The death of Thanksgiving?

Will you shop on Thanksgiviong Day

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This is what Thanksgiving is like at my house:

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I think bonus pay or store credit is warranted

When you open your own business you can do just that.
There is such a thing as fairness. Not every business decision should be a predatory one. Didn't Mitt tell us that "corporations are people too"? Everyone I have ever known responds better to a fair deal than the back of the hand.
There is such a thing as fairness. Not every business decision should be a predatory one. Didn't Mitt tell us that "corporations are people too"? Everyone I have ever known responds better to a fair deal than the back of the hand.

Most of what the left thinks about business is pure fantasy.

Business guru Zig Zigler explained that a good business deal is one in which all sides profit, coining the term "win-win" to describe it. All business seeks a win-win situation. The notion of predatory business is mostly a myth concocted by socialist to justify their own predatory behavior.

One may take advantage of another once, but this is hardly a sustainable model. Business is built on relationships, relationships depend on fair treatment.
There is such a thing as fairness. Not every business decision should be a predatory one. Didn't Mitt tell us that "corporations are people too"? Everyone I have ever known responds better to a fair deal than the back of the hand.

Most of what the left thinks about business is pure fantasy.

Business guru Zig Zigler explained that a good business deal is one in which all sides profit, coining the term "win-win" to describe it. All business seeks a win-win situation. The notion of predatory business is mostly a myth concocted by socialist to justify their own predatory behavior.

One may take advantage of another once, but this is hardly a sustainable model. Business is built on relationships, relationships depend on fair treatment.

And, that's the way it used to be.

Now, its rw owned businesses screwing over the little guy while those lib-rule-owned businesses still believe in the principle of win-win.

I remember when the rw's first started stealing earned-pensions from their workers. Now, its just SOP.

What's worse the bastards lie about it, won't take responsibility for their own actions and actually expect intelligent people to believe "it" is Obama's fault.
I think bonus pay or store credit is warranted

When you open your own business you can do just that.
There is such a thing as fairness. Not every business decision should be a predatory one. Didn't Mitt tell us that "corporations are people too"? Everyone I have ever known responds better to a fair deal than the back of the hand.


I can remember when employees were loyal to their employer and vice versa.

Now, big corp's pay shit wages and teach their under-paid employees how to scam the government for the pay the corps won't pay.

And, rw voters support those businesses. They actually buy from them and then bray about how they're helping screw the country into collapse.
If you don't want to shop on Thanksgiving....don't do it

But I feel sorry for the employees who have to leave their families to work in that Black Friday (now Thursday) madness.

The stores should kick them back some of the profit they make on Thanksgiving. Either set aside 1-2% of sales to go to employees or else give them a gift certificate they can use for Christmas

is it being in sales that you feel sorry for them....or having to work?

should hotel and hospital staff get kick backs from profits because they had to work? How about fire and police men... there of course is no profit in that at all...

Good point

But I think it is different in that hotels and hospitals are open 24/ is expected

These stores are creating "events" to churn more profit. That profit is dependent on your pulling your low paid employees away from their families and throwing them into a madhouse of crazed shoppers

I think bonus pay or store credit is warranted

it makes no difference....either you are saying it should be a holiday and everyone should have it off.....or not.

Are you saying that it is fine that some people work so that others can enjoy the holiday.... and others should just pound sand becasue it is "expected"

is it being in sales that you feel sorry for them....or having to work?

should hotel and hospital staff get kick backs from profits because they had to work? How about fire and police men... there of course is no profit in that at all...

Good point

But I think it is different in that hotels and hospitals are open 24/ is expected

These stores are creating "events" to churn more profit. That profit is dependent on your pulling your low paid employees away from their families and throwing them into a madhouse of crazed shoppers

I think bonus pay or store credit is warranted

it makes no difference....either you are saying it should be a holiday and everyone should have it off.....or not.

Are you saying that it is fine that some people work so that others can enjoy the holiday.... and others should just pound sand becasue it is "expected"
There are some occupations so necessary they can never close shop. Emergency services, and yes, hotels are among them. The question is: should retailers (who are definitely not essential services like hospitals) create events (like rightwinger said) just to make profits at the expense of their employee's enjoyment of the holiday? If you cannot understand the difference between essential services and an extra day of shopping, perhaps you also cannot understand why American families love the chance to gather together if at least for one day.
This is what Thanksgiving is like at my house:

You'll have to put in the Home Page in. Not work safe, not mod friendly but it's RC approved.

Thanksgiving in Liberal land CT:

[ame=]Happy Thanksgiving From Gay Family Values - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Hipsters on Thanksgiving - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]gay thanksgiving - YouTube[/ame]

Thanksgiving at my sisters house who refuses to stuff the turkey.

