The death of Thanksgiving?

Will you shop on Thanksgiviong Day

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Incidentally the mission I was on was going to help a friend with pulmonary hypertension and rhabdomyelosis to get to a doctor visit ....

Then why was she out walking around with Turkeys? She could get hit by a car or something.

Apparently the turkeys' right to loiter trumped his friend's right to see her doctor on time.
Incidentally the mission I was on was going to help a friend with pulmonary hypertension and rhabdomyelosis to get to a doctor visit, since she can't walk.
I guess I could have just run her over too. You know, improve the species. And save a trip to the doctor, thereby using less gas.

What a great idea. From now on I should run my plans through this board first, what with all the expertise and free advice...

Then why was she out walking around with Turkeys? She could get hit by a car or something.

Apparently the turkeys' right to loiter trumped his friend's right to see her doctor on time.

We got there fine; the appointment wasn't until the next day.
That's why I was travelling the day before -- she lives 700 miles away. The day before was to get in place. At the turkey crossing I still had 500 miles to go.

Anything else, grinch-ogre???

Obviously I love driving, and my friend in need, but the one thing that could convince me to stop driving is roadkill. Seeing carcasses forgotten and rotting by the side of the pavement always makes me heartsick, and there's a limit to how much I can take of that.

Those without hearts will not get that last part. But she's out of negs for another 47 hours so she'll just have to sit on it.
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Then why was she out walking around with Turkeys? She could get hit by a car or something.

Apparently the turkeys' right to loiter trumped his friend's right to see her doctor on time.

We got there fine; the appointment wasn't until the next day.
That's why I was travelling the day before -- she lives 700 miles away. The day before was to get in place. At the turkey crossing I still had 500 miles to go.

That seems kind of far. Were there no doctors closer? Was this some sort of specialist thing available nowhere else?
You should accelerate and plow right through them. The stronger, faster, smarter turkeys will survive and you will have improved the species. Scavenger animals will get a meal, and countless billions of microorganisms will thrive off t he decomposing remains. More life all around!

Or you could snag the carcasses and have them for dinner.

I had a deer come down off an embankment, hit the front of my car and then get run over once...we threw that sucker in the trunk.

.... with the other bodies, no doubt.

:lol: Okay, that was funny..
Did I predict it or what?

koshergrl said:
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Negged for respecting the lives of turkeys. This takes the cake, pun intended.

What a pathetic excuse for a waste of human protoplasm.

:lol: I'd neg ya too but I just went over 300 for the first time and before when I negged somebody they just negged me back....I negged a MOD and he laughed at me for having a "puny" I'm gonna build up and neg him again when it makes him wince. :cool:
You should accelerate and plow right through them. The stronger, faster, smarter turkeys will survive and you will have improved the species. Scavenger animals will get a meal, and countless billions of microorganisms will thrive off t he decomposing remains. More life all around!

Or you could snag the carcasses and have them for dinner.

I had a deer come down off an embankment, hit the front of my car and then get run over once...we threw that sucker in the trunk.

That's called breaking the law, just so you know.

Not on the reservation, just so you know.
Hopefully someone rear ends you.


Also, you do the turkeys no favors. They are best served by being taught that the road is dangerous and unpleasant.

Okay, I realize you think that honking is the best thing, and indeed sometimes it is. However, we had a flock of Canadian geese in the middle of the road, didn't matter how many times we honked, they weren't going anywhere. You think we should have run them over? We just waited, soon there were several cars in both directions wondering what to do about the geese but none of us thought to get out of our car and shoo them away. Then, along comes a kid on a bicycle and they scattered. Strange how several 2 ton vehicles with horns don't scare them but a kid on a bike and they're gone.

Everyone has their own way of doing something, I hope that you don't rear end anyone when they are stopped for wildlife and if you do, you are following too closely.

In my case the turkeys were clearly intent on crossing the road and had already started, so I simply facilitated that by taking the action of coming to a stop rather than continuing in self-centered ignorance. In effect I did the same thing I do when I let a driver out from the side who wants to enter the road...

You said they weren't yet fully on the road, right? What led you to believe they wouldn't have stopped if you had kept going?
So he actually ENCOURAGED them to come up on the road, based upon their INTENT, as he saw it.

He's the bird whisperer. And he taught them to commit suicide.
This conversation is hilarious... Thanks for the afternoon laugh guys.. ;)
Apparently the turkeys' right to loiter trumped his friend's right to see her doctor on time.

We got there fine; the appointment wasn't until the next day.
That's why I was travelling the day before -- she lives 700 miles away. The day before was to get in place. At the turkey crossing I still had 500 miles to go.

That seems kind of far. Were there no doctors closer? Was this some sort of specialist thing available nowhere else?

It wasn't the doctor that's special; it's transportation. That would be me. There was no ambulance service that would take her there and wait and bring her back, even for ridiculous prices. So that's where I came in.

And we'll do it again in three weeks for the followup. Because when you become my friend, it means for life and whatever you need.

And if there are a flock of turkeys crossing the road on that trip, I'll stop again. But first I'll let Koshergrl know my route so she can call the cops. :rofl:
This conversation is hilarious... Thanks for the afternoon laugh guys.. ;)

I know, right? It's like minutiae-are-us up in here. :lol:

They haven't yet asked me what I had on the radio at the time or what I was wearing...
The radio station only matters inasmuch as it offended the turkeys...

