The Dead End of Reparations - Why it is a Very Bad Idea

how so? explain how they will each become wealthy?

I could swear, white men died to free said slaves! Wasn't freedom the ultimate point of the effort? How much do you supposed it cost the US to do the civil war? millions upon millions, life after life?
What, exactly, do you want me to explain? With entitlements paying for a variety of necessities the black person can spend less time trying to acquire such items and more time on things like getting themselves and their children educations. From there they can get jobs. Hopefully they will aspire to improve their lives.

Honestly, what the fuck do you want me to explain to you?!?!? Are you retarded?
Yes they can. They can give someone an economic base upon which to improve their lives.
No one is obligated nor even associated with “laying down a base” of money with the “idea” that it will jump start a promising future.
What your ancestors did does transfer to the here and now. I know you'd rather not think of that, but it's true. The USA wouldn't enjoy the wealth and status it enjoys if it hadn't been for the 250 years of free labor and 100 years of Jim Crow it imposed on African-Americans. We can't pretend slavery and Jim Crow didn't happen.
Total bullshit. If not for the negroes we would have done it ourselves. Plus, the negroes predominately worked in agriculture. You are pimping a fake narrative, you tool.
Although I see both sides of this it's a problem that should have been foreseen and solved decades ago.

If you don't know what I'm talking about you've never lived in the south or you don't really take a look around because there are landowners who inherited their property which is bigger than some whole black neighborhoods I've been in.

Ask George Bush.
He could have been a plumber but he'd still have all that land .
I was born, raised, and continue to reside in the deep south at age 52. I do not think I understand what you are saying friend. Please, elaborate.
Reparations amount to African-Americans being compensated for the 250 years of enslavement and the 100 years of Jim Crow they were subjected to. Speaking of looting, burning and murdering, have you ever read about the Tulsa or Rosewood massacres? Or any of the race riots carried out against African-Americans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?
You are failing to acknowledge all the compensation the blacks have already received.
No one is obligated nor even associated with “laying down a base” of money with the “idea” that it will jump start a promising future.
I am not saying that. I was saying that if the blacks fully and wisely utilized the many government programs they have today (as well as poor folks of any ethnicity), they they could use that to build their own "generational wealth". Note, this was said in the context of replying to some brainless leftist.
Truth hurts doesn't it? Besides looking for a free ride at the expense of others and putting your faith in the riches of this world is for fools.
America has more black millionaires, billionaires and the largest middle class of minorities in the entire world combined bar none.
Heck, you can even become president in this country if you want to.

What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?
The USA wouldn't enjoy the wealth and status it enjoys if it hadn't been for the 250 years of free labor and 100 years of Jim Crow it imposed on African-Americans.
Slavery came with us from Europe. Cheap labor but not free. People had to be conditioned (or groomed as they say now), to accept the institution of slavery in parts of the Union, they had to see the slaves as somewhat less than human. That conditioning is proving hard to get rid of.

how so? explain how they will each become wealthy?

I could swear, white men died to free said slaves! Wasn't freedom the ultimate point of the effort? How much do you supposed it cost the US to do the civil war? millions upon millions, life after life?

Swear all you want. White men died trying to keep the entire race enslaved in perpetuity too. Freedom to starve (after 1877)!
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I am not saying that. I was saying that if the blacks fully and wisely utilized the many government programs they have today (as well as poor folks of any ethnicity), they they could use that to build their own "generational wealth". Note, this was said in the context of replying to some brainless leftist.
Got it and thanks
Slavery came with us from Europe. Cheap labor but not free. People had to be conditioned (or groomed as they say now), to accept the institution of slavery in parts of the Union, they had to see the slaves as somewhat less than human. That conditioning is proving hard to get rid of.

Swear all you want. White men died trying to keep the entire race enslaved in perpetuity to. Freedom to starve (after 1877)!
Actually slavery came from Islam in Africa. They were the source of slavery, the metaphorical crack dealer or prostitute on the corner tempting the rest of the world with their goods.

America was the first nation that codified the outlawing of slavery and did so just 80 some years after it's birth.
By comparison, parts of Rome lasted over a 1,000 years and Rome never relinquished their appetite for slavery or for the oppression of others. Every race of man was enslaved under Rome. The same goes for Egypt, the original African Slave Traders who dealt in slavery for thousands of years.

Meanwhile, in America just some 80 years after the birth of America men died trying to abolish slavery and free the slaves from The Democrat Slave Owning South.

A metaphorical blink of an eye in historical terms.
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Martin Luther King Jr said that "we're coming to get out check!"

Our check? He was getting out of Czechoslovakia? Or offering to pick up the tab?

Or did King too fail spelling and typing due to lack of Affirmative Action?
Slavery came with us from Europe. Cheap labor but not free. People had to be conditioned (or groomed as they say now), to accept the institution of slavery in parts of the Union, they had to see the slaves as somewhat less than human. That conditioning is proving hard to get rid of.

Swear all you want. White men died trying to keep the entire race enslaved in perpetuity to. Freedom to starve (after 1877)!
That is straight up truth. Slaves were not free. You have to buy them. You kept them fed, housed, and healthy too. Otherwise, you would be pissing your money away and losing productivity on the plantation. It was primarily the ones that harmed, or tried to harm, others that caught the lashings. So, you paid for them. They you paid for their upkeep.
Swear all you want. White men died trying to keep the entire race enslaved in perpetuity to. Freedom to starve (after 1877)!
so the sacrifice of others wasn't enough to reach the outcome reparation of freedom! Not to be whipped ever again. To get a job, to vote, all those were received by each and every slave.

I honestly can't help they still vote their demofk masters into office.

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