The Dangerous Game of Smearing a Sitting President of the Most Powerful Country in the World

This shit has gotten progressively worse with time, so the next White House occupant had better strap in.

The nutters are firmly in control now. Enjoy.
They can be both
A) That remains to be seen and B) something is no longer an allegation once it's confirmed or disproved.
So, no, they can't.

Trump has not disproved any of the charges
Until that time, he is presumed guilty

Why stop there? You're going to proclaim him guilty no matter what's proven.

If Trump goes before Congress and swears under oath we can start to believe him

No you won't.
They can be both
A) That remains to be seen and B) something is no longer an allegation once it's confirmed or disproved.
So, no, they can't.

Trump has not disproved any of the charges
Until that time, he is presumed guilty

Why stop there? You're going to proclaim him guilty no matter what's proven.

If Trump goes before Congress and swears under oath we can start to believe him

No you won't.

No, he won’t
Trump should achieve the symbolic respect of his own people for ridiculing handicapped people and trashing our POWs and Gold star families. You don`t even realize how fucked up you are do you?

That is a lie and you know it.

Get over your hurt ass feelings and grow the hell up why dont you?
That is 100$% true that Trump mocked a handicapped reporter & dissed a gold Star family. He also trashed a war hero & said he didn't like POWs. He called the widow of a slain soldier a liar on the day she met that coffin at the airbase.

Trump is a fucking low life piece of shit & so are you for lying to protect him. Why don't you pull your head out of your ass.
Well President Trumps meeting with the Norks went belly up.

No deal: Trump-Kim summit ends abruptly

In the eyes of the world, Trump is being undermined by his own countrymen with calls for impeachment, fake resolutions against his declarations of Emergency that h ave zero chance of actually sticking, and an opposition party that would rather see Americans lose in every negotiation and everything else included rather than to let the President have a single win.

Why should anyone in the world take such a Chief Executive seriously when he cannot achieve the symbolic respect of his own people?

Gone is the ability to talk the Norks into giving up their nukes for concessions, gone is the ability to help guide India and Pakistan away from nuclear war, gone is the ability to negotiate better trade deals for US workers all because Nancy Piglosi and Chucky Schmuker think this is what is required to win in 2020.

This is simply disgusting, disloyal and reckless.

Mike Cohen is a brazen liar, who has been repeatedly caught in perjury and is going to prison for perjury and he has even been disbarred. And the Democrats have turned over the operations of Congress to him and his lawyer Lanny Davis, to try and embarrass Trump with nothing but unsupported claims and unwarranted allegations of wrong doing by a known liar who is obviously wanting to plea deal with his little chip of testimony of betrayal of client privilege.

I have never felt so embarrassed for my country my whole life than I did yesterday with the Democrat Party self immolating our national interests and the interests of her people so they can say once again to the whole planet 'ORANGE MAN BAD!' with ZERO political consequences what so ever, only international consequences as we have seen.

In the meantime India and Pakistan may stumble into nuclear war because these Dimocrats are undermining the probably single man on Earth who can carrot and stick them into peace; and that is our duly elected sitting President, Donald J Trump.

Dimocrats, you are disgusting, you are traitorous, and you are a bunch of fools playing with consequences you cannot fathom all for your political horse shit.

Shame, shame, shame on you, you bloody imbeciles. The sooner you are drubbed into the ash heap of history the better it will be for Mankind.
GAWD! After what you fukkers did to Obama, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
When either side starts this nonsense about the opposition undermining the presidency, I have to laugh.

Both sides of the aisle have been acting like children for years. When it is the other side in the White House, they scream bloody murder about all sorts of shit. When their party is in the WH, it becomes "We should work together", "He is the President, show some respect".

Want respect? Give respect.
Do you think Obama was treated as poorly as Trump? If not, you can drop the "both sides do it" nonsense. If you do say Obama was treated as poorly as Trump, we all know youre just lying.

sooooooooooooo much of trump criticisms are both well deserved & self inviting.
Sooooooo much of Trumps criticism is underserved and downright petty.

you mean it's like when obama got slammed for not putting his hand over his heart during the national anthem? or when he wore a brown suit? or when he didn't wear a flagpin? or <GASP> he fist bumped with his one & only wife?
To live like a "conservative," you have to have a wife who screws on command, a mistress, and a couple of call girls on speed dial, but tell your daughters not to have sex.

i remember when trump bragged on howard stern about the time he took both ivana & marla on the same ski vacation in aspen & when they crossed paths, it wasn't pretty....

good old fashioned 'family values'.
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You don’t blame Nixon for Nixon?

