The cops used a Bomb to kill the guy....anyone curious about that tactic?

Blue lives splatter.

Cops need to realize they are NOT in charge. WE are. They unjustifiably shoot someone, they put all cops at risk. If cops would take care of their own like gangs do in prison, you wouldn't have this issue. But when us mere "citizens" expect the police to police the police we know it's a waste. Amazingly, rarely, are cops found in the wrong. I wonder why.
They are seldom in the wrong!
The cops used a robot-conveyed bomb to kill the Bad Guy?


It would have been more fun if they would have sold tickets and crucified him in Dealey Plaza, but this will do.
i heard the press conference from Dallas...they said after reaching a stalemate with the black, anti white sniper, they used a bomb to kill him.....

Does this strike anyone as an interesting tactic?

definitely outside the box
Hmm. Terrorists use bombs to blow people up.

Police use bombs to blow people up.

I see a connection.
Soldiers of foreign enemies are equipped with rifles.

Soldiers of the U.S. Armed Forces are equipped with rifles.

Do you see a connection?

I strongly recommend you obtain and read a book called, The Critique of Pure Reason, by Immanuel Kant. It's probably available in the Philosophy section of your local library. It's not a fast read. In fact it will take you awhile to get through it. But by the time you're finished with it you will have benefited.

It is good exercise.
It's so funny the media says the guy was a coward. The guy ran up to a cop behind a pillar and opened fire face to face.
The cops used a remote control robot with a bomb to kill the guy when he was cornered in a building.
Sounds to me like the cops were the cowards.

Suicide has never been the mark of bravery.
Like a sniper that uses and RPG. Odd but in certain circumstances, this one being one of them, a viable tactic.
And what if he had a remote detonator to the other bombs he planted & threatened to detonate if not released? He was a legit target & I have no issue with the tactic used to take him out.

SWAT Operators should have been able to neutralize the guy without using military force.


They have MRAPs and all sorts of shit at their disposal and if a situation is so fucked up, the Governor can authorize the National Guard to use military tactics.

When a suspect is barricaded in, and refuses to give up, and is known to be heavily armed, this tactic is justified.

Rarely disagree with you dude, but on this I do.

What's next? Airstrikes?

Civilian police should not be using military tactics or ordinance no matter what.

If a person or group is so well armed the civilian authorities cannot bring them in, the state needs to mobilize it's military.

In this case a blast of tear gas would probably have done the trick. Failing that wait until dehydration and hunger work in your favor.

I simply don't see the difference between cops blowing a guy up or shooting him. Remember at this time they thought they had other shooters. bringing him in for questioning was something they may have wanted, but after a while they had a choice, breach or bomb. Each would have resulted in this guys death.

This wasn't blow em up without warning, he was probably told repeatedly, "come out or else".

A question, would you have had an issue with the remote controlled device (it wasn't a robot) shooting him instead of blowing him up?
Why not? It's as good a way as any.

Because , ultimately the police are SUPPOSED to try to bring suspects in alive. Not just say "well he won't give up " and then bomb them, sheesh.

When a suspect is barricaded in, and refuses to give up, and is known to be heavily armed, this tactic is justified.
The negro panty sniffer was claiming he had planted bombs and was going to detonate them if he was rushed.
The fucking moron asked for food and water and was fucking stupid enough to agree to a robot bringing the food to him.
Had LE not splattered the panty sniffer all over the walls the fucking LIBs would have made him into a hero.
Why not? It's as good a way as any.

Because , ultimately the police are SUPPOSED to try to bring suspects in alive. Not just say "well he won't give up " and then bomb them, sheesh.

When a suspect is barricaded in, and refuses to give up, and is known to be heavily armed, this tactic is justified.

