The Death of a Presidency

I didn't say he was a two-term president. He lost to Clinton because of the unsuccessful Gulf War in 1991.

False.. He lost over the "Read my lips, no new taxes" pledge that he reneged on. Gulf War I was a compete success in terms of the stated goals.

Really? So Saddam Hussein was removed from power....OK, I got it now.

Saddam Hussein's removal from power was never part of the equation for Gulf War 1. Bush lost because of the no new taxes speech. Clinton's whole campaign was predicated on the "It's the economy, stupid". You really don't understand history....
Watch what happens. The young and healthy will not sign up. There will be no money for the sick. obamacare will turn into an overpriced killer existing only through sucking up massive taxes.
The young and healthy won't for sure...THEY can't afford it anyway...they can't find a job...(which will also SINK Obamacare due to Obama destroying the private sector jobs WITH ObamaCare LAW among other punitive policies that make it hard for businesses)...What a tangled web he weaved...that ultimately is sinking his legacy.

The "logic" behind that statement is breathtaking, Joe! Government passes a law and then businesses comply with that law but it's the businesses that are the "problem"? Did you really just make that claim?

When they aren't practicing in good faith, yeah.

The insurance industry is playing the cards that they have been dealt in this fiasco. The guy sitting with the green eye shade on in the dealer's seat is Barack Obama. This is his baby. It's got his name on it. He pushed it as the signature legislation for his administration. For progressive shills like yourself to turn around NOW and say that the insurance industry is to blame for why ObamaCare isn't working is farce of the highest order. This legislation doesn't work because it was badly written by a bunch of far left ideologues who didn't have a clue what they were doing and frankly didn't CARE because this was going to be the first step towards a single payer system run by the government.

Guy, I've ALWAYS blamed the insurance industry.

We could have avoided this problem by several ways

1) Go single payer like every other civilized nation already has.
2) Allow a medicare Buy-In for those over 55, leaving the insurance companies to only sell to the relatively healthy below 55s at reasonable costs.
3) Allow a public option for those who can't afford insurance.

Any of those would have avoided the problem... but, no big insurance shot them down and is now complaining they can't comply with a law THEY insisted on molding.

[ame=]No second chances. I'm that sort of a man. - YouTube[/ame]

The "logic" behind that statement is breathtaking, Joe! Government passes a law and then businesses comply with that law but it's the businesses that are the "problem"? Did you really just make that claim?

When they aren't practicing in good faith, yeah.

The insurance industry is playing the cards that they have been dealt in this fiasco. The guy sitting with the green eye shade on in the dealer's seat is Barack Obama. This is his baby. It's got his name on it. He pushed it as the signature legislation for his administration. For progressive shills like yourself to turn around NOW and say that the insurance industry is to blame for why ObamaCare isn't working is farce of the highest order. This legislation doesn't work because it was badly written by a bunch of far left ideologues who didn't have a clue what they were doing and frankly didn't CARE because this was going to be the first step towards a single payer system run by the government.

Guy, I've ALWAYS blamed the insurance industry.

We could have avoided this problem by several ways

1) Go single payer like every other civilized nation already has.
2) Allow a medicare Buy-In for those over 55, leaving the insurance companies to only sell to the relatively healthy below 55s at reasonable costs.
3) Allow a public option for those who can't afford insurance.

Any of those would have avoided the problem... but, no big insurance shot them down and is now complaining they can't comply with a law THEY insisted on molding.

1) Allow people the choice of what insurance they want.
2) See 1
3) See 1
4) Eliminate cancellations based on preexisting conditions
5) Give tax credits to doctors who perform care for the indigent
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"After using every possible means to pass a law transforming American health insurance, after making the law heavily dependent on people purchasing health insurance through a federal website, after years of implementation and after hundreds of millions of dollars, it is only dawning on them now that health insurance is complicated to buy?" Lowry

Fundamentally transforming 1/6 of the US economy, and it was suppose to be as easy as buying a song on iTunes. Centralized big government planning just does not work. Obamacare will be the prime example for generations.

