The current state of the left.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
The rabid butthurt left has pulled out all the stops. They no longer care about getting caught lying, they no longer care how utterly stupid what they say is, they just have to keep shouting.

Just like in the General Election, they will get bitch slapped by reality.

What is happening now is a mirror of the run up to November. Every time Trump says anything at all they blast it all over the airwaves saying: "This is it! He can't be elected, it's the end of the campaign!"

And: "No moderate will ever vote for Trump now!"

The problem is that they are preaching to the choir, and polling the choir. Which they also did in the general.

Normal rational people see the antics of BLM and Antifa, the non-stop lies of the left wing media, and the damage they are doing to the country. They see what is happening in Europe and they know who is responsible and they know how to combat it here. They know what a problem illegal immigration is and they know the answer.

They don't care what Trump tweets, they don't care who he fires, and they know that the Russian collusion is bull shit.

Yet, the left continues to read its own press, make up its own version of reality, and annoy everyone else with their shouting.

They are winning nothing. Trump has exposed the truth about the left and the left cannot help but to continue to expose themselves.

Lefties coming here to prove me right in 5....4....3....2....
Free speech is becoming a thing of the past except for the speech that the brown shirts (Antifa) approve of.

The Communist left is desperately trying to convince us that their street thugs (ANTIFA) were justified in denying the racist idiot nazis a lawful platform, as if they have irreproachable fiat authority to decide what messages are worthy of protection.

Commie leftist assholes are worse than the racist nazi idiots.
Lol at righties caring about free speech ! Since when?

Since 1776 dumbass.

Umm no. All care about is the 2nd amendment. You wipe your ass with the rest .
The 2nd Amendment protects all the rest.

That's why you commies keep trying to gun-grab us. It will never work and your communist revolution will never happen. Take your idiotic commie bullshit back to Eurotrash where it belongs.
The rabid butthurt left has pulled out all the stops. They no longer care about getting caught lying, they no longer care how utterly stupid what they say is, they just have to keep shouting.

Just like in the General Election, they will get bitch slapped by reality.

What is happening now is a mirror of the run up to November. Every time Trump says anything at all they blast it all over the airwaves saying: "This is it! He can't be elected, it's the end of the campaign!"

And: "No moderate will ever vote for Trump now!"

The problem is that they are preaching to the choir, and polling the choir. Which they also did in the general.

Normal rational people see the antics of BLM and Antifa, the non-stop lies of the left wing media, and the damage they are doing to the country. They see what is happening in Europe and they know who is responsible and they know how to combat it here. They know what a problem illegal immigration is and they know the answer.

They don't care what Trump tweets, they don't care who he fires, and they know that the Russian collusion is bull shit.

Yet, the left continues to read its own press, make up its own version of reality, and annoy everyone else with their shouting.

They are winning nothing. Trump has exposed the truth about the left and the left cannot help but to continue to expose themselves.

Lefties coming here to prove me right in 5....4....3....2....
View attachment 144518

Before you start in again about those dirty old liberals, I'd suggest you consider the election of 2016 is now a fading memory in the rear view mirror, and start looking in your own backyard.

* The left wing has been out of power for 7 months now.

* Trump and the GOP has yet to deliver on one single piece of major legislation. No Healthcare, No Budget, No Infrastructure, No reduction in the national debt, and No wall (and if there is one WE will pay for it!)

* Robert Mueller's investigation will expose every facet of the truth, so don't start celebrating just yet on that score.

* The Donald's repeated attacks on his own party members have left him with few supporters in Congress.

* Large portions of the business community have distanced themselves from Trump, further eroding his base of support.

* The military routinely ignores his calls for an end to transgender troops, and found his comments about Charlottesville pathetic and inadequate.

I know it's fun to bash the Liberals, and yes, they have their share of problems but Trump and the GOP have far bigger problems, since they can't seem to produce....anything! Have a nice day!
The rabid butthurt left has pulled out all the stops. They no longer care about getting caught lying, they no longer care how utterly stupid what they say is, they just have to keep shouting.

Just like in the General Election, they will get bitch slapped by reality.

What is happening now is a mirror of the run up to November. Every time Trump says anything at all they blast it all over the airwaves saying: "This is it! He can't be elected, it's the end of the campaign!"

And: "No moderate will ever vote for Trump now!"

The problem is that they are preaching to the choir, and polling the choir. Which they also did in the general.

Normal rational people see the antics of BLM and Antifa, the non-stop lies of the left wing media, and the damage they are doing to the country. They see what is happening in Europe and they know who is responsible and they know how to combat it here. They know what a problem illegal immigration is and they know the answer.

They don't care what Trump tweets, they don't care who he fires, and they know that the Russian collusion is bull shit.

Yet, the left continues to read its own press, make up its own version of reality, and annoy everyone else with their shouting.

They are winning nothing. Trump has exposed the truth about the left and the left cannot help but to continue to expose themselves.

Lefties coming here to prove me right in 5....4....3....2....
View attachment 144518

Before you start in again about those dirty old liberals, I'd suggest you consider the election of 2016 is now a fading memory in the rear view mirror, and start looking in your own backyard.

* The left wing has been out of power for 7 months now.

* Trump and the GOP has yet to deliver on one single piece of major legislation. No Healthcare, No Budget, No Infrastructure, No reduction in the national debt, and No wall (and if there is one WE will pay for it!)

* Robert Mueller's investigation will expose every facet of the truth, so don't start celebrating just yet on that score.

* The Donald's repeated attacks on his own party members have left him with few supporters in Congress.

* Large portions of the business community have distanced themselves from Trump, further eroding his base of support.

I know it's fun to bash the Liberals, and yes, they have their share of problems but Trump and the GOP have far bigger problems, since they can't seem to produce....anything! Have a nice day!

Jesus! How many times do I have to debunk this same left wing nutter garbage?

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