The Definitive Critical Race Theory Thread

How can you have racial "equality" between two races (whatever that means) that are significantly different, intellectually and culturally?

Can't find a single white American to play on the U.S. Olympic basketball team?

Close to zero Blacks earning advanced STEM degrees?

70% illegitimacy rate for Blacks?

How in the world would "equality" result from these quantifiable differences? It is absurd.
IKR…. It’s almost as if generations of purposeful disadvantage have caused such damage that it may never be undone. Especially when so many work so diligently to deny any disadvantage even exist or ever existed. It’s like the entire system is geared to that outcome.

The illegitimacy rate is RISING as society has become far less wacist.

So, blaming the past, is not valid.
It’s not the past. That’s the point.

THAT'S insane. For generations NOW, national policy has been one of purposeful ADVANTAGE for blacks to "make up for past discrimination".

Thus, your previous point is even more wrong.
On paper anyway. Just not in state and municipal policies and practices.

Link or lie.
We are within days of the Chauvin sentencing. It’s significant as it represents an exception to the way police are typically held to account and not the rule.

Hopefully other state and municipal police forces will embrace accountability rather than what has regrettably become the standard.
Your post.

Oh, but she has an "out". That's why she does nothing but copy and paste other's opinions. Then she can say SHE didn't lie. :lol:

Everything I post is my opinion, or I wouldn't post it.

You must be an imbecile with a tenuous contact with both reality and the English language.

: a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter

Now you've learned a new word.
Gosh, thanks. I always heard that opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink.

The only word I need when it comes to you is H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E.

You think it's perfectly fine to teach intelligent design theory, a theory that has ZERO supporting evidence but do not want Critical Race Theory taught in school despite plenty of evidence that supporters it.

Thinking one theory should be presented and another should not, is not Hypocritical.

She probably thinks one theory has something good to offer the students and the other is doesn't.

That you needed that explained is.... very odd.
You know, you're probably right...Thinking a completely made up theory with zero supporting evidence should be taught while pitching a fit and falling into it about teaching a theory with decades of supporting evidence isn't hypocritical, it's straight up ignorant. Thanks!

Are you still doubting that the lies about America are being taught to the impressionable youth in government schools???

Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege An elementary school in Cupertino, California was reportedly caught brainwashing its third-grade students with the illiberal, racist doctrines of critical race theory.

Whistleblower documents provided to filmmaker, writer, and researcher Christopher Rufo of the Discovery Institute show that the children were forced to “deconstruct their racial and sexual identities” and “rank themselves according to their ‘power and privilege. “The teacher explained that the students live in a ‘dominant culture’ of ‘white, middle class, cisgender, educated, able-bodied, Christian, English-speaker,’ who, according to the lesson, ‘created and maintained’ this culture in order ‘to hold power and stay in power.' ”The teacher basically taught the children that normal, everyday white people — particularly the ones who are Christian — are bad.'” Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege

“A WA teacher's union president says reopening schools is an example of "white supremacy," concern over a child's mental health or suicide risk is "white privilege," and push to reopen schools is like rioters pushing to enter the U.S. Capitol.”
Rantz: Union head says opening schools is 'white supremacy,' suicide concern 'white privilege'

The Vice President of North Carolina’s largest teachers’ association is a self-avowed Marxist activist linked to Liberation Road – a “revolutionary socialist” group that follows the teachings of Karl Marx and Mao Zedong. The “revolutionary” – Bryan Proffitt – leads the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), which boasts over 43,000 members and revenues of over $8,000,000.” 43,000+ Teacher Association Leader Is "Revolutionary Socialist" Following Mao's Teachings, Weaponizing Schools Into 'Revolutionary' Hotbeds.

“A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

According to whistleblower documents and a source within the school, a fifth-grade teacher at the inner-city William D. Kelley School designed a social studies curriculum to celebrate Davis, praising the “black communist” for her fight against “injustice and inequality.”

…marched on the stage, holding signs that read “Black Power,” “Jail Trump,” “Free Angela,” and “Black Power Matters.”

Academically, it is one of the worst-performing schools in Pennsylvania. By sixth grade, only 3 percent of students are proficient in math, and 9 percent are proficient in reading. By graduation, only 13 percent of Kelley students will have achieved basic literacy.

Despite this abysmal academic performance, teachers and administrators at William Kelley have gradually abandoned traditional pedagogy in favor of political radicalism.”

Bad Education

A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

“…the Wake County Public School System, which serves the greater Raleigh, North Carolina area, held an equity-themed teachers’ conference with sessions on “whiteness,” “microaggressions,” “racial mapping,” and “disrupting texts,” encouraging educators to form “equity teams” in schools and push the new party line: “antiracism.” …began with a “land acknowledgement,” a ritual recognition suggesting that white North Carolinians are colonizers on stolen Native American land….claimed that “(white) cultural values” include “denial,” “fear,” “blame,” “control,” “punishment,” “scarcity,” and “one-dimensional thinking.”

Parents, according to the teachers, should be considered an impediment to social justice. When one teacher asked, “How do you deal with parent pushback?” the answer was clear: ignore parental concerns and push the ideology of antiracism directly to students.” Critical Race Theory in Wake County, NC Schools | City Journal

"Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

Florida parents say the board's pledge promotes racism rather than dismantling it

In a mission statement posted to the board’s website, it vowed to eliminate racism and systems of inequity, but Florida parents have argued the statement is at odds with their intended goal.

"Your statement is dividing us, and it incites racism," mother of two, Jessica Martinez, told board members Wednesday, according to The Palm Beach Post.

The statement says the board is committed to "dismantling structures rooted in white advantage and transforming our system by hearing and elevating under-represented voices, sharing power, recognizing and eliminating bias, and redistributing resources to provide equitable outcomes."

"Equity, as you are calling it, is a political view and it is racist," Amanda Silvestri told the board. "None of this despicable, political, racist nonsense should be pushed on innocent children and has absolutely no business being taught in schools," she added."

Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

A Florida county school board could be revamping their core principles after weeks of parental backlash to the boards pledge to dismantle “white advantage” in their school system.

"The American Rescue Plan (ARP) requires school districts to reserve 20 percent of funds for “evidence-based” interventions that “respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs”—a very sensible charge. But the devil is in the definition, and the administration’s guidance booklet for spending ARP funds suggests that students’ social and emotional needs include the disruption of “whiteness” and the propagation of Critical Race Theory (CRT) ideology. The “Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students’ Needs” explains that “schools are microcosms of society,” and that therefore “intentional conversations related to race and social emotional learning . . . are the foundation for participating in a democracy and should be anchor tenets in building a schoolwide system of educational opportunity.”

The guidance document links to the Abolitionist Teaching Network’s “Guide for Racial Justice & Abolitionist Social and Emotional Learning.

While parents are still waking up to the reality that Biden’s Department of Education wants to indoctrinate their children, no close observer should be surprised. After all, when Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona served as commissioner of education in Connecticut, he insisted that “we need teachers behind this wave of our curriculum becoming ‘woke.’” When Deputy Secretary of Education Cindy Marten led the San Diego Unified School District, she oversaw teacher training that accused white teachers of “spirit murdering” black students."

Biden Admin Funds Antiracist Therapy for “White Educators”

The American Rescue Plan requires school districts to reserve funds for Critical Race Theory programs.

Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'

Minnesota Teacher of the Year award recipient and “anti-racist” advocate states White Teachers are the reason why “students of color” do not succeed in the classroom.
Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'
33. “Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of “Capitalism” and “White Supremacy,” Encourages Them To Remember “Jihad” And Reject Objectivity A school board member gave a graduation speech in which she told a mainly-immigrant class of high schoolers that they were entering a world filled with “racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, [and] white supremacy,” and encouraged them to remember their “jihad” and reject the concepts of objectivity and neutrality.

Fairfax County school board member Abrar Omeish gave the keynote address at the commencement for Justice High School in Falls Church, Virginia on June 7. “ Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of "Capitalism" and "White Supremacy," Encourages Them To Remember "Jihad" And Reject Objectivity
Yes, dear. We know how well you copy and paste. Here's your good girl sticker.

View attachment 506169

One wonders if these thrashings that you've taken give you pause, and a re-consideration about simply rubber-stamping whatever savage doctrines your party saddles you with.

It really is alright to think, and question.

Says the sloppy, rubber-stamping repetitive cult-n-paster.

"....repetitive cult-n-paster."

It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?


If only you were as well-read, educated, and intelligent.....well, you wouldn't be a Democrat slave.
Yes… cult. Hence the slavish devotion to questionable logic and alternative “facts”.

You’ve proven nothing but your willingness to perpetuate purposeful misinformation and lies.
A sure sign of weakness.

Said the man that believes that Trump said that w.s. are "very fine people".
He did. It's on video.

I love having these opportunities to smash a custard pie in your ugly, lying kisser:

, a lie on your part.

He was referring to folks for and opposed to Confederate statues.

From Left-leaning USAToday:
"To be fair, President Donald Trump was making a somewhat subtler point. In his colloquy with the press, he was not calling neo-Nazis great folks but arguing that many of the Confederate-statue-loving protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, were not neo-Nazis at all. Somehow, these “fine people” got mixed in with white supremacists shouting, “Jews will not replace us,” and never noticed their compatriots were not fine people, too."
One year after Charlottesville, Trump has normalized racism in America

"You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides... I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name... So you know what, it's fine. You're changing history. You're changing culture. And you had people -- and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally -- but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and White nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with helmets and with baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group."

You're really scum....but, just the sort the Democrat Party relies on.

AND normally with these liberals, if you push hard enough, you can get them to admit that, yes, they know what he said, BUT they also "know" what he meant, which was blah, blah, blah.

BUT, then when you point out that, but you people always claim he SAID, that, not that you know he meant it.

Then they will generally IMMEDIATE start making the same argument that they just admitted was false. Seconds ago.

They are insanely dishonest. Or dishonestly insane.
RWNJ fantasies are funny
Your post.

Oh, but she has an "out". That's why she does nothing but copy and paste other's opinions. Then she can say SHE didn't lie. :lol:

Everything I post is my opinion, or I wouldn't post it.

You must be an imbecile with a tenuous contact with both reality and the English language.

: a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter

Now you've learned a new word.
Gosh, thanks. I always heard that opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink.

The only word I need when it comes to you is H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E.

You think it's perfectly fine to teach intelligent design theory, a theory that has ZERO supporting evidence but do not want Critical Race Theory taught in school despite plenty of evidence that supporters it.

Thinking one theory should be presented and another should not, is not Hypocritical.

She probably thinks one theory has something good to offer the students and the other is doesn't.

That you needed that explained is.... very odd.
You know, you're probably right...Thinking a completely made up theory with zero supporting evidence should be taught while pitching a fit and falling into it about teaching a theory with decades of supporting evidence isn't hypocritical, it's straight up ignorant. Thanks!

Are you still doubting that the lies about America are being taught to the impressionable youth in government schools???

Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege An elementary school in Cupertino, California was reportedly caught brainwashing its third-grade students with the illiberal, racist doctrines of critical race theory.