Oh, and for you single payer fans, you know, those of you who want to trust the people who built with employing your doctor;

'Thousands of patients are needlessly going blind because they are waiting so long for appointments at NHS eye clinics, a report warns. As many as four in ten eye specialists and nurses admit that their patients are losing sight unnecessarily as they cannot get vital checks or treatment.'

Thousands of eye patients are waiting so long for NHS treatment they are going blind: Charity says budget cuts and nursing numbers of elderly mean clinics can't cope | Mail Online

1) Allow people the choice of what insurance they want.
2) See 1
3) See 1
4) Eliminate cancellations based on preexisting conditions
5) Give tax credits to doctors who perform care for the indigent


So long as when people get the insurance they want, the Insurance companies can't come back and cheat them later.

Oh. Wait. That was the problem.

They WERE cheating their customers.

They were calling acne pre-existing cancerous conditions and liver transplants "expiramental surgery"

Get it?

This was the problem that ACA was meant to address. Not just the 46 million who couldn't get insurance, but the folks who thought they had perfectly good insurance until they actually got sick and found out, not so much.

1) Allow people the choice of what insurance they want.
2) See 1
3) See 1
4) Eliminate cancellations based on preexisting conditions
5) Give tax credits to doctors who perform care for the indigent


So long as when people get the insurance they want, the Insurance companies can't come back and cheat them later.

Oh. Wait. That was the problem.

They WERE cheating their customers.

They were calling acne pre-existing cancerous conditions and liver transplants "expiramental surgery"

Get it?

This was the problem that ACA was meant to address. Not just the 46 million who couldn't get insurance, but the folks who thought they had perfectly good insurance until they actually got sick and found out, not so much.

No. I don't get it.

You're just bent on arguing, Joe. You can't get it through that thick skull of yours that the ACA has failed miserably. There are parts of the ACA with merit, but the law as a whole was a sham. This is the case where the sum of the parts were greater than the whole.

Now are we going to spout rhetoric and talking points like a mindless automaton, or will you actually make a cogent point, Joe?
Oh you're gonna' make me cry......Did you think to write a eulogy like this on the day Bear Stearns failed in 2008 setting off the worst financial calamity since 1929?

On September 12, 2001 when it came to light that Condie Rice and Bush just didn't happen to read the August Presidential Daily Briefs about OBL?

Did you think to write something like this when the war in Afghanistan hit its 10th anniversary?

Nah, I didn't think so.

If it wasn't for short-sightedness, you wouldn't be able to see anything at all.

What on earth are you talking about? Are you upset because what I said was true?

As a recent subscriber to this forum, I'm discovering that those who refuse to acknowledge this administration is a failure, often immediately attempts to divert attention to "it's all Bush's fault" instead of engaging in civil debate. FWIW, I enjoyed reading your post and shared the same cautious hope you did when Obama was elected. It's hard to witness the crumbling of this administration b/c it will have disastrous long term effects on our country.

How is this administration a failure? Don't you remember the condition of the country when Obama took office? Considering that republicans declared war on him from day one, not giving a crap if they destroyed the world's economy, Obama has done pretty well.
What on earth are you talking about? Are you upset because what I said was true?

As a recent subscriber to this forum, I'm discovering that those who refuse to acknowledge this administration is a failure, often immediately attempts to divert attention to "it's all Bush's fault" instead of engaging in civil debate. FWIW, I enjoyed reading your post and shared the same cautious hope you did when Obama was elected. It's hard to witness the crumbling of this administration b/c it will have disastrous long term effects on our country.

How is this administration a failure? Don't you remember the condition of the country when Obama took office? Considering that republicans declared war on him from day one, not giving a crap if they destroyed the world's economy, Obama has done pretty well.

I have some real cool unicorns for sale. A giant herd of them. Interested?
What on earth are you talking about? Are you upset because what I said was true?

As a recent subscriber to this forum, I'm discovering that those who refuse to acknowledge this administration is a failure, often immediately attempts to divert attention to "it's all Bush's fault" instead of engaging in civil debate. FWIW, I enjoyed reading your post and shared the same cautious hope you did when Obama was elected. It's hard to witness the crumbling of this administration b/c it will have disastrous long term effects on our country.

