The death of Thanksgiving?

Will you shop on Thanksgiviong Day

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What's gone unmentioned here is the symbol of Thanksgiving....the damn TURKEY!

Ben Franklin thought it should be our nation's symbol instead of the eagle that mostly eats carrion other beasts have killed and left to rot. The turkey on the other hand is a noble bird.....beautiful and cunning. Anybody who's hunted them can sit out there with those ridiculous noise-makers gobbling like a fool and not see shit all day. And if you do lure in a Tom, make the slightest noise or twtich and he's gone. They can't fly like a goose, but they can cover plenty of distance in the air between landings....and don't think putting some shot in one is always going to bounce it....they're tough to kill. And finally let's not forget they're some of the finest, and cheapest, protein you can get and when you're finished gnawing on the thing's legs, you're provided with a nice NAP courtesy of the tryptophan in the meat. The's as American as apple pie damn it!

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What's gone unmentioned here is the symbol of Thanksgiving....the damn TURKEY!

Ben Franklin thought it should be our nation's symbol instead of the eagle that mostly eats carrion other beasts have killed and left to rot. The turkey on the other hand is a noble bird.....beautiful and cunning. Anybody who's hunted them can sit out there with those ridiculous noise-makers gobbling like a fool and not see shit all day. And if you do lure in a Tom, make the slightest noise or twtich and he's gone. They can't fly like a goose, but they can cover plenty of distance in the air between landings....and don't think putting some shot in one is always going to bounce it....they're tough to kill. And finally let's not forget they're some of the finest, and cheapest, protein you can get and when you're finished gnawing on the thing's legs, you're provided with a nice NAP courtesy of the tryptophan in the meat. The's as American as apple pie damn it!


I think it shows the basic hypocrisy of the Right Wing.

Decorums says, yes, Thanksgiving SHOULD be that holiday for families to get together.

But Gosh Darn, Big Corporations have yet another oppurtunity to increase the 43% of the wealth the 1% already have... and screw those wage-slaves who have to spend the day at WalMart!

Profits for the Greedy>Family values.

Enjoy your holiday Mr Poopy Pants.

Remember not to use anything that all of those greedy bastards sold you. That includes cars, TVs, cell-phones, and especially those damned PCs. Stay off the internet.

They wouldn't have to sell if I didn't have a need.

get it.

Capitalists are parasites that convinced stupid people they are vital organs.

So you're admitting you're stupid. You sound like the guy chewing on a steak that mumbles, ". Chomp....chomp....chomp...slurp.....I hate beef.....gulp......chomp....chomp"

Capitalists are what makes this country great. We wouldn't have much of anything without them.

Ask anyone who's moved here from the former Eastern Block.
What's gone unmentioned here is the symbol of Thanksgiving....the damn TURKEY!

Ben Franklin thought it should be our nation's symbol instead of the eagle that mostly eats carrion other beasts have killed and left to rot. The turkey on the other hand is a noble bird.....beautiful and cunning. Anybody who's hunted them can sit out there with those ridiculous noise-makers gobbling like a fool and not see shit all day. And if you do lure in a Tom, make the slightest noise or twtich and he's gone. They can't fly like a goose, but they can cover plenty of distance in the air between landings....and don't think putting some shot in one is always going to bounce it....they're tough to kill. And finally let's not forget they're some of the finest, and cheapest, protein you can get and when you're finished gnawing on the thing's legs, you're provided with a nice NAP courtesy of the tryptophan in the meat. The's as American as apple pie damn it!



you can sit out there with those ridiculous noise-makers gobbling like a fool and not see shit all day

there are a few tricks to sway the balance

1- put the turkeys to bed
( after sunset go out the places you plan to hunt and make loud noises they will gobble
from the trees they are sleeping in -this gives you an idea of where they will be)

2-in the morning set up along natural and man made barriers
( the birds will tend to follow rather then cross )

