The "death" of the Republican Party will "save" America.

Nope pretty sure it is the exact same thing. The difference is most religious people in this country have accepted the fact they’re differences and are willing to live their own lives and not force others to believe what they believe. Democrats on the other hand want to force everyone to believe what they want you to believe.

When have they done that?

Seriously, if you think gay marriage or abortion is wrong because your imaginary friend in the sky says so, you are really quite free to do so.

Just understand it only applies to YOU and nobody else.
So you believe in a bunch of illogical fairy tales... like the entire human race desended from two people and there was no problem with inbreeding, or that a flood covered the whole world, or that there were giants and other silly nonsense, because, hey, it's in the Bible.

And when something is in the bible that you can't explain, well, it's just a mistranslation. But when its something that justifies your homophobia or other bigotry, well, that's right from the creator, absolutely.
You, of all people, have no business complaining about bigotry from others.

Quite the contrary.

The religious bigots hate Gays for who they are.

I hate the LDS and other religious crazies for what they do.

That's the difference.

The fact that you make an overweening (and completely wrong) assumption about a whole group of people based on their religion proves you are a bigot.
Nope pretty sure it is the exact same thing. The difference is most religious people in this country have accepted the fact they’re differences and are willing to live their own lives and not force others to believe what they believe. Democrats on the other hand want to force everyone to believe what they want you to believe.

When have they done that?

Seriously, if you think gay marriage or abortion is wrong because your imaginary friend in the sky says so, you are really quite free to do so.

Just understand it only applies to YOU and nobody else.

You're an incredible moron.

I don't understand why people even give you the time of day. It just makes you think you're intelligent.
Nope pretty sure it is the exact same thing. The difference is most religious people in this country have accepted the fact they’re differences and are willing to live their own lives and not force others to believe what they believe. Democrats on the other hand want to force everyone to believe what they want you to believe.

When have they done that?

Seriously, if you think gay marriage or abortion is wrong because your imaginary friend in the sky says so, you are really quite free to do so.

Just understand it only applies to YOU and nobody else.

You're an incredible moron.

I don't understand why people even give you the time of day. It just makes you think you're intelligent.

I gave up talking to bigots and racists, the are to ignorant and intolerant of others and their opinions. Their hate blinds their eyes to anything but they want to see. You can't fix stupid, because they like it.
You mean other than simple logic?

Let's take the Noah's Ark Fairy Tale. Absolutely no way that could have happened. The amount of water needed to cover every mountain top would be more water than we have on the entire planet. Not to mention that when this happened, all the water life would die when the salt and fresh water mixed to a level where they couldn't survive.

Furthermore, if the oceans got high enough to cover every mountain, the people and animals inside the ark would either freeze or suffocate to death because the air would be too thin.

We then have the problem of the animals themselves. Beside the fact that there are one million animal species, all of which would have to be preserved on the Ark, you would need food for them as well. And each of these species would then have to descend from a single mating pair... serious problems with inbreeding. Then you have to explain if all the animals were on the ark, why the marsupials all went to Australia, or even how they got there without a land bridge.

All that illogic aside... here's my biggest problem with the Noah Story.

God decides to correct HIS screwup by killing every man, woman, and child on the face of the earth, along with every other animal. I realized this was wrong long before the other stuff, and when I asked a nun about it, the old hag said all those babies deserved to drown because they were " WIIIIIIIICKED."

Now, all this would be laughable, if there weren't people out there who really think that there arent any dinosaurs left because Noah didn't have room for them on the ark.

It doesn’t matter what you believe. I don’t believe any of that either as I don’t believe in religion. But, the difference between you and I is I respect that it is my beliefs and that doesn’t make it the truth. I accept that others have different beliefs and they are allowed to have those beliefs because I can’t prove them false or mine true.
Nope pretty sure it is the exact same thing. The difference is most religious people in this country have accepted the fact they’re differences and are willing to live their own lives and not force others to believe what they believe. Democrats on the other hand want to force everyone to believe what they want you to believe.

When have they done that?

Seriously, if you think gay marriage or abortion is wrong because your imaginary friend in the sky says so, you are really quite free to do so.

Just understand it only applies to YOU and nobody else.

You're an incredible moron.

I don't understand why people even give you the time of day. It just makes you think you're intelligent.
While I don't particularly like the attacks on religion, and we both go our separate ways on various topics... I do think he's intelligent.
You mean other than simple logic?

Let's take the Noah's Ark Fairy Tale. Absolutely no way that could have happened. The amount of water needed to cover every mountain top would be more water than we have on the entire planet. Not to mention that when this happened, all the water life would die when the salt and fresh water mixed to a level where they couldn't survive.

Furthermore, if the oceans got high enough to cover every mountain, the people and animals inside the ark would either freeze or suffocate to death because the air would be too thin.

