The debate

A question was asked of the candidates if they support extending ObamaCare to illegal immigrants.

Clinton said she wanted to allow illegals to "buy into" the exchanges, but opposes extending subsidies to them.

O'Malley said he supported "comprehensive immigration reform", but did not answer the question about Obamacare for illegals.

Webb said he "would not have a problem" with illegals getting ObamaCare.

Sanders wasn't asked.

The candidates were then asked if illegals should get in-state college tuition.

Clinton said it should be up to the states.

O'Malley said he enacted in-state tuition for illegals in his state as governor.

I personally oppose in-state tuition for illegals.

When O'Malley said he supported "comprehensive immigration reform"--he did answer it, he would make them all citizens!! There would be no 'illegals'!

Pretty radical step, IMHO
As citizens, they would be taxpayers and employers.

80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to citizenship or legal status.
If anything of value is discussed, you can note it here.

The obvious and telling takeaway from last nights debate was the discussion on issues, and not focused on personalities which dominated the clown car debates.

Webb and Chaffey were the losers. Clinton and Sanders were the winners and O'Malley did well since no one outside of his state knew much about him. He looked Vice Presidential.

Clinton's experience was obvious, and notwithstanding the 20-20 hindsight questioning her past judgments, she proved to be competent, measured, intelligent and thoughtful. Characteristics we've yet to see from any member of the clown car.
Climate change:

O'Malley: Said he would move America to a 100% "clean electric grid" by 2050. Would extend tax credits for solar and wind power. Said some kind of climate change rules would be his first order as President.

Webb: The moderator pointed out he is "pro-coal, pro-offshore drilling, and pro-Keystone". Webb's solution to energy is alternative energy and nuclear power. He said he is an "all of the above energy voter". And he said we will not solve climate change problems with just US laws. He pointed his finger at India and China as the biggest polluters and that we need to get tougher environment agreements with those countries.

Sanders: Believes climate change is "a moral issue". Proud he sponsored first ever legislation with Barbara Boxer for carbon tax credits. Went on rant about campaign finance reform "because the fossil fuel industry is funding the Republican Party which denies the reality of climate change". Said we have to work with China, India, Russia, and the world.

Clinton: Clinton said she and Obama went "hunting for the Chinese" at 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Conference. "We found out they were having a secret meeting" and "we broke in". They got China to sign a bilateral climate change agreement.
If Hillary gets the nomination, I would not be the least bit surprised if she picked Jim Webb as her running mate.
Nothing of substance was discussed.. it was like being in the faculty lounge of any college. A bunch of theoreticians who have never done anything, discussing how through their shear brilliance, they're gonna save the planet from the evil humans.

I turned it off, there was baseball on.
Nothing of substance was discussed.. it was like being in the faculty lounge of any college. A bunch of theoreticians who have never done anything, discussing how through their shear brilliance, they're gonna save the planet from the evil humans.

I turned it off, there was baseball on.
The Gnu Right's "La-la-la, I can't hear you!" strategy.
Watching the Democratic Debate

My own personal opinion – Five White Old Geezers Whine and Want to Give Away Everything – one Token Hispanic Questioner.
What We Got Out of Last Night's Debate

(I was going to summarize this and give a link. But, that would not do it full service for I am going to post the whole thing. It's from What we learned from the Democrat Debate )

ISIS is a real threat to the United States so we should get just about every other country to fight them on the ground..

but we shouldn’t fight them on the ground under any circumstance

Edward Snowden should be punished for breaking federal law.

But not Hispanics who might vote democrat

Or pot users who might vote democrat

and certainly not secretary of states who might be nominated By democrats for president

President Obama is a great president who has done a great job

But economy is a mess

and the rich are getting richer

and people don’t have good jobs

and only the rich are being helped

So we democrats have to change things.

All the enemies of America are Americans like the GOP

Saying “All lives Matter” is the same as saying: “******” .

The single greatest difference between Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama are her breasts.

Questions concerning race are reserved for black reporters

Questions concerning immigration & pot are reserved for Latino reporters

All of those conclusions are of course inferences from what I saw but if you but if you really want to understand the priorities of the Democrat voter based on this debate it can be done in just four sentences.

Lincoln Chafee: I think we need someone that has the best in ethical standards as our next president. That’s how I feel.

Anderson Cooper: Secretary Clinton, do you want to respond?

Hillary Clinton: No.

That sums up the Democrats completely and it should be a GOP ad running starting today

From the link:

The White House will argue, of course, that the missile launch doesn’t violate the deal

The missile launch doesn't violate the Iran agreement, and anyone who thinks it does, or implies it does, is a retard who knows nothing about the agreement.

The missile launch does violate a UN Resolution.
The whitehouse doesn't know that yet. In any case the launch contributes to global warming and climate change...a far larger and imminent concern than a nuclear wah........

From the link:

The White House will argue, of course, that the missile launch doesn’t violate the deal

The missile launch doesn't violate the Iran agreement, and anyone who thinks it does, or implies it does, is a retard who knows nothing about the agreement.

The missile launch does violate a UN Resolution.
The whitehouse doesn't know that yet.

The White House knows the missile launch does not violate the Iran agreement. But there are enough retards out there who drink the piss if they are told it does, just as Sassy did.

The White House has not yet made a firm statement the missile launch violates any UN resolutions, but has said it is likely.

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