I think Nixon got a bad rap. He really didn't do anything that all of his predecessors did with impunity. He just had the bad luck to do them with the country in a very cranky mood.

The ironic thing that liberals should consider is that Nixon wasn't such a bad guy. He gave us OSHA, the EPA, ended Vietnam, opened relations with China. He was a Republican, but he wasn't a nut.
Not by Trumpian standards

Trumps paranoias are sounding very much like Nixon

didn't nixon have an 'enemies' list?
In a traditional Democracy, Trump would be presumed innocent

However, voters decided on a Trumpian Democracy in 2016 where wild accusations can be made and the burden of proof shifts to the accused

MAGA Baby!

I guess, you are just riling up the rubes, but still...

Legally speaking, Trump is presumed innocent. Insofar, the character of U.S. democracy hasn't changed.

Politically speaking, he's looking as corrupt as a Mob boss, with whatever organization he headed - campaign, transition, Trump Org., Trump foundation, Trump University - all under investigation.

But, the interesting thing is, not even the finest of Trumpletons still maintain his (factual) innocence. They are now into, "but he wasn't convicted", so the allegations aren't proven before a court of law. Since under DoJ guidelines the president can't be indicted, much less convicted, that's their way to express they patently don't care about the president's criminality. If he makes the trains run on time, whatever criminality there may be - on 5th Avenue, or elsewhere - is of no import to them.

How Scared Should Trump Be of Mueller? Ask John Gotti or Sammy “The Bull”
You don’t blame Nixon for Nixon?

I think Nixon got a bad rap. He really didn't do anything that all of his predecessors did with impunity. He just had the bad luck to do them with the country in a very cranky mood.

The ironic thing that liberals should consider is that Nixon wasn't such a bad guy. He gave us OSHA, the EPA, ended Vietnam, opened relations with China. He was a Republican, but he wasn't a nut.
Not by Trumpian standards

Trumps paranoias are sounding very much like Nixon

didn't nixon have an 'enemies' list?
Evidently, not as long as Trumps

Yes, nice story. The problem with every analogy is that you have to demonstrate that the two stories follow the same pattern or rules for it to be valid. Thus it doesn't mean Trump will end up suffering Gotti's fate. It doesn't even mean Americans won't reelect him. For all I care, and looking around on here, the "establishment's" onslaught will rather guarantee the Trumpletons have one more reason to rally behind their Dear Leader. So, what Mueller is doing, or the prosecutors at the SDNY, may very well cause a backlash the likes of which the nation can ill afford.
But, the interesting thing is, not even the finest of Trumpletons still maintain his (factual) innocence. They are now into, "but he wasn't convicted", so the allegations aren't proven before a court of law. Since under DoJ guidelines the president can't be indicted, much less convicted, that's their way to express they patently don't care about the president's criminality. If he makes the trains run on time, whatever criminality there may be - on 5th Avenue, or elsewhere - is of no import to them.
Reminds me of the King Obama reign when he could get away with illegality after illegality and none of his cheer leading supporters seemed to give a damn!
What's that? Give an example you say? Fine. How about Barry misusing and diverting TARP funds to take over GM (an illegality)? The Auto Bailout and the Rule of Law

That's how partisanship works, isn't it?
And now you folks mewl, whimper and whine now that the shoe is on the other foot. It's embarrassing, frankly.
No money from taxpayers should ever be used to support rich capitalist corporations...
You know, his argument would be funny if it weren't so pitiful.
When either side starts this nonsense about the opposition undermining the presidency, I have to laugh.

Both sides of the aisle have been acting like children for years. When it is the other side in the White House, they scream bloody murder about all sorts of shit. When their party is in the WH, it becomes "We should work together", "He is the President, show some respect".

Want respect? Give respect.
Do you think Obama was treated as poorly as Trump? If not, you can drop the "both sides do it" nonsense. If you do say Obama was treated as poorly as Trump, we all know youre just lying.

sooooooooooooo much of trump criticisms are both well deserved & self inviting.
Sooooooo much of Trumps criticism is underserved and downright petty.

you mean it's like when obama got slammed for not putting his hand over his heart during the national anthem? or when he wore a brown suit? or when he didn't wear a flagpin? or <GASP> he fist bumped with his one & only wife?
Yeah, those are dumb things to complain about, but they barely made headlines. I dont remember the tan suit thing at all. If Trump orders McDonalds food, its a national headline for weeks!