3-use hot horny hen calls but not too much i use a mouth reed
(this goes against the nature of the bird but that tom will do a lot of strutting
with the look at me look at me dance
however if he has already set up with a female chances are that will fail until the current hen loses him )

4-do not make movements unless the bird is fully fanned with the fanned tail towards you
( turkeys can see almost in 360 degrees the fanned tail blocks their vision momentarily)

but that is for a springtime hunt

in the fall i usually try to run into a group

get them to scatter

then set up shop

then try to confuse the issue by pretending to be the the dominate hen

and try to call the flock back in order
there are a few tricks to sway the balance

1- put the turkeys to bed
( after sunset go out the places you plan to hunt and make loud noises they will gobble
from the trees they are sleeping in -this gives you an idea of where they will be)

2-in the morning set up along natural and man made barriers
( the birds will tend to follow rather then cross )

3-use hot horny hen calls but not too much i use a mouth reed
(this goes against the nature of the bird but that tom will do a lot of strutting
with the look at me look at me dance
however if he has already set up with a female chances are that will fail until the current hen loses him )

4-do not make movements unless the bird is fully fanned with the fanned tail towards you
( turkeys can see almost in 360 degrees the fanned tail blocks their vision momentarily)

but that is for a springtime hunt

in the fall i usually try to run into a group

get them to scatter

then set up shop

then try to confuse the issue by pretending to be the the dominate hen

and try to call the flock back in order

:thup:....good stuff....thanks!
What's gone unmentioned here is the symbol of Thanksgiving....the damn TURKEY!

Ben Franklin thought it should be our nation's symbol instead of the eagle that mostly eats carrion other beasts have killed and left to rot. The turkey on the other hand is a noble bird.....beautiful and cunning. Anybody who's hunted them can sit out there with those ridiculous noise-makers gobbling like a fool and not see shit all day. And if you do lure in a Tom, make the slightest noise or twtich and he's gone. They can't fly like a goose, but they can cover plenty of distance in the air between landings....and don't think putting some shot in one is always going to bounce it....they're tough to kill. And finally let's not forget they're some of the finest, and cheapest, protein you can get and when you're finished gnawing on the thing's legs, you're provided with a nice NAP courtesy of the tryptophan in the meat. The's as American as apple pie damn it!



you can sit out there with those ridiculous noise-makers gobbling like a fool and not see shit all day

there are a few tricks to sway the balance

1- put the turkeys to bed
( after sunset go out the places you plan to hunt and make loud noises they will gobble
from the trees they are sleeping in -this gives you an idea of where they will be)

2-in the morning set up along natural and man made barriers
( the birds will tend to follow rather then cross )

3-use hot horny hen calls but not too much i use a mouth reed
(this goes against the nature of the bird but that tom will do a lot of strutting
with the look at me look at me dance
however if he has already set up with a female chances are that will fail until the current hen loses him )

4-do not make movements unless the bird is fully fanned with the fanned tail towards you
( turkeys can see almost in 360 degrees the fanned tail blocks their vision momentarily)

but that is for a springtime hunt

in the fall i usually try to run into a group

get them to scatter

then set up shop

then try to confuse the issue by pretending to be the the dominate hen

and try to call the flock back in order

You need to start a thread on Turkey hunting. Include pics.
This Capitalism Gone Wild video has really run its course a while ago. Now we can't even have a fucking family holiday any more.

I just want to know one thing:
Where's Bill O'Reilly's "War on Thanksgiving" rant??