How is this administration a failure? Don't you remember the condition of the country when Obama took office? Considering that republicans declared war on him from day one, not giving a crap if they destroyed the world's economy, Obama has done pretty well.

How? Look around you. Scandals, lies, broken promises. Obama has done nothing he promised he'd do when he was elected.
What on earth are you talking about? Are you upset because what I said was true?

As a recent subscriber to this forum, I'm discovering that those who refuse to acknowledge this administration is a failure, often immediately attempts to divert attention to "it's all Bush's fault" instead of engaging in civil debate. FWIW, I enjoyed reading your post and shared the same cautious hope you did when Obama was elected. It's hard to witness the crumbling of this administration b/c it will have disastrous long term effects on our country.

How is this administration a failure? Don't you remember the condition of the country when Obama took office? Considering that republicans declared war on him from day one, not giving a crap if they destroyed the world's economy, Obama has done pretty well.
WHY have they gotten worse? Have a smart answer for that?
The health care problem could be fixed if we got serious tort reform. Provided insurance that did not cover routine health care. Allow insurance to be sold across state lines. Costs would drop significantly. Then we wouldn't need obamacare.

Why we even have insurance that covers routine doctor visits is ridiculous anyway. Your auto insurance doesn't cover wiper blades or oil changes.
By Templar Kormac

I remember the night when Obama got elected 5 years ago. I was a hard right Republican just two years out of high school. My knowledge of politics was limited. I couldn't help but hope with the rest of those Americans that there would be a positive change in this country. I wanted so badly to be swept along with the rest of them, join in the euphoria of the election of the first black man to the White House. But I held myself back. As the first 100 days went by, I knew Obama would be no ordinary president. I never thought that one day, this self proclaimed savior of America would be the instrument of his own destruction.

In those 100 days, Democrats had garnered majorities in both houses of Congress, and finally after the electoral euphoria wore off, the discussion turned to healthcare insurance and economic recovery. Obama proposed a plan that he purported would provide the millions of uninsured Americans access to affordable healthcare. I thought to myself, 'hey this is cool, maybe he won't be such a bad president after all. Maybe I can get insurance!' But as I began to learn how to investigate and do research, I found out how little of this law was going to work.

Republicans repeatedly and without fail warned that millions of Americans would lose their insurance and that premiums would skyrocket, while the newly elected president continued to assert that if they liked their plans and doctors they could keep them. Despite the objections of millions upon millions of Americans against this new proposal, on Christmas Eve that same year, Democrats passed what would be now known as Obamacare. Republicans could do little else to stop it's passage, other than to unanimously vote no. Little did I know just how loud those objections would become.

In 2010, the backlash was tremendous. Throughout the year, millions of Americans assailed their Representatives and Senators during the congressional recess, the question most asked was "Why? Why would you ignore the will of we the people to pass a law we didn't consent to?" On election night that year, the Democrats paid dearly for their unwillingness to heed to the will of their constituents. They were swiftly rendered a minority in the house, and though miraculously, kept control of the Senate.

The next year and a half didn't see much debate on the law, since the inevitability of the ACA's implementation was almost certain. In 2011 and 2012 we saw Obama campaign on his promises, amidst the Arab Spring, the Benghazi Scandal and Superstorm Sandy. The previous four years saw him do little to fix a broken economy, but yet he was put back in the White House for a second term. Republicans would try in futility to repeal Obamacare, only to be vilified successfully by their opponents.

This year, all hell broke out for Obama, as it was made known that people under him had been targeting Tea Party organizations unfairly during the previous election. Then it got even worse, it was discovered that the NSA had been spying on millions of Americans. Scandal after scandal broke out in Washington, damaging a once proud presidency.

Still, Obama remained undeterred, unblemished. He had the entire media behind him, he could do no wrong. There was so much momentum from the passage of the law that it seemed as if Obama would be the proverbial Democratic version of Ronald Reagan. Obama appeared to invincible. Nobody could stop him. But after all those years of broken promises and scandals, it would be the signature law that supposedly defined Obama's presidency which would be responsible for undoing it. Millions of people began losing their healthcare, and premiums began rising exponentially.

