The debate on climate change is now over. The verdict: Too late to do anything about it!

Would you please provide an actual resource that verifies this claim? (Also: why are you so insulting?)

Nothing I said violates the Second Law that I am aware of. Please show me where I erred.

Halliday, Resnick; Fundamentals of Physics; Wiley & Sons; 1974; p 401 ff. ...

If statements of fact are insulting to you ... then it is you who has done something wrong ... maybe if you stopped lying, I'll stop calling you a liar ... easy peasy ...

It will get wetter in some areas but it will also get drier in others

This is your lie ... you must rely on magical forces to cause this because all the natural forces are accounted for ...
I am afraid not, my friend.

THe "Climategate E-mail" kerfluffle was not what you were led to believe it was.

Do you have any science background yourself? I ask only because it helps to understand what scientists are talking about before jumping to some conclusion that they are doing something evil. No such thing occurred.

Again, this is "conspiracy theory" talk. It has no place in the science.

You are a climate scientist? Why don't you cite more actual science then?

The opposite has occurred. Repeated investigations have failed to find that Mann fraudulently manipulated data.

I am curious, then, why your posts never seem to contain any actual science?
Conspiracy this conspiracy that and not one item or fact to refute what I have said. You are not the arbiter of what is science and what is not. Get over yourself. Post up facts or go home... I don't deal in the political destruction of the person. You sound like Cardnial... Are you his sock puppet?

You provide no science to discuss, just your political position. Epic Failure.
Halliday, Resnick; Fundamentals of Physics; Wiley & Sons; 1974; p 401 ff. ...

If statements of fact are insulting to you ... then it is you who has done something wrong ... maybe if you stopped lying, I'll stop calling you a liar ... easy peasy ...

It will get wetter in some areas but it will also get drier in others

This is your lie ... you must rely on magical forces to cause this because all the natural forces are accounted for ...
It's called "unfasafiability"....No matter what happens, the warmer cultists can claim it as proof of globalclimatecoolerwarmering, without having to present any hard and verifiable evidence.
View attachment 676469

And this is just the beginning, insists McGuire, who is emeritus professor of geophysical and climate hazards at University College London. As he makes clear in his uncompromising depiction of the coming climatic catastrophe, we have – for far too long – ignored explicit warnings that rising carbon emissions are dangerously heating the Earth. Now we are going to pay the price for our complacence in the form of storms, floods, droughts and heatwaves that will easily surpass current extremes.

The crucial point, he argues, is that there is now no chance of us avoiding a perilous, all-pervasive climate breakdown. We have passed the point of no return and can expect a future in which lethal heatwaves and temperatures in excess of 50C (120F) are common in the tropics; where summers at temperate latitudes will invariably be baking hot, and where our oceans are destined to become warm and acidic. “A child born in 2020 will face a far more hostile world that its grandparents did,” McGuire insists.

I can almost hear that part in red being overly-dramatically read by a talking head with a thick Brit accent.

My take on this as an ignorant non-climate expert is that one hot summer is does not portend the end of the world. We've had hotter ones and the word didn't end. The nearby lake dropped considerably, but all the water came back.

But if it is now settled science that it is too late to do anything, we can all stop stressing out about it. Thank God. Let's just enjoy the little time we have left. I propose that reasonably young and attractive women break away from the norms of modest dress, since we need to stay cool.

Just be careful: If Al Gore, John Kerry, and Barack Obama sell their beachfront property, don't buy it! They will offer it at a bargain price, because it will be under water very soon. Warm and acidic water, to boot!

This important article states later:

And we should be in no doubt about the consequences. Anything above 1.5C will see a world plagued by intense summer heat, extreme drought, devastating floods, reduced crop yields, rapidly melting ice sheets and surging sea levels. A rise of 2C and above will seriously threaten the stability of global society, McGuire argues.

Since many more men than women will die off early, in a futile attempt to save the planet, will we have to abandon the traditional monogamous sexual relationship, at least as far as men are concerned?

Regretfully, yes.

It should also be noted that according to the most hopeful estimates of emission cut pledges made at Cop26, the world is on course to heat up by between 2.4C and 3C.

Doh! I bet now those 400 COP26 bigwigs wish they had not flown to the summit in private jets!

Been nice knowing y'all. Let's keep this forum going until the lights go out, huh?
what a steaming pile of fresh bullshit. The fact is that the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and will be changing hundreds of millions after the last human is gone. Humans have never had anything to do with it, cannot stop it, cannot slow it, cannot reverse it, and short of all out nuclear war cannot have any affect on it.

But what you libs will not address is the pollution created by humans on earth. But for some insane reason you think you need an unprovable link between pollution and climate in order to fight pollution. But another example that liberalism is a mental disease. your post proved it.
Conspiracy this conspiracy that and not one item or fact to refute what I have said. You are not the arbiter of what is science and what is not. Get over yourself. Post up facts or go home... I don't deal in the political destruction of the person. You sound like Cardnial... Are you his sock puppet?

You provide no science to discuss, just your political position. Epic Failure.

I am not an atmospheric physicist.
According to the paleo record we have had a prolonged calm in our weather patterns. We are simply returning to earth 'normal' more active state. This is what taking too short of a snippet in time does in science, it creates a false sense of normalcy.
Absent extensive northern hemisphere continental glaciation the upper bounds of natural climate fluctuations would be approximately 2C higher than our present temperature. And that's based upon the oxygen isotope curve that everyone accepts.
Halliday, Resnick; Fundamentals of Physics; Wiley & Sons; 1974; p 401 ff. ...

Unfortunately I do not have that volume here. Are you able to explain what they say or quote it?

If statements of fact are insulting to you ... then it is you who has done something wrong ... maybe if you stopped lying, I'll stop calling you a liar ... easy peasy ...

