The Dangerous Lie That ‘Bush Lied’

Could you attempt to post something that makes even a small amount of sense? How does your response to my post in any way address the lie Bush told to us in his State of the Union Address regarding aid and protection being given by Iraq to al Qaeda? Oh, I see, it doesn't. Your response is a deflection.

Yes we know the far left will continue to push the religious dogma that the history of Iraq started in 2003 and led to 9/11..
how could something in 2003 have led to something in 2001?.........yea i know .....the "far left drones"....
Americans are the ultimate innocents believing this time surely the Government is telling the truth ....waaaa hahhahahhahahhaha

And yet, many want to give it even more and more and more power and control.


Apparently many people prefer being told what to do, rather than thinking for themselves. I suppose it is a weakness common to our species.
well look at the TV seems people would rather watch a show you dont have to pay attention too over one you actually have to watch....:dunno:
Yet the far left wants everyone to trust the government to control every aspect of ones life..

NO no no you dumb bitch. The far left just wants the government to come to your house and give you your medications. You missed your last appointment with the shrink and your handlers are worried.

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments! Then again they can be bought with illegal slave labor to support Obama's illegal wars..
the irony impaired kosh and his dumbass comments....or should i say ....comment?.....
Could you attempt to post something that makes even a small amount of sense? How does your response to my post in any way address the lie Bush told to us in his State of the Union Address regarding aid and protection being given by Iraq to al Qaeda? Oh, I see, it doesn't. Your response is a deflection.

Yes we know the far left will continue to push the religious dogma that the history of Iraq started in 2003 and led to 9/11..
how could something in 2003 have led to something in 2001?.........yea i know .....the "far left drones"....

Here's how he did it.

Could you attempt to post something that makes even a small amount of sense? How does your response to my post in any way address the lie Bush told to us in his State of the Union Address regarding aid and protection being given by Iraq to al Qaeda? Oh, I see, it doesn't. Your response is a deflection.

Yes we know the far left will continue to push the religious dogma that the history of Iraq started in 2003 and led to 9/11..
how could something in 2003 have led to something in 2001?.........yea i know .....the "far left drones"....
Iraq had nothing to do with 9 11....

what led to 9 11 was the occupation of Arab lands by US troops ...Bin Laden specifically said US troops in Saudi Arabia must be removed ...and they were removed ...
America to withdraw troops from Saudi Arabia - Telegraph
Apr 30, 2003 -Withdrawal of "infidel"American forces from Saudi Arabia has been one of the demands of Osama bin Laden,
Yet the far left wants everyone to trust the government to control every aspect of ones life..

NO no no you dumb bitch. The far left just wants the government to come to your house and give you your medications. You missed your last appointment with the shrink and your handlers are worried.

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments! Then again they can be bought with illegal slave labor to support Obama's illegal wars..
Going through life drooling and mouth breathing like you do is ...gross...

Says the irony impaired far left drone that supports Obama's illegal wars..
I call for the indictment at the Hague of Obama along with Bush and company for war crimes with me in this
if you are going to do that every President before them will be indicted sure they all are guilty of fucking somebody over......
NO no no you dumb bitch. The far left just wants the government to come to your house and give you your medications. You missed your last appointment with the shrink and your handlers are worried.

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments! Then again they can be bought with illegal slave labor to support Obama's illegal wars..
Going through life drooling and mouth breathing like you do is ...gross...

Says the irony impaired far left drone that supports Obama's illegal wars..
I call for the indictment at the Hague of Obama along with Bush and company for war crimes with me in this
if you are going to do that every President before them will be indicted sure they all are guilty of fucking somebody over......
Now you get the impunity for war crimes..
Americans are the ultimate innocents believing this time surely the Government is telling the truth ....waaaa hahhahahhahahhaha

And yet, many want to give it even more and more and more power and control.


yeah the morons want to give the Government the power to tell women what to do with their force women into Government mandated probes of their genitals ...
That's the only example you can come up with?

Government is only a negative on the abortion issue.


you want a list of about marijuana would imagine anti Govt activist would be againbst the marijuan ain't love the Police state...the no knock raids the largest prison population on the world

pot should at least be decriminalized and removed out of schedule 1....
NO no no you dumb bitch. The far left just wants the government to come to your house and give you your medications. You missed your last appointment with the shrink and your handlers are worried.

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments! Then again they can be bought with illegal slave labor to support Obama's illegal wars..
Going through life drooling and mouth breathing like you do is ...gross...

Says the irony impaired far left drone that supports Obama's illegal wars..
I call for the indictment at the Hague of Obama along with Bush and company for war crimes with me in this

No you don't! It is just the latest tag line from the far left to try and blame Bush!

