The Dangerous Lie That ‘Bush Lied’

All presidents do nearly all politicians. Of course it hurts the country, but it continues unabated because the American people accept it.

A good example of this is a known serial liar like Mrs. Clinton, is a front runner for 2016?
All presidents do nearly all politicians.
aint that the truth.....

Yes...all Americans should assume ALL politicians are f-ing liars, until proven otherwise. Sadly most Americans are easily duped by lying, deceitful, and corrupt pols over and over would think they would learn, but no.
Americans are the ultimate innocents believing this time surely the Government is telling the truth ....waaaa hahhahahhahahhaha

Yet the far left wants everyone to trust the government to control every aspect of ones life..

You people are so confused. You want security without a police state. Good luck with that.
Edget 10725787
Bush told the American People what he knew. No more, no less.

On March 17, 2003 Bush either lied that he had intelligence that he did not actually have given to him or he lied that he was cooperating with the UN and trying to avoid war.

There is no way out of a Bush lie on that date and no one is willing to try and refute that reality.
Jon Stewart on Brian Williams: Finally! Someone Held Accountable for Iraq Lies
"Never again will Brian Williams mislead this great nation about being shot at in a war we probably wouldn't have ended up in if the media had applied this level of scrutiny to the actual f*cking war!"
You're simply lying. Bush never made that claim. Post the evidence of STFU.

And this Congress and the American people must recognize another threat. Evidence from intelligence sources, secret communications and statements by people now in custody reveal that Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of Al Qaida. Secretly, and without fingerprints, he could provide one of his hidden weapons to terrorists, or help them develop their own. - Transcript of State of the Union - Jan. 29 2003

You're fucking wrong again, Rabbi.
You're a fucking idiot.
He's relying on the report by the Czech secret service. A report they stand by to this day.
There are no lies here, except by those on the Left.

According to an article in the Washington Post more recently, the Czechs backed away from the claim: "After months of further investigation, Czech officials determined last year that they could no longer confirm that a meeting took place, telling the Bush administration that al-Ani might have met with someone other than Atta." This perception seems confirmed by an associate of al-Ani's who suggested to a reporter that the Czech informant had mistaken another man for Atta. The associate said "I have sat with the two of them at least twice. The double is an Iraqi who has met with the consul. If someone saw a photo of Atta he might easily mistake the two."

In 2014 Jiří Růžek, the former head of Czech intelligence agency BIS, published his memoirs. Here he claims that the USA tried to push Czech prime minister Miloš Zeman to announce that 9/11 attack was planned with the help of Iraq in Prague. All blame for the false cause of conflict would then fall on Czech authorities

Mohamed Atta s alleged Prague connection - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're fucking wrong again, Rabbi.
Wow, Wikipedia. Last refuge of morons.
You're dismissed.

Why would anyone even need Wikipedia with you around, a man of your obvious intelligence can provide all the knowledge anyone could ever need.
You're a fucking idiot.
He's relying on the report by the Czech secret service. A report they stand by to this day.
There are no lies here, except by those on the Left.

According to an article in the Washington Post more recently, the Czechs backed away from the claim: "After months of further investigation, Czech officials determined last year that they could no longer confirm that a meeting took place, telling the Bush administration that al-Ani might have met with someone other than Atta." This perception seems confirmed by an associate of al-Ani's who suggested to a reporter that the Czech informant had mistaken another man for Atta. The associate said "I have sat with the two of them at least twice. The double is an Iraqi who has met with the consul. If someone saw a photo of Atta he might easily mistake the two."

In 2014 Jiří Růžek, the former head of Czech intelligence agency BIS, published his memoirs. Here he claims that the USA tried to push Czech prime minister Miloš Zeman to announce that 9/11 attack was planned with the help of Iraq in Prague. All blame for the false cause of conflict would then fall on Czech authorities

Mohamed Atta s alleged Prague connection - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're fucking wrong again, Rabbi.
Wow, Wikipedia. Last refuge of morons.
You're dismissed.
How would meeting with a member of al Qaeda add up to aiding and protecting? Rabbi complains the Wikipedia link can not be relied on or counted as a good viable source, but even if that is true the question remains, what does a meeting in Prague have to do with aiding and protecting? How would evidence of a possible meeting to communicate what can only be speculated about equal some sort of aid or protection? It is just as reasonable to speculate that some Iraqi agent was communicating a message that al Qaeda operatives and members needed to stay away from Iraqi interest of face the wrath of Iraq. It could just as reasonably be a meeting to convey a negative warning from Iraq to al Qaeda. That kind of speculation is far more logical than anything else.
My question has been a very simple one. What did Bush mean when he claimed al Qaeda received aid and protection from Iraq? Where is the evidence that shows that ever happened? The only answer so far has been speculative guesses that a meeting may have occurred and not even viable speculation about what the meeting might have been about.
Proof that President Bush has been presented. Not a single poster has been able to refute the proof. Bush claimed there was collusion, a working relationship between Saddam and al Qaeda and there was not.
Saddam was a 20 year state sponsor of terrorism. That isnt even a question. THat is a statement of fact.