[ame=]U Can't stuff this - YouTube[/ame]

Thanksgiving at my house

[ame=]South park - A history channel thanksgiving - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Funny Thanksgiving Video - YouTube[/ame]

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
[ame=]Happy Thanksgiving wishes Juan Saco Mironoff and Miami Gay Blog!!! - YouTube[/ame]
I always thought the crazy "black Friday" hoopla was too much.

Some stores make 50% of their profits on Black Friday, so I can see why you don't like it.

Yes, because they spend the rest of the year paying inventory costs, and that's when they break even.

Except the asshole who never should have been in business to start with.
Unfortunately it's kind of a self fulfilling prophesy. As more and more stores are open on Thanksgiving, fewer and fewer people will be able to stay home with their families and the traditional Thanksgiving day celebration will soon become a part of the past. I'm sorry to see it go, I've always felt it was an important part of the American tradition.

BTW, it is a NATIONAL Holiday, I really think stores and places that don't have to be open should close on our National Holidays. Kind of the American thing to do.

I lived in Austria for four years. There, everything is closed on national holidays and on Sundays. The Catholic Church is very strong there, and national holidays include most Catholic holidays. When I say everything is closed, I mean everything except cafes and restaurants. One reason is the unions, which are very strong there. But the reason people don't want to work on holidays is because holidays are for the family, and family is very important. These are days for the family to spend together, not to go their diverse ways or spend the day shopping. People seem to care more about that than making time and a half working on a holiday. As I am not religious, not Catholic, and wasn't paying much attention to when there might be a national holiday, in the beginning, I'd often get caught without food. I'd go out to buy food and find all the grocery stores closed. So, I'd have to search out a cafe with a bakery that sold sandwiches or an open fast food kiosk to get something to eat, or else spend more money than I wanted to at a restaurant. I learned to keep non-perishable food on hand in case that happened.

Although at first I found it annoying, I began to appreciate the idea of everything being closed on national holidays, and if those days are used for family time, then I think it is better for the culture. The thing is, Americans do not appreciate and value the family unit as they do in most European countries.

Used to be that grocery stores closed by 6 or 7. That's how 7-11 got it's name. When it came out, it was open from 7am to 11pm. I remember that we'd decide we wanted ice cream at 9pm, the only place to get it was 7-11. I've watched things change throughout my life and believe me when I say, at the current rate, in the next 20 years Thanksgiving will be best known as the 1st shopping day of Christmas. Too bad. Christmas has lost it's meaning as well. Too many gimmies, it's over commercialized.

But again, doesn't it - shouldn't it - come down to personal choice? Where is it written that I MUST have a picture perfect, Better Homes & Garden correct, traditional Thanksgiving if I and mine want to do something different that day? Is it so wicked to go on a fun afternoon of shopping with loved ones rather than sit around watching football that bores you silly and trying to digest a rich meal that we ate way too much of?

Where is it written that Christmas MUST be celebrated a certain way or it isn't really Christmas?

And if nobody else in the world is celebrating Thanksgiving or Christmas at all, what prevents us from celebrating it just as we want to do it, including something so traditional we could be on the cover of a magazine?

I am resenting those who are trying to politicize this discussion. I know where the traditionalists are coming from. I can appreciate those who mourn the over-commercialization of Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. I can appreciate those who want that traditional observance. And as previously posted, I can relate strongly with those who resist being forced into that mold.

If enough people insist on traditional holiday observances, the stores will find themselves with too few customers to justify staying open on those days. But as it is now, I can't see that anybody is denied a traditional observance if they want one and those stores carry lots and lots of stuff to use to create it.
Good point

But I think it is different in that hotels and hospitals are open 24/ is expected

These stores are creating "events" to churn more profit. That profit is dependent on your pulling your low paid employees away from their families and throwing them into a madhouse of crazed shoppers

I think bonus pay or store credit is warranted

it makes no difference....either you are saying it should be a holiday and everyone should have it off.....or not.

Are you saying that it is fine that some people work so that others can enjoy the holiday.... and others should just pound sand becasue it is "expected"
There are some occupations so necessary they can never close shop. Emergency services, and yes, hotels are among them. The question is: should retailers (who are definitely not essential services like hospitals) create events (like rightwinger said) just to make profits at the expense of their employee's enjoyment of the holiday? If you cannot understand the difference between essential services and an extra day of shopping, perhaps you also cannot understand why American families love the chance to gather together if at least for one day.

it is either a holiday that you all are whining about where everyone should be home with their families....... or not. Simple as that.

Hotels and restaurants are not necessary and certainly not emergency services. Same for bus drivers, garbage men, pilots, stewardess, and the people working the check out line at the grocery......

if some people are "expected" to work.... then i really have zero sympathy for sales people who have to work when their jobs require it. It is after all...their job.