The death blow came as Obama admitted that he lied to America about keeping their insurance plans and paying lower premiums. He tried to make it right by issuing an executive order allowing those millions adversely affected to keep their insurance, to no avail. In five years, I have watched myself metamorphose into someone who departed from the two party world, as I watched the presidency of a self anointed savior evaporate into the thinness of the air. The death of a presidency has come swiftly and the aura of hope and change has faded.

Nice piece, but actually the "aura of hope and change" was just born.
Maybe. But CA and WA are the states with strong exchanges, so that's probably not a problem.

again, the onus has been shifted back to Big Insurance.

If you had a brain you would be smart enough to know you are pathetically stupid.

Insurance has to follow the law, not the words of the president. He is not a king, or even a god, he has to enforce the law, not write it. The only way insurance companies would be on the hook for this is if Congress actually rewrites the law that grandfathers policies, and eliminates the fancy benefits that make, in your words, crap policies illegal. If that happened, Obama would veto it, because it would destroy Obamacare.

Or he can just go ahead and grant a waiver like the law allows him to.

Come on, you guys have been carping about waivers for years now, what's another one.

the insurance companies WANT to dump these policies, they just don't want to take the blame for it.

They also don't want their customers shopping around, having a public option or a MediCare buy-in at 55.

If the law allows him to grant a waiver you should be able to point to the part of the law that gives him that power.

If you can't, you are free to keep making shit up lying a lying sack of shit.
Big State won't let insurance companies reinstate policies. California and Washington came out with the hour and said the plans for 2014 had been approved and they won't revisit them this year. Of course the proposed reprieve is only good for a year so they won't allow insurance companies reissue illegal policies.

Maybe. But CA and WA are the states with strong exchanges, so that's probably not a problem.

again, the onus has been shifted back to Big Insurance.

And again we are reminded that insurance companies have no business being in the business of health care, and that's how we got here today.

It's an inherent truth: You are born with a body that will need care. So the concept of purchasing insurance to avoid the inevitable is absurd. Other first world countries know this and have adapted. Why can't we?

Insurance should stick to risk humans take for CHOICES such as boats, houses, cars, commercial enterprise, business ventures, and liability for exposing others to your choices.

If you don't agree, then please accept personal responsibility: Start having babies at home, cure yourself when you get sick and please, heal your family when they get sick and when you get old?... die at home, too. Stop making huge profits for insurance companies that KNOW the odds are on their side, not ours.

Good thing that insurance companies are not in the business of health care, isn't it?
Or he can just go ahead and grant a waiver like the law allows him to.

Come on, you guys have been carping about waivers for years now, what's another one.

the insurance companies WANT to dump these policies, they just don't want to take the blame for it.

They also don't want their customers shopping around, having a public option or a MediCare buy-in at 55.

Spoken like a true Obama drone

Think for yourself much?


Actually, quite a lot... it's why I couldn't really keep defending Bush when he messed up... well... everything.

But to the point, you guys are making a bigger deal about this than it actually is. Because you got outfoxed again.

You have no problem defending Obama when he messed everything up, what's the difference?
It may be a bit long winded but still. I do believe this law is and will be the death of Obama's presidency. For the remaining years to come, he will be haunted by the lies he told and the promises he broke.

You are so dramatic!!! Why not just write a new soap opera for television??

Why not present an argument? Or are you simply going to play the clown?

His ability to grant waivers ends where states' rights to regulate policies begins.

He made an empty gesture to try to fit an appearance of action in between Clinton's smackdown on Wednesday and Landrieu's bill on Friday.

A gesture that refocuses the problem where it belongs- on the insurance companies.

Obama didn't cancel ONE policy. Not one.

Cigna and United Health Care and Blue Cross and Blue Sheild did.

Because they could no longer pretend that these policies really were anything more than paying your money for wishful thinking.

Tell you what, show me the part of the law that allows Obama to hand out retroactive waivers and I will admit you are right about everything, and switch my support fully behind Obamacare.

What will you do if you are wrong?

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