Ultimately though the fault lies with the unwashed masses who patronize the "Black Friday-cum-Thursday" bullshit -- a media creation that does nothing to save anybody money. Without that enabling they couldn't do this. Not to mention the drones who assume the position and obsequiously consent to working on a freaking national holiday. Sellouts.
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Actually there are a couple of species of trees sold for Christmas trees that with proper watering, last over a month. The most popular is the Fraser Fir.
I asked a sales clerk at Lowes when their first delivery of trees is due. She told me Nov 22nd.
I had never seen Christmas decorations on homes before the middle of December. When I moved to the South, I saw people decorating Thanksgiving weekend.
I put up my lights when I decide to do so.
That's usually around the 10th or so. Weather permitting.
I buy my tree from a grower less than ten minutes from my house. Hie trees, along with the other Christmas tree farms in the area are a sustainable crop. They provide the growers with supplemental income and allow them to grow a crop on what would otherwise be nearly unaerable ground. Only orchards and Christmas tree seem to grow on our steep slopes and clay soil. I don't doubt that my tree, harvested ten days before Christmas would last until Super Bowl Sunday if only I could bear to have it around for six weeks!

There is one home in town that decorates early, then keeps them up late. Pop and I used to wager on when the lights and tinsel might come down. Usually I would pick Groundhog's Day, but Pop would take St. Valentine's Day and win more often than not.

I think it is in very poor form to leave one's Christmas lights and decorations up well into January.
The way I see it, New Year's Day, the stuff comes down and the tree goes out...

"God will love me if I could
Keep 'em up 'til well past Easter..."

As previously posted, those Black Friday sales have saved Hombre and me hundreds of dollars when we were able to snag one of the rock bottom teasers that happened to be something we needed or really wanted and couldn't otherwise afford. Again if they were not attractive to people, they would not be so attractive.

It all really comes down to whether we are of a spirit that understands that all people aren't the same and that everybody doesn't think, feel, or appreciate the same things that we do and that is okay. Retailers have to make profits and if they can find an ethical way to make more profits--and these traditional mega sales do generate profits for them--there is nothing wrong with that. It keeps them financially solvent during the leaner times, and ensures that a lot of people will have jobs who otherwise would likely be out of work.

However much any of us love the traditional Thanksgiving holiday--as the American people have created the tradition over time and that too is largely a media creation--not everybody feels the same way about it. And I think we all need to understand that as not a character flaw, but just the way things are. That everybody doesn't share our convictions does not keep us from exercising them ourselves.
Thanksgiving is far more about selling products than being thankful for the ones we have. It is the holy day of consumerism, a day of gluttony followed by a day of worship of the almighty dollar.

Maybe for you. For us it was always a day to be thankful for what we have. To share with our family, friends and neighbors. I've had Thanksgiving dinners with as many as 26 people at a sit down dinner in my home. Yeah the table set up so that it went from the dinning room through the family room, but we all sat at the same table, sort of. Christmas carols were sung while washing the dishes. Politics and religion were banned from discussion. There was a lot of talk about football and the black Friday sales and who was going out and who wasn't and why. Socks is a big thing around here. Fred Meyer always opens early and has socks for 1/2 price. It's a good time to get as many as you can afford and give them to the needy. Yeah, we do that. We discuss family traditions and the dearly departed. It's a fun day, but I'm always glad when the guest have gone and I can relax. Now with my parents gone and my older sister having grandkids, I don't have those big dinners anymore and they are missed. Last Thanksgiving there were 6 of us. That's really small for me, still, it's probably better because I have a lot of physical problems and I'm just not up to as much since I had cancer.
Canada has a Thanksgiving too. It's just not the same Thanksgiving.

The same arguments were used years ago when stores started opening on Sunday. Sunday was family day. Except it really isn't any more so stores open. The loss of Thanksgiving is more a consequence of the breakdown of families than any other reason.

Yes, and no. You can argue that shopping at Thanksgiving will force more people into the workforce on that day and away from their families. As I said, it's self fulfilling. Soon Thanksgiving won't mean anything except the 1st day of shopping for Christmas. An end to a fine holiday.

Againsheila, your liberal friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a socialist authoritarian age. They do not believe except they are spoon fed by the liberal media. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Sheila, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.

