The democrat party Is dying

You are no more "independent" than Bannon.
Says the guy who pretends he's a republican. :laugh:
Says you, the guy who knows that I am a republican, and who can't stand the idea of it, because there are millions like me in the GOP. We don't give a fuck what the pretenders on the far and alt rights think.
The guy who knows you're a republican? Are you fucking kidding me? :laugh:
You can deny you lie but you still lie a lie. :) Whereas, you are a fake Republican who loves fake news and alt facts.

I'm actually an independent who will never vote for another democrat. :)

Then what's the point of being independent in a two party system?
Trump is the best thing to ever happen to the "Democrat Party"

First President to be impeached for Treason
I'll tell you this much for certain: Barack Obama was the best thing to ever happen to the Republican Party. He did more for the conservative movement than even Ronald Reagan. Over 1,000 seats lost to Republicans during his presidency.
Now, if conservatives would just do something for the country as well as themselves, they'll be on to something.
True.....I forgot to mention that republicans tend (not all, mind you) to NEVER forgive a black guy from seating the oval office......Thanks for thereminder

"True.....I forgot to mention that republicans tend (not all, mind you) to NEVER forgive a black guy for from sitting seating in the oval office......Thanks for the thereminder reminder"

Good grief you are illiterate. No wonder you vote Dumbocrat. :eusa_doh:
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They've lost over 1,000 seats nation wide since Barack Obama was elected. If that's your idea of "damn GOOD" what in the hell is your idea of awful?

True.....I forgot to mention that republicans tend (not all, mind you) to NEVER forgive a black guy from seating the oval office......Thanks for thereminder

But they really like that black guy on the SCOTUS. Can you be any more stupid ?
You know how the game is played brother. When a left-winger is getting their ass handed to them with facts, they scream "racist" and run like hell.
If the Democrats ever want to be taken seriously, they have to get rid of super delegates and closed primaries.

"Open" and "closed" primaries are up to the state legislatures, not the parties. Agree on StupiDelegates.

True.....I forgot to mention that republicans tend (not all, mind you) to NEVER forgive a black guy for from sitting seating in the oval office......Thanks for the thereminder reminder
Good grief you are illiterate. No wonder you vote Dumbocrat. :eusa_doh:

:rofl: Same asshat that just tried and failed a poison-the-well fallacy .... comes back to fling a Composition expecting different results. And breaks the board rules doing it.

Can't make it up.
The Dems are banking on Trump, and he ain't letting them down.
They have cried wolf so many times, even if Trump suddenly decided to go all Hitler, no one would hear their cries.
I don't know if he has to do that. My guess is that they're perfectly happy with the way things are going.

So no White Senate....No House of Representatives...and the GOP controlling over 2/3rds of State Legislatures and Governships.'re right....the Dims must be thrilled. :D
Yes, given the situation, they are.
There is no doubt that sane/rational people are beyond fed up with the bat-shit crazy left-wing shenanigans...

and we have seen how Dumb in general Democrats are, we see Jesse Waters ask them the most basic questions when he goes on the street in deep blue areas, last night we saw him ask Democrats questions pertaining to the Supreme Court. and most of them had no idea what the S.C was.

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