Might as well include Clinton as well, are you in? Might as well include all in Congress are you in?
thats what would have to happen.....they are all guilty of fucking someone over....
The man who wrote the letter is not just any letter writer he is the direct victim of Jeb Bush heartless self interest

Yes! We know you hate Bush! Yes we know you hate anything that is not far left!
and you hate anything that is not far right.....:dunno:
do you have facts that counter what I posted ? if so I invite you to link to your sources
yea you are a far left drone.....what else is he going to
Conservatives are still trying to rewrite history on the Iraq War.
Lol you just read that there was a 90% chance that saddam had wmd's. Yet you ignore that and go with the easy rhetorical catch phrase "bush lied."

Of course he was 'misled'.

So was GW. That's the whole point. They were all misled by inaccurate Intelligence Reports.

You tell your friend that you'll be at his house in 15 Minutes and run into an accident-caused traffic jam, you misled your friend but you didn't lie to him.

You should have told him you'd be there in 15 minutes unless you were held up by circumstances beyond your control.

Who bothers with that?

Bush told the American People what he knew. No more, no less.

If the CIA, MI-6, Surete, FSB, Mossad, Iranian Intelligence, Saudi Intelligence, Russian Intelligence, German Intelligence, Chinese Intelligence all got it wrong.......?

Then only a COMPLETE ASSHOLE would accuse Bush of lying.

scumbag dimocraps qualify.

Now, was it a useful political tool for the 2004 election? Yes.

Was it false? Yes.

Does it matter that it was false? No, all is fair in War and Politics.

Just like we hung Kerry with the "I invented the Internet" bullshit.

It was. It was bullshit. He never said it in those words.

But we hung him with it to make him look foolish.

But here's the difference -- We use disinformation for a limited period of time -- Tactically.

dimocrap scum just simply fucking lie 24/7/365.

You never stop. dimocraps wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying.

It's why I hate and despise you.

It isn't your political beliefs that I hate and despise..... I'm telling you like it is --

It's you, it's all of you. And it's because you are pathological fucking liars, NOT because of your politics.

Shit, we can work the politics out. Details is all it is. You'd be surprised how much we have in common if you'd take the time to stop lying

But dimocraps -- You are the lyingest scum to ever walk the face of the Earth.

And THAT is why I hate you. You lie. You can't be trusted. You back-stab.

You have no morals, no ethics, no code, no honor...... You lie.
no matter what he was told.....there was no need to attack Iraq.....
That Kosh is one Gold bricking whining Right wing loon whining like a fruit fly in one's that the best the wing nuts have ?

Oh look at the far left drone continue to push the far left religious dogma without question or hesitation. And continue to support Obama's illegal wars..

And they still deny:

BBC NEWS Middle East Q A Oil-for-food scandal
Who denies this scandal from the left, right, upper, downer or middle? What are you talking about? This is a decade old scandal that involved the international community and had nothing to do with "the far left".
kosh only understands one thing.....if it happened and he did not like it.....must have been the far left.....
You're a fucking idiot.
He's relying on the report by the Czech secret service. A report they stand by to this day.
There are no lies here, except by those on the Left.

According to an article in the Washington Post more recently, the Czechs backed away from the claim: "After months of further investigation, Czech officials determined last year that they could no longer confirm that a meeting took place, telling the Bush administration that al-Ani might have met with someone other than Atta." This perception seems confirmed by an associate of al-Ani's who suggested to a reporter that the Czech informant had mistaken another man for Atta. The associate said "I have sat with the two of them at least twice. The double is an Iraqi who has met with the consul. If someone saw a photo of Atta he might easily mistake the two."

In 2014 Jiří Růžek, the former head of Czech intelligence agency BIS, published his memoirs. Here he claims that the USA tried to push Czech prime minister Miloš Zeman to announce that 9/11 attack was planned with the help of Iraq in Prague. All blame for the false cause of conflict would then fall on Czech authorities

Mohamed Atta s alleged Prague connection - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're fucking wrong again, Rabbi.
Wow, Wikipedia. Last refuge of morons.
You're dismissed.
How would meeting with a member of al Qaeda add up to aiding and protecting? Rabbi complains the Wikipedia link can not be relied on or counted as a good viable source, but even if that is true the question remains, what does a meeting in Prague have to do with aiding and protecting? How would evidence of a possible meeting to communicate what can only be speculated about equal some sort of aid or protection? It is just as reasonable to speculate that some Iraqi agent was communicating a message that al Qaeda operatives and members needed to stay away from Iraqi interest of face the wrath of Iraq. It could just as reasonably be a meeting to convey a negative warning from Iraq to al Qaeda. That kind of speculation is far more logical than anything else.
My question has been a very simple one. What did Bush mean when he claimed al Qaeda received aid and protection from Iraq? Where is the evidence that shows that ever happened? The only answer so far has been speculative guesses that a meeting may have occurred and not even viable speculation about what the meeting might have been about.
Proof that President Bush has been presented. Not a single poster has been able to refute the proof. Bush claimed there was collusion, a working relationship between Saddam and al Qaeda and there was not.
Saddam was a 20 year state sponsor of terrorism. That isnt even a question. THat is a statement of fact.
might have sponsored it and even creamed his jeans when the towers were hit.....but there was no reason to attack the country,the guy we were going after was in another country.....until they let him slip into yet another country....

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