The DemNazi Propaganda Machine Rolls on

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My biggest regret in life wasn’t defending Thomas and Bork

In lovely combination of irony and idiocy, you can't even follow the same standards you demand of others. Perhaps your moral indignation over character assassinations and false accusations would carry a dash more weight if you weren't doing the exact same thing to me in this very thread. You're a Nazi by your own standards. Deal with it. Or don't. I care very little either way.

You would never defend them. In fact I can say without a doubt that you cheered on the Unjust Character Assassination of these men.

You Enjoyed And Participated In The High Tech Lynching of both of these men, because that is your Moral Make Up and Character.... or should I say Lack of Character.

You care very little about anything except the advancing of your own morally ambiguous agenda.

What seven year old kid didn’t enjoy and participate in the high tech lynching of Bork? What a treat for us at eleven for it happen all over again with Thomas. It was all us kids could talk about while at the pool or recess.

You’re a cartoonish retard. Never change.

Most Moral People I knew were horrified at The High Tech Lynching of Bork and Clarence Thomas.


Hence my accusation that you are a modern day Nazi Propagandist is an accurate one.

Thanks for playing the deflecting game.

The Democrat Party still lynching folks after all these years.

Don't you change Demotwats, don't ever change.
Where was your outrage over the refusal to even interview Garland?

First off, The Senate does not have to vote on any SCOTUS Nominee. They can table a vote. Merrick Garland did not have his life destroyed with false accusations. His vote was tabled and referred for future consideration should he be nominated again.

Perfectly legal and ethical maneuver.

Falsely accusing someone of crimes, like sexual assault or smearing them with a Russian Dossier to keep them from The Bench or The White House is neither legal nor ethical.

163 nominations for the Court, including those for chief justice. Of this total, 125 were confirmed (7 declined to serve). This chart lists nominations officially submitted to the Senate.

The following number of nominees NEVER were voted upon. 26 in total since 1789.

N - No Action (10)
P - Postponed (3)
R - Rejected (12)
W - Withdrawn (1)
No...Garland's vote was NOT tabled...they never even met with him.....and now you are crying crying crying when it's pay back time.

Sucks to be the GOP when what comes around goes around.
You would never defend them. In fact I can say without a doubt that you cheered on the Unjust Character Assassination of these men.

You Enjoyed And Participated In The High Tech Lynching of both of these men, because that is your Moral Make Up and Character.... or should I say Lack of Character.

You care very little about anything except the advancing of your own morally ambiguous agenda.

What seven year old kid didn’t enjoy and participate in the high tech lynching of Bork? What a treat for us at eleven for it happen all over again with Thomas. It was all us kids could talk about while at the pool or recess.

You’re a cartoonish retard. Never change.

Most Moral People I knew were horrified at The High Tech Lynching of Bork and Clarence Thomas.


Hence my accusation that you are a modern day Nazi Propagandist is an accurate one.

Thanks for playing the deflecting game.

The Democrat Party still lynching folks after all these years.

Don't you change Demotwats, don't ever change.
Where was your outrage over the refusal to even interview Garland?

First off, The Senate does not have to vote on any SCOTUS Nominee. They can table a vote. Merrick Garland did not have his life destroyed with false accusations. His vote was tabled and referred for future consideration should he be nominated again.

Perfectly legal and ethical maneuver.

Falsely accusing someone of crimes, like sexual assault or smearing them with a Russian Dossier to keep them from The Bench or The White House is neither legal nor ethical.

163 nominations for the Court, including those for chief justice. Of this total, 125 were confirmed (7 declined to serve). This chart lists nominations officially submitted to the Senate.

The following number of nominees NEVER were voted upon. 26 in total since 1789.

N - No Action (10)
P - Postponed (3)
R - Rejected (12)
W - Withdrawn (1)
No...Garland's vote was NOT tabled...they never even met with him.....and now you are crying crying crying when it's pay back time.

Sucks to be the GOP when what comes around goes around.
They don't have to meet with him.

"No Action" In other words, if The Senate and The Majority do not like the Nominated SCOTUS Nominee, they can Postpone, Take No Action, Reject, or the Nominee can Withdraw.