Whistleblower documents provided to filmmaker, writer, and researcher Christopher Rufo of the Discovery Institute show that the children were forced to “deconstruct their racial and sexual identities” and “rank themselves according to their ‘power and privilege. “The teacher explained that the students live in a ‘dominant culture’ of ‘white, middle class, cisgender, educated, able-bodied, Christian, English-speaker,’ who, according to the lesson, ‘created and maintained’ this culture in order ‘to hold power and stay in power.' ”The teacher basically taught the children that normal, everyday white people — particularly the ones who are Christian — are bad.'” Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege

“A WA teacher's union president says reopening schools is an example of "white supremacy," concern over a child's mental health or suicide risk is "white privilege," and push to reopen schools is like rioters pushing to enter the U.S. Capitol.”
Rantz: Union head says opening schools is 'white supremacy,' suicide concern 'white privilege'

The Vice President of North Carolina’s largest teachers’ association is a self-avowed Marxist activist linked to Liberation Road – a “revolutionary socialist” group that follows the teachings of Karl Marx and Mao Zedong. The “revolutionary” – Bryan Proffitt – leads the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), which boasts over 43,000 members and revenues of over $8,000,000.” 43,000+ Teacher Association Leader Is "Revolutionary Socialist" Following Mao's Teachings, Weaponizing Schools Into 'Revolutionary' Hotbeds.

“A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

According to whistleblower documents and a source within the school, a fifth-grade teacher at the inner-city William D. Kelley School designed a social studies curriculum to celebrate Davis, praising the “black communist” for her fight against “injustice and inequality.”

…marched on the stage, holding signs that read “Black Power,” “Jail Trump,” “Free Angela,” and “Black Power Matters.”

Academically, it is one of the worst-performing schools in Pennsylvania. By sixth grade, only 3 percent of students are proficient in math, and 9 percent are proficient in reading. By graduation, only 13 percent of Kelley students will have achieved basic literacy.

Despite this abysmal academic performance, teachers and administrators at William Kelley have gradually abandoned traditional pedagogy in favor of political radicalism.”

Bad Education

A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

“…the Wake County Public School System, which serves the greater Raleigh, North Carolina area, held an equity-themed teachers’ conference with sessions on “whiteness,” “microaggressions,” “racial mapping,” and “disrupting texts,” encouraging educators to form “equity teams” in schools and push the new party line: “antiracism.” …began with a “land acknowledgement,” a ritual recognition suggesting that white North Carolinians are colonizers on stolen Native American land….claimed that “(white) cultural values” include “denial,” “fear,” “blame,” “control,” “punishment,” “scarcity,” and “one-dimensional thinking.”

Parents, according to the teachers, should be considered an impediment to social justice. When one teacher asked, “How do you deal with parent pushback?” the answer was clear: ignore parental concerns and push the ideology of antiracism directly to students.” Critical Race Theory in Wake County, NC Schools | City Journal

"Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

Florida parents say the board's pledge promotes racism rather than dismantling it

In a mission statement posted to the board’s website, it vowed to eliminate racism and systems of inequity, but Florida parents have argued the statement is at odds with their intended goal.

"Your statement is dividing us, and it incites racism," mother of two, Jessica Martinez, told board members Wednesday, according to The Palm Beach Post.

The statement says the board is committed to "dismantling structures rooted in white advantage and transforming our system by hearing and elevating under-represented voices, sharing power, recognizing and eliminating bias, and redistributing resources to provide equitable outcomes."

"Equity, as you are calling it, is a political view and it is racist," Amanda Silvestri told the board. "None of this despicable, political, racist nonsense should be pushed on innocent children and has absolutely no business being taught in schools," she added."

Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

A Florida county school board could be revamping their core principles after weeks of parental backlash to the boards pledge to dismantle “white advantage” in their school system.

"The American Rescue Plan (ARP) requires school districts to reserve 20 percent of funds for “evidence-based” interventions that “respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs”—a very sensible charge. But the devil is in the definition, and the administration’s guidance booklet for spending ARP funds suggests that students’ social and emotional needs include the disruption of “whiteness” and the propagation of Critical Race Theory (CRT) ideology. The “Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students’ Needs” explains that “schools are microcosms of society,” and that therefore “intentional conversations related to race and social emotional learning . . . are the foundation for participating in a democracy and should be anchor tenets in building a schoolwide system of educational opportunity.”

The guidance document links to the Abolitionist Teaching Network’s “Guide for Racial Justice & Abolitionist Social and Emotional Learning.

While parents are still waking up to the reality that Biden’s Department of Education wants to indoctrinate their children, no close observer should be surprised. After all, when Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona served as commissioner of education in Connecticut, he insisted that “we need teachers behind this wave of our curriculum becoming ‘woke.’” When Deputy Secretary of Education Cindy Marten led the San Diego Unified School District, she oversaw teacher training that accused white teachers of “spirit murdering” black students."

Biden Admin Funds Antiracist Therapy for “White Educators”

The American Rescue Plan requires school districts to reserve funds for Critical Race Theory programs.

Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'

Minnesota Teacher of the Year award recipient and “anti-racist” advocate states White Teachers are the reason why “students of color” do not succeed in the classroom.
Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'
33. “Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of “Capitalism” and “White Supremacy,” Encourages Them To Remember “Jihad” And Reject Objectivity A school board member gave a graduation speech in which she told a mainly-immigrant class of high schoolers that they were entering a world filled with “racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, [and] white supremacy,” and encouraged them to remember their “jihad” and reject the concepts of objectivity and neutrality.

Fairfax County school board member Abrar Omeish gave the keynote address at the commencement for Justice High School in Falls Church, Virginia on June 7. “ Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of "Capitalism" and "White Supremacy," Encourages Them To Remember "Jihad" And Reject Objectivity
Yes, dear. We know how well you copy and paste. Here's your good girl sticker.

View attachment 506169

One wonders if these thrashings that you've taken give you pause, and a re-consideration about simply rubber-stamping whatever savage doctrines your party saddles you with.

It really is alright to think, and question.

Says the sloppy, rubber-stamping repetitive cult-n-paster.

"....repetitive cult-n-paster."

It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?


If only you were as well-read, educated, and intelligent.....well, you wouldn't be a Democrat slave.
Yes… cult. Hence the slavish devotion to questionable logic and alternative “facts”.

You’ve proven nothing but your willingness to perpetuate purposeful misinformation and lies.
A sure sign of weakness.

Said the man that believes that Trump said that w.s. are "very fine people".
What part of “ On both sides. On both sides” ,
regarding a rally organized by white supremacists does not include said white supremacists?

The non w.s. who support historical statues. As Trump clearly stated on tape.

That you are pretending to not know that, is you demonstrating that you are a shameless liar.
You are the pretender. I saw it live.

At best, your confirmation bias made you delusional. More likely you are just a liar.
“Very fine people” don’t march in solidarity with white supremacists.
Last edited:
Your post.

Oh, but she has an "out". That's why she does nothing but copy and paste other's opinions. Then she can say SHE didn't lie. :lol:

Everything I post is my opinion, or I wouldn't post it.

You must be an imbecile with a tenuous contact with both reality and the English language.

: a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter

Now you've learned a new word.
Gosh, thanks. I always heard that opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink.

The only word I need when it comes to you is H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E.

You think it's perfectly fine to teach intelligent design theory, a theory that has ZERO supporting evidence but do not want Critical Race Theory taught in school despite plenty of evidence that supporters it.

Thinking one theory should be presented and another should not, is not Hypocritical.

She probably thinks one theory has something good to offer the students and the other is doesn't.

That you needed that explained is.... very odd.
You know, you're probably right...Thinking a completely made up theory with zero supporting evidence should be taught while pitching a fit and falling into it about teaching a theory with decades of supporting evidence isn't hypocritical, it's straight up ignorant. Thanks!

Are you still doubting that the lies about America are being taught to the impressionable youth in government schools???

Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege An elementary school in Cupertino, California was reportedly caught brainwashing its third-grade students with the illiberal, racist doctrines of critical race theory.

Whistleblower documents provided to filmmaker, writer, and researcher Christopher Rufo of the Discovery Institute show that the children were forced to “deconstruct their racial and sexual identities” and “rank themselves according to their ‘power and privilege. “The teacher explained that the students live in a ‘dominant culture’ of ‘white, middle class, cisgender, educated, able-bodied, Christian, English-speaker,’ who, according to the lesson, ‘created and maintained’ this culture in order ‘to hold power and stay in power.' ”The teacher basically taught the children that normal, everyday white people — particularly the ones who are Christian — are bad.'” Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege

“A WA teacher's union president says reopening schools is an example of "white supremacy," concern over a child's mental health or suicide risk is "white privilege," and push to reopen schools is like rioters pushing to enter the U.S. Capitol.”
Rantz: Union head says opening schools is 'white supremacy,' suicide concern 'white privilege'

The Vice President of North Carolina’s largest teachers’ association is a self-avowed Marxist activist linked to Liberation Road – a “revolutionary socialist” group that follows the teachings of Karl Marx and Mao Zedong. The “revolutionary” – Bryan Proffitt – leads the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), which boasts over 43,000 members and revenues of over $8,000,000.” 43,000+ Teacher Association Leader Is "Revolutionary Socialist" Following Mao's Teachings, Weaponizing Schools Into 'Revolutionary' Hotbeds.

“A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

According to whistleblower documents and a source within the school, a fifth-grade teacher at the inner-city William D. Kelley School designed a social studies curriculum to celebrate Davis, praising the “black communist” for her fight against “injustice and inequality.”

…marched on the stage, holding signs that read “Black Power,” “Jail Trump,” “Free Angela,” and “Black Power Matters.”

Academically, it is one of the worst-performing schools in Pennsylvania. By sixth grade, only 3 percent of students are proficient in math, and 9 percent are proficient in reading. By graduation, only 13 percent of Kelley students will have achieved basic literacy.

Despite this abysmal academic performance, teachers and administrators at William Kelley have gradually abandoned traditional pedagogy in favor of political radicalism.”

Bad Education

A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

“…the Wake County Public School System, which serves the greater Raleigh, North Carolina area, held an equity-themed teachers’ conference with sessions on “whiteness,” “microaggressions,” “racial mapping,” and “disrupting texts,” encouraging educators to form “equity teams” in schools and push the new party line: “antiracism.” …began with a “land acknowledgement,” a ritual recognition suggesting that white North Carolinians are colonizers on stolen Native American land….claimed that “(white) cultural values” include “denial,” “fear,” “blame,” “control,” “punishment,” “scarcity,” and “one-dimensional thinking.”

Parents, according to the teachers, should be considered an impediment to social justice. When one teacher asked, “How do you deal with parent pushback?” the answer was clear: ignore parental concerns and push the ideology of antiracism directly to students.” Critical Race Theory in Wake County, NC Schools | City Journal

"Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

Florida parents say the board's pledge promotes racism rather than dismantling it

In a mission statement posted to the board’s website, it vowed to eliminate racism and systems of inequity, but Florida parents have argued the statement is at odds with their intended goal.

"Your statement is dividing us, and it incites racism," mother of two, Jessica Martinez, told board members Wednesday, according to The Palm Beach Post.

The statement says the board is committed to "dismantling structures rooted in white advantage and transforming our system by hearing and elevating under-represented voices, sharing power, recognizing and eliminating bias, and redistributing resources to provide equitable outcomes."

"Equity, as you are calling it, is a political view and it is racist," Amanda Silvestri told the board. "None of this despicable, political, racist nonsense should be pushed on innocent children and has absolutely no business being taught in schools," she added."

Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

A Florida county school board could be revamping their core principles after weeks of parental backlash to the boards pledge to dismantle “white advantage” in their school system.

"The American Rescue Plan (ARP) requires school districts to reserve 20 percent of funds for “evidence-based” interventions that “respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs”—a very sensible charge. But the devil is in the definition, and the administration’s guidance booklet for spending ARP funds suggests that students’ social and emotional needs include the disruption of “whiteness” and the propagation of Critical Race Theory (CRT) ideology. The “Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students’ Needs” explains that “schools are microcosms of society,” and that therefore “intentional conversations related to race and social emotional learning . . . are the foundation for participating in a democracy and should be anchor tenets in building a schoolwide system of educational opportunity.”

