The Dangerous Lie That ‘Bush Lied’

Isn't retroactively changing historical facts exactly the premise of "1984?"

Bush lied about Iraq to justify the war. That's not subject to historical revision or right-think. It's fact. Come along later and try to convince people it isn't because his idiot brother wants to run is pretty obvously what you're doing. Oh don't elect Jeb, his brother lied about Iraq to justify a war. I can see how that'd be politically inconvenient, but trying to edit history for the benefit of his contemporaries is so pathetic and obvious you're hurting your cause even more assuming people are THAT stupid.
After Raygun took Iraq off the terrorist list. Saddam was able to acquire enough nuclear goodies to start a clandestine Manhattan Project style enrichment program. Right under Raygun and Bush (41)'s noses. It wasn't discovered until an analysis of a bombing run during the first Gulf War showed evidence of it. Talk about egg on your face, Ronnie.

TOTAL are not only a liar but a piss poor liar....there was no "terror list" before the first WTC attack you turd....Reagan left office in 1989...a full 4 years before the first WTC bombing and 12 years before 9/11

The January 1, 1984 Washington Post reported that the US had "informed friendly Persian Gulf nations that the defeat of Iraq in the three-year-old war with Iran would be ‘contrary to US interests’ and has made several moves to prevent that result".

Central to these "moves" was the cementing of a military and political alliance with Saddam Hussein’s repressive regime, so as to build up Iraq as a military counterweight to Iran. In 1982, the Reagan administration removed Iraq from the State Department’s list of countries that allegedly supported terrorism. On December 19-20, 1983, Reagan dispatched his Middle East envoy–none other than Donald Rumsfeld–to Baghdad with a hand-written offer of a resumption of diplomatic relations, which had been severed during the 1967 Arab-Israel war. On March 24, 1984, Rumsfeld was again in Baghdad.

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

He did all that while secretly arming the Iranians, violating US law. Reagan was very ambitious, he makes Obama look like a boy scout.
Another astounding historic revelation. What is the basis for this information? What is your source? Do you have access to classified intelligence? Or do you only have access to more conjecture?

Not my job to school every moron who wanders in....if you think you can disprove what I said let's see it...otherwise kiss my ass.
In 1982, the Reagan administration removed Iraq from the State Department’s list of countries that allegedly supported terrorism.

:laugh: Talk about weak tea....the WaPo writer couldn't bring himself to lie about there being an actual terror list in 1982 because there was no such he mews that the STATE DEPT had a list of "alleged" terror supporters....what a crock of shit. I guess you're off the hook for's your source that lied.
Reagan violated th law, Ollie violated the law, they both lied until they were forced to tell the truth.

And we have folks like Ball-less Kurtz defending these enemies of America.
In 1982, the Reagan administration removed Iraq from the State Department’s list of countries that allegedly supported terrorism.

:laugh: Talk about weak tea....the WaPo writer couldn't bring himself to lie about there being an actual terror list in 1982 because there was no such he mews that the STATE DEPT had a list of "alleged" terror supporters....what a crock of shit. I guess you're off the hook for's your source that lied.

Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein

"Initially, Iraq advanced far into Iranian territory, but was driven back within months. By mid-1982, Iraq was on the defensive against Iranian human-wave attacks. The U.S., having decided that an Iranian victory would not serve its interests, began supporting Iraq: measures already underway to upgrade U.S.-Iraq relations were accelerated, high-level officials exchanged visits, and in February 1982 the State Department removed Iraq from its list of states supporting international terrorism. (It had been included several years earlier because of ties with several Palestinian nationalist groups, not Islamicists sharing the worldview of al-Qaeda. Activism by Iraq's main Shiite Islamicist opposition group, al-Dawa, was a major factor precipitating the war -- stirred by Iran's Islamic revolution, its endeavors included the attempted assassination of Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz.)"

United States support for Iraq during the Iran Iraq war - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"In 1982, Iraq was removed from a list of State Sponsors of Terrorism to ease the transfer of dual-use technology to that country."
"In 1982, Iraq was removed from a list of State Sponsors of Terrorism to ease the transfer of dual-use technology to that country."

Now you've wandered further into the minefield....dual-use technology is approved by the Dept. of when Scum Willy had Ron Brown approve Loral giving the Chi-Coms our missile telemetry for campaign funds. You should stop before you blow your other leg off.
"In 1982, Iraq was removed from a list of State Sponsors of Terrorism to ease the transfer of dual-use technology to that country."

Now you've wandered further into the minefield....dual-use technology is approved by the Dept. of when Scum Willy had Ron Brown approve Loral giving the Chi-Coms our missile telemetry for campaign funds. You should stop before you blow your other leg off.

There is no mine field. The point you claimed was not true was the fact that the Raygun administration removed Iraq from the list of terrorist sponsors allowing the normalizing of trade. What was sold to him by the US and our Allies is a matter of record.
Another astounding historic revelation. What is the basis for this information? What is your source? Do you have access to classified intelligence? Or do you only have access to more conjecture?

Not my job to school every moron who wanders in....if you think you can disprove what I said let's see it...otherwise kiss my ass.

Please sir don't misunderstand me. I'm sincerely gratified that this forum is graced with the presence of someone endowed with both military expertise and unimpeachable intelligence insight. I'm sure your sources are beyond reproach.
Blindboo is making Ball-less Kurtz his bitch. And making Ball-less like it!

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