Yes, Sheila, there will still be Thanksgiving. It exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Thanksgiving. It would be as dreary as if there were no Sheilas. There would be no gorging on turkey then, no football, no drunken family squabbles to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which overeating fills the world would be extinguished.

Not believe in Thanksgiving if a few stores are open! You might as well not believe in cranberry sauce! You might get your papa to hire men to work on Thanksgiving to earn more money for their families, and some might think it a drag, but even if they did not eat with those families until they got home later, what would that prove? Some people have always worked on Thanksgiving, even if you don't see them from your living room, but that is no sign that there will be no Thanksgiving. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see how your Auntie Judy makes her famous stuffing? Of course not, but that's no proof that it's not there. Nobody can deny what comes out in the bathroom later.

You may tear apart the drumstick to get at the dark meat, but there is always a little stuck to the tendon which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can dig into that bird and consume the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Sheila, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.

No Thanksgiving! Thank God! it lives, and it will live forever, even if some stores stay open and some people go to work. A thousand years from now, Sheila, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, we will continue to make pigs of ourselves then fall asleep on the sofa.

- With deepest apologies to Francis Pharcellus Church

:lol: I know that was satire on the "Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus," but I just couldn't get past "you and your liberal friends." Right now I'm having an argument with my brother who is a flaming liberal and Obama supporter who swears I'm a republican. I really wish the dems and the reps would stop worshiping their parties and open their eyes and see what both those parties have done to this country. The two most corrupt parties in the history of our country and they still have blind followers. It's exasperating.
Actually there are a couple of species of trees sold for Christmas trees that with proper watering, last over a month. The most popular is the Fraser Fir.
I asked a sales clerk at Lowes when their first delivery of trees is due. She told me Nov 22nd.
I had never seen Christmas decorations on homes before the middle of December. When I moved to the South, I saw people decorating Thanksgiving weekend.
I put up my lights when I decide to do so.
That's usually around the 10th or so. Weather permitting.
I buy my tree from a grower less than ten minutes from my house. Hie trees, along with the other Christmas tree farms in the area are a sustainable crop. They provide the growers with supplemental income and allow them to grow a crop on what would otherwise be nearly unaerable ground. Only orchards and Christmas tree seem to grow on our steep slopes and clay soil. I don't doubt that my tree, harvested ten days before Christmas would last until Super Bowl Sunday if only I could bear to have it around for six weeks!

There is one home in town that decorates early, then keeps them up late. Pop and I used to wager on when the lights and tinsel might come down. Usually I would pick Groundhog's Day, but Pop would take St. Valentine's Day and win more often than not.

Had both real and artificial over the years. I decorate the real ones outside and keep the artificial one inside. I am too busy cooking and my boy and I put our playlists together, we put on Christmas shows at the nursing homes and the VA. I am simply too busy for a real tree, this time of year is truly the best for me.

We've had both, depends on the year and how much money we have. I have an artificial one that I can put up during the years we don't have enough money to buy a real one, truth to tell we use it almost every year now as those trees are getting more and more expensive. $60 for a Christmas tree, I don't spent that much on a gift. Used to be Christmas eve they'd start giving them away for free but now they'd rather cart them to the dump. We have an empty field up here and we have gone in and cut down some greens to make door swags. My son and one of his friends even took them around and sold them one year to make money. The problem is, you have to gather the cones in the spring and save them. I have some this year but they aren't very big. Need to remember to gather them up at the old swimming pool next year. My neighbor has a holly tree, so if I want holly, I just go out and cut some from her huge tree that's really hanging over into my yard. I try to decorate after the 15th of December. That's my youngest son's birthday and I want him to have a birthday. My birthday is December 24th so I know what it's like to share your birthday with Christmas.
What's gone unmentioned here is the symbol of Thanksgiving....the damn TURKEY!