We then have the problem of the animals themselves. Beside the fact that there are one million animal species, all of which would have to be preserved on the Ark, you would need food for them as well. And each of these species would then have to descend from a single mating pair... serious problems with inbreeding. Then you have to explain if all the animals were on the ark, why the marsupials all went to Australia, or even how they got there without a land bridge.

All that illogic aside... here's my biggest problem with the Noah Story.

God decides to correct HIS screwup by killing every man, woman, and child on the face of the earth, along with every other animal. I realized this was wrong long before the other stuff, and when I asked a nun about it, the old hag said all those babies deserved to drown because they were " WIIIIIIIICKED."

Now, all this would be laughable, if there weren't people out there who really think that there arent any dinosaurs left because Noah didn't have room for them on the ark.

It doesn’t matter what you believe. I don’t believe any of that either as I don’t believe in religion. But, the difference between you and I is I respect that it is my beliefs and that doesn’t make it the truth. I accept that others have different beliefs and they are allowed to have those beliefs because I can’t prove them false or mine true.
Good post.
Nope pretty sure it is the exact same thing. The difference is most religious people in this country have accepted the fact they’re differences and are willing to live their own lives and not force others to believe what they believe. Democrats on the other hand want to force everyone to believe what they want you to believe.

When have they done that?

Seriously, if you think gay marriage or abortion is wrong because your imaginary friend in the sky says so, you are really quite free to do so.

Just understand it only applies to YOU and nobody else.

Do you see them out trying to force gays not to be gay. Sure there is a small group of nuts protesting funerals but for the most part they tend to keep to themselves. Do you see them outside picketing the show Will and Grace? No.

As far as gay marriage and abortion they are wrong because they are against nature. If a man walks up and hits a pregnant woman in the stomach and kills the unborn child we see him as the devil and charge him with murder. However, if a mother wants to kill her own unborn child, we say go right ahead. The argument that it is her child so she should be able to kill him/her is not strong since it is illegal to kill your own children after birth.

As far as Gay, I don’t say it is wrong nor do I believe it is wrong for them to have a union. But to want the same benefits as a married couple seeing that those benefits are given to do with keeping mothers and fathers and children together makes absolutely no sense what so ever.
Nope pretty sure it is the exact same thing. The difference is most religious people in this country have accepted the fact they’re differences and are willing to live their own lives and not force others to believe what they believe. Democrats on the other hand want to force everyone to believe what they want you to believe.

When have they done that?

Seriously, if you think gay marriage or abortion is wrong because your imaginary friend in the sky says so, you are really quite free to do so.

Just understand it only applies to YOU and nobody else.

Do you see them out trying to force gays not to be gay. Sure there is a small group of nuts protesting funerals but for the most part they tend to keep to themselves. Do you see them outside picketing the show Will and Grace? No.

As far as gay marriage and abortion they are wrong because they are against nature. If a man walks up and hits a pregnant woman in the stomach and kills the unborn child we see him as the devil and charge him with murder. However, if a mother wants to kill her own unborn child, we say go right ahead. The argument that it is her child so she should be able to kill him/her is not strong since it is illegal to kill your own children after birth.

As far as Gay, I don’t say it is wrong nor do I believe it is wrong for them to have a union. But to want the same benefits as a married couple seeing that those benefits are given to do with keeping mothers and fathers and children together makes absolutely no sense what so ever.
Not so good as the other one. o.0
The Republican Party is 90% white. They are not even trying to get any minority vote.

When you pay off every group to support you, in the end who is going to do the paying? Not paying people off is attacking a minority. You're really that stupid, aren't you rdean?

Democratic strategy is economic Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) for everyone.
Seriously, if you think gay marriage or abortion is wrong because your imaginary friend in the sky says so, you are really quite free to do so.

Just understand it only applies to YOU and nobody else.

I personally prefer to listen to someone else's "imaginary friend" then your oh so real Marxist leaders in Washington DC. At least their imaginary friend isn't causing our destruction.
And when something is in the bible that you can't explain, well, it's just a mistranslation. But when its something that justifies your homophobia or other bigotry, well, that's right from the creator, absolutely.

Two others I like are, "well, it's just God's will", and my personal favorite, "it's a mystery".


Nonsense. Judeo-Christianity is an infinitely complex system of thought. You're just an intellectually dishonest person who knows virtually nothing about it and thinks to reduce it to a size that obliges your bigotry. A false idea. In this instance I'm using the term bigotry to denote the ignorance of close-mindedness, a connotation of the term you were probably not even aware of.

In short, you have no idea just how silly and boorish you and JoeB are. My posts address your nonsense for the sake of others, but are really not addressed to you . . . except, of course, this one, the last on this thread.

