The death of Thanksgiving?

Will you shop on Thanksgiviong Day

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More retailers have announced they will open Thanksgiving Day for your shopping pleasure, so to speak. Is this appropriate?

Should Thanksgiving remain a holiday, unique to America, when families gather together to give thanks, share a meal and create their own Thanksgiving memories and traditions? Or should Thanksgiving be a day when Mom or Dad has to excuse himself and go to work because bargains are offered to shoppers readying themselves for a holiday happening four weeks hence?

Will you shop on Thanksgiving, or will you take advantage of the day and enjoy it with family and friends?

Sometimes bargains are not really worth it, don't you think? If they come at the expense of yours or the clerk's family, are they really bargains at all?

not a chance in the world i will be out there with all the morons. I enjoy my holidays and my traditions and no one is going to change them.

That's what I said but now I'm being accused of being a liberal because I recognize that this will lead to the end of Thanksgiving as we know it. Just like the loss of stigma on illegitimate birth and divorce led to the end of marriage as we know it. Some people learn from history, others are doomed to repeat it. Unfortunately, the ones who are doomed to repeat it, they make it so those who learned are repeating it anyway.

Old times are gone, but they are not forgotten.

as far as i can see, most change has not made things better. so yea, i will cling to the old ways. what ia appreciate, my kids seem to prefer the old ways too. and it's always been their choice.
Did I predict it or what?

koshergrl said:
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Negged for respecting the lives of turkeys. This takes the cake, pun intended.

What a pathetic excuse for a waste of human protoplasm.
You aren't respecting the lives of turkeys. You're pretending they're human, you nitwit. You are negged for being a fucking road hazard.

If I found you out wandering around the road trying to shoo turkeys out of the way, on any of the backroads that I have traversed, I would chew your ass and probably call the cops on you. You pose a bigger threat to the safety of motorists than the turkeys do, and your method is a lot less effective, and therefore less safe, than mine.
Fucking ridiculous. You honk at them to move them out of the road so that they don't cause a wreck, or get killed, and so you don't cause a traffic hazard by parking and getting out and wandering around the road like the lunatic you are.

Get a life. You're an idiot.

No, I slowed to a stop so they could finish crossing, while watching for other traffic to make sure they were safe.

If that conflicts with your nether world of hate and attack -- tough titty.


Also, you do the turkeys no favors. They are best served by being taught that the road is dangerous and unpleasant.
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You aren't respecting the lives of turkeys. You're pretending they're human, you nitwit. You are negged for being a fucking road hazard.

If I found you out wandering around the road trying to shoo turkeys out of the way, on any of the backroads that I have traversed, I would chew your ass and probably call the cops on you. You pose a bigger threat to the safety of motorists than the turkeys do, and your method is a lot less effective, and therefore less safe, than mine.

And you'd get locked up in the loony bin, preferably the same one you broke out of.

It was the Blue Ridge Parkway. There was no other traffic.

Again, if that rubs your tiny little world of death and depravity the wrong way, that's too damn bad isn't it?

The US isn't the only country that celebrates Thanksgiving. Canada does but it is a different day. If people want to work or shop on Thanksgiving, that is their choice. Workers get the holiday, just not on the same day as everyone else. People who work places that never close take turns working the holidays. And many of them want to work because they get holiday pay. I am a nurse. I didn't get regular hours/days until well into my career. It's part of the drill. If you don't like it don't work for a place that never closes.

I remember one Thanksgiving my BIL brought me a BIG tray of food to work. But I worked other places that served the traditional meal and let children and spouses come eat with the workers.

I don't know why people see things in such black and white terms. There are a lot of deals in life. Working holidays is just one of them.

I don't think anyone objects to those business that have to be open on holidays, like hospitals, fire departments, police, etc. It's the idea that a business that doesn't HAVE to be open, opens it's doors purely for profit that is annoying. It will end up forcing people who would otherwise have been able to spend the holiday with their family, to work instead. One of the reasons why I've always hated that theaters are open on Thanksgiving. For some people they love going to the movies that day but for me, it was always a time to spend with the family.
When I was a kid over half century ago, most retail businesses in my town were not allowed to operate on Sundays and other holidays. Everything was closed on Thanksgiving. I don't know if the law forced businesses to close or they just did so because people wanted to spend time with their families. The only thing open was the movie theater and one drugstore, no restaurants, no grocery stores, nothing.

