The Decline From Democracy To Tyranny: It's Both Natural And Inevitable...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
It does seem like we are currently in such a decline.

Very interesting article by Jeff Thomas

The Sandcastle

The decline from democracy to tyranny is both a natural and inevitable one.

That’s not a pleasant thought to have to consider, but it’s a fact, nonetheless. In every case, a democracy will deteriorate as the result of the electorate accepting the loss of freedom in trade for largesse from their government. This process may be fascism, socialism, communism, or a basket of “isms,” but tyranny is the inevitable endgame of democracy. Like the destruction of a sandcastle by the incoming tide, it requires time to transpire, but in time, the democracy, like the sandcastle, will be washed away in its entirety.

Why should this be so? Well, as I commented some years ago,

The concept of government is that the people grant to a small group of individuals the ability to establish and maintain controls over them. The inherent flaw in such a concept is that any government will invariably and continually expand upon its controls, resulting in the ever-diminishing freedom of those who granted them the power.

Unfortunately, there will always be those who wish to rule, and there will always be a majority of voters who are complacent enough and naïve enough to allow their freedoms to be slowly removed. This adverb “slowly” is the key by which the removal of freedoms is achieved...

Read More:
The Decline From Democracy to Tyranny - LewRockwell
I am becoming increasingly afraid that this writer is correct.

After the new Constitution was written someone asked Ben Franklin:

"What kind of Government have you given us, Mr. Franklin?

He said: A Republic, if you can keep it.

We can't.

As the article says, SLOWLY is the in Democrats slowly morphing into Bolsheviks.

And good Americans elected to congress as Conservatives slowly morphing into Pussies, and as they prostitute themselves to raise the money for what they learn to care about exclusively--ReElection.

Term Limits and a Balanced Budget Amendment are the only things that can save us now.

But, neither the Bolsheviks or the Pussies want either.

What a sad state we are going to leave to our children.

I am becoming increasingly afraid that this writer is correct.

After the new Constitution was written someone asked Ben Franklin:

"What kind of Government have you given us, Mr. Franklin?

He said: A Republic, if you can keep it.

We can't.

As the article says, SLOWLY is the in Democrats slowly morphing into Bolsheviks.

And good Americans elected to congress as Conservatives slowly morphing into Pussies, and as they prostitute themselves to raise the money for what they learn to care about exclusively--ReElection.

Term Limits and a Balanced Budget Amendment are the only things that can save us now.

But, neither the Bolsheviks or the Pussies want either.

What a sad state we are going to leave to our children.


I hear ya. Thanks.

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