The guidance document links to the Abolitionist Teaching Network’s “Guide for Racial Justice & Abolitionist Social and Emotional Learning.

While parents are still waking up to the reality that Biden’s Department of Education wants to indoctrinate their children, no close observer should be surprised. After all, when Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona served as commissioner of education in Connecticut, he insisted that “we need teachers behind this wave of our curriculum becoming ‘woke.’” When Deputy Secretary of Education Cindy Marten led the San Diego Unified School District, she oversaw teacher training that accused white teachers of “spirit murdering” black students."

Biden Admin Funds Antiracist Therapy for “White Educators”

The American Rescue Plan requires school districts to reserve funds for Critical Race Theory programs.

Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'

Minnesota Teacher of the Year award recipient and “anti-racist” advocate states White Teachers are the reason why “students of color” do not succeed in the classroom.
Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'
33. “Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of “Capitalism” and “White Supremacy,” Encourages Them To Remember “Jihad” And Reject Objectivity A school board member gave a graduation speech in which she told a mainly-immigrant class of high schoolers that they were entering a world filled with “racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, [and] white supremacy,” and encouraged them to remember their “jihad” and reject the concepts of objectivity and neutrality.

Fairfax County school board member Abrar Omeish gave the keynote address at the commencement for Justice High School in Falls Church, Virginia on June 7. “ Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of "Capitalism" and "White Supremacy," Encourages Them To Remember "Jihad" And Reject Objectivity
Yes, dear. We know how well you copy and paste. Here's your good girl sticker.

View attachment 506169

One wonders if these thrashings that you've taken give you pause, and a re-consideration about simply rubber-stamping whatever savage doctrines your party saddles you with.

It really is alright to think, and question.

Says the sloppy, rubber-stamping repetitive cult-n-paster.

"....repetitive cult-n-paster."

It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?


If only you were as well-read, educated, and intelligent.....well, you wouldn't be a Democrat slave.
Yes… cult. Hence the slavish devotion to questionable logic and alternative “facts”.

You’ve proven nothing but your willingness to perpetuate purposeful misinformation and lies.
A sure sign of weakness.

Said the man that believes that Trump said that w.s. are "very fine people".
He did. It's on video.

I love having these opportunities to smash a custard pie in your ugly, lying kisser:

, a lie on your part.

He was referring to folks for and opposed to Confederate statues.

From Left-leaning USAToday:
"To be fair, President Donald Trump was making a somewhat subtler point. In his colloquy with the press, he was not calling neo-Nazis great folks but arguing that many of the Confederate-statue-loving protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, were not neo-Nazis at all. Somehow, these “fine people” got mixed in with white supremacists shouting, “Jews will not replace us,” and never noticed their compatriots were not fine people, too."
One year after Charlottesville, Trump has normalized racism in America

"You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides... I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name... So you know what, it's fine. You're changing history. You're changing culture. And you had people -- and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally -- but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and White nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with helmets and with baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group."

You're really scum....but, just the sort the Democrat Party relies on.
Didn't matter how hard you kids try to spin it, I saw it. Reality is what it is, not what you wish it was, or in your case what your handlers tell you it should be.

and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally
Your post.

Oh, but she has an "out". That's why she does nothing but copy and paste other's opinions. Then she can say SHE didn't lie. :lol:

Everything I post is my opinion, or I wouldn't post it.

You must be an imbecile with a tenuous contact with both reality and the English language.

: a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter

Now you've learned a new word.
Gosh, thanks. I always heard that opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink.

The only word I need when it comes to you is H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E.

You think it's perfectly fine to teach intelligent design theory, a theory that has ZERO supporting evidence but do not want Critical Race Theory taught in school despite plenty of evidence that supporters it.

Thinking one theory should be presented and another should not, is not Hypocritical.

She probably thinks one theory has something good to offer the students and the other is doesn't.

That you needed that explained is.... very odd.
You know, you're probably right...Thinking a completely made up theory with zero supporting evidence should be taught while pitching a fit and falling into it about teaching a theory with decades of supporting evidence isn't hypocritical, it's straight up ignorant. Thanks!

Are you still doubting that the lies about America are being taught to the impressionable youth in government schools???

Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege An elementary school in Cupertino, California was reportedly caught brainwashing its third-grade students with the illiberal, racist doctrines of critical race theory.

Whistleblower documents provided to filmmaker, writer, and researcher Christopher Rufo of the Discovery Institute show that the children were forced to “deconstruct their racial and sexual identities” and “rank themselves according to their ‘power and privilege. “The teacher explained that the students live in a ‘dominant culture’ of ‘white, middle class, cisgender, educated, able-bodied, Christian, English-speaker,’ who, according to the lesson, ‘created and maintained’ this culture in order ‘to hold power and stay in power.' ”The teacher basically taught the children that normal, everyday white people — particularly the ones who are Christian — are bad.'” Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege

“A WA teacher's union president says reopening schools is an example of "white supremacy," concern over a child's mental health or suicide risk is "white privilege," and push to reopen schools is like rioters pushing to enter the U.S. Capitol.”
Rantz: Union head says opening schools is 'white supremacy,' suicide concern 'white privilege'

The Vice President of North Carolina’s largest teachers’ association is a self-avowed Marxist activist linked to Liberation Road – a “revolutionary socialist” group that follows the teachings of Karl Marx and Mao Zedong. The “revolutionary” – Bryan Proffitt – leads the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), which boasts over 43,000 members and revenues of over $8,000,000.” 43,000+ Teacher Association Leader Is "Revolutionary Socialist" Following Mao's Teachings, Weaponizing Schools Into 'Revolutionary' Hotbeds.

“A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

According to whistleblower documents and a source within the school, a fifth-grade teacher at the inner-city William D. Kelley School designed a social studies curriculum to celebrate Davis, praising the “black communist” for her fight against “injustice and inequality.”

…marched on the stage, holding signs that read “Black Power,” “Jail Trump,” “Free Angela,” and “Black Power Matters.”

Academically, it is one of the worst-performing schools in Pennsylvania. By sixth grade, only 3 percent of students are proficient in math, and 9 percent are proficient in reading. By graduation, only 13 percent of Kelley students will have achieved basic literacy.

Despite this abysmal academic performance, teachers and administrators at William Kelley have gradually abandoned traditional pedagogy in favor of political radicalism.”

Bad Education

A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

“…the Wake County Public School System, which serves the greater Raleigh, North Carolina area, held an equity-themed teachers’ conference with sessions on “whiteness,” “microaggressions,” “racial mapping,” and “disrupting texts,” encouraging educators to form “equity teams” in schools and push the new party line: “antiracism.” …began with a “land acknowledgement,” a ritual recognition suggesting that white North Carolinians are colonizers on stolen Native American land….claimed that “(white) cultural values” include “denial,” “fear,” “blame,” “control,” “punishment,” “scarcity,” and “one-dimensional thinking.”

Parents, according to the teachers, should be considered an impediment to social justice. When one teacher asked, “How do you deal with parent pushback?” the answer was clear: ignore parental concerns and push the ideology of antiracism directly to students.” Critical Race Theory in Wake County, NC Schools | City Journal

"Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

Florida parents say the board's pledge promotes racism rather than dismantling it

In a mission statement posted to the board’s website, it vowed to eliminate racism and systems of inequity, but Florida parents have argued the statement is at odds with their intended goal.

"Your statement is dividing us, and it incites racism," mother of two, Jessica Martinez, told board members Wednesday, according to The Palm Beach Post.

The statement says the board is committed to "dismantling structures rooted in white advantage and transforming our system by hearing and elevating under-represented voices, sharing power, recognizing and eliminating bias, and redistributing resources to provide equitable outcomes."

"Equity, as you are calling it, is a political view and it is racist," Amanda Silvestri told the board. "None of this despicable, political, racist nonsense should be pushed on innocent children and has absolutely no business being taught in schools," she added."

Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

A Florida county school board could be revamping their core principles after weeks of parental backlash to the boards pledge to dismantle “white advantage” in their school system.

"The American Rescue Plan (ARP) requires school districts to reserve 20 percent of funds for “evidence-based” interventions that “respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs”—a very sensible charge. But the devil is in the definition, and the administration’s guidance booklet for spending ARP funds suggests that students’ social and emotional needs include the disruption of “whiteness” and the propagation of Critical Race Theory (CRT) ideology. The “Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students’ Needs” explains that “schools are microcosms of society,” and that therefore “intentional conversations related to race and social emotional learning . . . are the foundation for participating in a democracy and should be anchor tenets in building a schoolwide system of educational opportunity.”

The guidance document links to the Abolitionist Teaching Network’s “Guide for Racial Justice & Abolitionist Social and Emotional Learning.

While parents are still waking up to the reality that Biden’s Department of Education wants to indoctrinate their children, no close observer should be surprised. After all, when Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona served as commissioner of education in Connecticut, he insisted that “we need teachers behind this wave of our curriculum becoming ‘woke.’” When Deputy Secretary of Education Cindy Marten led the San Diego Unified School District, she oversaw teacher training that accused white teachers of “spirit murdering” black students."

Biden Admin Funds Antiracist Therapy for “White Educators”

The American Rescue Plan requires school districts to reserve funds for Critical Race Theory programs.

Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'

Minnesota Teacher of the Year award recipient and “anti-racist” advocate states White Teachers are the reason why “students of color” do not succeed in the classroom.
Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'
33. “Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of “Capitalism” and “White Supremacy,” Encourages Them To Remember “Jihad” And Reject Objectivity A school board member gave a graduation speech in which she told a mainly-immigrant class of high schoolers that they were entering a world filled with “racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, [and] white supremacy,” and encouraged them to remember their “jihad” and reject the concepts of objectivity and neutrality.

Fairfax County school board member Abrar Omeish gave the keynote address at the commencement for Justice High School in Falls Church, Virginia on June 7. “ Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of "Capitalism" and "White Supremacy," Encourages Them To Remember "Jihad" And Reject Objectivity
Yes, dear. We know how well you copy and paste. Here's your good girl sticker.

View attachment 506169

One wonders if these thrashings that you've taken give you pause, and a re-consideration about simply rubber-stamping whatever savage doctrines your party saddles you with.

It really is alright to think, and question.

Says the sloppy, rubber-stamping repetitive cult-n-paster.

"....repetitive cult-n-paster."

It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?


If only you were as well-read, educated, and intelligent.....well, you wouldn't be a Democrat slave.
Yes… cult. Hence the slavish devotion to questionable logic and alternative “facts”.

You’ve proven nothing but your willingness to perpetuate purposeful misinformation and lies.
A sure sign of weakness.

Said the man that believes that Trump said that w.s. are "very fine people".
He did. It's on video.

No, it's not. YOu just proved, AGAIN, that you are a shameless liar and nothing you say should be given ANY weight.

That bit above? Where you claim that PoliticalChick failed to prove anything? THat was probably a lie. That is the type of thing liars say, when they have lost a debate.
It's there. I've seen it.

Link or lie.
I don't play the "water is wet" game.

You've seen it.

An admission that you've simply lied.
How can you have racial "equality" between two races (whatever that means) that are significantly different, intellectually and culturally?

Can't find a single white American to play on the U.S. Olympic basketball team?

Close to zero Blacks earning advanced STEM degrees?

70% illegitimacy rate for Blacks?

