The definitive guide to the "Global Warming" scam

So you’re
If you can't debate what I say, my sweet bottom, just say so. Don't make up stories about what I supposedly meant. It fools no one, and it makes you look like an even bigger pussy.
You openly admitted that lefties can’t get the facts right. You said Al Gore was “mistaken” on what “scientists” said. It’s not that hard to quote someone (especially in this day and age of technology with cell phones that have video recording, voice recording, etc.). Since we can’t trust you dimwits to relay the information properly, we definitely can’t trust you on “Global Warming”!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
You openly admitted that lefties can’t get the facts right.

No, I didn't.

If you want this conversation to continue, you'll have to admit you lied, apologize for lying, and pledge not to lie again. If you're just going to keep lying about everything, there's no point in speaking with you.
It fools no one, and it makes you look like an even bigger pussy.
Uh-oh...she’s been “triggered”. Nobody blames you, sweetie. All of us would be filled with anger from the humiliation of being so easily duped. I can’t even begin to imagine how dumb you feel. Take this humiliation and learn from it. Learn to question your masters and to think for yourself.
Bye-bye. You're worth nobody's time. If you want to understand why everyone just ignores you now, reference "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".
Boom! Game Over. Mammaries recognized she was backed into a corner from which there is no escape. This thread exposed the many lies from the left. She couldn’t manufacture enough lies for their lies, and then more lies for her lies.
It is equal parts hilarious and sad that people are still duped by the “Global Warming” scam so many decades later.
Recent temperatures are not at all unusual, with 2018 continuing a cooling trend of several years.
I marvel at the amount of reality the left is capable of ignoring and denying.

Media Touts ‘Clear Sign of Human-Caused Climate Change.’ Here Are the Facts.

The cooling trend happens every few years. From "The Escalator":


Exactly how do you think that is different from natural variability?
Happening for thousands of years? Here is 800,000 years worth of data. Show us


Keep going back to a point where you aren't in an ice age...where the oceans are cold and holding far more CO2. What was the atmospheric CO2 content when the present ice age began?

Go ahead skid mark...tell know but because you are a bald faced liar, you present the bullshit above in the hopes that you can fool someone..

The fact is that the present ice age began with CO2 concentrations at about 1000ppm...explain it.

And your CO2 chart is is the result of 90,000 chemical tests of atmospheric CO2...

Happening for thousands of years? Here is 800,000 years worth of data. Show us


Keep going back to a point where you aren't in an ice age...where the oceans are cold and holding far more CO2. What was the atmospheric CO2 content when the present ice age began?

Go ahead skid mark...tell know but because you are a bald faced liar, you present the bullshit above in the hopes that you can fool someone..

The fact is that the present ice age began with CO2 concentrations at about 1000ppm...explain it.

And your CO2 chart is is the result of 90,000 chemical tests of atmospheric CO2...

:clap2: :clap: :clap:
Except that 1270 ppm CO2 would cause a 20-30 foot sea level rise, the acidification of the oceans sufficient for a massive marine extinction event and would heat the planet by over 5C, killing crops everywhere south of Norway and drastically eliminating fresh water supplies. But hey, the algae could grow like gangbusters on our bloated corpses.

The present ice age began with CO2 in excess of 1000 ppm...if enough ice melted to cause that much sea level rise, then the oceans would be warm enough to have outgassed that much CO2...CO2 follows temperature, it doesn't cause it.
The question, then, is what happens to surface temp. anomaly if CO2 ppm exceeds 300, which is the maximum in natural cycles. And should ocean heat content also be considered?

Guess you haven't looked much into natural cycles...the present ice age began with atmospheric CO2 in excess of fact, most of earth's history has seen atmospheric CO2 in excess of 1000ppm...400ppm is not natural for earth...
That shows that what is happening is NOT part of any cycle that's been taking place for thousands of years.
Nobody is arguing a larger volume of CO2. But here’s the thing, dummy. Mother Nature thrives off of CO2.

One only need see your posts to understand why it is so easy for the Dumbocrats to dupe you. It’s amazing that you didn’t know that plants take in CO2 like we take in oxygen. If you actually cared about the planet, you’d be calling for more and more CO2.
See the unprecedented rise at the right end of the graph?
See the unprecedented stupidity in your posts? Everyone else does.

The problem is that the world is not a simple laboratory. Plants and animal species exist and evolve given the natural cycle you stated earlier, but anything in excess counters that cycle. Given the complexity of ecosystems, increasing CO2 may have other effects, such as hampering evaporating cooling, cloud formation, etc. They can also increase ocean acidity, among others.

Most of the life on earth now evolved to its present form prior to the onset of the present ice age...CO2 at the time that the present ice age began was in excess of 1000ppm... the facts disprove your claim.
it wasn
That shows that what is happening is NOT part of any cycle that's been taking place for thousands of years.
Nobody is arguing a larger volume of CO2. But here’s the thing, dummy. Mother Nature thrives off of CO2.