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You, of all people, have no business complaining about bigotry from others.

Quite the contrary.

The religious bigots hate Gays for who they are.

I hate the LDS and other religious crazies for what they do.

That's the difference.

The fact that you make an overweening (and completely wrong) assumption about a whole group of people based on their religion proves you are a bigot.

Not really. They all believe that crap. If you are a Mormon who thinks Joseph Smith (con man, child molestor, creep) wasn't talking to God, you aren't a Mormon at that point. They throw you out of the cult and tell your family to shun you.
Seriously, if you think gay marriage or abortion is wrong because your imaginary friend in the sky says so, you are really quite free to do so.

Just understand it only applies to YOU and nobody else.

I personally prefer to listen to someone else's "imaginary friend" then your oh so real Marxist leaders in Washington DC. At least their imaginary friend isn't causing our destruction.

No, he doesn't, but the idiots who vote against their own economic interests because a minister tells them to, do.

Oh, by the way, saying "Marxist" pretty much disqualifies you from adult conversation. What are you, 15?
Nope pretty sure it is the exact same thing. The difference is most religious people in this country have accepted the fact they’re differences and are willing to live their own lives and not force others to believe what they believe. Democrats on the other hand want to force everyone to believe what they want you to believe.

When have they done that?

Seriously, if you think gay marriage or abortion is wrong because your imaginary friend in the sky says so, you are really quite free to do so.

Just understand it only applies to YOU and nobody else.

Do you see them out trying to force gays not to be gay. Sure there is a small group of nuts protesting funerals but for the most part they tend to keep to themselves. Do you see them outside picketing the show Will and Grace? No.

As far as gay marriage and abortion they are wrong because they are against nature. If a man walks up and hits a pregnant woman in the stomach and kills the unborn child we see him as the devil and charge him with murder. However, if a mother wants to kill her own unborn child, we say go right ahead. The argument that it is her child so she should be able to kill him/her is not strong since it is illegal to kill your own children after birth.

As far as Gay, I don’t say it is wrong nor do I believe it is wrong for them to have a union. But to want the same benefits as a married couple seeing that those benefits are given to do with keeping mothers and fathers and children together makes absolutely no sense what so ever.

I'll give you credit, this is almost an attempt at an argument...

Okay- Point the first. They are using the law to prevent gay marriage. Sorry. Since no one has yet given me a good reason to ban gay marriage other than "I think it's icky" and "it makes Baby Jesus Cry", this is just imposing your religious stupidity on the rest of us.

If being gay is against marriage, why is there homosexuality in the animal kingdom?

The argument that if you punch a pregnant woman and cause a miscarriage is a misunderstanding of the law. Only under certain circumstances could you be charged with murder, and it's ALWAYS an assault with the intent to do harm. When the woman does it, it's managing her own body. Sorry, argument fail again.

Your final point, of you are okay with Civil Unions (Colored Drinking fountains) just don't let those gays (negroes) have the same rights straights (whites) have. Use the word subsitutions I've put in there, and you see how fallacious your argument sounds.
Quite the contrary.

The religious bigots hate Gays for who they are.

I hate the LDS and other religious crazies for what they do.

That's the difference.

The fact that you make an overweening (and completely wrong) assumption about a whole group of people based on their religion proves you are a bigot.

Not really. They all believe that crap. If you are a Mormon who thinks Joseph Smith (con man, child molestor, creep) wasn't talking to God, you aren't a Mormon at that point. They throw you out of the cult and tell your family to shun you.

Fiddlesticks. My father was a jack mormon in a family full of mormons straight out of Utah and Wyoming...and nobody shunned him. His cousins were married in the temple, everybody did their missions, and my dad was an alcoholic who married a divorcee with two kids. He was never shunned, nor were we.
So you believe in a bunch of illogical fairy tales... like the entire human race desended from two people and there was no problem with inbreeding, or that a flood covered the whole world, or that there were giants and other silly nonsense, because, hey, it's in the Bible.

And when something is in the bible that you can't explain, well, it's just a mistranslation. But when its something that justifies your homophobia or other bigotry, well, that's right from the creator, absolutely.
You, of all people, have no business complaining about bigotry from others.

Quite the contrary.

The religious bigots hate Gays for who they are.

I hate the LDS and other religious crazies for what they do.

That's the difference.
You, of all people, have no business complaining about bigotry from others.

Quite the contrary.

The religious bigots hate Gays for who they are.

I hate the LDS and other religious crazies for what they do.

That's the difference.

I realize that you are unable to understand the concept...

Are you saying that you accept every religion as totally valid? Or that you think some are evil or wrong? Islam? Scientology? Black Liberation Theology? So you have a list of religions you reject.

Mine's longer, and Mormonism is at the top of it.

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