How in the world would "equality" result from these quantifiable differences? It is absurd.
IKR…. It’s almost as if generations of purposeful disadvantage have caused such damage that it may never be undone. Especially when so many work so diligently to deny any disadvantage even exist or ever existed. It’s like the entire system is geared to that outcome.

The illegitimacy rate is RISING as society has become far less wacist.

So, blaming the past, is not valid.
It’s not the past. That’s the point.

THAT'S insane. For generations NOW, national policy has been one of purposeful ADVANTAGE for blacks to "make up for past discrimination".

Thus, your previous point is even more wrong.
On paper anyway. Just not in state and municipal policies and practices.

Link or lie.
We are within days of the Chauvin sentencing. It’s significant as it represents an exception to the way police are typically held to account and not the rule.

Hopefully other state and municipal police forces will embrace accountability rather than what has regrettably become the standard.

"....what has regrettably become the standard."

I love having the opportunity to smash yet another custard pie in your lying face.

“The pretense is that police conduct stands as the root of Black problems. In recent times, there is an average of 9,252 Black-on-Black murders every year. Over the past 35 years, that translates into nearly 324,000 Blacks murdered at the hands of other Blacks.

Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald reports that “a police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a Black male than an unarmed Black male is to be killed by a police officer.” Crime is a major problem for many Black communities, but how much of it can be attributed to causes such as institutional racism, systemic racism and white privilege?

The most devastating problem is the very weak Black family structure. Less than a third of Black children live in two-parent households and illegitimacy stands at 75%. The “legacy of slavery” is often blamed. Such an explanation turns out to be sheer nonsense when one examines Black history.

An 1880 study of family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of all Black families were nuclear families. There were only slight differences in family structure between racial groups. The percentages of nuclear families were: black (75.2%), Irish (82.2%), German (84.5%) and native white Americans (73.1%).

The absence of a father in the home predisposes children, especially boys, to academic failure, criminal behavior and economic hardship, not to mention an intergenerational repeating of handicaps. If today’s weak family structure is a legacy of slavery, then the people who make such a claim must tell us how it has managed to skip nearly five generations to have an effect.

There are problems such as grossly poor education, economic stagnation and poverty that impact the Black community heavily. I would like someone to explain how tearing down statues of Christopher Columbus, Thomas Jefferson and Confederate generals help the Black cause. Destruction of symbols of American history might help relieve the frustrations of all those white college students and their professors frustrated by the 2016 election of President Donald Trump. Problems that Black people face give white leftists cover for their anti-American agenda.”
Walter Williams: Is racism responsible for today’s Black problems?

Wasn't that fun????
Your post.

Oh, but she has an "out". That's why she does nothing but copy and paste other's opinions. Then she can say SHE didn't lie. :lol:

Everything I post is my opinion, or I wouldn't post it.

You must be an imbecile with a tenuous contact with both reality and the English language.

: a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter

Now you've learned a new word.
Gosh, thanks. I always heard that opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink.

The only word I need when it comes to you is H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E.

You think it's perfectly fine to teach intelligent design theory, a theory that has ZERO supporting evidence but do not want Critical Race Theory taught in school despite plenty of evidence that supporters it.

Thinking one theory should be presented and another should not, is not Hypocritical.

She probably thinks one theory has something good to offer the students and the other is doesn't.

That you needed that explained is.... very odd.
You know, you're probably right...Thinking a completely made up theory with zero supporting evidence should be taught while pitching a fit and falling into it about teaching a theory with decades of supporting evidence isn't hypocritical, it's straight up ignorant. Thanks!

Are you still doubting that the lies about America are being taught to the impressionable youth in government schools???

Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege An elementary school in Cupertino, California was reportedly caught brainwashing its third-grade students with the illiberal, racist doctrines of critical race theory.

Whistleblower documents provided to filmmaker, writer, and researcher Christopher Rufo of the Discovery Institute show that the children were forced to “deconstruct their racial and sexual identities” and “rank themselves according to their ‘power and privilege. “The teacher explained that the students live in a ‘dominant culture’ of ‘white, middle class, cisgender, educated, able-bodied, Christian, English-speaker,’ who, according to the lesson, ‘created and maintained’ this culture in order ‘to hold power and stay in power.' ”The teacher basically taught the children that normal, everyday white people — particularly the ones who are Christian — are bad.'” Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege

“A WA teacher's union president says reopening schools is an example of "white supremacy," concern over a child's mental health or suicide risk is "white privilege," and push to reopen schools is like rioters pushing to enter the U.S. Capitol.”
Rantz: Union head says opening schools is 'white supremacy,' suicide concern 'white privilege'

The Vice President of North Carolina’s largest teachers’ association is a self-avowed Marxist activist linked to Liberation Road – a “revolutionary socialist” group that follows the teachings of Karl Marx and Mao Zedong. The “revolutionary” – Bryan Proffitt – leads the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), which boasts over 43,000 members and revenues of over $8,000,000.” 43,000+ Teacher Association Leader Is "Revolutionary Socialist" Following Mao's Teachings, Weaponizing Schools Into 'Revolutionary' Hotbeds.

“A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

According to whistleblower documents and a source within the school, a fifth-grade teacher at the inner-city William D. Kelley School designed a social studies curriculum to celebrate Davis, praising the “black communist” for her fight against “injustice and inequality.”

…marched on the stage, holding signs that read “Black Power,” “Jail Trump,” “Free Angela,” and “Black Power Matters.”

Academically, it is one of the worst-performing schools in Pennsylvania. By sixth grade, only 3 percent of students are proficient in math, and 9 percent are proficient in reading. By graduation, only 13 percent of Kelley students will have achieved basic literacy.

Despite this abysmal academic performance, teachers and administrators at William Kelley have gradually abandoned traditional pedagogy in favor of political radicalism.”

Bad Education

A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

“…the Wake County Public School System, which serves the greater Raleigh, North Carolina area, held an equity-themed teachers’ conference with sessions on “whiteness,” “microaggressions,” “racial mapping,” and “disrupting texts,” encouraging educators to form “equity teams” in schools and push the new party line: “antiracism.” …began with a “land acknowledgement,” a ritual recognition suggesting that white North Carolinians are colonizers on stolen Native American land….claimed that “(white) cultural values” include “denial,” “fear,” “blame,” “control,” “punishment,” “scarcity,” and “one-dimensional thinking.”

Parents, according to the teachers, should be considered an impediment to social justice. When one teacher asked, “How do you deal with parent pushback?” the answer was clear: ignore parental concerns and push the ideology of antiracism directly to students.” Critical Race Theory in Wake County, NC Schools | City Journal

"Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

Florida parents say the board's pledge promotes racism rather than dismantling it

In a mission statement posted to the board’s website, it vowed to eliminate racism and systems of inequity, but Florida parents have argued the statement is at odds with their intended goal.

"Your statement is dividing us, and it incites racism," mother of two, Jessica Martinez, told board members Wednesday, according to The Palm Beach Post.

The statement says the board is committed to "dismantling structures rooted in white advantage and transforming our system by hearing and elevating under-represented voices, sharing power, recognizing and eliminating bias, and redistributing resources to provide equitable outcomes."

"Equity, as you are calling it, is a political view and it is racist," Amanda Silvestri told the board. "None of this despicable, political, racist nonsense should be pushed on innocent children and has absolutely no business being taught in schools," she added."

Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

A Florida county school board could be revamping their core principles after weeks of parental backlash to the boards pledge to dismantle “white advantage” in their school system.

"The American Rescue Plan (ARP) requires school districts to reserve 20 percent of funds for “evidence-based” interventions that “respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs”—a very sensible charge. But the devil is in the definition, and the administration’s guidance booklet for spending ARP funds suggests that students’ social and emotional needs include the disruption of “whiteness” and the propagation of Critical Race Theory (CRT) ideology. The “Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students’ Needs” explains that “schools are microcosms of society,” and that therefore “intentional conversations related to race and social emotional learning . . . are the foundation for participating in a democracy and should be anchor tenets in building a schoolwide system of educational opportunity.”

The guidance document links to the Abolitionist Teaching Network’s “Guide for Racial Justice & Abolitionist Social and Emotional Learning.

While parents are still waking up to the reality that Biden’s Department of Education wants to indoctrinate their children, no close observer should be surprised. After all, when Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona served as commissioner of education in Connecticut, he insisted that “we need teachers behind this wave of our curriculum becoming ‘woke.’” When Deputy Secretary of Education Cindy Marten led the San Diego Unified School District, she oversaw teacher training that accused white teachers of “spirit murdering” black students."

Biden Admin Funds Antiracist Therapy for “White Educators”

The American Rescue Plan requires school districts to reserve funds for Critical Race Theory programs.

Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'

Minnesota Teacher of the Year award recipient and “anti-racist” advocate states White Teachers are the reason why “students of color” do not succeed in the classroom.
Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'
33. “Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of “Capitalism” and “White Supremacy,” Encourages Them To Remember “Jihad” And Reject Objectivity A school board member gave a graduation speech in which she told a mainly-immigrant class of high schoolers that they were entering a world filled with “racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, [and] white supremacy,” and encouraged them to remember their “jihad” and reject the concepts of objectivity and neutrality.

Fairfax County school board member Abrar Omeish gave the keynote address at the commencement for Justice High School in Falls Church, Virginia on June 7. “ Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of "Capitalism" and "White Supremacy," Encourages Them To Remember "Jihad" And Reject Objectivity
Yes, dear. We know how well you copy and paste. Here's your good girl sticker.

View attachment 506169

One wonders if these thrashings that you've taken give you pause, and a re-consideration about simply rubber-stamping whatever savage doctrines your party saddles you with.

It really is alright to think, and question.

Says the sloppy, rubber-stamping repetitive cult-n-paster.

"....repetitive cult-n-paster."

It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?


If only you were as well-read, educated, and intelligent.....well, you wouldn't be a Democrat slave.
Yes… cult. Hence the slavish devotion to questionable logic and alternative “facts”.

You’ve proven nothing but your willingness to perpetuate purposeful misinformation and lies.
A sure sign of weakness.

Said the man that believes that Trump said that w.s. are "very fine people".
What part of “ On both sides. On both sides” ,
regarding a rally organized by white supremacists does not include said white supremacists?

The non w.s. who support historical statues. As Trump clearly stated on tape.

That you are pretending to not know that, is you demonstrating that you are a shameless liar.
You are the pretender. I saw it live.

At best, your confirmation bias made you delusional. More likely you are just a liar.
“Very fine people” don’t march in solidarity with white supremacists.

As we have just proven, Trump never said it.

You don't seem to mind being exposed as a lying low-life, huh?

Must happen a great deal.
Your post.

Oh, but she has an "out". That's why she does nothing but copy and paste other's opinions. Then she can say SHE didn't lie. :lol:

Everything I post is my opinion, or I wouldn't post it.

You must be an imbecile with a tenuous contact with both reality and the English language.

: a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter

Now you've learned a new word.
Gosh, thanks. I always heard that opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink.

The only word I need when it comes to you is H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E.

You think it's perfectly fine to teach intelligent design theory, a theory that has ZERO supporting evidence but do not want Critical Race Theory taught in school despite plenty of evidence that supporters it.

Thinking one theory should be presented and another should not, is not Hypocritical.

She probably thinks one theory has something good to offer the students and the other is doesn't.

That you needed that explained is.... very odd.
You know, you're probably right...Thinking a completely made up theory with zero supporting evidence should be taught while pitching a fit and falling into it about teaching a theory with decades of supporting evidence isn't hypocritical, it's straight up ignorant. Thanks!

