The definitive guide to the "Global Warming" scam

Your rejection of the numerous bodies that reviewed the stolen emails is unjustifiable.
You’re refusal to accept the reality that “dendrochronolgy” was never discussed is inexcusable. It wasn’t even implied.
The many organizations that reviewed this stuff had access to all the stolen emails. You don't. I will accept their unanimous conclusions. If you want to believe they all lied, feel free. Just don't pretend you have the slightest scrap of evidence supporting that conclusion.
Just don't pretend you have the slightest scrap of evidence supporting that conclusion.
I do...I have the actual emails. That little slice of indisputable reality that you can’t bring yourself to accept.
Then post the content of the entire email containing "Mike's Nature trick" and the two precediing emails in that thread. Let us see precisely what was the context of those comments.
Then post the content of the entire email containing "Mike's Nature trick" and the two precediing emails in that thread. Let us see precisely what was the context of those comments.
I already did. They prove you’re a liar.
I have not seen such a post. I know you're interested in the truth. Don't you think it would be good to see the entire context of the discussion rather than basing your conclusions on a single sentence?

If you have posted other contiguous emails, could you tell me where they are?
Deniers funded their own independent study of the issue via Berkley Earth, and it ended up confirming what top science groups like NAS have been saying.
It is equal parts hilarious and sad that people are still duped by the “Global Warming” scam so many decades later.
Recent temperatures are not at all unusual, with 2018 continuing a cooling trend of several years.
I marvel at the amount of reality the left is capable of ignoring and denying.

Media Touts ‘Clear Sign of Human-Caused Climate Change.’ Here Are the Facts.

The cooling trend happens every few years. From "The Escalator":

Happening for thousands of years? Here is 800,000 years worth of data. Show us

I know, snowflake. It shows CO2 for a reason. I thought you would understand. I guess not. See the CO2 cycles? Those are your warming and cooling cycles. See the unprecedented rise at the right end of the graph? That shows that what is happening is NOT part of any cycle that's been taking place for thousands of years.

Here are both CO2 and temperature for the past 300,000 years. This graph comes from AGW denier WattsUpWithThat who took this opportunity to push a wee fib. Note the right end of the blue line, labeled "383". That point is not plotted to the same scale as the rest of the data. And they said nothing about it. That should be slightly further from "300", (the top of the right hand scale) than "220" is below it. It is not. The actual CO2 level in 2007 would be outside the boundaries of this graphic. Today's CO2 value is almost the full height of the graph above "300".

They have also spliced modern, instrumented CO2 data onto ice core data with no indication that they have done so. WattsUpWithThat has crucified climate scientists on multiple occasions for doing precisely that.

They have also NOT spliced modern instrumented temperature data onto the temperature trace, giving the impression that there has been no increase in temperature for the last few centuries.

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That shows that what is happening is NOT part of any cycle that's been taking place for thousands of years.
Nobody is arguing a larger volume of CO2. But here’s the thing, dummy. Mother Nature thrives off of CO2.

One only need see your posts to understand why it is so easy for the Dumbocrats to dupe you. It’s amazing that you didn’t know that plants take in CO2 like we take in oxygen. If you actually cared about the planet, you’d be calling for more and more CO2.
See the unprecedented rise at the right end of the graph?
See the unprecedented stupidity in your posts? Everyone else does.
Except that 1270 ppm CO2 would cause a 20-30 foot sea level rise, the acidification of the oceans sufficient for a massive marine extinction event and would heat the planet by over 5C, killing crops everywhere south of Norway and drastically eliminating fresh water supplies. But hey, the algae could grow like gangbusters on our bloated corpses.
White men laughing? Oil industry executives? Laughing at people who've bought their memes? Yeah, that's what I thought.
That shows that what is happening is NOT part of any cycle that's been taking place for thousands of years.
Nobody is arguing a larger volume of CO2. But here’s the thing, dummy. Mother Nature thrives off of CO2.
One only need see your posts to understand why it is so easy for the Dumbocrats to dupe you. It’s amazing that you didn’t know that plants take in CO2 like we take in oxygen. If you actually cared about the planet, you’d be calling for more and more CO2.
See the unprecedented rise at the right end of the graph?
See the unprecedented stupidity in your posts? Everyone else does.

You certainly haven't demonstrated any unprecedented stupidity in my posts. Like the average American, I learned that plants took in CO2 in grade school.

I think a point more clearly demonstrated by this exchange is YOUR ignorance as to the effects of increasing greenhouse gases.
Were plants dying from a lack of CO2 when you were a child? Was the world starving in 1750 from being unable to grow crops? We do not NEED extra CO2 to feed ourselves. And we certainly do not NEED the other effects of increasing CO2 in the atmosphere.

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