The Dangerous Lie That ‘Bush Lied’

What happened right after the invasion of Iraq? Do you remember?

Who was it who kept demanding an "exit strategy" again? LOL
You are evidently a complete waste of time. You really don't know anything do you. Why do you bother posting on a public forum when you don't really have anything to say?

What about addressing the point? Which party kept demanding an exit strategy so we could leave?

You and Republicans are different shades of grey. We need a better strategy in the middle east. You two just bicker and point fingers while you follow the same course.

Judging from your statements I can only conclude that you believe nothing of any consequence happened in Iraq before 2008.
You're guy successfully ended a successful Iraq war. You have no leg to stand on.

Leg to stand on about what?
Every opinion piece claims to examine the facts - that doesn't make it a factual piece.
You do understand that, right?
You understand that a participant in the investigation has far more accurate information than Rachel Maddow, right?
Otherwise virtually everything is merely an opinion since a person produced it.

If only they could produce real evidence they way you do. When will these people learn?

I cannot think of any other poster whose "facts" have been proven false more often than Rabbi.

ALWAYS check under the hood and ask for verification when engaging him/her.

He never actually bothers with facts. His first instinct is to characterize people he disagrees with rather than persuading anyone with his argument.

That's true. But if he/she ever claims a fact .... there's a 95% chance it is incorrect

Coincidentally that's about the same percentage of incorrect FOX News stories. I wonder if there's a correlation there?
Who was it who kept demanding an "exit strategy" again? LOL
You are evidently a complete waste of time. You really don't know anything do you. Why do you bother posting on a public forum when you don't really have anything to say?

What about addressing the point? Which party kept demanding an exit strategy so we could leave?

You and Republicans are different shades of grey. We need a better strategy in the middle east. You two just bicker and point fingers while you follow the same course.

Judging from your statements I can only conclude that you believe nothing of any consequence happened in Iraq before 2008.
You're guy successfully ended a successful Iraq war. You have no leg to stand on.

Leg to stand on about what?
The once successful iraq. Then Obama cut and ran.
You understand that a participant in the investigation has far more accurate information than Rachel Maddow, right?
Otherwise virtually everything is merely an opinion since a person produced it.

If only they could produce real evidence they way you do. When will these people learn?

I cannot think of any other poster whose "facts" have been proven false more often than Rabbi.

ALWAYS check under the hood and ask for verification when engaging him/her.

He never actually bothers with facts. His first instinct is to characterize people he disagrees with rather than persuading anyone with his argument.

That's true. But if he/she ever claims a fact .... there's a 95% chance it is incorrect

Coincidentally that's about the same percentage of incorrect FOX News stories. I wonder if there's a correlation there?

LOL - even Fox gets it right more often than Rabbi
If only they could produce real evidence they way you do. When will these people learn?

I cannot think of any other poster whose "facts" have been proven false more often than Rabbi.

ALWAYS check under the hood and ask for verification when engaging him/her.

He never actually bothers with facts. His first instinct is to characterize people he disagrees with rather than persuading anyone with his argument.

That's true. But if he/she ever claims a fact .... there's a 95% chance it is incorrect

Coincidentally that's about the same percentage of incorrect FOX News stories. I wonder if there's a correlation there?

LOL - even Fox gets it right more often than Rabbi
Translation: I've been pwned once more.
You are evidently a complete waste of time. You really don't know anything do you. Why do you bother posting on a public forum when you don't really have anything to say?

What about addressing the point? Which party kept demanding an exit strategy so we could leave?

You and Republicans are different shades of grey. We need a better strategy in the middle east. You two just bicker and point fingers while you follow the same course.

Judging from your statements I can only conclude that you believe nothing of any consequence happened in Iraq before 2008.
You're guy successfully ended a successful Iraq war. You have no leg to stand on.

Leg to stand on about what?
The once successful iraq. Then Obama cut and ran.
Yeah, like Korea and Vietnam were mission accomplished too.
I do not believe that Bush lied us into war. I do believe that some of his top people, such as Condie Rice, and some senior folks in the intelligence community, did in fact lie us into war.

Given Bush's reaction when it became apparent that Iraq had no nukes and no credible nuclear program, I think it's very likely that he had sincerely believed what he had previously said--and what he had been told--about Iraqi WMDs. But I think some other folks in his administration and in the intelligence agencies either knew better or at least knew that the supposed evidence was very thin.
What about addressing the point? Which party kept demanding an exit strategy so we could leave?