Saint RayGun allowed the arming of a Terrorist State with Western technology!
Name the state, asshole.
Jon Stewart on Brian Williams: Finally! Someone Held Accountable for Iraq Lies
"Never again will Brian Williams mislead this great nation about being shot at in a war we probably wouldn't have ended up in if the media had applied this level of scrutiny to the actual f*cking war!"

Yeah, the administration's lies are countless - but THIS is the guy who pays the price?
Wow, Wikipedia. Last refuge of morons.
You're dismissed.
How would meeting with a member of al Qaeda add up to aiding and protecting? Rabbi complains the Wikipedia link can not be relied on or counted as a good viable source, but even if that is true the question remains, what does a meeting in Prague have to do with aiding and protecting? How would evidence of a possible meeting to communicate what can only be speculated about equal some sort of aid or protection? It is just as reasonable to speculate that some Iraqi agent was communicating a message that al Qaeda operatives and members needed to stay away from Iraqi interest of face the wrath of Iraq. It could just as reasonably be a meeting to convey a negative warning from Iraq to al Qaeda. That kind of speculation is far more logical than anything else.
My question has been a very simple one. What did Bush mean when he claimed al Qaeda received aid and protection from Iraq? Where is the evidence that shows that ever happened? The only answer so far has been speculative guesses that a meeting may have occurred and not even viable speculation about what the meeting might have been about.
Proof that President Bush has been presented. Not a single poster has been able to refute the proof. Bush claimed there was collusion, a working relationship between Saddam and al Qaeda and there was not.
Saddam was a 20 year state sponsor of terrorism. That isnt even a question. THat is a statement of fact.

Saint RayGun allowed the arming of a Terrorist State with Western technology!
Name the state, asshole.

Not a real bright rabbit R ya?
When Old News Has Never Been Told FAIR

A leaked British government document that first appeared in a London newspaper (Sunday Times, 5/1/05) bluntly stated that U.S. intelligence onIraqwas shaped to support the drive forwar. Though the information rocked British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s re-election campaign when it was exposed, for weeks it received little attention in the U.S. media.

What was dubbed the Downing Street Memo was a record of a July 23, 2002 meeting in Blair’s Downing Street office with the prime minister’s top advisors. The meeting was held to discuss Bush administration policy on Iraq, and the likelihood that Britain would support a U.S. invasion. “It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided,” the minutes state.

The document also recounts the findings of Richard Dearlove, the head of the British intelligence service MI6, who had just returned from a visit to Washington: “There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.”
Because he didnt? Because the facts are that he did not lie. Or did you miss the OP and the last X pages of discussion?

Bush lied on March 17 2003 for certain. Did you miss all my posts on why that is a fact? The fact you won't respond should be further proof that Bush lied on that date in his address to the nation. You cannot deny that he did lie to all of us.
All presidents do nearly all politicians. Of course it hurts the country, but it continues unabated because the American people accept it.

A good example of this is a known serial liar like Mrs. Clinton, is a front runner for 2016?
All presidents do nearly all politicians.
aint that the truth.....

Yes...all Americans should assume ALL politicians are f-ing liars, until proven otherwise. Sadly most Americans are easily duped by lying, deceitful, and corrupt pols over and over would think they would learn, but no.
Americans are the ultimate innocents believing this time surely the Government is telling the truth ....waaaa hahhahahhahahhaha

Yet the far left wants everyone to trust the government to control every aspect of ones life..
so does the far long as its THEIR government.....
Wow, Wikipedia. Last refuge of morons.
You're dismissed.
How would meeting with a member of al Qaeda add up to aiding and protecting? Rabbi complains the Wikipedia link can not be relied on or counted as a good viable source, but even if that is true the question remains, what does a meeting in Prague have to do with aiding and protecting? How would evidence of a possible meeting to communicate what can only be speculated about equal some sort of aid or protection? It is just as reasonable to speculate that some Iraqi agent was communicating a message that al Qaeda operatives and members needed to stay away from Iraqi interest of face the wrath of Iraq. It could just as reasonably be a meeting to convey a negative warning from Iraq to al Qaeda. That kind of speculation is far more logical than anything else.
My question has been a very simple one. What did Bush mean when he claimed al Qaeda received aid and protection from Iraq? Where is the evidence that shows that ever happened? The only answer so far has been speculative guesses that a meeting may have occurred and not even viable speculation about what the meeting might have been about.
Proof that President Bush has been presented. Not a single poster has been able to refute the proof. Bush claimed there was collusion, a working relationship between Saddam and al Qaeda and there was not.
Saddam was a 20 year state sponsor of terrorism. That isnt even a question. THat is a statement of fact.

Saint RayGun allowed the arming of a Terrorist State with Western technology!
Name the state, asshole.

Not a real bright rabbit R ya?
Translation: Duh.
Name the state. Go ahead.

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