The Dem Plan To Impeach Trump

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Well, now we know the plan thanks to Eric Holder. Democrats expect Trump to win in 2024 and become president. So, the plan is to convict him and then impeach him again for a third time to remove him from office. As Strzok and Page once said, an insurance policy is needed. Dem's abuse of power for political gain has reached epic proportions.

Well, now we know the plan thanks to Eric Holder. Democrats expect Trump to win in 2024 and become president. So, the plan is to convict him and then impeach him again for a third time to remove him from office. As Strzok and Page once said, an insurance policy is needed. Dem's abuse of power for political gain has reached epic proportions.

He doesn't stand a chance of winning the election, and probably won't win the nomination of the Trumpist Party.
The excuses Trump cult traitors use to justify treason and criminality get crazier every day.

We get it, Trump cultists. You hate democracy and the rule of law. There's no need to keep hammering on that point.
Well, now we know the plan thanks to Eric Holder. Democrats expect Trump to win in 2024 and become president. So, the plan is to convict him and then impeach him again for a third time to remove him from office. As Strzok and Page once said, an insurance policy is needed. Dem's abuse of power for political gain has reached epic proportions.

I gotta say: At this point of witnessing the endless hamster wheel of delusion that is the Dems' collective reality, I almost feel sorry for 'em.


But no mercy for treacherous communist trash.

Their astro turf "movement" and its impending immolation not only pleases me - it's absolutely deserved.

Any of you Dem losers thinking "NOW WE GOT HIM!" - I laugh right in your hapless, gullible faces.
I disagree. They will go straight to assassination.

Won't happen.

We all know the influence he wields in average American people, people in the government, and military personnel. Killing him would cause a shit storm that would be chaotic and unpredictable.

They can't even call it a suicide because trump is constantly out there greeting people, showing he is strong willed and sane, always fighting and so on. No one would believe he killed himself.

Trump isn't just a man anymore, he is a symbol and something bigger than just a guy who got rich in real estate. Taking him out could cause dire consequences. No president has had people do what people did on the Jan 6th thing.

Taking him out is asking for trouble. But then again, if the current administration wanted they could use that trouble to crush every single republican out of existence and put a strange hold on Americans as their response and seize power and control. So maybe it isn't out of the question, an uprising could benefit them. I have no doubt democrats would pull the pins on all the grenades if they got backed into a corner
Won't happen.

We all know the influence he wields in average American people, people in the government, and military personnel. Killing him would cause a shit storm that would be chaotic and unpredictable.

They can't even call it a suicide because trump is constantly out there greeting people, showing he is strong willed and sane, always fighting and so on. No one would believe he killed himself.

Trump isn't just a man anymore, he is a symbol and something bigger than just a guy who got rich in real estate. Taking him out could cause dire consequences. No president has had people do what people did on the Jan 6th thing.

Taking him out is asking for trouble. But then again, if the current administration wanted they could use that trouble to crush every single republican out of existence and put a strange hold on Americans as their response and seize power and control. So maybe it isn't out of the question, an uprising could benefit them. I have no doubt democrats would pull the pins on all the grenades if they got backed into a corner
You never know. That might be just what the democrats want. They are taking positions right now with creating police agencies out of the invasion forces.
Why deal with all that shit again?......Vote for DeSantis. ;)

With a DeSantis victory you gain in the House and win back the Senate.....Sure as shit so why not move-on and bet on a sure thing?
You never know. That might be just what the democrats want. They are taking positions right now with creating police agencies out of the invasion forces.

You'll have to explain the police thing to me. I'm not familiar with what you're talking about.
I gotta say: At this point of witnessing the endless hamster wheel of delusion that is the Dems' collective reality, I almost feel sorry for 'em.


But no mercy for treacherous communist trash.

Their astro turf "movement" and its impending immolation not only pleases me - it's absolutely deserved.

Any of you Dem losers thinking "NOW WE GOT HIM!" - I laugh right in your hapless, gullible faces.

They've gone off deepend. Political persecution, jailing innocents, dragging homeO tranny and forcing on kids, passing laws to take kids away from parents if they convince them to turn unic, blatant election fraud, rigged courts blocking any look into Election fraud, more than 1/2 State Govts now fully on board deep State.
If Trump wins so would republicans in the house and senate... so another treasonous impeachment attempt would never happen...
Well, now we know the plan thanks to Eric Holder. Democrats expect Trump to win in 2024 and become president. So, the plan is to convict him and then impeach him again for a third time to remove him from office. As Strzok and Page once said, an insurance policy is needed. Dem's abuse of power for political gain has reached epic proportions.

The evidence in the indictment says otherwise.
If Trump wins so would republicans in the house and senate... so another treasonous impeachment attempt would never happen...
Rambo, it ain't happening, dude. Find yourself a viable candidate. I agree with Trump's Attorney General, as he said on FOX. If they can prove half of what is in that 37 count, 7 crime indictment, Trump is toast, and this isn't the only thing he will face trial on. Mind you, I don't care, as he will never be more than a nominating candidate, at best, but has zero chance of electability.
Rambo, it ain't happening, dude. Find yourself a viable candidate. I agree with Trump's Attorney General, as he said on FOX. If they can prove half of what is in that 37 count, 7 crime indictment, Trump is toast, and this isn't the only thing he will face trial on. Mind you, I don't care, as he will never be more than a nominating candidate, at best, but has zero chance of electability.
You sound just like the talking heads after Trump came down the escalator in 2015....
You sound just like the talking heads after Trump came down the escalator in 2015....

Trump's Attorney General affirmed the seriousness and evidence of Trump's 2016?

You might want to check that.

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