Ben Franklin thought it should be our nation's symbol instead of the eagle that mostly eats carrion other beasts have killed and left to rot. The turkey on the other hand is a noble bird.....beautiful and cunning. Anybody who's hunted them can sit out there with those ridiculous noise-makers gobbling like a fool and not see shit all day. And if you do lure in a Tom, make the slightest noise or twtich and he's gone. They can't fly like a goose, but they can cover plenty of distance in the air between landings....and don't think putting some shot in one is always going to bounce it....they're tough to kill. And finally let's not forget they're some of the finest, and cheapest, protein you can get and when you're finished gnawing on the thing's legs, you're provided with a nice NAP courtesy of the tryptophan in the meat. The's as American as apple pie damn it!



you can sit out there with those ridiculous noise-makers gobbling like a fool and not see shit all day

there are a few tricks to sway the balance

1- put the turkeys to bed
( after sunset go out the places you plan to hunt and make loud noises they will gobble
from the trees they are sleeping in -this gives you an idea of where they will be)

2-in the morning set up along natural and man made barriers
( the birds will tend to follow rather then cross )

3-use hot horny hen calls but not too much i use a mouth reed
(this goes against the nature of the bird but that tom will do a lot of strutting
with the look at me look at me dance
however if he has already set up with a female chances are that will fail until the current hen loses him )

4-do not make movements unless the bird is fully fanned with the fanned tail towards you
( turkeys can see almost in 360 degrees the fanned tail blocks their vision momentarily)

but that is for a springtime hunt

in the fall i usually try to run into a group

get them to scatter

then set up shop

then try to confuse the issue by pretending to be the the dominate hen

and try to call the flock back in order

I drive through a herd of wild turkeys every time I leave this subdivision. They don't even get out of the road when I blow the horn.
Actually there are a couple of species of trees sold for Christmas trees that with proper watering, last over a month. The most popular is the Fraser Fir.
I asked a sales clerk at Lowes when their first delivery of trees is due. She told me Nov 22nd.
I had never seen Christmas decorations on homes before the middle of December. When I moved to the South, I saw people decorating Thanksgiving weekend.
I put up my lights when I decide to do so.
That's usually around the 10th or so. Weather permitting.
I buy my tree from a grower less than ten minutes from my house. Hie trees, along with the other Christmas tree farms in the area are a sustainable crop. They provide the growers with supplemental income and allow them to grow a crop on what would otherwise be nearly unaerable ground. Only orchards and Christmas tree seem to grow on our steep slopes and clay soil. I don't doubt that my tree, harvested ten days before Christmas would last until Super Bowl Sunday if only I could bear to have it around for six weeks!

There is one home in town that decorates early, then keeps them up late. Pop and I used to wager on when the lights and tinsel might come down. Usually I would pick Groundhog's Day, but Pop would take St. Valentine's Day and win more often than not.

I think it is in very poor form to leave one's Christmas lights and decorations up well into January.
The way I see it, New Year's Day, the stuff comes down and the tree goes out...

Due to crime rates, our city put up white Christmas lights and kept them on all year at night. They stopped doing that, I don't know why, and crime went up again. The rest of the decorations are seasonal, but the lights on the trees seemed to help deter crime, I don't know why. I've noticed some people around here will change their lights and have red ones up for Valentines day, red white and blue for the 4th of July etc. I just don't have that much energy. My decorating is a lot less than it was 20 years ago. Some years we don't even put up the outside lights. Last year was one of those years. I was working at the play 5 days a week sometimes 13 hour days, if it wasn't for online shopping, I wouldn't have gotten anything done for Christmas. My husband even ended up putting up the tree himself, a first btw.
This Capitalism Gone Wild video has really run its course a while ago. Now we can't even have a fucking family holiday any more.

I just want to know one thing:
Where's Bill O'Reilly's "War on Thanksgiving" rant??

