The Dallas Death Squad

Hey! What happened to Mental Illness?
I have not seen Guno either.

The shooters of the cops are obviously mentally ill
Well one is dead so we can call him cured. Texas has one of the fastest death penalty's in the United States so ALL will be cured shortly.
They blew him up! A bomb robot was set in and blew itself up. Like a little mechanical suicide bomber.

I hope parts of the little robot is salvageable.
I can only hope it was a slow and painful death.
Hey! What happened to Mental Illness?
I have not seen Guno either.

The shooters of the cops are obviously mentally ill
Well one is dead so we can call him cured. Texas has one of the fastest death penalty's in the United States so ALL will be cured shortly.
They blew him up! A bomb robot was set in and blew itself up. Like a little mechanical suicide bomber.

I hope parts of the little robot is salvageable.
Yeah, poor robot.
Hey! What happened to Mental Illness?
I have not seen Guno either.

The shooters of the cops are obviously mentally ill
Well one is dead so we can call him cured. Texas has one of the fastest death penalty's in the United States so ALL will be cured shortly.
They blew him up! A bomb robot was set in and blew itself up. Like a little mechanical suicide bomber.

I hope parts of the little robot is salvageable.
I can only hope it was a slow and painful death.
I really don't see the problem here.
White cops kill innocent unarmed black dudes, so this is just reasonable payback.

Seems fair enough.
Reported for calling police to be murdered.
I hope they delete your account.

I didn't call for anyone to be murdered, just said to kill a murdering group is not much of a problem.
learn to fucking read.

Reported for again calling police to be murdered. I urge everyone to report this scum.

Who is it? I can't see it.
The cops refuse to even name their latest murderer, but complain when someone has a go at them.
If they actually d id something positive instead of protecting theit killers these things wouldn't happen.
Cops fault.

You are proving nothing. This doesn't come close to your claim that the police go around murdering people.

That islamic son of a b#tch is already using it to push for gun control........
"And in a nod to the heated issue of gun control, he said, "We also know when people are armed with powerful weapons, unfortunately it makes attacks like these more deadly and more tragic. And in the days ahead we are going to have to consider those realities as well.”
President Obama Describes Dallas Shootings As 'Vicious, Calculated, Despicable Attack'

were the guns registered?

There's such a thing as "gun smuggling" and underground/black market purchasing. When these weapons get past authorities, they're purchased "under the radar" and not registered. They're probably not purchasing those weapons with any "good deeds" on their minds. There are probably 20 different ways from Sunday that guns can be legally or illegally purchased by family, friends or whoever and then turned over to people who they know are not supposed to have them.

I don't hear any outcry over that ... our focus is being deflected from those guns to control, disarming and confiscation of guns from people who own guns for entirely different reasons.
Jesus H fucking christ on a pa ir of bastard lollipop sticks, I don't believe I've ever seen any poster as stupid as you, and you have tough competition here.
Where was all the outrage from weathernam when the murdering cops were killing people?
I really don't see the problem here.
White cops kill innocent unarmed black dudes, so this is just reasonable payback.

Seems fair enough.
Permanent Ignore asswipe.
Fucking rag head terrorists like you are not welcome here.
I really don't see the problem here.
White cops kill innocent unarmed black dudes, so this is just reasonable payback.

Seems fair enough.
Reported for calling police to be murdered.
I hope they delete your account.

I didn't call for anyone to be murdered, just said to kill a murdering group is not much of a problem.
learn to fucking read.

I have reported you to the FBI, NSA,CIA and the authorities in Indonesia.
Hope you enjoy sucking your cellmate's dicks.
I really don't see the problem here.
White cops kill innocent unarmed black dudes, so this is just reasonable payback.

Seems fair enough.

Dear Indofred
If it was "okay" then why the BLM complaining about this?
Of course it's not acceptable.

Both sides of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict are complaining and protesting
of violence and oppression by the other.

If both sides are mutually injured, does that make it okay?
Or twice as deadly?

Black americans do not engage in this level of filth----
IT IS, OBVIOUSLY, ISLAMIC ---wait and see.

rosie if you are not old enough to recall these acts and you skipped school the day these terrorist acts were taught in school, let me enlighten you.

According to a Justice Department report on BLA activity, the Black Liberation Army is suspected of involvement in over 70 incidents of violence between 1970 and 1976.[9] The Fraternal Order of Police blames the BLA for the murders of 13 police officers

Black Liberation Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
what do they want to be liberated from? being black?

They have entire cities to themselves now. If that isn't enough then what is?

To not be black. It's clearly what they want.
Well they destroyed those now so...
Three of the shooters had high powered rifles and where in an elevated triangulated position. For all you liberal nitwits that is a pre-planned organized coordinated position of attack. So we can take random reaction off the table.

And it was BLM the same group that busted up a "mourning gathering" for the dead in Orlando and the children with cancer group in Missouri. BLM has now positioned itself as the most deadly group since the "weatherman underground" and the bombing of the ROTC building at the University of Washington.

We have an islamic ni99er president and both the islamics and the ni99ers are openly and proudly killing white people. The islamics want you dead because of your faith and the ni99ers because of your color and white democrats want you to apologize and accept these changes.

I do NOT and will NOT accept the use of Christians or white people as fodder to prove tolerance. That is not have one proves tolerance, its only how ones accepts unjust death. And that IS what our islamic ni99er president has given us.
An islamic approved ni99er backed death sentence.

Texas is center of the gun grabbers scope and a little over 100 years ago people from all over this nation gathered for a fight they had little to no chance of winning. Men with rifles shouldered up behind dirt walls and wood fence out numbered by men with cannons for the most basic human right, the right to live.

Certain things in life require you to make changes and yesterday was one. I'm going to sell my website and some other holdings and use it to arm Texans. I'm goint to look for a place in west Texas. I truly think I understand the feelings of those men who stood those dirt walls. I would rather die a FREE TEXAN than a government slave.

Fury is now beyond libel, he is engaged in sedition. He wants to die in west Texas. The government will accomodate him.

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