The Dangerous Lie That ‘Bush Lied’

Could you attempt to post something that makes even a small amount of sense? How does your response to my post in any way address the lie Bush told to us in his State of the Union Address regarding aid and protection being given by Iraq to al Qaeda? Oh, I see, it doesn't. Your response is a deflection.

Yes we know the far left will continue to push the religious dogma that the history of Iraq started in 2003 and led to 9/11..
how could something in 2003 have led to something in 2001?.........yea i know .....the "far left drones"....

Here's how he did it.

that was a good show for about 3 seasons...........
The advantage lying news "anchors" like Brian Williams have is that they preach to the low information choir. Pop-culture and union educated kids have been used by democrats and their minions in the media to promote lies for fifty years. It wasn't that long ago when Harry Truman bypassed congress and sent Troops into the biggest ambush in history in Korea. We lost 50,000 Troops (later revised to 36,000 by the Clinton DOD) in three years and settled for terms dictated by the enemy. The media circled the wagons around Truman and still support the failed legacy. LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam with a lie of a "crisis" that never happened and when the V.C. was finally exhausted Walter Cronkite gave them some breathing room by insulting the Troops and calling the Tet victory a "stalemate". Bush consulted congress before he sent Troops to enforce UN sanctions and democrats undermined the mission every step of the way.
Could you attempt to post something that makes even a small amount of sense? How does your response to my post in any way address the lie Bush told to us in his State of the Union Address regarding aid and protection being given by Iraq to al Qaeda? Oh, I see, it doesn't. Your response is a deflection.

Yes we know the far left will continue to push the religious dogma that the history of Iraq started in 2003 and led to 9/11..
how could something in 2003 have led to something in 2001?.........yea i know .....the "far left drones"....

Here's how he did it.

that was a good show for about 3 seasons...........

It sure was. It could also explain some of the interesting time lines being presented on this thread.
Bush consulted congress before he sent Troops to enforce UN sanctions and democrats undermined the mission every step of the way.

The Bush Administration lied to Congress and to the American public in the year long propaganda build up toward the war. President Bush agreed to SCR 1441 which was being successfully implemented. When the President decided on the invasion, he reneged on his promises to our partners and his obligation to the UN as the worlds remaining superpower.
Could you attempt to post something that makes even a small amount of sense? How does your response to my post in any way address the lie Bush told to us in his State of the Union Address regarding aid and protection being given by Iraq to al Qaeda? Oh, I see, it doesn't. Your response is a deflection.

Yes we know the far left will continue to push the religious dogma that the history of Iraq started in 2003 and led to 9/11..
how could something in 2003 have led to something in 2001?.........yea i know .....the "far left drones"....

Here's how he did it.

that was a good show for about 3 seasons...........

It can't be that "dangerous" if he got elected twice; since we can always blame the right for the second time. just remember, after thrice, it is just a vice.
Bush consulted congress before he sent Troops to enforce UN sanctions and democrats undermined the mission every step of the way.

The Bush Administration lied to Congress and to the American public in the year long propaganda build up toward the war. President Bush agreed to SCR 1441 which was being successfully implemented. When the President decided on the invasion, he reneged on his promises to our partners and his obligation to the UN as the worlds remaining superpower.

The question is not your emotional clinging to what you consider to be a fact, but whether the BA was acting on faulty intel. Before they can lie, they have to know what they are saying is not true. Obama saying that we could keep our doctors and insurance plans was a lie, because he knew we could not. If the BA could only act on what they were told by the intelligence community, and if that information was faulty, it wasn't lying.
Bush consulted congress before he sent Troops to enforce UN sanctions and democrats undermined the mission every step of the way.

The Bush Administration lied to Congress and to the American public in the year long propaganda build up toward the war. President Bush agreed to SCR 1441 which was being successfully implemented. When the President decided on the invasion, he reneged on his promises to our partners and his obligation to the UN as the worlds remaining superpower.
That's stunning in its ignorance of the OP.
Bush consulted congress before he sent Troops to enforce UN sanctions and democrats undermined the mission every step of the way.

The Bush Administration lied to Congress and to the American public in the year long propaganda build up toward the war. President Bush agreed to SCR 1441 which was being successfully implemented. When the President decided on the invasion, he reneged on his promises to our partners and his obligation to the UN as the worlds remaining superpower.

Yup - pretty well sums it up.
Bush consulted congress before he sent Troops to enforce UN sanctions and democrats undermined the mission every step of the way.

The Bush Administration lied to Congress and to the American public in the year long propaganda build up toward the war. President Bush agreed to SCR 1441 which was being successfully implemented. When the President decided on the invasion, he reneged on his promises to our partners and his obligation to the UN as the worlds remaining superpower.