You and Republicans are different shades of grey. We need a better strategy in the middle east. You two just bicker and point fingers while you follow the same course.

Judging from your statements I can only conclude that you believe nothing of any consequence happened in Iraq before 2008.
You're guy successfully ended a successful Iraq war. You have no leg to stand on.

Leg to stand on about what?
The once successful iraq. Then Obama cut and ran.
Yeah, like Korea and Vietnam were mission accomplished too.
Vietnamn was undermined by liberals. After Tet the Vietcong were a spent force. WIth Johnson's bombing of hte North they were ready to deal. Then the Left raised hell and made up shit and we cut and ran.
Just like they wanted to do in Iraq. Thank Goodness Bush was made of stronger stuff.
You are evidently a complete waste of time. You really don't know anything do you. Why do you bother posting on a public forum when you don't really have anything to say?

What about addressing the point? Which party kept demanding an exit strategy so we could leave?

You and Republicans are different shades of grey. We need a better strategy in the middle east. You two just bicker and point fingers while you follow the same course.

Judging from your statements I can only conclude that you believe nothing of any consequence happened in Iraq before 2008.
You're guy successfully ended a successful Iraq war. You have no leg to stand on.

Leg to stand on about what?
The once successful iraq. Then Obama cut and ran.

Remember the guy who threw his shoe at President Bush. Recall what that press conference was about. It was when they announce the "Bush Bug Out Plan". All troops were leaving before 2012. What a waste of lives and treasure.
Judging from your statements I can only conclude that you believe nothing of any consequence happened in Iraq before 2008.
You're guy successfully ended a successful Iraq war. You have no leg to stand on.

Leg to stand on about what?
The once successful iraq. Then Obama cut and ran.
Yeah, like Korea and Vietnam were mission accomplished too.
Vietnamn was undermined by liberals. After Tet the Vietcong were a spent force. WIth Johnson's bombing of hte North they were ready to deal. Then the Left raised hell and made up shit and we cut and ran.
Just like they wanted to do in Iraq. Thank Goodness Bush was made of stronger stuff.

Bull shit, it was that traitor Nixon who subverted the Johnson peace talks in 1968.
You're guy successfully ended a successful Iraq war. You have no leg to stand on.

Leg to stand on about what?
The once successful iraq. Then Obama cut and ran.
Yeah, like Korea and Vietnam were mission accomplished too.
Vietnamn was undermined by liberals. After Tet the Vietcong were a spent force. WIth Johnson's bombing of hte North they were ready to deal. Then the Left raised hell and made up shit and we cut and ran.
Just like they wanted to do in Iraq. Thank Goodness Bush was made of stronger stuff.

Bull shit, it was that traitor Nixon who subverted the Johnson peace talks in 1968.
Leg to stand on about what?
The once successful iraq. Then Obama cut and ran.
Yeah, like Korea and Vietnam were mission accomplished too.
Vietnamn was undermined by liberals. After Tet the Vietcong were a spent force. WIth Johnson's bombing of hte North they were ready to deal. Then the Left raised hell and made up shit and we cut and ran.
Just like they wanted to do in Iraq. Thank Goodness Bush was made of stronger stuff.

Bull shit, it was that traitor Nixon who subverted the Johnson peace talks in 1968.

BBC News - The Lyndon Johnson tapes Richard Nixon s treason

In late October 1968 there were major concessions from Hanoi which promised to allow meaningful talks to get underway in Paris - concessions that would justify Johnson calling for a complete bombing halt of North Vietnam. This was exactly what Nixon feared.

Chennault was despatched to the South Vietnamese embassy with a clear message: the South Vietnamese government should withdraw from the talks, refuse to deal with Johnson, and if Nixon was elected, they would get a much better deal.

So on the eve of his planned announcement of a halt to the bombing, Johnson learned the South Vietnamese were pulling out.

He was also told why. The FBI had bugged the ambassador's phone and a transcripts of Anna Chennault's calls were sent to the White House. In one conversation she tells the ambassador to "just hang on through election".

Johnson was told by Defence Secretary Clifford that the interference was illegal and threatened the chance for peace.

In a series of remarkable White House recordings we can hear Johnson's reaction to the news.