Ultimately though the fault lies with the unwashed masses who patronize the "Black Friday-cum-Thursday" bullshit -- a media creation that does nothing to save anybody money. Without that enabling they couldn't do this. Not to mention the drones who assume the position and obsequiously consent to working on a freaking national holiday. Sellouts.
Yeah, what you said.
The saddest thing about our rampant consumerism is that people go into debt for gifts. Another reason to shop, a little at a time, all year.

I certainly agree with this. I remember when people used the Christmas Club alternative through their bank. They would save up all year long, in a special account, and then come December, use what was in the account for gifts and other holiday time expenses.

Nowadays your bank wants you to use its credit card so you can also pay them interest, instead of the other way around.

This is me: debt free for 10 years! I don't owe a cent to anyone! It feels really good. :D

Speaking as someone who had to put a roof on her home, I hate you. :D
More retailers have announced they will open Thanksgiving Day for your shopping pleasure, so to speak. Is this appropriate?

Should Thanksgiving remain a holiday, unique to America, when families gather together to give thanks, share a meal and create their own Thanksgiving memories and traditions? Or should Thanksgiving be a day when Mom or Dad has to excuse himself and go to work because bargains are offered to shoppers readying themselves for a holiday happening four weeks hence?

Will you shop on Thanksgiving, or will you take advantage of the day and enjoy it with family and friends?

Sometimes bargains are not really worth it, don't you think? If they come at the expense of yours or the clerk's family, are they really bargains at all?

The US isn't the only country that celebrates Thanksgiving. Canada does but it is a different day. If people want to work or shop on Thanksgiving, that is their choice. Workers get the holiday, just not on the same day as everyone else. People who work places that never close take turns working the holidays. And many of them want to work because they get holiday pay. I am a nurse. I didn't get regular hours/days until well into my career. It's part of the drill. If you don't like it don't work for a place that never closes.

I remember one Thanksgiving my BIL brought me a BIG tray of food to work. But I worked other places that served the traditional meal and let children and spouses come eat with the workers.

I don't know why people see things in such black and white terms. There are a lot of deals in life. Working holidays is just one of them.

I don't think anyone objects to those business that have to be open on holidays, like hospitals, fire departments, police, etc. It's the idea that a business that doesn't HAVE to be open, opens it's doors purely for profit that is annoying. It will end up forcing people who would otherwise have been able to spend the holiday with their family, to work instead. One of the reasons why I've always hated that theaters are open on Thanksgiving. For some people they love going to the movies that day but for me, it was always a time to spend with the family.
I think it shows the basic hypocrisy of the Right Wing.

Decorums says, yes, Thanksgiving SHOULD be that holiday for families to get together.

But Gosh Darn, Big Corporations have yet another oppurtunity to increase the 43% of the wealth the 1% already have... and screw those wage-slaves who have to spend the day at WalMart!

Profits for the Greedy>Family values.

Enjoy your holiday Mr Poopy Pants.

Remember not to use anything that all of those greedy bastards sold you. That includes cars, TVs, cell-phones, and especially those damned PCs. Stay off the internet.

Isn't he a piece of work? He is a colossal failure and he can't see that his refusal to do more than the minimum is what keeps him on the bottom of the tank.

If you are going to be successful, you have to do more than just the minimum. I know people who have done really well working for Walmart. They have had opportunities to advance to management they would have had nowhere else. Being there when there was a need and working more than was 'required' is what got them the advancement. There is one woman at a local Walmart and, honestly, is the reason I shop there. She is as sharp as a tack, but looks and sounds like something off Hee Haw. She wears bug eye glasses, is gat toothed, and could eat corn through a picket fence. But if you need help in the store SHE is the one to go to. And she advanced because of her work ethic. Not because she was owed something.
I worked my share of holidays, nights, evenings, weekends, 16 hour days. It's part of moving up.

Having worked for the Federal Government and been told to my face that I'd never advance because I was too good at my job, I can tell you that sometimes being less than good at your jobs can sometimes lead to advancement faster than being great at your job.

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