Yup - pretty well sums it up.
Bush consulted congress before he sent Troops to enforce UN sanctions and democrats undermined the mission every step of the way.

The Bush Administration lied to Congress and to the American public in the year long propaganda build up toward the war. President Bush agreed to SCR 1441 which was being successfully implemented. When the President decided on the invasion, he reneged on his promises to our partners and his obligation to the UN as the worlds remaining superpower.

The question is not your emotional clinging to what you consider to be a fact, but whether the BA was acting on faulty intel. Before they can lie, they have to know what they are saying is not true. Obama saying that we could keep our doctors and insurance plans was a lie, because he knew we could not. If the BA could only act on what they were told by the intelligence community, and if that information was faulty, it wasn't lying.

They used unvetted information cherry picked outside the normal chain of verification. They excluded information that did not conform to their preconceived narrative.
Bush consulted congress before he sent Troops to enforce UN sanctions and democrats undermined the mission every step of the way.

The Bush Administration lied to Congress and to the American public in the year long propaganda build up toward the war. President Bush agreed to SCR 1441 which was being successfully implemented. When the President decided on the invasion, he reneged on his promises to our partners and his obligation to the UN as the worlds remaining superpower.

The question is not your emotional clinging to what you consider to be a fact, but whether the BA was acting on faulty intel. Before they can lie, they have to know what they are saying is not true. Obama saying that we could keep our doctors and insurance plans was a lie, because he knew we could not. If the BA could only act on what they were told by the intelligence community, and if that information was faulty, it wasn't lying.

They used unvetted information cherry picked outside the normal chain of verification. They excluded information that did not conform to their preconceived narrative.
Simply wrong. Read the OP.
Bush consulted congress before he sent Troops to enforce UN sanctions and democrats undermined the mission every step of the way.

The Bush Administration lied to Congress and to the American public in the year long propaganda build up toward the war. President Bush agreed to SCR 1441 which was being successfully implemented. When the President decided on the invasion, he reneged on his promises to our partners and his obligation to the UN as the worlds remaining superpower.

The question is not your emotional clinging to what you consider to be a fact, but whether the BA was acting on faulty intel. Before they can lie, they have to know what they are saying is not true. Obama saying that we could keep our doctors and insurance plans was a lie, because he knew we could not. If the BA could only act on what they were told by the intelligence community, and if that information was faulty, it wasn't lying.

They used unvetted information cherry picked outside the normal chain of verification. They excluded information that did not conform to their preconceived narrative.

Bush consulted congress before he sent Troops to enforce UN sanctions and democrats undermined the mission every step of the way.

The Bush Administration lied to Congress and to the American public in the year long propaganda build up toward the war. President Bush agreed to SCR 1441 which was being successfully implemented. When the President decided on the invasion, he reneged on his promises to our partners and his obligation to the UN as the worlds remaining superpower.

The question is not your emotional clinging to what you consider to be a fact, but whether the BA was acting on faulty intel. Before they can lie, they have to know what they are saying is not true. Obama saying that we could keep our doctors and insurance plans was a lie, because he knew we could not. If the BA could only act on what they were told by the intelligence community, and if that information was faulty, it wasn't lying.

They used unvetted information cherry picked outside the normal chain of verification. They excluded information that did not conform to their preconceived narrative.

Wrong. Read the OP.
Bush consulted congress before he sent Troops to enforce UN sanctions and democrats undermined the mission every step of the way.

The Bush Administration lied to Congress and to the American public in the year long propaganda build up toward the war. President Bush agreed to SCR 1441 which was being successfully implemented. When the President decided on the invasion, he reneged on his promises to our partners and his obligation to the UN as the worlds remaining superpower.

The question is not your emotional clinging to what you consider to be a fact, but whether the BA was acting on faulty intel. Before they can lie, they have to know what they are saying is not true. Obama saying that we could keep our doctors and insurance plans was a lie, because he knew we could not. If the BA could only act on what they were told by the intelligence community, and if that information was faulty, it wasn't lying.

They used unvetted information cherry picked outside the normal chain of verification. They excluded information that did not conform to their preconceived narrative.

Exactly right! That is what the far left drones like you did!

Used propaganda not based on reality to support the far left narrative that was only valid to 2009.

Now the far left drones support Obama's illegal wars!
why would anyone be stupid enough to read the opinion piece in the OP and think it is fact?
Um because it was written a federal judge who was on the committee that examined all the facts and documents? I realize things like that dont matter to left drones. They'd rather get their news from bumper stickers.

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