I don't think I've been particularly nasty to you, so I'm uncertain why you are so aggressive and vicious.

It will get wetter in some areas but it will also get drier in others

This is your lie ... you must rely on magical forces to cause this because all the natural forces are accounted for ...

No, it's how the earth's climate works. It is a complex system. If it gets warm in your part of the country one day...are you of the opinion that it must also be exactly as warm on the other side of the globe as you?

No climate is far more complex. Perhaps you can ask Billy_Bob to explain how air masses work and why when it rains HERE it isn't necessarily RAINING OVER THERE.
I am not an atmospheric physicist.
Yet you presume to tell others that your political position is right without facts to back it up. Good to know. Parroting disinformation is not a good thing to be involved in, especially when you can't back up your position.
Absent extensive northern hemisphere continental glaciation the upper bounds of natural climate fluctuations would be approximately 2C higher than our present temperature. And that's based upon the oxygen isotope curve that everyone accepts.
And that would be as expected. We have people who do not understand this "natural limit" due to our planet's physical attributes.
Yet you presume to tell others that your political position is right without facts to back it up.

I didn't say I didn't know the facts. But I have read extensively in this area and have some training in the sciences. So I'm not a complete moron in this topic.

Good to know. Parroting disinformation is not a good thing to be involved in, especially when you can't back up your position.

It is not disinformation. And you know this.
If you look at past warm periods, we are about 2 deg C cooler than they were. We are nearing the point of rapid cooling if not already on it.
I'm not so certain of that. The last eccentricity cycle was nearly circular. So I don't see orbital forcing as a trigger for quite sometime. The threshold for extensive northern hemisphere continental glaciation is somewhere between 1 to 2C cooler than present temperatures with the most likely threshold closer to 2C. The feedback from northern hemisphere glaciation is strong (albedo) and once we reach the threshold, temperatures and glaciers will be impossible to miss and ignore. I just don't see a trigger for it anytime soon unless it's gulf stream switch off. But I do believe we will continue to see warming and cooling trends because that's what the data shows happens in both interglacial and glacial cycles.
And that would be as expected. We have people who do not understand this "natural limit" due to our planet's physical attributes.
I totally agree. Our planet's climate is dominated by what happens in the northern hemisphere. Which is a consequence of our planet's physical attributes (i.e. land mass configuration and the resulting impact on the oceans circulation of heat, especially at the north pole).
No, it's how the earth's climate works. It is a complex system. If it gets warm in your part of the country one day...are you of the opinion that it must also be exactly as warm on the other side of the globe as you?

No climate is far more complex. Perhaps you can ask @Billy_Bob to explain how air masses work and why when it rains HERE it isn't necessarily RAINING OVER THERE.
Air mass distribution is dependent on surface temperatures. Our ocean surface has cooled about 3.5 deg C in the last 9 years. We are currently in what is called a La Niña flow aloft. This flow pattern is exacerbated by the cooling and the strong polar Jetstream. The pattern is normal and natural. The pattern is predictable. It does nothing to bolster your More Rain statement.
I'm not so certain of that. The last eccentricity cycle was nearly circular. So I don't see orbital forcing as a trigger for quite sometime. The threshold for extensive northern hemisphere continental glaciation is somewhere between 1 to 2C cooler than present temperatures with the most likely threshold closer to 2C. The feedback from northern hemisphere glaciation is strong (albedo) and once we reach the threshold, temperatures and glaciers will be impossible to miss and ignore. I just don't see a trigger for it anytime soon unless it's gulf stream switch off. But I do believe we will continue to see warming and cooling trends because that's what the data shows happens in both interglacial and glacial cycles.
One good volcanic eruption will change the dynamics. The other issue is the output of the sun's energy in the 0.2-0.6um band that happened in 1998 and continues to this day. It is what is driving our oceans cooling at depth. With this reduced recharge rate of the ENSO, the heat it was generating could easily allow a slip into glaciation and it would not take much to trigger it. Were already bordering on rapid cooling due to this. Science is about to witness, for the first time how glaciation starts on earth.

One of the things we have been talking about is the Tripple dip La Niña. Just as the Tripple high El Niño has been followed by a temperature rise; we are looking at this low temperature dip to be followed with a temperature decrease. We're all looking at this from different perspectives, but no one knows how this will land, were all guessing at the moment.
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One good volcanic eruption will change the dynamics. The other issue is the output of the sun's energy in the 0.2-0.6um band that happened in 1998 and continues to this day. It is what is driving our oceans cooling at depth. With this reduced recharge rate of the ENSO, the heat it was generating could easily allow a slip into glaciation and it would not take much to trigger it. Were already bordering on rapid cooling due to this. Science is about to witness, for the first time how glaciation starts on earth.
Yes, a massive volcano eruption could serve as a trigger too. I hadn't heard anything on a specific energy band that led to cooling at depth, so thanks.
Yes, a massive volcano eruption could serve as a trigger too. I hadn't heard anything on a specific energy band that led to cooling at depth, so thanks.
The energy in the region of 0.2 to 0.6um is the only energy that can penetrate our oceans to depths of 700m. By the time that wavelength reaches 0.8-1.2um it is fully impacted in the evaporation region of the oceans skin, about 10 microns thick. This is why LWIR cannot penetrate the oceans skin and cannot warm it.
Not knowing that Michael Manns fraud has been debunked thoroughly, is evidence you have very little evidence and knowledge of anything in this field.

Then you will have no problem showing me a legitimate standard-issue peer reviewed journal of significant value that supports you claim that it has been thoroughly debunked.

(I know you won't be able to do so and you won't)
Air mass distribution is dependent on surface temperatures. Our ocean surface has cooled about 3.5 deg C in the last 9 years.

No it hasn't.



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