I have no problem with families getting together for a huge dinner.... who says it has to be on that ONE day...why not the weekend before or the weekend after? You know, when they have a day off.
Thanksgiving for me has always been a family day. IMHO it should remain a family day and stores should be closed so employee's can be with their families to give thanks and be thankful. I won't even consider going shopping on Thanksgiving and never will. I hope people boycott and send a message to the greedy coporations that there is more to the holidays than sales and their bottom line.

If people did not want to go shopping on Thanksgiving the stores would never think about opening. If Thanksgiving is a family day, what about those with no families, who can't stand what family they have, or come from a different culture that doesn't recognize Thanksgiving? Should what ever options they have for getting something out of the day YOU have chosen to enjoy with your family be removed?

Opening on Thanksgiving is consumer driven.

One more time....Thanksgiving is a NATIONAL HOLIDAY. NATIONAL, that means the entire nation should be recognizing it regardless of religious or non-religious affiliation. If you don't have a family to enjoy it with, go to one of the local community suppers or soup kitchens. Either volunteer to work, or just enjoy your meal with some complete strangers and talk to them. You never know, you might learn something. You might even make a friend or family to spend Thanksgiving with next year. Or, you could just spend the day online talking to friends at the USMB, I'll be in and out even though I'm cooking.
Thanksgiving for me has always been a family day. IMHO it should remain a family day and stores should be closed so employee's can be with their families to give thanks and be thankful. I won't even consider going shopping on Thanksgiving and never will. I hope people boycott and send a message to the greedy coporations that there is more to the holidays than sales and their bottom line.

If people did not want to go shopping on Thanksgiving the stores would never think about opening. If Thanksgiving is a family day, what about those with no families, who can't stand what family they have, or come from a different culture that doesn't recognize Thanksgiving? Should what ever options they have for getting something out of the day YOU have chosen to enjoy with your family be removed?

Opening on Thanksgiving is consumer driven.

One more time....Thanksgiving is a NATIONAL HOLIDAY. NATIONAL, that means the entire nation should be recognizing it regardless of religious or non-religious affiliation. If you don't have a family to enjoy it with, go to one of the local community suppers or soup kitchens. Either volunteer to work, or just enjoy your meal with some complete strangers and talk to them. You never know, you might learn something. You might even make a friend or family to spend Thanksgiving with next year. Or, you could just spend the day online talking to friends at the USMB, I'll be in and out even though I'm cooking.


how about health care workers and assisted living providers? should they leave their charges alone so THEY can have thanksgiving holiday?
Canada has a Thanksgiving too. It's just not the same Thanksgiving.

The same arguments were used years ago when stores started opening on Sunday. Sunday was family day. Except it really isn't any more so stores open. The loss of Thanksgiving is more a consequence of the breakdown of families than any other reason.

Yes, and no. You can argue that shopping at Thanksgiving will force more people into the workforce on that day and away from their families. As I said, it's self fulfilling. Soon Thanksgiving won't mean anything except the 1st day of shopping for Christmas. An end to a fine holiday.
People have NEVER universally gotten Thanksgiving off. There have always been a few stores that are open.
As a religious people, the Union victory was an act of God, so they gave Thanks to the Lord. Judging from what democrats have done to the Union since 1863, the preservation of the Union isn't exactly something to be Thankful for any longer.

I don't celebrate Thanksgiving. Aside from making a phone call to my son and sending out a few e-mails, I normally work and it's just another day. I really don't celebrate any holidays. If I have work to do, I do it. Going shopping might be a welcome break if the stores aren't too crowded.
Hmmmmm... Is it possible that the two 'sides' to this discussion (don't shop, OK to shop) are largely (if steretypically) subdivided into (1) people who have large families and celebrate a communal meal and time together (voting 'don't shop') and (2) people who don't have that to look forward to (voting 'OK to shop')?

When I was in college, all us single folks would get together for Thanksgiving and have a wonderful time. Some had a boyfriend/girlfriend to bring along, some were married, but all were young people living away from family. One who had a big enough house/apartment would host and cook the bird, the others would bring a dish. It was great. Because people came from all over the US, I experienced variations Thanksgiving side dishes and desserts from around the country. We cooked, drank, played music, talked endlessly, and had a great time. No one sat in front of the TV watching football. Everyone participated like a big, extended family. You don't need to be near or even on friendly terms with your family or to even have a family to experience a great Thanksgiving.

When I was growing up, my father would often bring home some people for Thanksgiving. Airmen who were stationed away from their families or later, when he was a professor, students who couldn't go home to theirs. No reason anyone should spend Thanksgiving alone.

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