Are you still doubting that the lies about America are being taught to the impressionable youth in government schools???

Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege An elementary school in Cupertino, California was reportedly caught brainwashing its third-grade students with the illiberal, racist doctrines of critical race theory.

Whistleblower documents provided to filmmaker, writer, and researcher Christopher Rufo of the Discovery Institute show that the children were forced to “deconstruct their racial and sexual identities” and “rank themselves according to their ‘power and privilege. “The teacher explained that the students live in a ‘dominant culture’ of ‘white, middle class, cisgender, educated, able-bodied, Christian, English-speaker,’ who, according to the lesson, ‘created and maintained’ this culture in order ‘to hold power and stay in power.' ”The teacher basically taught the children that normal, everyday white people — particularly the ones who are Christian — are bad.'” Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege

“A WA teacher's union president says reopening schools is an example of "white supremacy," concern over a child's mental health or suicide risk is "white privilege," and push to reopen schools is like rioters pushing to enter the U.S. Capitol.”
Rantz: Union head says opening schools is 'white supremacy,' suicide concern 'white privilege'

The Vice President of North Carolina’s largest teachers’ association is a self-avowed Marxist activist linked to Liberation Road – a “revolutionary socialist” group that follows the teachings of Karl Marx and Mao Zedong. The “revolutionary” – Bryan Proffitt – leads the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), which boasts over 43,000 members and revenues of over $8,000,000.” 43,000+ Teacher Association Leader Is "Revolutionary Socialist" Following Mao's Teachings, Weaponizing Schools Into 'Revolutionary' Hotbeds.

“A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

According to whistleblower documents and a source within the school, a fifth-grade teacher at the inner-city William D. Kelley School designed a social studies curriculum to celebrate Davis, praising the “black communist” for her fight against “injustice and inequality.”

…marched on the stage, holding signs that read “Black Power,” “Jail Trump,” “Free Angela,” and “Black Power Matters.”

Academically, it is one of the worst-performing schools in Pennsylvania. By sixth grade, only 3 percent of students are proficient in math, and 9 percent are proficient in reading. By graduation, only 13 percent of Kelley students will have achieved basic literacy.

Despite this abysmal academic performance, teachers and administrators at William Kelley have gradually abandoned traditional pedagogy in favor of political radicalism.”

Bad Education

A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

“…the Wake County Public School System, which serves the greater Raleigh, North Carolina area, held an equity-themed teachers’ conference with sessions on “whiteness,” “microaggressions,” “racial mapping,” and “disrupting texts,” encouraging educators to form “equity teams” in schools and push the new party line: “antiracism.” …began with a “land acknowledgement,” a ritual recognition suggesting that white North Carolinians are colonizers on stolen Native American land….claimed that “(white) cultural values” include “denial,” “fear,” “blame,” “control,” “punishment,” “scarcity,” and “one-dimensional thinking.”

Parents, according to the teachers, should be considered an impediment to social justice. When one teacher asked, “How do you deal with parent pushback?” the answer was clear: ignore parental concerns and push the ideology of antiracism directly to students.” Critical Race Theory in Wake County, NC Schools | City Journal

"Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

Florida parents say the board's pledge promotes racism rather than dismantling it

In a mission statement posted to the board’s website, it vowed to eliminate racism and systems of inequity, but Florida parents have argued the statement is at odds with their intended goal.

"Your statement is dividing us, and it incites racism," mother of two, Jessica Martinez, told board members Wednesday, according to The Palm Beach Post.

The statement says the board is committed to "dismantling structures rooted in white advantage and transforming our system by hearing and elevating under-represented voices, sharing power, recognizing and eliminating bias, and redistributing resources to provide equitable outcomes."

"Equity, as you are calling it, is a political view and it is racist," Amanda Silvestri told the board. "None of this despicable, political, racist nonsense should be pushed on innocent children and has absolutely no business being taught in schools," she added."

Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

A Florida county school board could be revamping their core principles after weeks of parental backlash to the boards pledge to dismantle “white advantage” in their school system.

"The American Rescue Plan (ARP) requires school districts to reserve 20 percent of funds for “evidence-based” interventions that “respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs”—a very sensible charge. But the devil is in the definition, and the administration’s guidance booklet for spending ARP funds suggests that students’ social and emotional needs include the disruption of “whiteness” and the propagation of Critical Race Theory (CRT) ideology. The “Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students’ Needs” explains that “schools are microcosms of society,” and that therefore “intentional conversations related to race and social emotional learning . . . are the foundation for participating in a democracy and should be anchor tenets in building a schoolwide system of educational opportunity.”

The guidance document links to the Abolitionist Teaching Network’s “Guide for Racial Justice & Abolitionist Social and Emotional Learning.

While parents are still waking up to the reality that Biden’s Department of Education wants to indoctrinate their children, no close observer should be surprised. After all, when Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona served as commissioner of education in Connecticut, he insisted that “we need teachers behind this wave of our curriculum becoming ‘woke.’” When Deputy Secretary of Education Cindy Marten led the San Diego Unified School District, she oversaw teacher training that accused white teachers of “spirit murdering” black students."

Biden Admin Funds Antiracist Therapy for “White Educators”

The American Rescue Plan requires school districts to reserve funds for Critical Race Theory programs.

Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'

Minnesota Teacher of the Year award recipient and “anti-racist” advocate states White Teachers are the reason why “students of color” do not succeed in the classroom.
Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'
33. “Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of “Capitalism” and “White Supremacy,” Encourages Them To Remember “Jihad” And Reject Objectivity A school board member gave a graduation speech in which she told a mainly-immigrant class of high schoolers that they were entering a world filled with “racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, [and] white supremacy,” and encouraged them to remember their “jihad” and reject the concepts of objectivity and neutrality.

Fairfax County school board member Abrar Omeish gave the keynote address at the commencement for Justice High School in Falls Church, Virginia on June 7. “ Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of "Capitalism" and "White Supremacy," Encourages Them To Remember "Jihad" And Reject Objectivity
Yes, dear. We know how well you copy and paste. Here's your good girl sticker.

View attachment 506169

One wonders if these thrashings that you've taken give you pause, and a re-consideration about simply rubber-stamping whatever savage doctrines your party saddles you with.

It really is alright to think, and question.

Says the sloppy, rubber-stamping repetitive cult-n-paster.

"....repetitive cult-n-paster."

It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?


If only you were as well-read, educated, and intelligent.....well, you wouldn't be a Democrat slave.
Yes… cult. Hence the slavish devotion to questionable logic and alternative “facts”.

You’ve proven nothing but your willingness to perpetuate purposeful misinformation and lies.
A sure sign of weakness.

Said the man that believes that Trump said that w.s. are "very fine people".
He did. It's on video.

No, it's not. YOu just proved, AGAIN, that you are a shameless liar and nothing you say should be given ANY weight.

That bit above? Where you claim that PoliticalChick failed to prove anything? THat was probably a lie. That is the type of thing liars say, when they have lost a debate.
It's there. I've seen it.

Link or lie.
I don't play the "water is wet" game.

You've seen it.

You are a liar, who is lying, right now. You lose. You are busted. That you people manage to hold firm on your lie to the point of making it "stick" is not to your credit, but to your shame, and a major problem for our society.
Your post.

Oh, but she has an "out". That's why she does nothing but copy and paste other's opinions. Then she can say SHE didn't lie. :lol:

Everything I post is my opinion, or I wouldn't post it.

You must be an imbecile with a tenuous contact with both reality and the English language.

: a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter

Now you've learned a new word.
Gosh, thanks. I always heard that opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink.

The only word I need when it comes to you is H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E.

You think it's perfectly fine to teach intelligent design theory, a theory that has ZERO supporting evidence but do not want Critical Race Theory taught in school despite plenty of evidence that supporters it.

Thinking one theory should be presented and another should not, is not Hypocritical.

She probably thinks one theory has something good to offer the students and the other is doesn't.

That you needed that explained is.... very odd.
You know, you're probably right...Thinking a completely made up theory with zero supporting evidence should be taught while pitching a fit and falling into it about teaching a theory with decades of supporting evidence isn't hypocritical, it's straight up ignorant. Thanks!

Are you still doubting that the lies about America are being taught to the impressionable youth in government schools???

Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege An elementary school in Cupertino, California was reportedly caught brainwashing its third-grade students with the illiberal, racist doctrines of critical race theory.

Whistleblower documents provided to filmmaker, writer, and researcher Christopher Rufo of the Discovery Institute show that the children were forced to “deconstruct their racial and sexual identities” and “rank themselves according to their ‘power and privilege. “The teacher explained that the students live in a ‘dominant culture’ of ‘white, middle class, cisgender, educated, able-bodied, Christian, English-speaker,’ who, according to the lesson, ‘created and maintained’ this culture in order ‘to hold power and stay in power.' ”The teacher basically taught the children that normal, everyday white people — particularly the ones who are Christian — are bad.'” Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege

“A WA teacher's union president says reopening schools is an example of "white supremacy," concern over a child's mental health or suicide risk is "white privilege," and push to reopen schools is like rioters pushing to enter the U.S. Capitol.”
Rantz: Union head says opening schools is 'white supremacy,' suicide concern 'white privilege'

The Vice President of North Carolina’s largest teachers’ association is a self-avowed Marxist activist linked to Liberation Road – a “revolutionary socialist” group that follows the teachings of Karl Marx and Mao Zedong. The “revolutionary” – Bryan Proffitt – leads the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), which boasts over 43,000 members and revenues of over $8,000,000.” 43,000+ Teacher Association Leader Is "Revolutionary Socialist" Following Mao's Teachings, Weaponizing Schools Into 'Revolutionary' Hotbeds.

“A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

According to whistleblower documents and a source within the school, a fifth-grade teacher at the inner-city William D. Kelley School designed a social studies curriculum to celebrate Davis, praising the “black communist” for her fight against “injustice and inequality.”

…marched on the stage, holding signs that read “Black Power,” “Jail Trump,” “Free Angela,” and “Black Power Matters.”

Academically, it is one of the worst-performing schools in Pennsylvania. By sixth grade, only 3 percent of students are proficient in math, and 9 percent are proficient in reading. By graduation, only 13 percent of Kelley students will have achieved basic literacy.

Despite this abysmal academic performance, teachers and administrators at William Kelley have gradually abandoned traditional pedagogy in favor of political radicalism.”

Bad Education

A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

“…the Wake County Public School System, which serves the greater Raleigh, North Carolina area, held an equity-themed teachers’ conference with sessions on “whiteness,” “microaggressions,” “racial mapping,” and “disrupting texts,” encouraging educators to form “equity teams” in schools and push the new party line: “antiracism.” …began with a “land acknowledgement,” a ritual recognition suggesting that white North Carolinians are colonizers on stolen Native American land….claimed that “(white) cultural values” include “denial,” “fear,” “blame,” “control,” “punishment,” “scarcity,” and “one-dimensional thinking.”

Parents, according to the teachers, should be considered an impediment to social justice. When one teacher asked, “How do you deal with parent pushback?” the answer was clear: ignore parental concerns and push the ideology of antiracism directly to students.” Critical Race Theory in Wake County, NC Schools | City Journal

"Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

Florida parents say the board's pledge promotes racism rather than dismantling it

In a mission statement posted to the board’s website, it vowed to eliminate racism and systems of inequity, but Florida parents have argued the statement is at odds with their intended goal.

"Your statement is dividing us, and it incites racism," mother of two, Jessica Martinez, told board members Wednesday, according to The Palm Beach Post.

