?

A $15,000 dollar tax on all electronic devises.....since computers can be used to commit all sorts of crimes....identity theft, cyber bullying, child porn, stealing State Secrets.....

and since the founders could never have envisioned computers or Ipads, or smart books, according to the gun grabbers, they should not be covered by the First Amendment anyway...

So really, there is no need for private individuals to have any of those things in the first place. Only the government should have computers....and only the military and police should be able to use them...right?
If the practice of applying a 'sin tax' was ever justified...

Defending yourself, your family and protecting your property is a sin?

When the greatest threat with home defense firearms is friendly fire or accidents, yes.

We tamed the frontier. The Indians are at peace. And since most people don't move into high-crime areas with their families where defense is a practical consideration, if you feel you need a weapon in order to live a life of peace you're a moron. Live somewhere else then where rampaging wild anials and people aren't such a concern.
If the practice of applying a 'sin tax' was ever justified...

Defending yourself, your family and protecting your property is a sin?

When the greatest threat with home defense firearms is friendly fire or accidents, yes.

We tamed the frontier. The Indians are at peace. And since most people don't move into high-crime areas with their families where defense is a practical consideration, if you feel you need a weapon in order to live a life of peace you're a moron. Live somewhere else then where rampaging wild anials and people aren't such a concern.

You should seek counseling for your addiction.
This is the kind of media-induced paranois that's a big problem with our society. The impression our own neighbors are a threat. Get to know your neighbors then. If they are a threat don't be neighbors with them.

I know my neighbors, can't imagine any of them becomming a threat, even the ones with guns (that I know of, which is most all of them being a big hunting area.) That they have guns doesn't concern me in the least not having one myself.
If the practice of applying a 'sin tax' was ever justified...

Defending yourself, your family and protecting your property is a sin?

When the greatest threat with home defense firearms is friendly fire or accidents, yes.

We tamed the frontier. The Indians are at peace. And since most people don't move into high-crime areas with their families where defense is a practical consideration, if you feel you need a weapon in order to live a life of peace you're a moron. Live somewhere else then where rampaging wild anials and people aren't such a concern.

and if you can't afford to do so....this outta be good...
We tamed the frontier. The Indians are at peace. And since most people don't move into high-crime areas...
So... why do we need more gun control laws?
And... why wont you answer the question asked in the OP?
We tamed the frontier. The Indians are at peace. And since most people don't move into high-crime areas...
So... why do we need more gun control laws?
And... why wont you answer the question asked in the OP?

I'm not for more gun control. Come out against such measures every thread. At the same time though I know nonsense when I see it and come out against it as well.

Already weighed in on the OP. Scroll up or back a page or whatever. Can tax whatever they want as they did with gasoline and tobacco. If you need a weapon for self-defense you'll pay whatever the price is being so paranoid about your safety.

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