We you listening to pro-turkey radio? Or not?
Okay, I realize you think that honking is the best thing, and indeed sometimes it is. However, we had a flock of Canadian geese in the middle of the road, didn't matter how many times we honked, they weren't going anywhere. You think we should have run them over? We just waited, soon there were several cars in both directions wondering what to do about the geese but none of us thought to get out of our car and shoo them away. Then, along comes a kid on a bicycle and they scattered. Strange how several 2 ton vehicles with horns don't scare them but a kid on a bike and they're gone.

Everyone has their own way of doing something, I hope that you don't rear end anyone when they are stopped for wildlife and if you do, you are following too closely.

In my case the turkeys were clearly intent on crossing the road and had already started, so I simply facilitated that by taking the action of coming to a stop rather than continuing in self-centered ignorance. In effect I did the same thing I do when I let a driver out from the side who wants to enter the road...

You said they weren't yet fully on the road, right? What led you to believe they wouldn't have stopped if you had kept going?

Actually they did stop when they saw me coming, so it would appear they already have the traffic gene selected. But they were all in a line and obviously intent on their target, so I just facilitated them doing that. Once I stopped, they all crossed and life resumed.

But I'll be sure to post the next time I let some driver out or allow a semi to re-enter the travel lane so I can collect a dozen negs. Jumbo size.

What a world where you get taken to task for not creating roadkill... says something about values.
In my case the turkeys were clearly intent on crossing the road and had already started, so I simply facilitated that by taking the action of coming to a stop rather than continuing in self-centered ignorance. In effect I did the same thing I do when I let a driver out from the side who wants to enter the road...

You said they weren't yet fully on the road, right? What led you to believe they wouldn't have stopped if you had kept going?

Actually they did stop when they saw me coming, so it would appear they already have the traffic gene selected. But they were all in a line and obviously intent on their target, so I just facilitated them doing that. Once I stopped, they all crossed and life resumed.

But I'll be sure to post the next time I let some driver out or allow a semi to re-enter the travel lane so I can collect a dozen negs. Jumbo size.

What a world where you get taken to task for not creating roadkill... says something about values.

Nobody took you to task for not creating roadkill.

You're being taken to task for thinking that honking is cruel, you nutbag.
You said they weren't yet fully on the road, right? What led you to believe they wouldn't have stopped if you had kept going?

Actually they did stop when they saw me coming, so it would appear they already have the traffic gene selected. But they were all in a line and obviously intent on their target, so I just facilitated them doing that. Once I stopped, they all crossed and life resumed.

But I'll be sure to post the next time I let some driver out or allow a semi to re-enter the travel lane so I can collect a dozen negs. Jumbo size.

What a world where you get taken to task for not creating roadkill... says something about values.

Nobody took you to task for not creating roadkill.

You're being taken to task for thinking that honking is cruel, you nutbag.

Once again, "cruel" was your word, not mine.
We got there fine; the appointment wasn't until the next day.
That's why I was travelling the day before -- she lives 700 miles away. The day before was to get in place. At the turkey crossing I still had 500 miles to go.

That seems kind of far. Were there no doctors closer? Was this some sort of specialist thing available nowhere else?

It wasn't the doctor that's special; it's transportation. That would be me. There was no ambulance service that would take her there and wait and bring her back, even for ridiculous prices. So that's where I came in.

You must live in the middle of nowhere.
In my case the turkeys were clearly intent on crossing the road and had already started, so I simply facilitated that by taking the action of coming to a stop rather than continuing in self-centered ignorance. In effect I did the same thing I do when I let a driver out from the side who wants to enter the road...

You said they weren't yet fully on the road, right? What led you to believe they wouldn't have stopped if you had kept going?

Actually they did stop when they saw me coming, so it would appear they already have the traffic gene selected. But they were all in a line and obviously intent on their target, so I just facilitated them doing that. Once I stopped, they all crossed and life resumed.

But I'll be sure to post the next time I let some driver out or allow a semi to re-enter the travel lane so I can collect a dozen negs. Jumbo size.

What a world where you get taken to task for not creating roadkill... says something about values.

Don't whine to me, I didn't neg ya.
You should accelerate and plow right through them. The stronger, faster, smarter turkeys will survive and you will have improved the species. Scavenger animals will get a meal, and countless billions of microorganisms will thrive off t he decomposing remains. More life all around!

Or you could snag the carcasses and have them for dinner.

I had a deer come down off an embankment, hit the front of my car and then get run over once...we threw that sucker in the trunk.

true story. i was driving with this guy in upper michigan one night. we were driving from their corporate headquarters near grand rapids to their manufacturing plant up north. we are on a pitch black road in the middle of nowhere. he's doing about 65. we're talking away and all of a sudden i notice a deer in the road. he's talking to me and i notice he isn't watching the road. So i shout out there is a deer in the road. it was close too. I braced myself expecting to feel the breaks get jammed on. instead, the car accellerates. he punched it to the floor. well we hit the deer alright. the window was splattered a bit with blood and a few chunks. i was like what the hell were you doing? he said, he saved our lives. he said if we hit the deer at 65 it would have come through the window. he had to get it up to at least 80 so the deer would go over the roof of the car. well it did, more or less. so maybe he was right.
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