The statement says the board is committed to "dismantling structures rooted in white advantage and transforming our system by hearing and elevating under-represented voices, sharing power, recognizing and eliminating bias, and redistributing resources to provide equitable outcomes."

"Equity, as you are calling it, is a political view and it is racist," Amanda Silvestri told the board. "None of this despicable, political, racist nonsense should be pushed on innocent children and has absolutely no business being taught in schools," she added."

Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

A Florida county school board could be revamping their core principles after weeks of parental backlash to the boards pledge to dismantle “white advantage” in their school system.

"The American Rescue Plan (ARP) requires school districts to reserve 20 percent of funds for “evidence-based” interventions that “respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs”—a very sensible charge. But the devil is in the definition, and the administration’s guidance booklet for spending ARP funds suggests that students’ social and emotional needs include the disruption of “whiteness” and the propagation of Critical Race Theory (CRT) ideology. The “Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students’ Needs” explains that “schools are microcosms of society,” and that therefore “intentional conversations related to race and social emotional learning . . . are the foundation for participating in a democracy and should be anchor tenets in building a schoolwide system of educational opportunity.”

The guidance document links to the Abolitionist Teaching Network’s “Guide for Racial Justice & Abolitionist Social and Emotional Learning.

While parents are still waking up to the reality that Biden’s Department of Education wants to indoctrinate their children, no close observer should be surprised. After all, when Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona served as commissioner of education in Connecticut, he insisted that “we need teachers behind this wave of our curriculum becoming ‘woke.’” When Deputy Secretary of Education Cindy Marten led the San Diego Unified School District, she oversaw teacher training that accused white teachers of “spirit murdering” black students."

Biden Admin Funds Antiracist Therapy for “White Educators”

The American Rescue Plan requires school districts to reserve funds for Critical Race Theory programs.

Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'

Minnesota Teacher of the Year award recipient and “anti-racist” advocate states White Teachers are the reason why “students of color” do not succeed in the classroom.
Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'
33. “Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of “Capitalism” and “White Supremacy,” Encourages Them To Remember “Jihad” And Reject Objectivity A school board member gave a graduation speech in which she told a mainly-immigrant class of high schoolers that they were entering a world filled with “racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, [and] white supremacy,” and encouraged them to remember their “jihad” and reject the concepts of objectivity and neutrality.

Fairfax County school board member Abrar Omeish gave the keynote address at the commencement for Justice High School in Falls Church, Virginia on June 7. “ Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of "Capitalism" and "White Supremacy," Encourages Them To Remember "Jihad" And Reject Objectivity
Yes, dear. We know how well you copy and paste. Here's your good girl sticker.

View attachment 506169

One wonders if these thrashings that you've taken give you pause, and a re-consideration about simply rubber-stamping whatever savage doctrines your party saddles you with.

It really is alright to think, and question.

Says the sloppy, rubber-stamping repetitive cult-n-paster.

"....repetitive cult-n-paster."

It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?


If only you were as well-read, educated, and intelligent.....well, you wouldn't be a Democrat slave.
Yes… cult. Hence the slavish devotion to questionable logic and alternative “facts”.

You’ve proven nothing but your willingness to perpetuate purposeful misinformation and lies.
A sure sign of weakness.

Said the man that believes that Trump said that w.s. are "very fine people".
He did. It's on video.

I love having these opportunities to smash a custard pie in your ugly, lying kisser:

, a lie on your part.

He was referring to folks for and opposed to Confederate statues.

From Left-leaning USAToday:
"To be fair, President Donald Trump was making a somewhat subtler point. In his colloquy with the press, he was not calling neo-Nazis great folks but arguing that many of the Confederate-statue-loving protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, were not neo-Nazis at all. Somehow, these “fine people” got mixed in with white supremacists shouting, “Jews will not replace us,” and never noticed their compatriots were not fine people, too."
One year after Charlottesville, Trump has normalized racism in America

"You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides... I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name... So you know what, it's fine. You're changing history. You're changing culture. And you had people -- and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally -- but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and White nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with helmets and with baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group."

You're really scum....but, just the sort the Democrat Party relies on.

AND normally with these liberals, if you push hard enough, you can get them to admit that, yes, they know what he said, BUT they also "know" what he meant, which was blah, blah, blah.

BUT, then when you point out that, but you people always claim he SAID, that, not that you know he meant it.

Then they will generally IMMEDIATE start making the same argument that they just admitted was false. Seconds ago.

They are insanely dishonest. Or dishonestly insane.
RWNJ fantasies are funny

Perhaps. My point about the behavior of lying liberals, stands.

if you push hard enough, you can get them to admit that, yes, they know what he said, BUT they also "know" what he meant, which was blah, blah, blah.

BUT, then when you point out that, but you people always claim he SAID, that, not that you know he meant it.

Then they will generally IMMEDIATE start making the same argument that they just admitted was false. Seconds ago.

They are insanely dishonest. Or dishonestly insane.
Your post.

Oh, but she has an "out". That's why she does nothing but copy and paste other's opinions. Then she can say SHE didn't lie. :lol:

Everything I post is my opinion, or I wouldn't post it.

You must be an imbecile with a tenuous contact with both reality and the English language.

: a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter

Now you've learned a new word.
Gosh, thanks. I always heard that opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink.

The only word I need when it comes to you is H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E.

You think it's perfectly fine to teach intelligent design theory, a theory that has ZERO supporting evidence but do not want Critical Race Theory taught in school despite plenty of evidence that supporters it.

Thinking one theory should be presented and another should not, is not Hypocritical.

She probably thinks one theory has something good to offer the students and the other is doesn't.

That you needed that explained is.... very odd.
You know, you're probably right...Thinking a completely made up theory with zero supporting evidence should be taught while pitching a fit and falling into it about teaching a theory with decades of supporting evidence isn't hypocritical, it's straight up ignorant. Thanks!

Are you still doubting that the lies about America are being taught to the impressionable youth in government schools???

Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege An elementary school in Cupertino, California was reportedly caught brainwashing its third-grade students with the illiberal, racist doctrines of critical race theory.

Whistleblower documents provided to filmmaker, writer, and researcher Christopher Rufo of the Discovery Institute show that the children were forced to “deconstruct their racial and sexual identities” and “rank themselves according to their ‘power and privilege. “The teacher explained that the students live in a ‘dominant culture’ of ‘white, middle class, cisgender, educated, able-bodied, Christian, English-speaker,’ who, according to the lesson, ‘created and maintained’ this culture in order ‘to hold power and stay in power.' ”The teacher basically taught the children that normal, everyday white people — particularly the ones who are Christian — are bad.'” Third graders reportedly made to ‘deconstruct’ their identities, rank themselves according to power and privilege

“A WA teacher's union president says reopening schools is an example of "white supremacy," concern over a child's mental health or suicide risk is "white privilege," and push to reopen schools is like rioters pushing to enter the U.S. Capitol.”
Rantz: Union head says opening schools is 'white supremacy,' suicide concern 'white privilege'

The Vice President of North Carolina’s largest teachers’ association is a self-avowed Marxist activist linked to Liberation Road – a “revolutionary socialist” group that follows the teachings of Karl Marx and Mao Zedong. The “revolutionary” – Bryan Proffitt – leads the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), which boasts over 43,000 members and revenues of over $8,000,000.” 43,000+ Teacher Association Leader Is "Revolutionary Socialist" Following Mao's Teachings, Weaponizing Schools Into 'Revolutionary' Hotbeds.

“A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

According to whistleblower documents and a source within the school, a fifth-grade teacher at the inner-city William D. Kelley School designed a social studies curriculum to celebrate Davis, praising the “black communist” for her fight against “injustice and inequality.”

…marched on the stage, holding signs that read “Black Power,” “Jail Trump,” “Free Angela,” and “Black Power Matters.”

Academically, it is one of the worst-performing schools in Pennsylvania. By sixth grade, only 3 percent of students are proficient in math, and 9 percent are proficient in reading. By graduation, only 13 percent of Kelley students will have achieved basic literacy.

Despite this abysmal academic performance, teachers and administrators at William Kelley have gradually abandoned traditional pedagogy in favor of political radicalism.”

Bad Education

A Philadelphia elementary school recently forced fifth-grade students to celebrate “black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally in honor of political radical Angela Davis.

“…the Wake County Public School System, which serves the greater Raleigh, North Carolina area, held an equity-themed teachers’ conference with sessions on “whiteness,” “microaggressions,” “racial mapping,” and “disrupting texts,” encouraging educators to form “equity teams” in schools and push the new party line: “antiracism.” …began with a “land acknowledgement,” a ritual recognition suggesting that white North Carolinians are colonizers on stolen Native American land….claimed that “(white) cultural values” include “denial,” “fear,” “blame,” “control,” “punishment,” “scarcity,” and “one-dimensional thinking.”

Parents, according to the teachers, should be considered an impediment to social justice. When one teacher asked, “How do you deal with parent pushback?” the answer was clear: ignore parental concerns and push the ideology of antiracism directly to students.” Critical Race Theory in Wake County, NC Schools | City Journal

"Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

Florida parents say the board's pledge promotes racism rather than dismantling it

In a mission statement posted to the board’s website, it vowed to eliminate racism and systems of inequity, but Florida parents have argued the statement is at odds with their intended goal.

"Your statement is dividing us, and it incites racism," mother of two, Jessica Martinez, told board members Wednesday, according to The Palm Beach Post.

The statement says the board is committed to "dismantling structures rooted in white advantage and transforming our system by hearing and elevating under-represented voices, sharing power, recognizing and eliminating bias, and redistributing resources to provide equitable outcomes."

"Equity, as you are calling it, is a political view and it is racist," Amanda Silvestri told the board. "None of this despicable, political, racist nonsense should be pushed on innocent children and has absolutely no business being taught in schools," she added."

Florida parents outraged by school's 'White advantage' statement

A Florida county school board could be revamping their core principles after weeks of parental backlash to the boards pledge to dismantle “white advantage” in their school system.

"The American Rescue Plan (ARP) requires school districts to reserve 20 percent of funds for “evidence-based” interventions that “respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs”—a very sensible charge. But the devil is in the definition, and the administration’s guidance booklet for spending ARP funds suggests that students’ social and emotional needs include the disruption of “whiteness” and the propagation of Critical Race Theory (CRT) ideology. The “Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students’ Needs” explains that “schools are microcosms of society,” and that therefore “intentional conversations related to race and social emotional learning . . . are the foundation for participating in a democracy and should be anchor tenets in building a schoolwide system of educational opportunity.”

The guidance document links to the Abolitionist Teaching Network’s “Guide for Racial Justice & Abolitionist Social and Emotional Learning.

While parents are still waking up to the reality that Biden’s Department of Education wants to indoctrinate their children, no close observer should be surprised. After all, when Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona served as commissioner of education in Connecticut, he insisted that “we need teachers behind this wave of our curriculum becoming ‘woke.’” When Deputy Secretary of Education Cindy Marten led the San Diego Unified School District, she oversaw teacher training that accused white teachers of “spirit murdering” black students."

Biden Admin Funds Antiracist Therapy for “White Educators”

The American Rescue Plan requires school districts to reserve funds for Critical Race Theory programs.

Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'

Minnesota Teacher of the Year award recipient and “anti-racist” advocate states White Teachers are the reason why “students of color” do not succeed in the classroom.
Minnesota's teacher of the year claims school culture is 'embedded in white supremacy'
33. “Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of “Capitalism” and “White Supremacy,” Encourages Them To Remember “Jihad” And Reject Objectivity A school board member gave a graduation speech in which she told a mainly-immigrant class of high schoolers that they were entering a world filled with “racism, extreme versions of individualism and capitalism, [and] white supremacy,” and encouraged them to remember their “jihad” and reject the concepts of objectivity and neutrality.