Merrick Garland was closer in comparison to ACLU attorney Ginsberg than he was to Scalia, so I would not bother voting another Activist Judge to SCOTUS either.

The Senate made The Right Call.

To take "No Action" or to "Postpone" a vote is to Table The Vote

These are all Ethical, Legal Actions.

Launching a Character Assassination and Using False Allegations and DNC Corporate Lawyers to attack a man before taking any action at all is both Illegal and Unethical.

With Merrick Garland, The Senate did The Ethical Thing within Senate Rules.

What The Democrats are doing is DISGUSTING, Immoral, A Violation of Senate Rules and is also Unethical and Illegal. To attack a man with a perfect record, impeccable character and then to threaten his family and his life, is the lowest of lows you douchebags and your douchebag party of Ambulance Chasers is disgusting.

Thanks for playing "Dimwitted Dupe" or as we like to say, "Useful Idiot."
Yes there is. It is called the Republican Party. The Republican Party continues to smear Ford for coming forward to speak up. Ben Shapiro is a Trump jerk. What I would expect from lowlifes like Trump supporters.
Her Yearbook seems to do the smear job for her, reads like a teenage Porno book of Teeny's going wild. The school she went to is a sexual den of depraved girls. I kind of wonder who else when to the hell hole.
Most Moral People I knew were horrified at The High Tech Lynching of Bork and Clarence Thomas.


Hence my accusation that you are a modern day Nazi Propagandist is an accurate one.

Thanks for playing the deflecting game.

The Democrat Party still lynching folks after all these years.

Don't you change Demotwats, don't ever change.

It was joke since I was a child at the time, dumb twat. My biggest concern then was if the weather was nice enough for the pool or to play ball. None of us gave shit to enjoy or participate in either affair. Why? B/c we were damn kids.

I am sorry that my original comment made you smear me and by your very own standards exposed you for being Nazi propagandist. Look on the bright side, those SS uniforms were made by Hugo Boss! lol

You are still a child and have yet to denounce The Character Assassination Strategy of your party, which you no doubt support.

Why don't you throw a temper tantrum in front of your DemNazi Brethren and tell them how the mean ole NeoCon is upsetting you. Maybe they will help you come to my store and break out all the windows.

I am sure you have nothing to worry. I hear Nazis don't break the storefront windows of their fellow Übermensch.

Waiting for you to denounce The Democrat Party's Character Assassination strategy any day now.

He said while smearing me this whole conversation. Also, the waiting is the hardest part.

It's not a smear if it is true, and you haven't even offered a defense of yourself.

Waiting for Hell to freeze over when you announce that you oppose The Character Assassination Tactics that the Democrat Party employs to destroy Innocent men that they oppose.
It was joke since I was a child at the time, dumb twat. My biggest concern then was if the weather was nice enough for the pool or to play ball. None of us gave shit to enjoy or participate in either affair. Why? B/c we were damn kids.

I am sorry that my original comment made you smear me and by your very own standards exposed you for being Nazi propagandist. Look on the bright side, those SS uniforms were made by Hugo Boss! lol

You are still a child and have yet to denounce The Character Assassination Strategy of your party, which you no doubt support.

Why don't you throw a temper tantrum in front of your DemNazi Brethren and tell them how the mean ole NeoCon is upsetting you. Maybe they will help you come to my store and break out all the windows.

I am sure you have nothing to worry. I hear Nazis don't break the storefront windows of their fellow Übermensch.

Waiting for you to denounce The Democrat Party's Character Assassination strategy any day now.

He said while smearing me this whole conversation. Also, the waiting is the hardest part.

It's not a smear if it is true, and you haven't even offered a defense of yourself.

Waiting for Hell to freeze over when you announce that you oppose The Character Assassination Tactics that the Democrat Party employs to destroy Innocent men that they oppose.

Of course. It’s never smear when you do it. Just when they do it. That’s beauty of being a blind zealot, you’re never wrong and you don’t have to follow the standards you set for others. The best part in all of your lying is that I am a libertarian. :lol:
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