The Dark Origins of Communism

lol the 'capitalist sector' in Red China is the Cadre members; you're required to have one as a 'partner' if you want to do business there, and you fork over a big cut to them. Jack Ma is worshipped over here by such as the Wall Street Journal as some sort of great entrepreneur, but they rarely mention the fact that he's a Cadre exec as well. The Soveits also had a 'capitalist sector', so does North Korea. That doesn't mean anything re the vast majority of people and how they're affected by totalitarian regimes.
We have publicly-traded companies here that have to follow strict government guidelines. I own stock in many of them. Are we a socialist country?
We have publicly-traded companies here that have to follow strict government guidelines. I own stock in many of them. Are we a socialist country?

What does that have to do with what I said? And yes, our government subsidizes nearly all big businesses at everybody elses' expense, so they also subsidize your stocks. Thanks to the abuse of limited liability laws, you won't have to pay for any losses when the company whose shares you own goes bankrupt and screws others out of their money, for instance. If this were a real laissez faire country, you would be liable for your share of the debts. So you're being subsidized as well, but you just won't admit it.
What does that have to do with what I said? And yes, our government subsidizes nearly all big businesses at everybody elses' expense, so they also subsidize your stocks. Thanks to the abuse of limited liability laws, you won't have to pay for any losses when the company whose shares you own goes bankrupt and screws others out of their money, for instance. If this were a real laissez faire country, you would be liable for your share of the debts. So you're being subsidized as well, but you just won't admit it.
Hey, I'll be the first to admit our economy in the US is a mix of communism (military), socialism (utilities, farm subsidies, etc.), and capitalism (small businesses). My point is that EVERY country has a mix of systems, just a different ratio in each country, because one size does not fit all. That is EVERY country regardless of their form of government.
Right-wingers are simply clueless and Causeless and only know how to be rebels without a Cause.

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
Yeah....right-wingers are always the problem.
I think it's amazing that you can't figure out that Biden screwing the pooch in Afghanistan destroyed our relationships with our allies overseas.
The Biden Administration talks a good game....but they can't grab their own asses with both hands free. They are nothing but a massive bunch of incompetent screw ups.
They think they can ignore this problem just like they're ignoring the border.
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Hey, I'll be the first to admit our economy in the US is a mix of communism (military), socialism (utilities, farm subsidies, etc.), and capitalism (small businesses). My point is that EVERY country has a mix of systems, just a different ratio in each country, because one size does not fit all. That is EVERY country regardless of their form of government.
The height of stupidity is to call our military communist.

One of the most ridiculous statements I haver read on this board or any other.

Our military or any other nations military is authoritarian in nature as a military must be in order to function. Someone at the top gives them orders which pass on down through the chain of command.

That is simply the way any military operates; has nothing to do with any political philosophy.

I think what must have you confused is that you mistakenly believe any type of authoritarian organization is communist.

Now you can claim that our top military guys are political and obviously so, being very woke; General Miley etc.
The height of stupidity is to call our military communist.

One of the most ridiculous statements I haver read on this board or any other.

Our military or any other nations military is authoritarian in nature as a military must be in order to function. Someone at the top gives them orders which pass on down through the chain of command.

That is simply the way any military operates; has nothing to do with any political philosophy.

I think what must have you confused is that you mistakenly believe any type of authoritarian organization is communist.

Now you can claim that our top military guys are political and obviously so, being very woke; General Miley etc.
If you had been following the post I exchanged with DudleySmith you'd see that I don't think communist economics and authoritarian politics are inseparable while he does.

I agree our military set up is simply the way any military operates and it has nothing to do with any political philosophy. My point was that our (first-class) military is a centrally-planned, top-down, strict hierarchy similar to the communist model. Soldiers don't buy their weapons and ammo, they are provided by those in charge of such things.
If you had been following the post I exchanged with DudleySmith you'd see that I don't think communist economics and authoritarian politics are inseparable while he does.

I agree our military set up is simply the way any military operates and it has nothing to do with any political philosophy. My point was that our (first-class) military is a centrally-planned, top-down, strict hierarchy similar to the communist model. Soldiers don't buy their weapons and ammo, they are provided by those in charge of such things.
As you say our military operates in a manner that all militaries must operate under; Authoritarianism. No military could function without being Authoritarian.

Then you throw in the nonsense about it being similar to the communist model.

You appear confused.
None of which is socialism you right wing retard
Only if You appeal to ignorance instead of reason. Socialism includes the social powers Necessary to effectuate the form of Government established by the supreme law of the land. Our federal Constitution is an example of socialism used to establish our form of federal Government; Social-ism.
It can't be Capitalism. And, Government is of the People, by the People, and for the People.
why can’t it be? yes it is, at least in this capitalist country

Do you have any idea what socialism is? it doesn’t sound like it

Govt is certainly allowed to own things, including real property in a capitalist society
Only if You appeal to ignorance instead of reason. Socialism includes the social powers Necessary to effectuate the form of Government established by the supreme law of the land. Our federal Constitution is an example of socialism used to establish our form of federal Government; Social-ism.
Wrong. It is you appealing to ignorance. Socialiasm is ownwership of the means of production by the state.

It is not government powers which you erroneously describe as social

Our constitution is not an example of socialism and that is fact proving you wrong and a foolish imbecile
Wrong. It is you appealing to ignorance. Socialiasm is ownwership of the means of production by the state.

It is not government powers which you erroneously describe as social

Our constitution is not an example of socialism and that is fact proving you wrong and a foolish imbecile
Our form of socialism is tempered by a market friendly (social) power of eminent domain.
College students having little knowledge of history still think its cool to be a marxist.

Firstly, if the schools are full of communists and teaching Marxism as you all say, Don't tell me they know nothing about it. You don't think before you write.

Then you quote the epoch Times. You have to be kidding. They are no different to the propaganda from fox.

Try harder son.
Our constitution does no such thing.
Every modern western society is built on socialism and is being done as I write.
Infrastructure funded by the government is your taxes etc, you use everyday and Don't mind using other people's money.

That all changed when a government health scheme is mentioned.
Other people pay for you just like roads etc. You can't have it both ways.
Name me one state under socialism/marxism/communism that has ever succeeded?
USSR, for example. Despite the devastation and colossal losses in the Civil and World War II, the USSR became a superpower in short historical time and managed to defeat the united forces of industrial Europe under nazi leadership, relying on its economy, created in record time with a pace unsurpassed in the history of mankind. If it were not for the trotskyist politics of Khrushchev, we would now be living in a different world now.
By the way, if capitalism is so successful, why do 95% of capitalist enterprises go bankrupt within a few years? Not very effective and a huge waste of forces and resources...
If you had been following the post I exchanged with DudleySmith you'd see that I don't think communist economics and authoritarian politics are inseparable while he does.

I agree our military set up is simply the way any military operates and it has nothing to do with any political philosophy. My point was that our (first-class) military is a centrally-planned, top-down, strict hierarchy similar to the communist model. Soldiers don't buy their weapons and ammo, they are provided by those in charge of such things.

They are distinctions without a difference re real life applications for most people under them.
notice how the left defends communism ... McCarthy was right !

The was the right and their dear leader.

March 3, 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
His cult praises communism.

McCarthy WAS right.
He was referring to his own party.
Firstly, if the schools are full of communists and teaching Marxism as you all say, Don't tell me they know nothing about it. You don't think before you write.

Then you quote the epoch Times. You have to be kidding. They are no different to the propaganda from fox.

Try harder son.

Fuck off faggot; nobody cares what you think, you're just here for the comedy relief your posts bring to any thread.

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