The Cult of Trump, formerly the GOP, plan to destroy the economics of this nation

McConnel and the GOP will purposely destroy our economy to gain political power.
IF the media is to be believed, a default on U.S. debt would set in motion an economic catastrophe on a global scale. Markets collapsing, the dollar crashing, and being replaced with some other currency, are all these things acceptable to ANY politician? What purpose would be served if the "power" to be gained would be destroyed in such a catatstrophe? Do you people even attempt to deal in logic anymore?

The truth is simple. Chuck and Nancy can vote straight partyline and raise the debt limit. The fact that they're whining like little bitches is because they KNOW the damage their insane spending is going to cause and they want EVERYONE'S fingerprints on the weapon, not just their own. They can either vote to raise the limit or they can shelve their $3.5T abomination for a much smaller amount and get bipartisan support. They've gotten away with punking so many Republican congresses before by using their lapdog media scum that they've backed themselves into a corner on this one. The Turtle CAN walk away and they'll own it, no matter what your media whores try to tell Americans.
McConnel and the GOP will purposely destroy our economy to gain political power. I am sure Putin appreciates their efforts.

You mean when dems fiilabustered and wanted a recession? This is pure projection......and the dems have to include republicans in legislation, it really pisses them off.....

but please for the love of God, end the fillibuster.....
Most of the congressional Republicans joined with trump's criminal organization, becoming paid employees of Putin during the weeks following the 2017 inauguration.

Moscow Mitch is a shining example.

Wow, usually when you post shit like this it's projection and we find out it's the dems in the cookie jar.

Fuck Xiden had the French ambasador leave the country....France!!!!!!
Maybe quit voting for old douchebags that drool and shit their pants all day

I mean how many times do you reference it, when everything you said and predicted was a lie for 4 years......
Be an adult and take responsibility
McConnel and the GOP will purposely destroy our economy to gain political power. I am sure Putin appreciates their efforts.

Stupid comments like this is a reason I don’t respect you or take you seriously. Has the House passed the $3.5 trillion budget yet? It seems Democrats have trouble getting votes for this terrible spending package. Let’s hope the party moderates prevail.
You mean when dems fiilabustered and wanted a recession? This is pure projection......and the dems have to include republicans in legislation, it really pisses them off.....

but please for the love of God, end the fillibuster.....

There's been no mention of God in the bill. Talk to McConnell.
McConnel and the GOP will purposely destroy our economy to gain political power. I am sure Putin appreciates their efforts.

Yeah, there aren't many pretty sides to the constitutionally mandated 2 senators per state or the party in charge in a particular state drawing congressional districts to favor them but this is one of the uglier sides of the whole partisanship mess. There is zero incentive to do anything but be as partisan as one can be in these backwards (aka red ) states.
IF the media is to be believed, a default on U.S. debt would set in motion an economic catastrophe on a global scale. Markets collapsing, the dollar crashing, and being replaced with some other currency, are all these things acceptable to ANY politician? What purpose would be served if the "power" to be gained would be destroyed in such a catatstrophe? Do you people even attempt to deal in logic anymore?

The truth is simple. Chuck and Nancy can vote straight partyline and raise the debt limit. The fact that they're whining like little bitches is because they KNOW the damage their insane spending is going to cause and they want EVERYONE'S fingerprints on the weapon, not just their own. They can either vote to raise the limit or they can shelve their $3.5T abomination for a much smaller amount and get bipartisan support. They've gotten away with punking so many Republican congresses before by using their lapdog media scum that they've backed themselves into a corner on this one. The Turtle CAN walk away and they'll own it, no matter what your media whores try to tell Americans.
Wow, you're stupid.

Raising the debt ceiling doesn't spend a dime....
Yeah, there aren't many pretty sides to the constitutionally mandated 2 senators per state or the party in charge in a particular state drawing congressional districts to favor them but this is one of the uglier sides of the whole partisanship mess. There is zero incentive to do anything but be as partisan as one can be in these backwards (aka red ) states.

Politicians MUST be allowed to spend as much of our money as they want!
It’s for the children!
Oleg Deripaska, one of Putin’s best buddies, deeply linked into the Russian Mob, and involved in Ukrainian politics, was well-known in prominent Republican circles. Mitch McConnell certainly knew who he was.

In April 2018, the U.S. Treasury Department cracked down on Deripaska, imposing heavy sanctions on him. Trump moved to undermine these sanctions almost immediately.

That was when the Treasury Department — acting with support from then-national security adviser H.R. McMaster, on his way out of the White House — imposed the first consequential Russia sanctions of the Trump years, targeting the oligarch Oleg Deripaska and his aluminum company, Rusal. The impact was swift: Rusal’s shares nosedived by more than 50 percent.

The sanctions against Deripaska were only temporary, as it turned out. In December 2018, after only six months, the Trump administration was seeking to lift them entirely.

  • Merely three months after the sanctions were lifted (April 2019), Rusal announced it would be investing $200 million into a Kentucky aluminum mill run by Braidy Industries, becoming a 40% stakeholder in the project.
  • The deal was hardly a coincidence – the investment was made possible because former top McConnell staffers lobbied on behalf of Braidy Industries for the project.
  • The Russian firm was only able to make the investment after it won sanctions relief from penalties the Treasury Department initially imposed in April 2018 on Rusal and other companies owned by Oleg Deripaska.
  • The Trump administration, however, cut a deal to allow Rusal, a Russian aluminum company 70% owned by Deripaska, to do business in the United States...When a bipartisan group of congressmen objected and tried to stop the Trump administration from doing that, McConnell stepped in and blocked them...
If by "our economy" you're talking about the Marxist, totalitarian bullshit that the dipshit Democrats are trying to install, then by all means, you're absolutely right that America first Republicans intend to replace that.
If by "our economy" you're talking about the Marxist, totalitarian bullshit that the dipshit Democrats are trying to install, then by all means, you're absolutely right that America first Republicans intend to replace that.
America first republicans?
Does that include holidays?

July 5, 2018
Eight members of Congress, all Republicans, spent America's Independence Day in Russia.

Seven senators — John Kennedy (R-LA), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Hoeven (R-ND), John Thune (R-SD), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) — and one House member, Kay Granger (R-TX), are all in Moscow over the Fourth of July holiday this week for talks with Russian lawmakers and officials.

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