No it isn't. Just wait his ass out. Where is he going to go? Police should NEVER go tactical unless a person is a danger to others. PERIOD
Wise up asshole! 'Mr. Negro Panty Sniffer' claimed to have planted bombs which he claimed he could detonate.
And THAT'S what is known among fucking sane people as being a "Danger To Others".
What if he had detonated a bomb in the shithole you live in?
He had told them he had ied's with him, had set them throughout the garage, and downtown Dallas. They felt this was the best way to keep more officers from being injured, if indeed he had.
Why not? It's as good a way as any.

Because , ultimately the police are SUPPOSED to try to bring suspects in alive. Not just say "well he won't give up " and then bomb them, sheesh.

When a suspect is barricaded in, and refuses to give up, and is known to be heavily armed, this tactic is justified.

No it isn't. Just wait his ass out. Where is he going to go? Police should NEVER go tactical unless a person is a danger to others. PERIOD

So, he told them he had placed IEDs throughout Dallas and they blew him up? Seems to me that they should have been trying to keep him alive so as to find out where the IEDs were.
Dear God you are a fucking idiot.
After committing the mass murder of LEOs and claiming to have planted bombs which he could detonate if rushed do you REALLY believe had he been somehow captured he would tell LE where he hide the bombs?
He had told them he had ied's with him, had set them throughout the garage, and downtown Dallas. They felt this was the best way to keep more officers from being injured, if indeed he had.
Why not? It's as good a way as any.

Because , ultimately the police are SUPPOSED to try to bring suspects in alive. Not just say "well he won't give up " and then bomb them, sheesh.

When a suspect is barricaded in, and refuses to give up, and is known to be heavily armed, this tactic is justified.

No it isn't. Just wait his ass out. Where is he going to go? Police should NEVER go tactical unless a person is a danger to others. PERIOD

So, he told them he had placed IEDs throughout Dallas and they blew him up? Seems to me that they should have been trying to keep him alive so as to find out where the IEDs were.

I am sure he would have told them where they were. LOL
They blew him up with his own bomb? That is fucking awesome. Karmic justice motherfucker!
LE put a bomb on the robot he thought was bringing him food and water.
LE blew up the robot when the live streaming camera showed the Panty Sniffer reaching for the plastic bag containing the food and water.
They blew him up with his own bomb? That is fucking awesome. Karmic justice motherfucker!

No....they brought their own bomb apparently.....where did they get a bomb.....?

A hand grenade would have worked quite well- I would suspect that their SWAT units have them.

Not grenades...they have flash/bangs and smoke...where did they get the bomb?
Like from the locker in the Police department like.
SWAT has C4 and other explosives stored in literally every large Police department in the country.

This guy was Army-trained in infantry tactics, possibly with some sniper training tossed in. He had demonstrated an exceptionally dangerous potential, placing himself in the mad-dog category, so taking him out by any means necessary was acceptable by my standards.

What I'm concerned about is how many more of our trained military veterans have adopted the Allahhu Akhbar persuasion and are poised to launch a suicide mission like this fellow.

White Americans need to wake up to a new reality. They are despised by some very dangerous, committed individuals who are eminently capable of and predisposed to killing them. This fellow was just one.
Anytime a veteran soldier goes bananas it is always going to be worst than with an untrained civilian.

McVeigh already proved that.

UBL was former militia as well. He currently holds the record for kills per incident.

McVeigh is in second. They are both former military.

UBL was self radicalized and there was nothing the Saudi's could do about him in advance. They had no clue that one of the many brats of one of their semi royal millionaires was going to go berserk.

In the same way McVeigh was also self radicalized. In his case pre-enlistment testing may have screened him out, but apparently it didn't.

All military enlistee's and candidates undergo psychological testing and criminal background checks. The tests all look for psychopathic views. But the tests don't catch everybody.

Cops are not trained to fight against well trained and experienced infantry soldiers. Maybe they need to start.

It looks like the black shooter in Dallas was once a good soldier but then somehow he snapped.
He was given a Dishonorable Discharge because he had been repeatedly caught stealing women's panties.

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