Fairfax County school board member Abrar Omeish gave the keynote address at the commencement for Justice High School in Falls Church, Virginia on June 7. “ Dem Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of "Capitalism" and "White Supremacy," Encourages Them To Remember "Jihad" And Reject Objectivity
Yes, dear. We know how well you copy and paste. Here's your good girl sticker.

View attachment 506169

One wonders if these thrashings that you've taken give you pause, and a re-consideration about simply rubber-stamping whatever savage doctrines your party saddles you with.

It really is alright to think, and question.

Says the sloppy, rubber-stamping repetitive cult-n-paster.

"....repetitive cult-n-paster."

It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?


If only you were as well-read, educated, and intelligent.....well, you wouldn't be a Democrat slave.
Yes… cult. Hence the slavish devotion to questionable logic and alternative “facts”.

You’ve proven nothing but your willingness to perpetuate purposeful misinformation and lies.
A sure sign of weakness.

Said the man that believes that Trump said that w.s. are "very fine people".
What part of “ On both sides. On both sides” ,
regarding a rally organized by white supremacists does not include said white supremacists?

The non w.s. who support historical statues. As Trump clearly stated on tape.

That you are pretending to not know that, is you demonstrating that you are a shameless liar.
You are the pretender. I saw it live.

At best, your confirmation bias made you delusional. More likely you are just a liar.
“Very fine people” don’t march in solidarity with white supremacists.

In solidarity? Perhaps not. In support of the same goal such as some historical statues? Yes. Imo.

Do you disagree?
You think that centuries of ingrained racism can be erased in a generation? Civil rights only passed in the LATE 60s. It is going to take a lot longer than 50 years to remove all the tentacles that have wound their way into our system and culture.

What is wrong with examining why racial inequality still persists, even decades after these laws have passed? How do you fix it if you don’t know why it keeps going?

America's system is a TWO PARTY system. THe reasons are not important in this context.

For quite a while the republicans were pushing for racial equality for blacks, and the democrats were fighting that.

When the dems stopped fighting it, and started supporting it, suddenly in just a few years, Racists had no voice in national policy.

The moral and intellectual Debate, they had already lost well before that.

At that point, White Racists became marginalized. I grew up not long after wards and ALL the education and media and culture I got, supported the BI-Party line, of racial equality and blah, blah, blah, to the point I was bored with it. Indeed, i did not understand as a child why they kept harping on it.

For most people today, the time when white racism was openly practiced and had real political power and actual policy based on their agenda, another world.

TODAY, and indeed, even then, though not as bad as now, the message is not "examining why racial inequality still exists", but ASSUMING any inequality is because of Wacism and blaming white people and mobilizing EVERYTHING to fight it/them.

ANY voice raised, discussing an "inequality" that says ANTHING, other than "white people's fault" is dogpiled and shouted down with cries of wacism.

This is tearing this nation apart. It is teaching blacks that whites hate them, and teaching whites that they are always going to be fucked and discriminated against.

After all, if there is an "inequality" and the cause is NOT evul whites, but the solution implemented is based on the idea that is it evul whites, whites will be punished and suffer for shit that they did not do.
Politicians deciding something in DC did not change society and culture.

Blacks don’t have to be taught that a lot of whites hate them, believe stereotypes about them, fear them…they live it every day. That you refuse to see it just perpetuates it.

7. Let’s remember that Critical Race Theory, the Democrat doctrine that they aim to ‘teach’ in school, is the reverse of the American Creed

…the creed embodies “the political principles of liberty, equality, democracy, individualism, human rights, the rule of law, and private property.”
Samuel P. Huntington’s Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity, p.46

Critical Race Theory only treats race issues as “socially constructed groups,” so there are no individuals in Critical Race Theory.​

Critical Race Theory isn’t just against free societies and the individualism that enables them, but it also doesn’t even believe individuals meaningfully exist at all! In Critical Race Theory, every person has to be understood in terms of the social groups they are said to inhabit, and these are determined by their identity, including race.

Under Critical Race Theory, races are categories that society invents and that we impose entirely through social assumptions (mostly stereotypes), and people are members of those racial categories whether they want to be or not. …it ignores individual variations that are obvious when considering examples of powerful, rich, and famous black people like Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and Kanye West.

Thus, in Critical Race Theory, the goal of ideally treating every person as an individual who is equal before the law and meant to be judged upon the contents of their character and merits of their work is considered a myth that keeps racial minorities down. Instead, it sees people according to their racial groups only. “Racial justice,” in Critical Race Theory, means getting “justice” for the group, which it says is a social construction, not for the real person, who is just a member of that group. As Lynn Lemisko writes on page 193 of Educator to Educator, another education manual in Critical Social Justice programs: “If democracy is about individual rights (justice for individuals), then social justice is about group rights (justice for groups). And for me there is a fundamental difference between the general notion of justice and the notion of social justice.”
Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

David Mamet defeats Critical Race Theory with this:
If “fairness” is associated with group-identity, with all of the associated accommodations, law will be reduced to constant petition of government for special and specific exemptions from justice. Law, to be just, but be written and carried out in ignorance of the identity of its claimants.
You think that centuries of ingrained racism can be erased in a generation? Civil rights only passed in the LATE 60s. It is going to take a lot longer than 50 years to remove all the tentacles that have wound their way into our system and culture.

What is wrong with examining why racial inequality still persists, even decades after these laws have passed? How do you fix it if you don’t know why it keeps going?

America's system is a TWO PARTY system. THe reasons are not important in this context.

For quite a while the republicans were pushing for racial equality for blacks, and the democrats were fighting that.

When the dems stopped fighting it, and started supporting it, suddenly in just a few years, Racists had no voice in national policy.

The moral and intellectual Debate, they had already lost well before that.

At that point, White Racists became marginalized. I grew up not long after wards and ALL the education and media and culture I got, supported the BI-Party line, of racial equality and blah, blah, blah, to the point I was bored with it. Indeed, i did not understand as a child why they kept harping on it.

For most people today, the time when white racism was openly practiced and had real political power and actual policy based on their agenda, another world.

TODAY, and indeed, even then, though not as bad as now, the message is not "examining why racial inequality still exists", but ASSUMING any inequality is because of Wacism and blaming white people and mobilizing EVERYTHING to fight it/them.

ANY voice raised, discussing an "inequality" that says ANTHING, other than "white people's fault" is dogpiled and shouted down with cries of wacism.

This is tearing this nation apart. It is teaching blacks that whites hate them, and teaching whites that they are always going to be fucked and discriminated against.

After all, if there is an "inequality" and the cause is NOT evul whites, but the solution implemented is based on the idea that is it evul whites, whites will be punished and suffer for shit that they did not do.
Politicians deciding something in DC did not change society and culture.

Blacks don’t have to be taught that a lot of whites hate them, believe stereotypes about them, fear them…they live it every day. That you refuse to see it just perpetuates it.

I like the way you dismiss law and national policy as "politicians deciding something".

My parents were working class dems, from the Depression Era. They were primary motivated by the Union culture of the Rust Belt. Based on what I saw, long after the fact, the long standing alliance of the dem party to southern racists must have been a negative that they were forced to ignore because of overriding economic issues.

When the politicians flipped on that issue, it would not have been a problem for working class dems in the Rust Belt. They were already there on that issue, long before the Party that they supported DESPITE their racist allilance.

You are living in a fantasy land, where you imagine that your enemies are villains, so that you can be the hero.

8. According to Critical Race Theory, the acuity that created America and all of Western Civilization, is actually ‘racist.’​

There is no way, other than mass psychosis, to explain the aberrant beliefs of the Democrats.​

Critical Race Theory believes science, reason, and evidence are a “white” way of knowing and that storytelling and lived experience are a “black” alternative.​

Thus, science is just politics by other means to Critical Race Theory. Since modern science was predominantly produced by white, Western men, Critical Race Theory therefore views science as a white and Western “way of knowing.” Critical Race Theory therefore maintains that science encodes and perpetuates “white dominance” and thus isn’t really fitting for black people who inhabit a (political) culture of Blackness.

This is obviously a horrible sentiment, and it is one that goes against one of the very first pillars of science: universality. Universality in science says that it doesn’t matter who does an experiment; the result will always be the same. This is because science believes in objectivity, which Critical Race Theory also calls an oppressive myth.

An approach based on critical theory calls into question the idea that objectivity is desirable or even possible. The term used to describe this way of thinking about knowledge is that knowledge is socially constructed.

Sensoy and DiAngelo also claim that science “presume superiority and infallibility of the scientific method” (p. 5) (by the way, this is false), and therefore we should be asking “whose rationality” and “whose presumed objectivity” underlies the scientific method. Critical Race Theory falsely asserts that white people’s interests are primarily served by science. This isn’t all just wrong (and genuinely racist!), it’s dangerous.” Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

Now one can begin to understand the absurd warning to black people never to take on these characteristics:

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.”
Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'
You think that centuries of ingrained racism can be erased in a generation? Civil rights only passed in the LATE 60s. It is going to take a lot longer than 50 years to remove all the tentacles that have wound their way into our system and culture.

What is wrong with examining why racial inequality still persists, even decades after these laws have passed? How do you fix it if you don’t know why it keeps going?

America's system is a TWO PARTY system. THe reasons are not important in this context.

For quite a while the republicans were pushing for racial equality for blacks, and the democrats were fighting that.

When the dems stopped fighting it, and started supporting it, suddenly in just a few years, Racists had no voice in national policy.

The moral and intellectual Debate, they had already lost well before that.

At that point, White Racists became marginalized. I grew up not long after wards and ALL the education and media and culture I got, supported the BI-Party line, of racial equality and blah, blah, blah, to the point I was bored with it. Indeed, i did not understand as a child why they kept harping on it.

For most people today, the time when white racism was openly practiced and had real political power and actual policy based on their agenda, another world.

TODAY, and indeed, even then, though not as bad as now, the message is not "examining why racial inequality still exists", but ASSUMING any inequality is because of Wacism and blaming white people and mobilizing EVERYTHING to fight it/them.

ANY voice raised, discussing an "inequality" that says ANTHING, other than "white people's fault" is dogpiled and shouted down with cries of wacism.

This is tearing this nation apart. It is teaching blacks that whites hate them, and teaching whites that they are always going to be fucked and discriminated against.

After all, if there is an "inequality" and the cause is NOT evul whites, but the solution implemented is based on the idea that is it evul whites, whites will be punished and suffer for shit that they did not do.
Politicians deciding something in DC did not change society and culture.

Blacks don’t have to be taught that a lot of whites hate them, believe stereotypes about them, fear them…they live it every day. That you refuse to see it just perpetuates it.

I like the way you dismiss law and national policy as "politicians deciding something".

My parents were working class dems, from the Depression Era. They were primary motivated by the Union culture of the Rust Belt. Based on what I saw, long after the fact, the long standing alliance of the dem party to southern racists must have been a negative that they were forced to ignore because of overriding economic issues.

When the politicians flipped on that issue, it would not have been a problem for working class dems in the Rust Belt. They were already there on that issue, long before the Party that they supported DESPITE their racist allilance.

You are living in a fantasy land, where you imagine that your enemies are villains, so that you can be the hero.
I’m afraid it is you that is living in a fantasy land. You seem to think that legislation was passed and suddenly unicorns were farting daisies. It didn’t happen that way. It still hasn’t happened that way.

