The Death Throes of Democracy

Freedom/liberty = responsibility. Without the latter, there is no former, or at least not long.

The Founders defined "responsibility" in much the same manner as the great Ronald Reagan...'trust, but verify.'

And this is done via checks and balances.
Well, the US Treasury has been giving out freebies since this nation was started, in the form of land grants...
This is a republic, in case you haven't been told...

True, but more specifically we are designed as a federal republic. I'll let you look up what that means
I don't have any books..

Wow....looks like Coulter was right again!

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."
You don;t need books when you have the internet..

If that were the case, you wouldn't be posting the inane stuff you are famous for.
This is a republic, in case you haven't been told...

True, but more specifically we are designed as a federal republic. I'll let you look up what that means
I don't have any books..

Wow....looks like Coulter was right again!

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."
You don;t need books when you have the internet..

If that were the case, you wouldn't be posting the inane stuff you are famous for.
Why cast pearls amongst swine?
1. Funny how ironic the Liberal/Progressive motto 'from cradle to grave' turned out to be.

American democracy survived from it's birth.....the cradle.....until the primacy of the Liberals/Progressive: the regime of the 32nd President.
FDR dug its grave.

....American democracy, as defined by the United States Constitution, ended up in the grave.

Why do you hate America?

she's a RUGGED INDIVIDUALIST-------and wears a COONSKIN cap

She's an immigrant, which makes her a convert to Americanism, and as often is the case with converts - to such as religion -

she's gone overboard with a zeal that is totally misguided.
This is a republic, in case you haven't been told...

True, but more specifically we are designed as a federal republic. I'll let you look up what that means
I don't have any books..

I wish you were kidding, but it does explain a lot. It's too bad how poor government schools are in teaching even how our own government works.

A Federal Republic is where a country is a group of Democratic Republics and a tightly controlled central government with limited, specified powers. To say we are a "democracy" means that the whole country is one republic which is democratic, which we are not. The word "Democracy" for the US was never used until well into the 20th century when FDR removed checks and balances by obliterating the Supreme Court's ability to stop him.

How cool is that? One post has more information than you learned in a semester of civics in government schools?
This is a republic, in case you haven't been told...

True, but more specifically we are designed as a federal republic. I'll let you look up what that means
I don't have any books..

I wish you were kidding, but it does explain a lot. It's too bad how poor government schools are in teaching even how our own government works.

A Federal Republic is where a country is a group of Democratic Republics and a tightly controlled central government with limited, specified powers. To say we are a "democracy" means that the whole country is one republic which is democratic, which we are not. The word "Democracy" for the US was never used until well into the 20th century when FDR removed checks and balances by obliterating the Supreme Court's ability to stop him.

How cool is that? One post has more information than you learned in a semester of civics in government schools?

Jesus you could not be more wrong if you'd hired a team of wrong idea experts to construct the post for you.
This is a republic, in case you haven't been told...

True, but more specifically we are designed as a federal republic. I'll let you look up what that means
I don't have any books..

Wow....looks like Coulter was right again!

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."
You don;t need books when you have the internet..

The Internet is like a gun. It can be a great tool if you know how to use it effectively and safely. It can be a dangerous threat to yourself and others if you don't. Unfortunately you don't or you would have used it to realize how wrong liberalism is
I do not UNDERSTAND economics------but "believe" (on simple faith) that
economic depressions occur cyclically-------somehow-----for who-knows-what
reason because the smart guys who DO understand ----say so. There are economic depressions described in the bible
heres the real easy thing to do go look at the banking leading up to the 1929 crash then go look at the leading up to the 2008 crash you will find republicans passing laws that deregulate the banking laws ... think in this last case cause millions go people to lose their retirements in their 401k's take a look for your self don't take my word for it... start with the American dream downpayment for a starter .. look at that law ... if that dosen't make you cringe nothing will ...

there are "economic depressions" described in the bible-------as far as I know
IN THE ABSENCE of banking regulations or abridgement thereof. I do not understand ECONOMIC THEORY ---------it makes me itch-----. The depression
of 1929 was WORLD WIDE
when the US goes down so does the rest of the world, its just the way it is ....heres what the american dream downpayment did ... it was a bill written by phil gram as a Lobbyist ... to make it simple if you had some bad credit in your history no big deal ... if you needed a down payment for your loan, the government would lend you up to 10,000 dollars ... heres what cause the biggest mess ... you got your down payment for a home these were balloon payments ... the bank would right up your loan, AIG would rate that loan with a triple A rating ... they didn't have to do any research on you to see if you were a triple A rate person ... they just had to stamp the loan as triple A ... then these banks would sell these loans as a bulk loan, which by the way the banks couldn't do before this law was passed but thanks to deregulating of these laws the now can ... so these big banks sold these loans to small banks, loan companies, loan companies like fanny mae and Freddi mac, saying heres are some bulk loans with triple A ratings these banks and loan companies bought these bulk loans .. thinks they would make money them ... what they founds out after the fact they weren't any where near a triple A rated ... then when these balloon payments came do the people defaulted on these loans .. then the domino affect took place ... thats what deregulation does for you ...
It isn't to hard to figure that a lot of people really don't trust the masses with their own government. A case to consider is audit the fed bill. The number one argument against that is that if the masses knew what was going on they would act on every stupid impulse and tell their politicians to do those supposedly stupid things. It is better to let ELITES run it in secret so that the people can't ever object to what is going on with the nation's banking system. What if we applied that philosophy to everything our government does. We may pass a healthcare bill in secret and our elites will tell us things like 'we need to pass before you can see what is in it'...wait...that already did happen. You get the point. There was a time when people would never have tolerated this kind of crap. That was about a hundred years ago. Now we are all conditioned to think that our masters know what is best for us and we better not complain about all the wonderful gifts they give us.
This is a republic, in case you haven't been told...

True, but more specifically we are designed as a federal republic. I'll let you look up what that means
I don't have any books..

Wow....looks like Coulter was right again!

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."
You don;t need books when you have the internet..

The Internet is like a gun. It can be a great tool if you know how to use it effectively and safely. It can be a dangerous threat to yourself and others if you don't. Unfortunately you don't or you would have used it to realize how wrong liberalism is
Liberalism is not one set of rules to any one person....
This is a republic, in case you haven't been told...

True, but more specifically we are designed as a federal republic. I'll let you look up what that means
I don't have any books..

Wow....looks like Coulter was right again!

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."
You don;t need books when you have the internet..

The Internet is like a gun. It can be a great tool if you know how to use it effectively and safely. It can be a dangerous threat to yourself and others if you don't. Unfortunately you don't or you would have used it to realize how wrong liberalism is
it also requires you to actually understand what you read ... you seem to have this problem of understanding what you read ... take for instance the laws about classified documents ... you botched that one big time
True, but more specifically we are designed as a federal republic. I'll let you look up what that means
I don't have any books..

Wow....looks like Coulter was right again!

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."
You don;t need books when you have the internet..

The Internet is like a gun. It can be a great tool if you know how to use it effectively and safely. It can be a dangerous threat to yourself and others if you don't. Unfortunately you don't or you would have used it to realize how wrong liberalism is
Liberalism is not one set of rules to any one person....

Actually, the biggest problem is that it is. You all not only have the same position on every issue, but you justify those idiotic positions with the same talking points.

George Patton: If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking

The problem with liberalism in a nutshell. That's why you can't even engage in lucid discussions about the issues. You would have to question your positions to do that, and you can't, it's against the programming.

Your programmed response will be to say how stupid and ridiculous what I said is, and not provide any counter examples ...

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