I'm amazed at just how much has changed, not all for the good, and certainly not all bad. This Thanksgiving, my youngest will go to work about noon, after preparing the Thanksgiving dinner for the rest of the family. She's in retail and has to get everything ready for Black Friday. Whenever the boss calls she comes in, no overtime and no other compensation. It seems like every year it just get worst.

my sons are working 6 pm to 6 am. retail. but i think they get additional pay.

when we were kids not even the local general store was open on thanksgiving or christmas. it alwas sucked if you got a toy that needed a battery, lol
You should accelerate and plow right through them. The stronger, faster, smarter turkeys will survive and you will have improved the species. Scavenger animals will get a meal, and countless billions of microorganisms will thrive off t he decomposing remains. More life all around!
I don't think anyone objects to those business that have to be open on holidays, like hospitals, fire departments, police, etc. It's the idea that a business that doesn't HAVE to be open, opens it's doors purely for profit that is annoying. It will end up forcing people who would otherwise have been able to spend the holiday with their family, to work instead. One of the reasons why I've always hated that theaters are open on Thanksgiving. For some people they love going to the movies that day but for me, it was always a time to spend with the family.
When I was a kid over half century ago, most retail businesses in my town were not allowed to operate on Sundays and other holidays. Everything was closed on Thanksgiving. I don't know if the law forced businesses to close or they just did so because people wanted to spend time with their families. The only thing open was the movie theater and one drugstore, no restaurants, no grocery stores, nothing.

I'm amazed at just how much has changed, not all for the good, and certainly not all bad. This Thanksgiving, my youngest will go to work about noon, after preparing the Thanksgiving dinner for the rest of the family. She's in retail and has to get everything ready for Black Friday. Whenever the boss calls she comes in, no overtime and no other compensation. It seems like every year it just get worst.

my sons are working 6 pm to 6 am. retail. but i think they get additional pay.

when we were kids not even the local general store was open on thanksgiving or christmas. it alwas sucked if you got a toy that needed a battery, lol

When I was kid, stores were closed on Sundays and families spent time together.
When I was a kid over half century ago, most retail businesses in my town were not allowed to operate on Sundays and other holidays. Everything was closed on Thanksgiving. I don't know if the law forced businesses to close or they just did so because people wanted to spend time with their families. The only thing open was the movie theater and one drugstore, no restaurants, no grocery stores, nothing.

I'm amazed at just how much has changed, not all for the good, and certainly not all bad. This Thanksgiving, my youngest will go to work about noon, after preparing the Thanksgiving dinner for the rest of the family. She's in retail and has to get everything ready for Black Friday. Whenever the boss calls she comes in, no overtime and no other compensation. It seems like every year it just get worst.

my sons are working 6 pm to 6 am. retail. but i think they get additional pay.

when we were kids not even the local general store was open on thanksgiving or christmas. it alwas sucked if you got a toy that needed a battery, lol

When I was kid, stores were closed on Sundays and families spent time together.
When I was a kid over half century ago, most retail businesses in my town were not allowed to operate on Sundays and other holidays. Everything was closed on Thanksgiving. I don't know if the law forced businesses to close or they just did so because people wanted to spend time with their families. The only thing open was the movie theater and one drugstore, no restaurants, no grocery stores, nothing.

I'm amazed at just how much has changed, not all for the good, and certainly not all bad. This Thanksgiving, my youngest will go to work about noon, after preparing the Thanksgiving dinner for the rest of the family. She's in retail and has to get everything ready for Black Friday. Whenever the boss calls she comes in, no overtime and no other compensation. It seems like every year it just get worst.
You should accelerate and plow right through them. The stronger, faster, smarter turkeys will survive and you will have improved the species. Scavenger animals will get a meal, and countless billions of microorganisms will thrive off t he decomposing remains. More life all around!

Or you could snag the carcasses and have them for dinner.

I had a deer come down off an embankment, hit the front of my car and then get run over once...we threw that sucker in the trunk.
You should accelerate and plow right through them. The stronger, faster, smarter turkeys will survive and you will have improved the species. Scavenger animals will get a meal, and countless billions of microorganisms will thrive off t he decomposing remains. More life all around!