In one call to Senator Richard Russell he says: "We have found that our friend, the Republican nominee, our California friend, has been playing on the outskirts with our enemies and our friends both, he has been doing it through rather subterranean sources. Mrs Chennault is warning the South Vietnamese not to get pulled into this Johnson move."

He orders the Nixon campaign to be placed under FBI surveillance and demands to know if Nixon is personally involved.

When he became convinced it was being orchestrated by the Republican candidate, the president called Senator Everett Dirksen, the Republican leader in the Senate to get a message to Nixon.

The president knew what was going on, Nixon should back off and the subterfuge amounted to treason.

Publicly Nixon was suggesting he had no idea why the South Vietnamese withdrew from the talks. He even offered to travel to Saigon to get them back to the negotiating table.

Johnson felt it was the ultimate expression of political hypocrisy but in calls recorded with Clifford they express the fear that going public would require revealing the FBI were bugging the ambassador's phone and the National Security Agency (NSA) was intercepting his communications with Saigon.

So they decided to say nothing.
You are evidently a complete waste of time. You really don't know anything do you. Why do you bother posting on a public forum when you don't really have anything to say?

What about addressing the point? Which party kept demanding an exit strategy so we could leave?

You and Republicans are different shades of grey. We need a better strategy in the middle east. You two just bicker and point fingers while you follow the same course.

Judging from your statements I can only conclude that you believe nothing of any consequence happened in Iraq before 2008.
You're guy successfully ended a successful Iraq war. You have no leg to stand on.

Leg to stand on about what?
The once successful iraq. Then Obama cut and ran.

What about addressing the point? Which party kept demanding an exit strategy so we could leave?

You and Republicans are different shades of grey. We need a better strategy in the middle east. You two just bicker and point fingers while you follow the same course.

Judging from your statements I can only conclude that you believe nothing of any consequence happened in Iraq before 2008.
You're guy successfully ended a successful Iraq war. You have no leg to stand on.

Leg to stand on about what?
The once successful iraq. Then Obama cut and ran.

Remember the guy who threw his shoe at President Bush. Recall what that press conference was about. It was when they announce the "Bush Bug Out Plan". All troops were leaving before 2012. What a waste of lives and treasure.
It was not certain and the final status of forces had yet to be negotiated. Obama's own military advisors have said he ignored their advice and was hasty to get out of Iraq.
Judging from your statements I can only conclude that you believe nothing of any consequence happened in Iraq before 2008.
You're guy successfully ended a successful Iraq war. You have no leg to stand on.

Leg to stand on about what?
The once successful iraq. Then Obama cut and ran.
Yeah, like Korea and Vietnam were mission accomplished too.
Vietnamn was undermined by liberals. After Tet the Vietcong were a spent force. WIth Johnson's bombing of hte North they were ready to deal. Then the Left raised hell and made up shit and we cut and ran.
Just like they wanted to do in Iraq. Thank Goodness Bush was made of stronger stuff.

If some people had their way we'd still be fighting in Vietnam.

Vietnam was undermined by liberals. After Tet the Vietcong were a spent force. WIth Johnson's bombing of the North they were ready to deal. Then the Left raised hell and made up shit and we cut and ran. Just like they wanted to do in Iraq. Thank Goodness Bush was made of stronger stuff.

I don't think the invasion of Iraq was wise or necessary, but I do agree that the Left snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in Vietnam, and the North Vietnamese even said so after the war.
If some people had their way we'd still be fighting in Vietnam.

Eee-gads, someone's a bit behind in their history reading. North Vietnam was on the verge of unconditional surrender as a result of Nixon's bombing campaigns. They were almost out of AA missiles and had been decimated by the bombing. This has been profusely documented for at least two decades now. But along came the American Left, especially the news media, to the rescue.

And as for the Korean War, South Korea would today be a part of North Korea if the Left had behaved during the Korean War the way they behaved during the Vietnam War.
Vietnam was undermined by liberals. After Tet the Vietcong were a spent force. WIth Johnson's bombing of the North they were ready to deal. Then the Left raised hell and made up shit and we cut and ran. Just like they wanted to do in Iraq. Thank Goodness Bush was made of stronger stuff.

I don't think the invasion of Iraq was wise or necessary, but I do agree that the Left snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in Vietnam, and the North Vietnamese even said so after the war.
Bottom line is everyone in the entire world know bush lied us into iraq except republicans.

And they know it too. Just like they know the GOP caused the great global recession of 07

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