Yes, nice story. The problem with every analogy is that you have to demonstrate that the two stories follow the same pattern or rules for it to be valid. Thus it doesn't mean Trump will end up suffering Gotti's fate. It doesn't even mean Americans won't reelect him. For all I care, and looking around on here, the "establishment's" onslaught will rather guarantee the Trumpletons have one more reason to rally behind their Dear Leader. So, what Mueller is doing, or the prosecutors at the SDNY, may very well cause a backlash the likes of which the nation can ill afford.
And the nation certainly cannot afford to abandon the Constitution, the rule of law, or a politicians oath to office to serve those people in a representative government. The backlash to irresponsible inaction, is automatic destruction to everything this country holds dear. And if you are resting that inaction on the backs of a criminal, that will rest on your shoulders, not mine. I hold dear my freedoms in this country. I don't support Dictators, murderers, and authoritarians who want to steal my freedoms from me.
When either side starts this nonsense about the opposition undermining the presidency, I have to laugh.

Both sides of the aisle have been acting like children for years. When it is the other side in the White House, they scream bloody murder about all sorts of shit. When their party is in the WH, it becomes "We should work together", "He is the President, show some respect".

Want respect? Give respect.
Do you think Obama was treated as poorly as Trump? If not, you can drop the "both sides do it" nonsense. If you do say Obama was treated as poorly as Trump, we all know youre just lying.

sooooooooooooo much of trump criticisms are both well deserved & self inviting.
Sooooooo much of Trumps criticism is underserved and downright petty.

you mean it's like when obama got slammed for not putting his hand over his heart during the national anthem? or when he wore a brown suit? or when he didn't wear a flagpin? or <GASP> he fist bumped with his one & only wife?
Yeah, those are dumb things to complain about, but they barely made headlines. I dont remember the tan suit thing at all. If Trump orders McDonalds food, its a national headline for weeks!
Or copies of checks as reimbursements to porn stars. That will go on for years.
But, the interesting thing is, not even the finest of Trumpletons still maintain his (factual) innocence. They are now into, "but he wasn't convicted", so the allegations aren't proven before a court of law. Since under DoJ guidelines the president can't be indicted, much less convicted, that's their way to express they patently don't care about the president's criminality. If he makes the trains run on time, whatever criminality there may be - on 5th Avenue, or elsewhere - is of no import to them.
Reminds me of the King Obama reign when he could get away with illegality after illegality and none of his cheer leading supporters seemed to give a damn!
What's that? Give an example you say? Fine. How about Barry misusing and diverting TARP funds to take over GM (an illegality)? The Auto Bailout and the Rule of Law

That's how partisanship works, isn't it?
And now you folks mewl, whimper and whine now that the shoe is on the other foot. It's embarrassing, frankly.
The thing with rule of law, you actually have to use the law....opinions on Fox News are not a supstitute

Yes, nice story. The problem with every analogy is that you have to demonstrate that the two stories follow the same pattern or rules for it to be valid. Thus it doesn't mean Trump will end up suffering Gotti's fate. It doesn't even mean Americans won't reelect him. For all I care, and looking around on here, the "establishment's" onslaught will rather guarantee the Trumpletons have one more reason to rally behind their Dear Leader. So, what Mueller is doing, or the prosecutors at the SDNY, may very well cause a backlash the likes of which the nation can ill afford.

trump has conducted himself as if he were in the mob. & uh.... his base is 30% of those who still consider themselves (R)s. that's really not a lot - & it's not looking good for donny. he may not make it till 2020 anyways.
When either side starts this nonsense about the opposition undermining the presidency, I have to laugh.

Both sides of the aisle have been acting like children for years. When it is the other side in the White House, they scream bloody murder about all sorts of shit. When their party is in the WH, it becomes "We should work together", "He is the President, show some respect".

Want respect? Give respect.

This is the kind of broad sweeping generality that does not serve our political discourse very well. I showed Obama respect, more for the office than the person, but I think he is a genius. I think he saved our economy via salvaging the financial markets by recapitalizing them through QE, but they should have spread the largesse around more.

I disliked a lot of Obamas excesses, for example, the DACA crap and the expansion of Presidential emergency powers, (did you know you can be forced to work for the government without compensation thanks to Obama? He was the first to expand Presidential power to that degree.)

But I am a moderate and I support the duly elected President of any party because the office deserves it, the Republic needs it and it is the will of the people.

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