One only need see your posts to understand why it is so easy for the Dumbocrats to dupe you. It’s amazing that you didn’t know that plants take in CO2 like we take in oxygen. If you actually cared about the planet, you’d be calling for more and more CO2.
See the unprecedented rise at the right end of the graph?
See the unprecedented stupidity in your posts? Everyone else does.

The problem is that the world is not a simple laboratory. Plants and animal species exist and evolve given the natural cycle you stated earlier, but anything in excess counters that cycle. Given the complexity of ecosystems, increasing CO2 may have other effects, such as hampering evaporating cooling, cloud formation, etc. They can also increase ocean acidity, among others.

Most of the life on earth now evolved to its present form prior to the onset of the present ice age...CO2 at the time that the present ice age began was in excess of 1000ppm... the facts disprove your claim.

't mans 20 PPM though. you know that powerful mans CO2. nasty shit where 20 PPM is hundreds time more potent than natures. even though we are part of nature. too fking funny.
That shows that what is happening is NOT part of any cycle that's been taking place for thousands of years.
Nobody is arguing a larger volume of CO2. But here’s the thing, dummy. Mother Nature thrives off of CO2.

One only need see your posts to understand why it is so easy for the Dumbocrats to dupe you. It’s amazing that you didn’t know that plants take in CO2 like we take in oxygen. If you actually cared about the planet, you’d be calling for more and more CO2.
See the unprecedented rise at the right end of the graph?
See the unprecedented stupidity in your posts? Everyone else does.

The problem is that the world is not a simple laboratory. Plants and animal species exist and evolve given the natural cycle you stated earlier, but anything in excess counters that cycle. Given the complexity of ecosystems, increasing CO2 may have other effects, such as hampering evaporating cooling, cloud formation, etc. They can also increase ocean acidity, among others.

Your first link is so absurd and self destructive since the internal link showed that increased CO2 does greatly increase plant size and still maintain crop health. I notice that your SS blog completely IGNORED the obvious question on why Greenhouse growers spend a lot of $$$ to buy CO2 generators. Plants grow a lot better when CO2 is well over 1,000 ppm as it normally is in commercial greenhouses. The additional CO2 greatly INCREASED plant growth, which your wretched blog tries to tear down that obvious reality with bogus claims of bugs devouring the CO2 enhanced growth. It is stupid as hell since there a lot of plants growing today that began their existence in much higher CO2 levels than now.

The Second link to a "study" all model based that is on ….. he he.... thickening leaves is bad for plants. This is pure garbage and stupid as hell too since plant leaves naturally vary in thickness depending on how much sunlight/Shade they get. Not only that the thick leaved plants such a Rubber plant grow very well in very warm places, heck so do orchids with …. he he, hahaha, those undeniably THICK leaves are not suffering from increased CO2, they are originally grown in high CO2 levels in the greenhouse where they were born in it. There many plants with naturally THICK leaves doing fine, here is a LINK to a nice list of plants with THICK leaves:




The Third link is dead on arrival since it is classic misleading scaremongering bullcrap and stupid too since the ocean waters already have 99.99% of the free CO2 molecules of the system in it. The waters are NOT getting acidic at all. It is around 8.0 PH through out the ocean basins, so when there is a tiny drop of Alkalinity it is called NEUTRALIZATION.

You fell for the warmist bullcrap, that plants are suffering in some way from increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere, it is stupid as hell since some of the plants doing good today at 400 ppm, STARTED their existence in excess of 1,000 ppm.

Sycamore has been around for around 100 Million years, when it was then around 1500 ppm
The Genus Ginkgo has been around for 170 Million years, when it was over 2,000 ppm

Shall I bring up ferns....., Snicker..............

Your ignorance is why you fell so easily for their propaganda.

Here is that CO2 chart where for most of history, CO2 levels higher than today


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This is what is known as a “Freudian Slip”. It’s when a person inadvertently says what they are actually thinking.

I asked you to list some theoretical examples of hard data that could falsify your beliefs.

You couldn't provide any.

There is apparently no data of any sort that could falsify your beliefs, which puts your beliefs in the category of "religion".

While I hope your religion brings you fulfillment, you need to understand that science doesn't care about your religious beliefs, no matter how devout your belief is.

Still projecting your own position onto your's funny every time you do it.
Your fellow posters SSDD, Billy Bob, JC456 and Crusader Frank have all claimed that for a small assortment of reasons, the greenhouse effect is not real. Without a greenhouse effect, we certainly do not have any warming from human GHG emissions. That would falsify AGW. SSDD and his sock puppets believe that to be the case. The trouble is, he's convinced no one outside his group of his primary supposition: that there is no greenhouse effect. And, as you likely know, very close to every scientist on the planet would disagree with him.

Tell me skid mark...which other branch of science holds up the number of people who buy into the current mainstream hypothesis as evidence that it is correct? In actual science, if the mainstream hypothesis is questioned, boatloads of observed, measured evidence is brought out in defense of the climate science, since there is no observed, measured evidence to support the mainstream hypothesis over natural variability, the number of people who believe the current hypothesis is toted out...

NEWSFLASH...that isn't science...that is either pseudoscience, or religion...take your pick.

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