The death of Thanksgiving?

Will you shop on Thanksgiviong Day

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Regarding the use of the word "cruel" I asked what was cruel about honking, and you responded with "It's cruel to honk at anything innocent, yup."

So...explain exactly how it's "cruel" to honk at animals in the road.
Moron again:

"It's cruel to honk at anything innocent, yup." <<<< Pogo said.

BTW, you need to link that siggy, loon.

That was in answer to your word, intellectual black hole.

There are lots of things we don't know, but here's one I do: there will never come a day in the history of the universe where you are qualified to tell me what I need to do. Ever. World without end, amen. You can take that to the bank, Toots.

I wonder what these people would do if they lived in Scotland or Australia and a flock of sheep were in the middle of the road, just plow through them and then throw whatever dead carcasses there were in the trunk? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

We have sheep and cattle here too, genius.

And when going through a herd, you drive slowly. You don't get out and chase them about.
I think that retard by the camper might be attempting to guide the sheep, rather than cruelly honking at them and inching through, as intelligent people do.

Guaranteed the shepherds are laughing their asses off.

Dodo, is that you?
There are lots of things we don't know, but here's one I do: there will never come a day in the history of the universe where you are qualified to tell me what I need to do. Ever. World without end, amen. You can take that to the bank, Toots.

Well now, that came off just a bit defensive.
He objected to my saying I hoped someone would rear end his dumb ass when he stops in the road to talk to turkeys, too.

:( I has a sad.
There are lots of things we don't know, but here's one I do: there will never come a day in the history of the universe where you are qualified to tell me what I need to do. Ever. World without end, amen. You can take that to the bank, Toots.

Well now, that came off just a bit defensive.

Actuallly it's spelled d-e-f-i-a-n-t. You had the first three letters.

Guess you missed the part where the wacko was telling me what I "need" to do...
That was in answer to your word, intellectual black hole.

There are lots of things we don't know, but here's one I do: there will never come a day in the history of the universe where you are qualified to tell me what I need to do. Ever. World without end, amen. You can take that to the bank, Toots.

I wonder what these people would do if they lived in Scotland or Australia and a flock of sheep were in the middle of the road, just plow through them and then throw whatever dead carcasses there were in the trunk? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

We have sheep and cattle here too, genius.

And when going through a herd, you drive slowly. You don't get out and chase them about.

-- which is essentially what I did with the turkeys.

Ruh roh... hoist with her own petard.


Thanks for playin' and be sure to play the Petard Hoist game at home. Winches not included.
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There are lots of things we don't know, but here's one I do: there will never come a day in the history of the universe where you are qualified to tell me what I need to do. Ever. World without end, amen. You can take that to the bank, Toots.

Well now, that came off just a bit defensive.

Actuallly it's spelled d-e-f-i-a-n-t. ...

No, that's not it. A strange overreaction, really. You seem tense today. Probably too much driving; that can be stressful. You should talk with Esmeralda. Maybe she can help you feel better, and she's looking for a friend.

This is nice.
Well now, that came off just a bit defensive.

Actuallly it's spelled d-e-f-i-a-n-t. ...

No, that's not it. A strange overreaction, really. You seem tense today. Probably too much driving; that can be stressful. You should talk with Esmeralda. Maybe she can help you feel better, and she's looking for a friend.

This is nice.

Uh, yes that is it. After a day of driving (and that was yesterday) I can't possibly be more relaxed. Driving is a Zen thing for me. So no overreaction and not strange at all; I don't allow anyone, any time, anywhere, to presume to tell me what I need, ever, driving or no driving. That's a simple constant. Do you??

On the other hand I would call attacking a poster for a simple one-line note about having stopped to let some turkeys cross the road a strange overreaction. So there you go.
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I don't allow anyone, any time, anywhere, to presume to tell me what I need, ever, driving or no driving.

You see? You see how defensive that comes off as? You're tense. Just relax the shoulders, that's it...
my sons are working 6 pm to 6 am. retail. but i think they get additional pay.

when we were kids not even the local general store was open on thanksgiving or christmas. it alwas sucked if you got a toy that needed a battery, lol

When I was kid, stores were closed on Sundays and families spent time together.
When I was a kid over half century ago, most retail businesses in my town were not allowed to operate on Sundays and other holidays. Everything was closed on Thanksgiving. I don't know if the law forced businesses to close or they just did so because people wanted to spend time with their families. The only thing open was the movie theater and one drugstore, no restaurants, no grocery stores, nothing.

I'm amazed at just how much has changed, not all for the good, and certainly not all bad. This Thanksgiving, my youngest will go to work about noon, after preparing the Thanksgiving dinner for the rest of the family. She's in retail and has to get everything ready for Black Friday. Whenever the boss calls she comes in, no overtime and no other compensation. It seems like every year it just get worst.

You never heard of "blue laws"?

Blue laws in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When I was kid, stores were closed on Sundays and families spent time together.
When I was a kid over half century ago, most retail businesses in my town were not allowed to operate on Sundays and other holidays. Everything was closed on Thanksgiving. I don't know if the law forced businesses to close or they just did so because people wanted to spend time with their families. The only thing open was the movie theater and one drugstore, no restaurants, no grocery stores, nothing.

I'm amazed at just how much has changed, not all for the good, and certainly not all bad. This Thanksgiving, my youngest will go to work about noon, after preparing the Thanksgiving dinner for the rest of the family. She's in retail and has to get everything ready for Black Friday. Whenever the boss calls she comes in, no overtime and no other compensation. It seems like every year it just get worst.

You never heard of "blue laws"?

Blue laws in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I remember for many years running out to the packie Saturday night to make sure we were stocked up for Sunday. Very inconvenient.
Well now, that came off just a bit defensive.

Actuallly it's spelled d-e-f-i-a-n-t. ...

No, that's not it. A strange overreaction, really. You seem tense today. Probably too much driving; that can be stressful. You should talk with Esmeralda. Maybe she can help you feel better, and she's looking for a friend.

This is nice.

You're a master-baiter aren't you. Stop projecting. :lol::cuckoo:
Actuallly it's spelled d-e-f-i-a-n-t. ...

No, that's not it. A strange overreaction, really. You seem tense today. Probably too much driving; that can be stressful. You should talk with Esmeralda. Maybe she can help you feel better, and she's looking for a friend.

This is nice.

Uh, yes that is it. After a day of driving (and that was yesterday) I can't possibly be more relaxed. Driving is a Zen thing for me. So no overreaction and not strange at all; I don't allow anyone, any time, anywhere, to presume to tell me what I need, ever, driving or no driving. That's a simple constant. Do you??

On the other hand I would call attacking a poster for a simple one-line note about having stopped to let some turkeys cross the road a strange overreaction. So there you go.

So exactly how do you stop other people from presuming to tell you what you need?

For example, how would you stop me from telling you "You need an enema"?
Thanks to our Gubbermint I haven't been able to celebrate a holiday in years and don't expect to anytime soon. I don't give a shit what time anyone opens.
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