Racism was baked into our system for centuries and you think it can be a erased in a couple of decades?
You think that centuries of ingrained racism can be erased in a generation? Civil rights only passed in the LATE 60s. It is going to take a lot longer than 50 years to remove all the tentacles that have wound their way into our system and culture.

What is wrong with examining why racial inequality still persists, even decades after these laws have passed? How do you fix it if you don’t know why it keeps going?

America's system is a TWO PARTY system. THe reasons are not important in this context.

For quite a while the republicans were pushing for racial equality for blacks, and the democrats were fighting that.

When the dems stopped fighting it, and started supporting it, suddenly in just a few years, Racists had no voice in national policy.

The moral and intellectual Debate, they had already lost well before that.

At that point, White Racists became marginalized. I grew up not long after wards and ALL the education and media and culture I got, supported the BI-Party line, of racial equality and blah, blah, blah, to the point I was bored with it. Indeed, i did not understand as a child why they kept harping on it.

For most people today, the time when white racism was openly practiced and had real political power and actual policy based on their agenda, another world.

TODAY, and indeed, even then, though not as bad as now, the message is not "examining why racial inequality still exists", but ASSUMING any inequality is because of Wacism and blaming white people and mobilizing EVERYTHING to fight it/them.

ANY voice raised, discussing an "inequality" that says ANTHING, other than "white people's fault" is dogpiled and shouted down with cries of wacism.

This is tearing this nation apart. It is teaching blacks that whites hate them, and teaching whites that they are always going to be fucked and discriminated against.

After all, if there is an "inequality" and the cause is NOT evul whites, but the solution implemented is based on the idea that is it evul whites, whites will be punished and suffer for shit that they did not do.
Politicians deciding something in DC did not change society and culture.

Blacks don’t have to be taught that a lot of whites hate them, believe stereotypes about them, fear them…they live it every day. That you refuse to see it just perpetuates it.

I like the way you dismiss law and national policy as "politicians deciding something".

My parents were working class dems, from the Depression Era. They were primary motivated by the Union culture of the Rust Belt. Based on what I saw, long after the fact, the long standing alliance of the dem party to southern racists must have been a negative that they were forced to ignore because of overriding economic issues.

When the politicians flipped on that issue, it would not have been a problem for working class dems in the Rust Belt. They were already there on that issue, long before the Party that they supported DESPITE their racist allilance.

You are living in a fantasy land, where you imagine that your enemies are villains, so that you can be the hero.
I’m afraid it is you that is living in a fantasy land. You seem to think that legislation was passed and suddenly unicorns were farting daisies. It didn’t happen that way. It still hasn’t happened that way.

Racism was baked into our system for centuries and you think it can be a erased in a couple of decades?

"Racism was baked into our system for centuries"

Other than the current anti-white racism of the Democrat Party...... I bet you can't defend your conjecture.

The reality is that you are simply too cowardly to confront the Democrat propaganda.
You think that centuries of ingrained racism can be erased in a generation? Civil rights only passed in the LATE 60s. It is going to take a lot longer than 50 years to remove all the tentacles that have wound their way into our system and culture.

What is wrong with examining why racial inequality still persists, even decades after these laws have passed? How do you fix it if you don’t know why it keeps going?

America's system is a TWO PARTY system. THe reasons are not important in this context.

For quite a while the republicans were pushing for racial equality for blacks, and the democrats were fighting that.

When the dems stopped fighting it, and started supporting it, suddenly in just a few years, Racists had no voice in national policy.

The moral and intellectual Debate, they had already lost well before that.

At that point, White Racists became marginalized. I grew up not long after wards and ALL the education and media and culture I got, supported the BI-Party line, of racial equality and blah, blah, blah, to the point I was bored with it. Indeed, i did not understand as a child why they kept harping on it.

For most people today, the time when white racism was openly practiced and had real political power and actual policy based on their agenda, another world.

TODAY, and indeed, even then, though not as bad as now, the message is not "examining why racial inequality still exists", but ASSUMING any inequality is because of Wacism and blaming white people and mobilizing EVERYTHING to fight it/them.

ANY voice raised, discussing an "inequality" that says ANTHING, other than "white people's fault" is dogpiled and shouted down with cries of wacism.

This is tearing this nation apart. It is teaching blacks that whites hate them, and teaching whites that they are always going to be fucked and discriminated against.

After all, if there is an "inequality" and the cause is NOT evul whites, but the solution implemented is based on the idea that is it evul whites, whites will be punished and suffer for shit that they did not do.
Politicians deciding something in DC did not change society and culture.

Blacks don’t have to be taught that a lot of whites hate them, believe stereotypes about them, fear them…they live it every day. That you refuse to see it just perpetuates it.

I like the way you dismiss law and national policy as "politicians deciding something".

My parents were working class dems, from the Depression Era. They were primary motivated by the Union culture of the Rust Belt. Based on what I saw, long after the fact, the long standing alliance of the dem party to southern racists must have been a negative that they were forced to ignore because of overriding economic issues.

When the politicians flipped on that issue, it would not have been a problem for working class dems in the Rust Belt. They were already there on that issue, long before the Party that they supported DESPITE their racist allilance.

You are living in a fantasy land, where you imagine that your enemies are villains, so that you can be the hero.
I’m afraid it is you that is living in a fantasy land. You seem to think that legislation was passed and suddenly unicorns were farting daisies. It didn’t happen that way. It still hasn’t happened that way.

Racism was baked into our system for centuries and you think it can be a erased in a couple of decades?

I addressed that point. My point was that, imo, the dem party was FOLLOWING society, not the other way around.

I supported my point, with personal observation of my family and community in the Rust Belt.

You ignored everything I said, and just repeated your previous assertion, with a sprinkling of hyperbole and ridicule.
You think that centuries of ingrained racism can be erased in a generation? Civil rights only passed in the LATE 60s. It is going to take a lot longer than 50 years to remove all the tentacles that have wound their way into our system and culture.

What is wrong with examining why racial inequality still persists, even decades after these laws have passed? How do you fix it if you don’t know why it keeps going?

America's system is a TWO PARTY system. THe reasons are not important in this context.

For quite a while the republicans were pushing for racial equality for blacks, and the democrats were fighting that.

When the dems stopped fighting it, and started supporting it, suddenly in just a few years, Racists had no voice in national policy.

The moral and intellectual Debate, they had already lost well before that.

At that point, White Racists became marginalized. I grew up not long after wards and ALL the education and media and culture I got, supported the BI-Party line, of racial equality and blah, blah, blah, to the point I was bored with it. Indeed, i did not understand as a child why they kept harping on it.

For most people today, the time when white racism was openly practiced and had real political power and actual policy based on their agenda, another world.

TODAY, and indeed, even then, though not as bad as now, the message is not "examining why racial inequality still exists", but ASSUMING any inequality is because of Wacism and blaming white people and mobilizing EVERYTHING to fight it/them.

ANY voice raised, discussing an "inequality" that says ANTHING, other than "white people's fault" is dogpiled and shouted down with cries of wacism.

This is tearing this nation apart. It is teaching blacks that whites hate them, and teaching whites that they are always going to be fucked and discriminated against.

After all, if there is an "inequality" and the cause is NOT evul whites, but the solution implemented is based on the idea that is it evul whites, whites will be punished and suffer for shit that they did not do.
Politicians deciding something in DC did not change society and culture.

Blacks don’t have to be taught that a lot of whites hate them, believe stereotypes about them, fear them…they live it every day. That you refuse to see it just perpetuates it.

I like the way you dismiss law and national policy as "politicians deciding something".

My parents were working class dems, from the Depression Era. They were primary motivated by the Union culture of the Rust Belt. Based on what I saw, long after the fact, the long standing alliance of the dem party to southern racists must have been a negative that they were forced to ignore because of overriding economic issues.

When the politicians flipped on that issue, it would not have been a problem for working class dems in the Rust Belt. They were already there on that issue, long before the Party that they supported DESPITE their racist allilance.

You are living in a fantasy land, where you imagine that your enemies are villains, so that you can be the hero.
I’m afraid it is you that is living in a fantasy land. You seem to think that legislation was passed and suddenly unicorns were farting daisies. It didn’t happen that way. It still hasn’t happened that way.

Racism was baked into our system for centuries and you think it can be a erased in a couple of decades?

I addressed that point. My point was that, imo, the dem party was FOLLOWING society, not the other way around.

I supported my point, with personal observation of my family and community in the Rust Belt.

You ignored everything I said, and just repeated your previous assertion, with a sprinkling of hyperbole and ridicule.

That sort is far too fearful of their masters to dare to budge an inch from the talking points.
You think that centuries of ingrained racism can be erased in a generation? Civil rights only passed in the LATE 60s. It is going to take a lot longer than 50 years to remove all the tentacles that have wound their way into our system and culture.

What is wrong with examining why racial inequality still persists, even decades after these laws have passed? How do you fix it if you don’t know why it keeps going?

America's system is a TWO PARTY system. THe reasons are not important in this context.

For quite a while the republicans were pushing for racial equality for blacks, and the democrats were fighting that.

When the dems stopped fighting it, and started supporting it, suddenly in just a few years, Racists had no voice in national policy.

The moral and intellectual Debate, they had already lost well before that.

At that point, White Racists became marginalized. I grew up not long after wards and ALL the education and media and culture I got, supported the BI-Party line, of racial equality and blah, blah, blah, to the point I was bored with it. Indeed, i did not understand as a child why they kept harping on it.

For most people today, the time when white racism was openly practiced and had real political power and actual policy based on their agenda, another world.

TODAY, and indeed, even then, though not as bad as now, the message is not "examining why racial inequality still exists", but ASSUMING any inequality is because of Wacism and blaming white people and mobilizing EVERYTHING to fight it/them.

ANY voice raised, discussing an "inequality" that says ANTHING, other than "white people's fault" is dogpiled and shouted down with cries of wacism.

This is tearing this nation apart. It is teaching blacks that whites hate them, and teaching whites that they are always going to be fucked and discriminated against.

After all, if there is an "inequality" and the cause is NOT evul whites, but the solution implemented is based on the idea that is it evul whites, whites will be punished and suffer for shit that they did not do.
Politicians deciding something in DC did not change society and culture.

Blacks don’t have to be taught that a lot of whites hate them, believe stereotypes about them, fear them…they live it every day. That you refuse to see it just perpetuates it.

I like the way you dismiss law and national policy as "politicians deciding something".

My parents were working class dems, from the Depression Era. They were primary motivated by the Union culture of the Rust Belt. Based on what I saw, long after the fact, the long standing alliance of the dem party to southern racists must have been a negative that they were forced to ignore because of overriding economic issues.

When the politicians flipped on that issue, it would not have been a problem for working class dems in the Rust Belt. They were already there on that issue, long before the Party that they supported DESPITE their racist allilance.

You are living in a fantasy land, where you imagine that your enemies are villains, so that you can be the hero.
I’m afraid it is you that is living in a fantasy land. You seem to think that legislation was passed and suddenly unicorns were farting daisies. It didn’t happen that way. It still hasn’t happened that way.

Racism was baked into our system for centuries and you think it can be a erased in a couple of decades?

I addressed that point. My point was that, imo, the dem party was FOLLOWING society, not the other way around.

I supported my point, with personal observation of my family and community in the Rust Belt.

You ignored everything I said, and just repeated your previous assertion, with a sprinkling of hyperbole and ridicule.

That sort is far too fearful of their masters to dare to budge an inch from the talking points.

Well, can you blame them? THey know better than anyone how the lib mob has no mercy in it, at all.

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