The democrat party Is dying

Notice the source in the lower left corner of the fake graph? Alan S. Blinder and Mark W. Watson who literally work at.....are you ready for this.....the Woodrow Wilson School and Department of Economics. Bwahahahahaha!!! Woodrow Wilson was fiercely racist, believed strongly in eugenics, and completely tore up the U.S. Constitution while in office. He's a black eye on the face of American history. Any school that would name their school of economics after him to honor him has ZERO credibility.

You are no more "independent" than Bannon.
Says the guy who pretends he's a republican. :laugh:
Says you, the guy who knows that I am a republican, and who can't stand the idea of it, because there are millions like me in the GOP. We don't give a fuck what the pretenders on the far and alt rights think.
The guy who knows you're a republican? Are you fucking kidding me? :laugh:
You can deny you lie but you still lie a lie. :) Whereas, you are a fake Republican who loves fake news and alt facts.

I'm actually an independent who will never vote for another democrat. :)
In other words, no discernible difference from a Republican.
We once had a two party system that worked.
After the election of obama, things are all fucked up.

I'm not going to say it's because he's black. I also won't highlight the difference between his daughters and the clintons.
The Dems are banking on Trump, and he ain't letting them down.

Clinton, the Democratic nominee, had 65,844,610 votes compared to Trump, the Republican nominee, with 62,979,636.

the vote totals equal 48 percent for Clinton compared to 46 percent for Trump. Other candidates combined for 7.8 million votes, or 5.7 percent.

To hear you right wing assholes tell it one would never think Hillary got about three million more votes than that Prick.......but she did. 'Course that crazy son-of-a-bitch tries to placate the situation by claiming 3 million people voted illegally. About Obama.....he assumed the worst goddam mess in the U S economy than we had in the last thirty years, put folks back to work, ended two Bush wars and set things up for my wife and I to rake a cool $100,000 off the top of our IRA's. Under Obama the stock market doubled from about 9000 on the DOW to about 19,000.

Who is the President dumbass?
Notice the source in the lower left corner of the fake graph? Alan S. Blinder and Mark W. Watson who literally work at.....are you ready for this.....the Woodrow Wilson School and Department of Economics. Bwahahahahaha!!! Woodrow Wilson was fiercely racist, believed strongly in eugenics, and completely tore up the U.S. Constitution while in office. He's a black eye on the face of American history. Any school that would name their school of economics after him to honor him has ZERO credibility.

Actually, what I notice is that you didn't refute anything.
Democrats have done damn GOOD for a moribund party...Don't you think? LOL
Fake conservative news will stop being effective as Trump's failures continue to mount.
That's going to take a looooooong time. You'll be dead long before that happens. :laugh:
It's already happening.
He's had the most successful 50 days of a presidency in the modern era.

Soooooo successful. The most terrific 50 days ever! Anyone who says different is fake news!

I would like to make it perfectly clear that I am being sarcastic.
And the Democrat party is here to stay. :mm:
God I hope so. Same thing I said when you people laughably ran Hitlery Clinton. The Republicans could have nominated an Egyptian camel and they still would have won in a landslide.

The American people handed over the House, the Senate, the White House, and 33 of the 50 states to the Republican Party because your Dumbocrat Party is such a disaster. So I pray it is "here to stay" - just as it is!
Being an independent, I want them to continue doing exactly what they've been doing.
You are no more "independent" than Bannon.
Says the guy who pretends he's a republican. :laugh:
Says you, the guy who knows that I am a republican, and who can't stand the idea of it, because there are millions like me in the GOP. We don't give a fuck what the pretenders on the far and alt rights think.
The guy who knows you're a republican? Are you fucking kidding me? :laugh:
You can deny you lie but you still lie a lie. :) Whereas, you are a fake Republican who loves fake news and alt facts.

I'm a Democrat. :banana:
The Dems have to dump the Gays.

The Dems have to dump the Illegal Aliens.

The Dems have to de-prioritize Minority issues.

The Dems have to recapture a huge-ass chunk of Straight White Christian America or they're gonna remain on the sidelines, throwing peanut shells, for a generation.
Notice the source in the lower left corner of the fake graph? Alan S. Blinder and Mark W. Watson who literally work at.....are you ready for this.....the Woodrow Wilson School and Department of Economics. Bwahahahahaha!!! Woodrow Wilson was fiercely racist, believed strongly in eugenics, and completely tore up the U.S. Constitution while in office. He's a black eye on the face of American history. Any school that would name their school of economics after him to honor him has ZERO credibility.


Woodrow Wilson didn't put the graph together, Idiot. The school is named after him because he was the President of the University.

YOUR OWN POST says the graph was assembled by Alan S. Blinder and Mark W. Watson. Not "Woodrow WIlson".

Holy SHIT that was a lame attempt at a poison-the-well fallacy.
They've lost over 1,000 seats nation wide since Barack Obama was elected. If that's your idea of "damn GOOD" what in the hell is your idea of awful?

True.....I forgot to mention that republicans tend (not all, mind you) to NEVER forgive a black guy from seating the oval office......Thanks for thereminder
They've lost over 1,000 seats nation wide since Barack Obama was elected. If that's your idea of "damn GOOD" what in the hell is your idea of awful?

True.....I forgot to mention that republicans tend (not all, mind you) to NEVER forgive a black guy from seating the oval office......Thanks for thereminder

But they really like that black guy on the SCOTUS.

Can you be any more stupid ?
I can see where the Democrats are being squeezed out. I used to believe the Republicans are where the Democrats were 20 years ago. Now I'm going with down around 12 years.

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