Cynical ironic humor noted.

Keep working on it though; wouldn't quit the day job :eusa_eh:

Anyway, in order to do that I would have had to leave the road and drive up on the grass, since they were just starting to cross the road. Good thing Koshergrl wasn't driving.

Incidentally the mission I was on was going to help a friend with pulmonary hypertension and rhabdomyelosis to get to a doctor visit, since she can't walk.
I guess I could have just run her over too. You know, improve the species. And save a trip to the doctor, thereby using less gas.

What a great idea. From now on I should run my plans through this board first, what with all the expertise and free advice...
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You should accelerate and plow right through them. The stronger, faster, smarter turkeys will survive and you will have improved the species. Scavenger animals will get a meal, and countless billions of microorganisms will thrive off t he decomposing remains. More life all around!

Or you could snag the carcasses and have them for dinner.

I had a deer come down off an embankment, hit the front of my car and then get run over once...we threw that sucker in the trunk.

.... with the other bodies, no doubt.
Hopefully someone rear ends you.


Also, you do the turkeys no favors. They are best served by being taught that the road is dangerous and unpleasant.

Okay, I realize you think that honking is the best thing, and indeed sometimes it is. However, we had a flock of Canadian geese in the middle of the road, didn't matter how many times we honked, they weren't going anywhere. You think we should have run them over? We just waited, soon there were several cars in both directions wondering what to do about the geese but none of us thought to get out of our car and shoo them away. Then, along comes a kid on a bicycle and they scattered. Strange how several 2 ton vehicles with horns don't scare them but a kid on a bike and they're gone.

Everyone has their own way of doing something, I hope that you don't rear end anyone when they are stopped for wildlife and if you do, you are following too closely.
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You should accelerate and plow right through them. The stronger, faster, smarter turkeys will survive and you will have improved the species. Scavenger animals will get a meal, and countless billions of microorganisms will thrive off t he decomposing remains. More life all around!

Or you could snag the carcasses and have them for dinner.

I had a deer come down off an embankment, hit the front of my car and then get run over once...we threw that sucker in the trunk.

That's called breaking the law, just so you know.
Anyway, in order to do that I would have had to leave the road and drive up on the grass, since they were just starting to cross the road. ...

Didn't you ever watch the Dukes of Hazard?
Incidentally the mission I was on was going to help a friend with pulmonary hypertension and rhabdomyelosis to get to a doctor visit ....

Then why was she out walking around with Turkeys? She could get hit by a car or something.
More retailers have announced they will open Thanksgiving Day for your shopping pleasure, so to speak. Is this appropriate?

Should Thanksgiving remain a holiday, unique to America, when families gather together to give thanks, share a meal and create their own Thanksgiving memories and traditions? Or should Thanksgiving be a day when Mom or Dad has to excuse himself and go to work because bargains are offered to shoppers readying themselves for a holiday happening four weeks hence?

Will you shop on Thanksgiving, or will you take advantage of the day and enjoy it with family and friends?

Sometimes bargains are not really worth it, don't you think? If they come at the expense of yours or the clerk's family, are they really bargains at all?

It's just another day, same as christmas, new years, and easter.
Hopefully someone rear ends you.


Also, you do the turkeys no favors. They are best served by being taught that the road is dangerous and unpleasant.

Okay, I realize you think that honking is the best thing, and indeed sometimes it is. However, we had a flock of Canadian geese in the middle of the road, didn't matter how many times we honked, they weren't going anywhere. You think we should have run them over? We just waited, soon there were several cars in both directions wondering what to do about the geese but none of us thought to get out of our car and shoo them away. Then, along comes a kid on a bicycle and they scattered. Strange how several 2 ton vehicles with horns don't scare them but a kid on a bike and they're gone.

Everyone has their own way of doing something, I hope that you don't rear end anyone when they are stopped for wildlife and if you do, you are following too closely.

In my case the turkeys were clearly intent on crossing the road and had already started, so I simply facilitated that by taking the action of coming to a stop rather than continuing in self-centered ignorance. In effect I did the same thing I do when I let a driver out from the side who wants to enter the road.

Yet in the self-centered dank evil world of some, good deeds are neggable.

Takes all kinds.

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